Truth Over Tribe: Christian Takes on ...

Tired of the culture war? This is that podcast that’s too liberal for conservatives, too conservative for liberals. We seek to follow the lamb, not the donkey or elephant.

News Commentary
Religion & Spirituality
What the Religious Right Got Wrong: Evangelical...
This week's episode is the first of a three-part series about the rise of the religious right. Today, we focus on Evangelicalism as we go through history to discuss what it means to be evangelical and why it can be both theological and political. We then dive right into what led evangelical Christians to become political and the effect of the Supreme Court ruling that stated it's unconstitutional to have state-led prayers in public schools. Listen now!
48 min
Os Guinness: Politics According to the Bible
This week on Truth Over Tribe, Patrick sits down with Os Guinness to discuss what the Bible has to say about politics. Os is an author and social critic who has written or edited more than 30 books. This episode includes insights into various revolutions, and Os teaches us about revolutionary liberationism, a cultural Marxist idea. Os and Patrick also discuss hierarchical structures and if the Bible is a source for political and social thinking. Power becomes a theme and how the Bible's critique of power differs from the postmodern critique of power. Listen now for a fresh perspective of American Christianity.
49 min
The Rise of Woke Capitalism
If you commercialize social activism or service, does that cheapen social justice? Should CEOs of a company use their company's platform to enforce their ethical agenda? In today's episode, Keith and Patrick take a look at these questions and many more. They discuss the moral limitations to what capitalism should be involved in. They start with LLCs and the dark side that can live in an LLC. Then you'll hear a deep dive into shareholder and stakeholder capitalism and the problems that can come with each: dangerous hypocrisy, covering up wrongdoings, a lack of social trust, and more. Listen now for a complete discussion on the rise of woke capitalism.
104 min
Justin Giboney: Christians and Politics DO Mix
In this week's episode, Justin Giboney joins the show to discuss why Christians should be involved in politics. Justin is the Co-Founder of the AND Campaign, whose mission is to educate and organize Christians for civic and cultural engagement. Should the church be involved in politics? You'll get to listen to Justin and Keith discuss just that, plus you'll learn about the aspects of politics that are tearing our country apart. Tune in now!
41 min
Is Jesus Political?
Is Jesus political? Is he on the left or the right? In this week's episode, we dive deep into whether or not Jesus even cares about politics. You'll hear us define what a politic is, and then we look into the idea of Heaven and how that might help us decide on Jesus's politics. Later in the episode, we discuss temptations and how addiction to power plays a role in religion and politics. Tune in now!
47 min
John Mark Comer: Who Killed American Christianity?
This week, Patrick sits down with John Mark Comer to talk about Christianity in today's world. John Mark, author and pastor, shares his story of how he started following Jesus. Then you'll hear John Mark and Patrick dive right into topics such as the meaning of evangelicalism, especially in current times, and the problem with celebrity culture and Christianity. They also give insights into the cultural shifts challenging faithfulness to Jesus and how we can move forward. Tune in now!
50 min
How Tribalism Is Ruining Your Life
America is more divided now than at any other time in history (except the civil war, of course). The church is no different. The fissures aren't healing. They're expanding. Why? Is there any hope to heal? Keith Simon and Patrick Miller explore the roots of tribalism with executive producer Daniel Moore and look at Jesus' answer to the problem.
56 min