The Week in Philly from KYW Newsradio

Host Matt Leon and KYW Newsradio reporters recap the biggest news in Philadelphia each week. Catch up on what you missed and dig deeper into the top stories.

Governor Tom Wolf: "I understand the frustratio...
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf talked with KYW Newsradio today about the coronavirus pandemic in the Keystone State, when more counties will be moving from red to yellow, small business owners who are trying to stay afloat during this pandemic, and when social distancing restrictions might be eased, especially around the Philadelphia area which has been hit hard by the virus. See for privacy information.
14 min
Were our public health systems misunderstood be...
We're in a very strange time right now, where public health has suddenly become a major focus in a way that doesn't happen very often, and as a result, the people who work in public health have also become more visible than probably we or they ever expected them to be. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx are nationally recognized household names now, and each state has its own team of doctors and public servants who find themselves at the podium for hours a day, giving out information to anyone watching. Because of the spotlight on public health right now, we wanted to dig into it a little more. Dr. Tony Reed, Chief Medical Officer for Temple University Hospital joins KYW In Depth to explains what the field of public health entails and what's involved in working a public health job.  See for privacy information.
13 min
HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on coronavirus rel...
U.S. HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson came to Philadelphia to visit a veteran's community, and while he was here he called KYW Newsradio. Dr. Carson talked about a couple things, including his visit, the moratorium on evictions, and also how the Department of Housing and Urban Development is using the $12 billion dollars it was given responsibility for through the CARES Act for relief during the coronavirus pandemic. See for privacy information.
7 min
How COVID-19 is changing hospital design
Thermal temperature scans, negative pressure, third entrances to emergency departments. These are just some of the changes that could become the new normal at hospitals and healthcare facilities because of the coronavirus pandemic. Aran McCarthy, Healthcare Design Principal at Francis Cauffman Architects joins KYW In Depth to explain what goes into the design of a hospital, and how design priorities are changing because of the coronavirus pandemic. See for privacy information.
22 min
What needs to happen before college sports can ...
Everyone is anxious for the return of sports, and the American College Health Association recently released guidelines on what they think universities need to have in place from a health and safety standpoint before we see college athletics come back. Dr. Karen Weaver, Associate Clinical Professor of Sport Management at the LeBow College of Business at Drexel University joins KYW In Depth to break down the guidelines and what they mean. ACHA guidelines: >>> See for privacy information.
17 min
How a grocery store saved a woman's life during...
A man from Montgomery County, PA called KYW Newsradio because he wanted to publically say thank you to his grocery store. His wife suffers from several diseases that make eating most foods impossible -- except for a particular type of yogurt. He couldn't find it anywhere. Then, Henning's Market in Harleysville, PA stepped up. Today on KYW In Depth, a couple says thank you during a pandemic. "I want people to know that there are good people out there, there are people who care."  See for privacy information.
21 min
Understanding R0 (R-Naught) and the contagiousn...
If you've been reading about COVID-19 you've probably run into R0 a few times. It's pronounced R-naught, and it's a mathematical indicator of how contagious something is. We wanted to get a better understanding of R0 and why it's important, so we asked Dr. Annette Reboli, Dean of Cooper Medical School of Rowan University in Camden, New Jersey to join KYW In Depth to break down what R0 is, what it means, and where this coronavirus ranks among contagious diseases. See for privacy information.
10 min
Scientists are studying if dogs can sniff out C...
Believe it or not, viruses have odors, and researchers at Penn Vet are trying to find out if dogs can smell COVID-19. Dr. Cynthia M. Otto, Professor of Working Dog Sciences and Sports Medicine and Director of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center joins KYW in Depth to break down how they're testing if dogs can smell COVID-19, what they hope the project will be able to do, and when we could know if man's best friend can help us beat coronavirus.  See for privacy information.
20 min
The coronavirus is mutating. What does that mea...
There's a preliminary report out of the Los Alamos National Laboratory about a mutation to SARS-CoV-2 that is more transmissible. The paper has not been peer reviewed yet, but it's still getting national attention. Dr. David Weiner, director of the Wistar Institute's Vaccine and Immunology Center joins KYW In Depth to break down what the study found, what it means, and what impact the mutations could have on vaccine development. See for privacy information.
