Swoleistic™ Show with Wellness and Fi...

This podcast is for the achievers, the givers, and the doers who are ready to make themselves (and their health) a priority. I’m obsessed with empowering you to transform your health, your body, and your life through holistic-based practices. Here on The Swoleistic™ Show, we’ll discuss principles like mindset, mental health, gut health and nutrition, happy hormones, and strength training, as well as things like relationships, building wealth, and overall: creating your dream life.

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
022- Talking Stress, Anxiety, and the Nervous S...
We talk about managing anxiety, but have you ever thought about your relationship with your anxiety and stress? This week, Jessie is joined by Stress & Anxiety Coach guest expert, Liz Leonard.
28 min
021- The Kick in the Pants Pep Talk You Need Ri...
Somebody needs to hear this. Is it you?
9 min
020- 5 Hacks to Balance Your Blood Sugar
This week, Jessie is sharing tips about blood sugar. Did you know American food is overly sweetened with excess amounts of sugar? In this episode, learn how that affects you and how you can combat it.
23 min
019- Life Update! We've Moved!
Today's episode is a big life update. In case you missed it, Jessie and her husband moved back to Utah!
20 min
018- Is your body keeping the score? Talking Tr...
This week's guest is Becky Aste, the CEO of I Do Breakthrough, an 8-week program to help wives work through their trauma to save their marriages. Becky shares all about how stress and trauma are stored in our bodies, and the best-kept secret for overcoming the physical, mental, and emotional long-term impacts of experiencing trauma.
36 min
017- How to Create Your Own Workout Split
In today's episode, learn what a workout split is and how to design one yourself if you aren't ready to hire a trainer to do it for you (yet!).
19 min
016- Ask Jessie Anything!
We LOVE Ask Me Anything style episodes, so this week Jessie is answering a bunch of your questions! ...
24 min
015- My Journey with Anxiety and How I Manage It
In this episode, Jessie is getting personal and sharing her journey with anxiety and how she manages it.
17 min
014- Talking Pelvic Floor Health with Dr. Court...
Today, we are excited to introduce to you Jessie's friend and colleague, Dr. Courtney Johnson, DPT. She's a pelvic floor physical therapist who is aligned with all our values here at The Swoleistic™ Co. Listen in as we dive into all things pelvic floor health in today's episode.
35 min
013- The EXACT Steps I Took to Start Healing My...
Health is a journey - not a destination. And in this episode, Jessie is sharing the exact steps she took to start healing her own body. Hopefully, this helps you to know you are not alone.
21 min
012- Sharing My Goals and Intentions for 2023
Today's episode is all about goals and intentions for 2023. This is the time of year that coming right off the holidays and the momentum of the new year, we sometimes start to fall off the wagon or start becoming less consistent with all the things we...
22 min
011- Why Muscle Matters & How to Sync Your Work...
Jessie's back with part 2 about cycle syncing this week, all about muscle and how building muscle relates to your cycle. Don't forget to check out the FREE Swoleistic™ Cycle Syncing Workout Guide.   FREE Swoleistic™ Cycle Syncing Workout...
29 min
010- Breaking Down the Female Hormone Cycle (Cy...
This week, Jessie is introducing the topic of cycle syncing. Today, she's covering topics like the difference between the male and female hormone cycles, what hormones are at play and what they do, and what happens in the body during each of the four...
28 min
009- Talking Health and Business with Bryce Fra...
Jessie and Bryce have partnered together in business for awhile - but they have more than real estate in common. In today's episode, Bryce Fransen (The Lending Giant) is sharing some stories from his health journey, and he and Jessie discuss how their...
51 min
008- The Link Between Nutrition and Hormone Hea...
Today's episode is another interview, this time with Jessie's friend and colleague Rachel Hoeppner. Listen in to hear Rachel's story about her own health journey and what she's learned along the way about nutrition and hormone health. Fast forward to...
42 min
007- Let's Talk About Your Excuses
This episode is a gut check, and maybe a little bit of tough love. Jessie's the type of coach to put her foot down and tell you how it is... so this week, we're talking about your excuses. And, Jessie's sharing a story about how following her own...
21 min
006- Seed Cycling + Hormone Health with Julia K...
This week's episode features our FIRST Swoleistic™ Show guest - Julia Kormanski-Miller of Manskis Wellness. We're talking all things seed cycling and hormone health... come check it out!   FREE Swoleistic™ Cycle Syncing Workout Guide ...
35 min
005- 3 Things I Wish I Would’ve Done at The Beg...
You've heard Jessie's story, but here are the 3 things she wishes she would have done differently in her holistic health journey. These are three of the biggest priorities she uses with her own clients. If that sounds good to you, check out the...
15 min
004- Feeling a Push to Pivot? Burned Out? Liste...
This week, Jessie is reaching out to all of you who know what it feels like to be burned out, and racked with a desire to pivot. In the first three episodes of The Swoleistic™ Show, we talked a lot about Jessie's story and how she formed...
18 min
003- 5 Simple Ways to Make Yourself a Priority
In this episode, Jessie is giving us 5 simple ways we can make ourselves a priority starting TODAY. Now simple doesn't always mean easy, but these are tips that everyone can start doing, no matter who you are or where you're starting from. What are...
18 min
002- What Does Swoleistic™ Even Mean?
Have you been wondering what the heck Swoleistic™ even means? Jessie is breaking down the meaning behind this made-up word and what her company, the Swoleistic™ Co., stands for, in this episode. Which of the Swoleistic™ Co.'s core values appeals...
19 min
001- Welcome to The Swoleistic™ Show
For the first ever episode of The Swoleistic™ Show, Jessie is getting vulnerable and sharing her story... and how she got here to running The Swoleistic™ Show and her coaching business today. Make sure to subscribe or follow on your favorite...
25 min
Coming Soon: the Swoleistic™ Show
Welcome to The Swoleistic™ Show!   I’m Jessie Lockhart, a Realtor turned Holistic Health Coach and Personal Trainer.   Over the last few years, I’ve been on a holistic health journey of my own to lose weight, build muscle, balance my...
2 min