Teachers Passing Notes

Teachers Passing Notes is a podcast from Gen-Z Media created for educators. Hosted by Donnie Piercey, a fifth grade teacher from Lexington, Kentucky (2021 Kentucky Teacher of the Year), and GZM’s Education Ambassador and Alisa Cooper de Uribe, a first grade bilingual teacher from Albuquerque, New Mexico and the 2021 New Mexico State Teacher of the Year.

Each week, they bring on inspiring educators to talk about some creative lessons, practices, and ideas that have been successful in their classrooms or schools.

Owen Bondono (Part Two)
Turns out Owen does a lot to keep his students engaged!
28 min
Owen Bondono
Owen Bondono joins Donnie and Alisa to share a few classroom ideas that he uses in his high school English class.
22 min
Justin Johnson: Part Two
Justin comes back to pass a note about how he encourages his students to discover new composers and how a solid music program can become the backbone of a school building.
24 min
Justin Johnson’s Forte are Cross-Curricular Mus...
Justin Johnson is entering his 10th year as director of bands at Niles West High School in Skokie, Illinois, where he oversees all aspects of the band program.
16 min
Juliana Urtubey Returns
The 2021 National Teacher of the Year is back and better than ever!
21 min
Juliana Urtubey, the 2021 National Teacher of t...
On this episode, Juliana chats with Donnie and Alisa about how she used worms to teach her special education students to “celebrate their success and compost their failures.”
14 min
Jena Nelson: The Sequel
Jena Nelson returns for another episode to talk about the joys of public education.
16 min
Jena Nelson Teaches With Pool Noodles
Mrs. Jena Nelson teaches middle school at Classen SAS Middle School in Oklahoma City.
8 min
The Five “Learn Languages” of Mr. DC
The one and only DC talks with Alisa and Donnie about how he uses his elementary school gym to create a strong, supportive, and positive community within his building.
22 min
Gen-Z Media Presents: {Podcast Title Pending}
Jess from GZM Shows is learning how to make a podcast, and she’s taking you along for the ride! Join her as she learns from her friends in the industry aspects of planning, pre-production, production and post-production… from picking a good title and theme music to RSS feeds and everything in between! Tune in weekly with classrooms, kids and adults alike to learn how to make your own show in funny-yet-informative 5-10 minute episodes.
6 min
Meet Mr. DC (Who Teaches PE)
Darrion Cockrell – or Mr. DC as he likes to be called – teaches physical education at Crestwood Elementary School in St. Louis, Missouri.
16 min
Nicole Butler-Hooton (Part 2)
Nicole is back to talk about the importance of recognizing, celebrating, and learning from the indigenous cultures within our schools.  Nicole Butler-Hooton has been an educator for the past 16 years. In 2021 she was named the Oregon Teacher of the Year, becoming the first Indigenous teacher to ever earn this recognition! She’s a member of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians - Chetco Band (Oregon) and the San Carlos Apache Tribe (Arizona). Fun fact: she might also just be the biggest fan of the Oregon Ducks on the planet. 🦆  If you’d like to connect with Nicole, give her a follow on Twitter @ButlerHooton.Like Teachers Passing Notes? Please like, subscribe, and share it with other educators!
27 min
Rochelle Brown has Read A Lot of Books
Rochelle is back to talk about some of her favorite picture books that she shares with her students.
36 min
Meet Mrs. Rochelle Brown
Rochelle Brown is the 2021 Connecticut Teacher of the Year and teaches Kindergarten in Windsor, Connecticut.
15 min
Mrs. Sara Baird and Eight Studio Habits of Mind
In this episode, Sara shares “The Studio Habits of Mind”, a teaching philosophy that brings the mindset of an artist into the classroom.
20 min
Meet Mrs. Sara Baird
Sara Baird stops by the podcast to talk with Alisa and Donnie about a teaching strategy, “See, Think, Wonder.” 
19 min
Mrs. Kristi Reinke (Part Two)
Mrs. Reinke is back to share a variety of in-classroom strategies that she’s found success with over the years.
31 min
Mrs. Kristi Reinke (Part One)
Kristi Reinke teaches middle school in Minot (my-not*) North Dakota, and in 2021, she was named the North Dakota Teacher of the Year!
16 min
Halloween & Día de Muertos
We interrupt this regularly scheduled week to bring you a special Holiday episode! 
27 min
Meet Mrs. Nicole Butler-Hooton
Nicole Butler-Hooton has been an educator for 16 years.
21 min
Mrs. Tabatha Rosproy (Part Two)
The 2020 National Teacher of the Year is back and better than ever.
29 min
Meet Mrs. Tabatha Rosproy, the 2020 National Te...
Tabatha Rosproy, the 2020 National Teacher of the Year, is a career early childhood educator and the 2020 National Teacher of the Year.
14 min
Mr. John Arthur (Part Two)
The 2021 Utah State Teacher of the Year – John Arthur – returns! 
22 min
Meet Mr. John Arthur (Part One)
John Arthur stops by on this first episode to talk about how a simple checklist helps his students enter the “Chill Zone”. 
13 min