21 min
Taking a break from COVID-19 to talk about murd...
During these days of COVID-19, you're really hard pressed to find any news story that doesn't have some sort of connection to the pandemic. Over the last few weeks though, there's been at least one exception: the arrival of the massive insects nicknamed murder hornets in the US. They are scary looking and huge, but are they as bad as they're made out to be? Dr. Christopher Tipping, Professor of Biology at Delaware Valley University joins KYW In Depth to talk about the Asian giant hornet -- why they're here, where they came from, why they're called murder hornets, and if he thinks they're going to make it to the Philadelphia area. See for privacy information.
15 min
Telehealth for dog behavior problems during COV...
A lot of dogs have been adopted from shelters during the coronavirus pandemic, and a lot of first time pet owners are still in the 'getting to know you' phase with their new fur babies. So how do you know if a new or different behavior is just a personality quirk, or if your dog could benefit from some kind of professional attention? Dr. Carlo Siracusa is an Associate Professor of Clinical Animal Behavior and Welfare at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He joins KYW In Depth to talk about a new telehealth program for dog behavioral issues at Penn Vet and to give some great advice for new pet owners, like to make sure that we're not putting too much pressure on our pets to be the surrogate for our missing social lives. See for privacy information.
28 min
The numbers say paychecks got bigger since the ...
We're looking at an unemployment rate above 14% in the US during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. David Fiorenza, Assistant Professor of Practice at the Villanova School of Business joins KYW In Depth to talk about the comparisons between 2020 and the Great Depression, declines in the labor force participation rate, and why the data show wages are rising.  See for privacy information.
11 min
Bon voyage: COVID-19 will disrupt airlines and ...
The coronavirus pandemic has played havoc with the travel industry, with airlines, cruises and hotels taking the brunt of it. Robert Mann Jr., President of R.W. Mann and Company Inc. joins KYW In Depth to talk about the extent of the damage, what needs to happen before consumer confidence returns, and what the future of travel might look like once everything resumes. See for privacy information.
22 min
"People saw we were more than just teachers all...
Kids have been learning from home for weeks now because of the coronavirus pandemic. The classroom is now the dining room or kitchen table, and students are getting lessons from teachers on a laptop, rather than in person. Obviously this has been a big adjustment for parents, but it's also been a big adjustment for the teachers, who have had to figure out the best ways to connect with their students without having them in the classroom. It's Teacher Appreciation Week, so we checked in with some teachers about how their job has changed in the wake of COVID-19, the challenges they're facing, and how much they miss their students.  See for privacy information.
29 min
How the Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes du...
The Make-a-Wish Foundation has been operating for 40 years. It spans thousands of volunteers all across the United States and dozens of other countries. And its one goal is to make wishes come true for children, between two and a half and eighteen years old, who are suffering from critical illnesses. Dennis Heron, President and CEO of the Philadelphia, Delaware & Susquehanna Valley chapter joins the podcast to talk about how the organization is functioning through the pandemic, and how they are granting their 7,000th wish this week. If you want to help Make-A-Wish: See for privacy information.
23 min
Would you give up your privacy in exchange for ...
There's been a lot of talk about the possibility of an app helping to trace COVID-19 cases and contain the outbreak down the road. But what would that look like, and how would we address the concerns about privacy of personal data and medical information? Dr. Matthew Schneider, Assistant Professor at Drexel's LeBow College of Business joins KYW In Depth to talk about how bad we were at keeping data secure even before this pandemic, the privacy concerns behind coronavirus tracking apps, and if we should be thinking about data privacy in a completely different way. See for privacy information.
21 min
Trying to weather the storm: Agriculture in the...
We've been keeping an eye on the world of agriculture during this pandemic, looking at how food supply chains are holding up and how different farmers with different commodities are dealing with the situation. A few weeks ago we checked in with John M. Urbanchuk, Assistant Professor and Chair of the Agribusiness Department at Delaware Valley University, and he joins KYW In Depth again to take a look at what's changed in the past couple weeks and what might be ahead. See for privacy information.
