the WONDER podcast

What would happen if we truly valued one another, celebrated diversity, and encouraged each other to create positive change in the world? This is the reason the WONDER podcast was created. We believe empathy is cultivated by listening to the life experiences of our neighbors. By creating a healthy environment, where we truly see and hear one another, dignity is restored. Then and only then, will people feel loved.

Mental Health
the WONDER podcast Ep. 037 - Chris Wood & Tyler...
38 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 036 - Viridiana Marín
39 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 035 - Gratitude
20 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 034 - Kayla Withrow
24 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 033 - Lorenzo Ward
11 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 032 - Jordon McKinney
24 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 031 - National Bullying ...
28 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 030 - Ryan Oyer
26 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 029 - Josh Wolf
32 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 028 - National Suicide P...
18 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 027 - Founders of The Bo...
48 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 026 - Can Book Clubs Cre...
<p>This month on the WONDER podcast, Sydney's talking with people who are using their gifts and talents to create positive change in their communities. Today’s episode takes a somewhat different approach because Sydney's talking with members of her book club. It might seem odd to think about how a book club could create change in a community, but we hope today’s conversation might encourage you to see the potential, especially as it relates to our Three Pillars (Sharing Stories, Extending Compassion, and Taking Action).</p> <p>On a personal note: When Sydney's family traveled the country, they spent a lot of time talking to people who experienced church trauma. The more time they spent with them, the more they came to see the importance of listening more… and talking less. A huge catalyst for the family's new direction was seeing the divisiveness (and dismissiveness) confronting them within the church culture. To be clear, they don’t think this type of destructive culture is limited to one group, but this is where they experienced it. This particular brook group is faith based, which you’ll pick up on in the podcast. So, for them, they wanted to choose books that would help them on their journey, in the circumstances they find themselves, becoming better listeners as they try to cultivate and extend compassion. (But, obviously, you can create a book club around anything.) The encouragement is simple: Find something that will help you see different perspectives in life. Find people you trust to take part in a conversation (a journey) that might challenge you. Find a place to gather that supports local business in your community. Old friendships can be strengthened, new friendships can be formed, and profound purpose can be discovered.</p>
19 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 025 - Katherine Slevin
36 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 024 - Sofia Jarvis and S...
29 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 023 - Stacey Hooley-Gall
24 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 022 - Brooke Fowler
43 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 021 - Nadine Bent-Russell
54 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 020 - Kiani Yiu
34 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 019 - Emma Lombardo & Lo...
<p>On this week’s episode, Sydney is introducing you to two of her closest friends, Emma Lombardo and Lorien Fish. Sydney met Lorien back in middle school and Emma, a couple years after. They are genuinely some of the most encouraging, humble, and sweetest humans you will ever meet.&nbsp;</p> <p>During this conversation, both Emma and Lorien share some of their experiences when it comes to the objectification of women. Women, as a whole, have experienced a lot, some of which include: combatting societal pressures, anxiety, sexual harassment and abuse, etc. In our world, there’s no escaping any of this. For the majority of us, we’re constantly inundated or having to deal with all of these things, and much more. It’s important to talk about them and Sydney wanted to start the conversation with two people she loves and respects dearly. Their stories are so important and when we’re honest about where we’ve been, what we’ve experienced, it will hopefully encourage others to replicate that same honesty.</p>
63 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 018 - Gregory Winningham
61 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 017 - Three Pillars Pt. 2
33 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 016 - Three Pillars Pt. 1
26 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 015 - Jerelyn Lee & Trey...
45 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 014 - Jeff Roeters
34 min
the WONDER podcast Ep. 013 - Alisha Rose
32 min