Asked and Answered By Soul

Jennifer Urezzio, founder of Soul Language is dedicated to providing her listeners with tangible tools to embody their Divinity and create a life based on Freedom. Asked and Answered by Soul focuses on topics that will guide you to listening and utilizing your essential nature.

During each show, Jennifer asks an expert three key questions so you can understand that you are not alone on this journey and that your Soul is the key to forming a life full of abundance, purpose, and passion. The goal of each interview is for you to take away a practice that you can do right now to change your life and understand what assistance is out there in the Universe to support you.

Religion & Spirituality
How To Define Abundance with Teresa Romain
On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Teresa Romain, Abundance Coach, and Advocate, and founder of the Redefining Abundance community, dive into the deep end of our desire for abundance and what that truly means. Abundance is not what you think it is . . . it's something you experience within you - it's who you are and so you need to go inward first and then it will show up externally.
12 min
How To Take Courageous Action With Adriana Baer
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Adriana Baer, public speaking coach, arts leader, theater director and founder of Claim Center Stage, talk about taking the courageous action of beginning the internal self-discovery in order to manifest what you want in the external world. You have all the resources you require inside of you and when you learn to become aware and listen, you will find the great guidance you need.
14 min
How To Build Online Visibility With Pam Foley
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Pamela Foley, practicing attorney, law firm owner, best-selling author, and creator of digital agency Hey Visible, discuss the importance of authenticity and crafting compelling narratives to attract and engage with your ideal client. When you're working to build your online visibility, choose the social media platform you believe is where your ideal client hangs out and focus the majority of your time commenting and engaging there.
13 min
What Color is Your Energy with Heather Eck
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Heather Eck, creative channel, spiritual guide, and visionary abstract artist, talk about the whispers of our soul and understanding that we are always being supported by and communicated to by the Universe. Once we begin to notice and become aware of the ways the Divine touches us, we can tap into it and use that for ourselves and to benefit others.
13 min
How To Reawaken To Your Purpose With Laura Clark
13 min
How to Attract Your Ideal Client with Catharine...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Quiz Queen Catharine O'Leary, market researcher, consumer insight expert and creator of S.M.A.R.T. Quiz Solutions, have a lively conversation about discovering how to harness the power of curiosity to attract and connect with our ideal clients. Quizzes are a natural fit for asking great questions and turning a challenge into an opportunity for people to learn important things about themselves.
12 min
What is Quantum Sound with Helena Reilly
On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Helena Reilly, renowned therapist, author, speaker, and co-founder of Scalarwave Imprinting, talk about reducing stress and creating lasting transformation by harnessing scalar energy to clear our emotions and free our environment of negative frequencies. We make better choices when we're happier and by feeding coherent frequencies into the field we can optimize the energies and create deeper connection and more ease in our lives.
13 min
How to Reach Your Full Potential with Cheryl Hu...
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Cheryl Hunter, writer, TV host, media personality, and creator of the Magnify Your Message Methodology, have a deep and intense conversation about survival, acceptance, and understanding that very often our biggest and most profound lessons come from situations and circumstances we may not have chosen for ourselves. When we can accept and embrace what the Universe delivers to us, then the wonders of the gift can be revealed.
17 min
How To Make a Real World Impact with Heidi Medina
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Heidi Medina, business coach and digital sales and marketing strategy partner, have a lively and interesting conversation about sales and marketing, different perspectives about the process, the million and one ways to market, and how you don't have to use them if they don't resonate with you, and learning to enjoy sales and convert connections into collaborations and paying clients.
19 min
How to Rewire Your Brain with Sandy Stamato
On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Sandy Stamato, creator of Limb Dweller Coaching and the Sage Selling program, talk about the importance of strengthening our brain in order to be able to quiet our inner critical voices and saboteurs. When we can override our internal judgments we have the opportunity to make better choices and allow in more of the things that make life so exciting.
11 min
Do You Know Your Personal Seasons with Regyna C...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Regyna Curtis, Soul Wisdom mentor, author, podcast host, and soul-sourced business strategist, explore how we can learn to understand ourselves better through astrology and the idea that there is both an internal and external rhythm to our cycle of development which unfolds each year. We are each moving and working at our own pace, as shown by our personal chart and when we align with our natural flow of energy we support our unique needs in a deeper way.
12 min
How To Feel Free Expressing Yourself with Anna ...