17 min
Bats, wet markets, and how scientists trace a c...
COVID-19 is caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. The disease is unique and mysterious even to scientists who have been studying coronaviruses for years, and the origins of the pandemic are still being debated. Did it really jump from animal to human at a Wuhan wet market? Or did it start another way? Dr. Susan Weiss, Professor of Microbiology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania joins the podcast to break down her research on coronaviruses. See for privacy information.
15 min
How do you run an aquarium during the coronavir...
The Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey is closed, which means there's no money coming through its doors. But, the animals still need to be fed and cared for, and there's a dedicated skeleton staff doing just that. Vince Nicoletti is the Executive Director of Adventure Aquarium, he joins KYW In Depth to talk about the steps the aquarium is taking to care for all the animals during the shutdown, how to support the aquarium, and the different ways he thinks the business will change after the pandemic is over. See for privacy information.
20 min
What have we learned about how COVID-19 affects...
There's been some news lately about kids and COVID-19, so we wanted to ask an expert what we've learned about how this coronavirus affects children. Dr. Jeffrey Gerber, associate professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia joins KYW In Depth to answer questions about kids and coronavirus -- like, how many pediatric cases have we seen in the Philadelphia area? How many have been serious? When can parents start thinking about play dates again? How can we keep kids safe when childcare centers reopen? And should parents still take kids to the doctor to get checkups and vaccines during this pandemic, and what happens if they don't? See for privacy information.
28 min
"I hope people see us in a new light." Working ...
Grocery store and supermarket workers are on the front lines of this pandemic in a major way. We wanted to talk to someone who has been doing one of these jobs since the pandemic started. Amy Paris works at a ShopRite supermarket in the Philly suburbs. She was nice enough to join the podcast to talk about what it's like working at a grocery store -- which just happens to be both one of the most important and riskiest jobs out there right now.  See for privacy information.
13 min
What projection models say about reopening soci...
We hear a lot about projection models in the conversation about reopening society and when to do it. Dr. Michael Robert, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Data Science at University of the Sciences joins KYW In Depth to break down what the models are and what they are created to do, what they're saying about the pandemic and our response to it, and when is too soon to reopen. Here’s a page with links to the different models Dr. Robert talked about and some info about all of them: See for privacy information.
23 min
Jon Meacham studies crises of the past to find ...
Jon Meacham is a Pulitzer Prize winning writer and biographer, he's written about Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, George H. W. Bush. And his new project is a podcast -- a limited series called "Hope, Through History." The show takes some of the worst and most challenging times in American History, and explores how we as a nation got through them. Jon Meacham talked about making the podcast on KYW Newsradio with Ian Bush. Given the timeliness of the subject matter, we thought that you here at KYW In Depth might be interested in hearing about it too.  Check out the podcast on See for privacy information.
9 min
What is Remdesivir and how does it help COVID-1...
President Trump says the FDA has granted emergency use authorization for Remdesivir to treat patients with COVID-19. So how does it work, and it is a real answer to this deadly virus? Or is it just better than what we have now? Dr. Frederick Bushman, Professor and Chair of Microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania and the co-director of the Penn Center for Research on Coronavirus and Other Emerging Pathogens joins KYW In Depth to explain what Remdesivir is, how it helps patients and how well it works, what else the drug is used for, and what the Center for Research on Coronavirus and Other Emerging Pathogens is working on right now. He also weighs in on if this coronavirus started with an animal, or if it's an escaped bioweapon from a lab somewhere ("Yeah, it's a complete pack of nonsense." - Dr. Frederick Bushman). See for privacy information.
27 min
Will the tourism industry ever be "normal" agai...
The coronavirus pandemic cut off non-essential travel and one of the casualties of that was the tourism industry. Hotels, airline and tourist attraction business has all but disappeared. So how long will the impact last, and is there a way to return to normal? Dr. Yang Yang, an associate professor in the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management at Temple University joins KYW In Depth to talk about the future of tourism, in Philadelphia and around the globe.  See for privacy information.
14 min