Asked and Answered By Soul

Jennifer Urezzio, founder of Soul Language is dedicated to providing her listeners with tangible tools to embody their Divinity and create a life based on Freedom. Asked and Answered by Soul focuses on topics that will guide you to listening and utilizing your essential nature.

During each show, Jennifer asks an expert three key questions so you can understand that you are not alone on this journey and that your Soul is the key to forming a life full of abundance, purpose, and passion. The goal of each interview is for you to take away a practice that you can do right now to change your life and understand what assistance is out there in the Universe to support you.

Religion & Spirituality
How To Become Deliberate with Cheryl Ellis
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Cheryl Ellis, high performance coach, author and speaker, explore the idea of becoming more intentional and deliberate in order to be better leaders and create influence in a way that serves humanity and brings more positivity into the world. The need for effective, conscious leadership is greater than ever, and making more aligned decisions allows us to develop deeper trust and inspire followers. Listen in today as Jennifer and Cheryl talk about how the first step in becoming more deliberate is to develop crystal clarity about what is important to us at any given moment, and to recognize that those things change over time. It's always about continuous improvement and growth, and when we take time to reflect and listen, we step out of the doing, and back into clarity and who we want to be.
13 min
How To Be Fearless When Selling with Charlotte ...
18 min
Creating Freedom In Your Work with Yvonne Dam
11 min
Understanding Your Mindset to Expand with Vin I...
12 min
What is Mission-Driven Marketing with Dana Magnus
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Dana Magnus, Intentional Leader, Speaker and CEO of The MKTG Brand, discuss mission-driven marketing and how to stay aligned and nourished as you create a sustainable marketing plan. Business is the driving force to make the most change for good in the world, and the most successful businesses are proactive about reflecting, responding, and planning with intentionality.
16 min
Structures That Keep You In the Limited With Mi...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Michaell Magrutsche, artist, author, speaker, and awareness and creativity educator, explore the ideas of limitless human potential and the systems we have created that keep us in the limited. When we become more aware, trust ourselves, and allow our intuition to guide us, we have all the tools to attain fulfillment in our lives.
15 min
Forgiveness with Kathleen Donnelly Israel
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Kathleen Donnelly Israel, owner/designer at Transformational Arts and author of Wisdom on the Camino, discuss the value and importance of forgiveness. When we take responsibility for our inner landscape and what we vibrationally draw to us, then we are no longer victims but are empowered to forgive and release those experiences and allow more goodness in our lives.
16 min
The Great Realignment with Sarah Blake
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Sarah Blake, alignment coach, and decision-making strategist, talk about how maybe the "great resignation" everyone is talking about is actually a "great realignment", and maybe it's time to shift your perspective and find yourself again. Being intentional, quieting the brain, and listening to your soul takes effort, but there is so much reward in it.
14 min
Conscious Entrepreneurship with Sarah Vedeler
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Sarah Vedeler, CEO, founder, and chief designer of Meaning of Life Designs, discuss conscious entrepreneurship and Sarah's journey to creating a successful business. It really starts on a personal level, and the more clear you are about what you are trying to do, the easier it will be.
15 min
Helping These Fall Into Place in Your Business ...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Melissa Blair, serial entrepreneur, sales & marketing geek, and founder of Cultivating Sales, take a deep dive into ideas and ways to streamline and use technology to increase effectiveness and help things fall into place in your business. When you trust the process, let go, and pay attention as an observer, you are able to see that the less you try to force and control everything, the more easily and smoothly things will flow.
22 min
How To Find Support with Kathy Goughenour
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Kathy Goughenour, founder of Expert VA and the Virtual Expert Success System, talk about finding and hiring support so you can dream bigger and create wealth on every level in your life. If you truly want to create a bigger impact in the world and grow your business, you first have to understand that you cannot do everything yourself.
14 min
Finding Your Authentic Voice Of Your Business w...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Iris Goldfeder, entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of Gas Stove Creative and host of The Cookbook Podcast, discuss how to find your authentic voice and integrate that into your business. Your clients need to know, like, and trust who they are working with, so you can best serve them and share the full experience of your knowledge and talents by showing up as your authentic self.