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Anna Brooke, author, speaker, empowerment counselor, and interdisciplinary healing arts practitioner, discuss how judgment and comparison keep us from expressing our authentic voice and explain that how we treat ourselves forms the framework of how we treat others. When we learn self-generosity, open our consciousness, and allow our creativity and expression to flow, it feeds our being and lights up others.
18 min
How To Intentionally Live With Elle Nagy
On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Elle Nagy, author, mentor, podcaster and creator of the Unapologetic Woman movement, take a deep dive into living intentionally and understanding that you are the creator AND the creation of your life experience. Nothing you choose is taking you in the wrong direction . . . you are always in flow and evolution and when you become present, curious and compassionate with yourself, the journey changes and your experience of life changes.
17 min
How To Move From Motivation to Action with Beth...
On this episode of Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Beth Campbell, author, career coach, Cafe Grit podcast creator and recovering IT professional, talk about the importance of finding your voice, speaking out, learning to build your motivation by actually taking little action steps toward your vision, and discovering what is distracting you from being happy.
11 min
How to Date Safety with Julia Orshka
Today on Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Julia Orsika, teacher, certified Canfield Success Principles trainer and founder of Out Of The Quicksand, take a look at the current world of dating and how to experience it safely from a conscious and authentic mindset. It's vitally important to be aware and choose not to change yourself to meet the expectations of others.
12 min
What is Positive Intelligence with Kimberly Lay...
On today's episode of Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Kimberly Layne Roberts, executive leadership coach, entrepreneur peer group chair, and founder of Performance Leadership International, talk about positive intelligence and how you can utilize it to tune in to your spiritual side and release ways of thinking, believing and behaving that are not serving you. You are not here on this earth to be miserable . . . you have a right and deserve to have joy in your heart and make the world a better place by sharing that with others.
14 min
How To Cut Through The Clutter To Thrive With S...
Today on Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Sonia Narvaez, slightly personality-test obsessed owner and Chief Operations Strategist of Operation QOL, discuss learning to recognize and cut through clutter to create higher impact, better quality of life and a more efficient business. The first step is to have an awareness that clutter exists, next is to identify what is important to us and understand our true priorities, and then set our boundaries and be accountable for them.
17 min
How To Embrace Your Inner Badass with Flor Blake
On today's episode of Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Flor Blake, personal branding and commercial photographer and contagious ambassador for self-love, talk about discovering your inner badass, living colorfully, being patient with the process and trusting that the Universe will catch you when you jump out of your comfort zone. Being a badass takes daily practice to keep up your confidence and your trust.
14 min
How to Create Wonder with Judy Goldberg
On this episode of Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Judy Goldberg, transformational leader, author, highly respected influencer and founder of Wondershift LLC, explore the idea of wonder, allowing ourselves to be curious about the things that interest us, and stepping out of routines that may keep us stuck and unable to see what else is possible.
13 min
How To Create A Sacred Space with Heidi Smith
Today on Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Heidi Smith, sacred space alchemist, professional interior designer and founder of Sacred Space Living, talk about creating aligned sacred spaces which allow us a soft place to land and a strong place to launch our vision from. As we change our external environment, we can re-create where we live in a way that best suits who we have become, and who we sense we are becoming.
12 min
How to Access Your Intuition with Veronica Drake
Today on Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Veronica Drake, Intuitive Business Strategist, Master Intuitive and founder of The Intuitive Incubator, explore intuition and what it is, how we can better connect with our inner knowing, understanding that awareness is key to tapping into the messages from Soul and engaging with being open to receive information on a soul level.
13 min
How to Make an Impact with Kristine Wilson-Slack
On this episode of Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Kristine Wilson-Slack, certified Leadership Coach, change agent facilitator, and creator of Managers2Leaders, talk about discovering who you really are and expressing that authentically. When we take a step back, dig deep, and can get past our own ego then we will find the people who accept us and make an impact from there.
12 min
How to Communicate Without Saying a Word with ...
14 min
How To Dream Big with Christine Campbell Rapin
10 min
How To Create Everyday Spirituality with Sunni ...
On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Sunni VonMutius, founder of Wildflower Strategy, retired corporate shark and intuitive strategist, explore ways to create spirituality in our everyday lives and recognize that we don't have to be in a specific place or position to access moments of peace and clarity. When we learn to focus our thoughts, even daily tasks such as doing dishes or laundry can become a meditation and our way to connect more deeply.
16 min