The Confused Breakfast

A nostalgic journey back to the movie rental store era and the amazing movies from our childhood that we all know and love. With the benefit of 20+ years of hindsight, we revisit and dissect these classic movies to see if they still move us the way they did as kids. Full movie review episode released every Wednesday. Bonus Brunch episode every Monday.

TV & Film
Film Reviews
Donnie Darko (2001)
Donnie Darko is up for a modern-day review!
118 min
BRUNCH: The Best Tom Cruise Movie (Tournament)
What is the best Tom Cruise movie? Let's debate!
42 min
Days of Thunder (1990)
Let's give 'Days of Thunder' a full, modern-day review!
108 min
BRUNCH: Top 5 High School Movies w/ Daniel Van...
Comedian/podcaster Daniel Van Kirk talks Top 5 High School Movies
89 min
Bio-Dome (1996)
Is Bio-Dome actually a good and funny movie? Let's find out!
91 min
BRUNCH: The History and Legacy of Nickelodeon
The impact that this tv studio had on our lives with the incredible lineup of shows and cartoons can not be denied.
48 min
Snatch (2000)
D'ya like dags?
104 min
BRUNCH: The Best Movies About Music w/ Dave Mo...
What are the best movies about music? Let's chat about it
31 min
Rock Star (2001)
Stand up and shouuuuuuuuuuuut!
114 min
BRUNCH- Reviewing 'Road House' (2024)
Come on in and listen to our thoughts about the new Road House movie!
39 min
Election (1999)
We dive deep into reviewing ‘Election’ a cynical story that was nominated for an Oscar in 1999
110 min
BRUNCH: Top 5 Movies From 1981
We dive deep in our Top 5 movies that came out in the year 1981. ENJOY!
38 min
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Is this movie over-hyped or does it deserve being one of the highest-rated movies of all-time?
125 min
BRUNCH: Dune 2, Masters of the Air, Shogun, Th...
Let's talk about what movies and tv shows we are watching
41 min
Surf Ninjas (1993)
One of the most requested movies is up for review!
118 min
BRUNCH: Interviewing Gareth Reynolds (The Dollo...
Gareth Reynolds is very funny on this episode.
37 min
Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985) with Gareth Reyn...
Gareth Reynolds joins us and we dissect Pee-wee's Big Adventure!
115 min
BRUNCH: The Best Harrison Ford Movie (Tournament)
What is the best Harrison Ford movie? We decide in tournament fashion!
52 min
Air Force One (1997)
Get your American flag up the flagpole and stick the ‘Ford/Close ’96’ sign in your yard because it’s campaign season!
96 min
BRUNCH: Top 5 Movies To Watch on an Airplane
Join us on today's brunch episode as we discuss our individual Top 5 movies that we always watch when we fly!
51 min
The Replacements (2000)
We are of course talking about 2000’s The Replacements. Come on in and ENJOY!
96 min
BRUNCH: Reviewing Limp Bizkit's 'Chocolate Star...
This album sold over 1 Million copies in it's first week. Wow!
52 min
Office Space (1999)
Tell your 8 bosses that you got the memo and we will meet you for lunch at Chotchkie's to discuss 1999's Office Space.
94 min
BRUNCH: The Best Christopher Nolan Movie (Tourn...
What is the best Christopher Nolan movie? We will tell you.
40 min
Cliffhanger (1993)
! Join us as we give 1993’s ‘Cliffhanger’ a modern day review and try REALLY hard not to give it a bad rating
113 min