Conspiracy Theories

The world’s most controversial events, and the complex beliefs behind them. From Bigfoot sightings to bitcoin takeovers, alien landings to assassinations, who’s shaping the narrative — and why? Conspiracy Theories is a Spotify Podcast. New episodes Wednesdays.

True Crime
Society & Culture
Knights of the Golden Circle Pt. 1
In 1854, as tensions between the American North and South were brewing, a physician named George Bickley called his closest friends to a secret meeting.
43 min
After a dozen major campaigns and thousands of planted bugs and wiretaps, COINTELPRO was finally exposed to the public. But the job of untangling its impact would take decades.
45 min
A secret intelligence project led by the FBI used illegal methods to spy on organizations and people from the mid-1950s to the early 1970s. It claimed to be acting in the name of U.S. security — but was it really?
50 min
Treasure Hunt: The Beale Papers Pt. 2
Finding Beale’s treasure would be the thrill — and payout — of a lifetime. Without the key to the ciphers, it doesn’t seem likely. But there could be other reasons the riches are never recovered…
41 min
Treasure Hunt: The Beale Papers Pt. 1
In 1818, a member of a hunting party in the American West spotted a glimmer on a hillside — gold. Two hundred years later, treasure hunters are still trying to locate the dug-up riches.
35 min
UFO Government Surveillance Pt. 2
A new wave of extraterrestrial discourse began in June 2021 after the release of the U.S. government’s UFO report.
45 min
UFO Government Surveillance Pt. 1
Ever since “flying saucer” entered the lexicon, the U.S. government’s public stance on UFO sightings was to doubt and debunk. But all that changed in 2017, with an explosive report on UFO intelligence. And again in June 2021, when the government acknowledged — for the first time in history — that some UFOs are truly inexplicable… and maybe even threatening.
46 min
Pearl Harbor Pt. 4: Codes & Cover-ups
In the final episode of our crossover special, we examine the theories suggesting the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor wasn’t a surprise to the U.S. government at all.
38 min
Pearl Harbor Pt. 3: Entering the Pacific Theater
In the hours, days, and weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan’s forces coordinated a vast takeover of the Pacific. Back at home, Hideki Tojo’s reign as Prime Minister oversaw brutal wartime atrocities.
45 min
Pearl Harbor Pt. 2: "A Date Which Will Live in ...
In the summer of 1941, as hostilities between the two nations escalated, wartime negotiations officially broke down. Combat was imminent — but where?
40 min
Pearl Harbor Pt. 1: Hideki Tojo & Japanese Impe...
Eighty years ago, the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by Japanese fighter planes devastated the U.S. and spurred the nation into war. Join us for a special crossover between Dictators and Conspiracy Theories where we’ll analyze the event from all sides, starting with the life of Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo — a career militarist whose devotion to Japan thrust him into power.
45 min
Ancient Egypt: The Great Sphinx
There are so many unresolved mysteries surrounding the iconic monument, like whether it’s really a sphinx, and if it could be a relic from the lost city of Atlantis. We look at a stone beard, a story from Plato, and patterns of erosion to investigate.
39 min
Ancient Egypt: Pyramids
The Great Pyramids of Giza are some of the largest, most foreboding structures on the planet, but the mystery of how they were built still plagues historians today. Some Egyptologists think aliens provided advanced technology, while engineers see evidence they were ancient nuclear power plants.
42 min
Tobacco Industry Cover-up Pt. 2
Today, the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes aren’t a secret. But since the mid-1900s, researchers have pointed out the harmful effects of these cancer sticks.
39 min
Tobacco Industry Cover-up Pt. 1
In the 20th century, the mass production of cigarettes fueled a global addiction — but Big Tobacco had a problem. Cancer rates were skyrocketing, and smoking-related illnesses became the leading cause of preventable death in America. This is the story of how an industry in peril conspired to survive — by keeping generations of smokers in their grip.
40 min
Dyatlov Pass Pt. 2
The deaths of the Dyatlov Nine didn’t just seem bizarre — they seemed violent. What could explain the brutal injuries, missing tongue, radioactive clothing, and burnt trees?
40 min
Dyatlov Pass Pt. 1
In winter 1959, a group of experienced mountaineers went missing in a remote part of Siberia. When their bodies were eventually found, their injuries — and radioactive clothing — confounded investigators. The incident became one of Russia’s most enduring mysteries.
36 min
The Secret President
When President Woodrow Wilson suffered a paralyzing stroke in 1919, First Lady Edith Wilson stepped in to maintain order in the White House.
38 min
The Pope Who Got Pregnant
Around the 9th century C.E., a new pope rose to power. For years, the congregation was certain Pope John filled the role perfectly... until he went into labor during an Easter processional. Had a woman ascended to the papacy in secret?
35 min
Hollywood Horror: The Shining
When critics didn’t understand Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 horror masterpiece, fans stepped in to explain the secrets behind its signature dread.
34 min
Hollywood Horror: The Exorcist
The release of The Exorcist in December 1973 caused a global wave of panic and trauma. Due to a series of on-set accidents and untimely deaths, many believe the film was cursed.
32 min
Waco Siege Pt. 2: The First Shot
Nearly two decades after the Waco Siege, people are still wondering what transpired at the Branch Davidian compound.
30 min
Waco Siege Pt. 1: Massacre at Mount Carmel
On February 28th, 1993, government agents raided a compound in Waco, Texas, belonging to a religious group known as the Branch Davidians. A 51-day standoff ensued, ending in a violent siege.
29 min
Alien in the White House: Valiant Thor Pt. 2
Valiant Thor's story has sparked a flurry of theories regarding our government's knowledge of UFOs.
40 min
Alien in the White House: Valiant Thor Pt. 1
In 1957, the Pentagon received an unexpected visitor. His name was Valiant Thor, and allegedly, he was from Venus. His mission on Earth was to convince world leaders to deactivate their nuclear arsenals.
37 min