15 min
Understanding Who You Are To Succeed In Busines...
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Erin Ogden, managing attorney, trademark geek and strategic planning nerd, talk about learning to take the time to pinpoint who we are and what we want to be for ourselves and for our clients. We must ask the important questions and remind ourselves to take time and space to become clear about who we are, and also who we are not.
13 min
How To Build Community with Consciousness Inten...
17 min
What Role Does Trust Play In Business? with Jen...
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Jennifer Lyall, Intuitive Business Mentor and founder of Release to Increase business system, talk about the importance of trust in your life and business. There is so much joy and expansion when you take a pause, check in with yourself, follow your heart, and trust.
17 min
What’s Your Story with Lindsay Hotmire
On Asked and Answered by Soul today, Jennifer Urezzio and Lindsay Hotmire, founder and chief storymaker at Storyhouse Fifteen, discuss how the stories we tell can reflect the legacies we build and transform the world one relationship at a time. We are people in search of meaning, designed to step into that meaning but not well-equipped to actually find it.
14 min
Aligning Your Marketing With Your Soul with Pat...
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Patty Farmer, serial entrepreneur, international speaker and creator of Marketing, Media & Money podcast and magazine, have an informative and content-rich conversation about how to align your marketing with your Soul. When you really tap in and listen, you can create a marketing strategy that aligns with mind, body, soul, and receive from it.
15 min
Loving Your Inner Family with Eilis Philpott
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Dr. Eilis Philpott, master soul level healer, Reiki master, and founder of the Academy for Soul Healing, discuss becoming familiar and connecting with your inner family, and understanding that how you choose to interact in the world is based on which of the parts of that inner family you respond from. Join us here as Jennifer and Eilis talk about who the three main members of your inner family are, and how you can shift your internal dialog to create from the positive parts of this family. Eilis shares that you can begin by learning to be in observance of your inner thoughts and how you respond to what is happening in your daily life.
17 min
Are You Ready To Be A Legend? With Amber Griffiths
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Amber Griffiths, brand strategist and maker of legends, share an exciting and inspirational discussion about claiming your voice, crafting your message and creating your legend. Your legend, just like your brand, is a living entity - it breathes, grows and transforms with you. Listen now as Jennifer and Amber talk about how everything you need and can possibly desire to create the impact you want is already within you - you have an open invitation to come and play. Everyone is called to be a legend . . . some will activate it, some will claim it, and some will actually move forward and own it - be that one.
10 min
How To Own Your Voice with Danielle Weil
On today's Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Danielle Weil, expert copy coach and launch strategist, talk about how to own your voice and express it. The best philosophy for writing copy for your business is based on truth, not hype, and is driven by your vision of what you believe and the impact you want to make in the world.
7 min
Spiritual Forensics with Swanette Kuntze
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Swanette Kuntze, spiritual forensics expert and intuitive strategist, have a deep, informative conversation about helping you step into living your soul's mission and becoming unstoppable. Rather than letting life happen TO you, you can use all the alchemy of the Universe to transform both your own life and the lives of others.
13 min
Stepping Out Of The Chaos of Your Business with...
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Amanda Bedell, business consultant and chief growth strategist, talk about how to navigate your way through any chaos in your business and move into doing what you truly love. It's important to make time to take a deep breath, tap into your soul, go back to the beginning, and connect to the original essence of what you wanted to create. 
13 min
Personal Growth is Not Romance Novel with Jamie...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Jaime White, leadership and personal growth coach, have a meaningful and deep discussion about the effect and impact our self-awareness and personal growth can have in our professional lives. If we're not connected and listening to who we are, and in alignment with who we're meant to be, it can influence our business.
22 min
Worthiness with Pamela Elaine Nichols
14 min
How To Create A High Vibe Plan with Becky Clabaugh
13 min