The CommonHealth

The CommonHealth is the podcast of the CSIS Bipartisan Alliance for Global Health Security. On The CommonHealth, hosts J. Stephen Morrison, Katherine Bliss, and Andrew Schwartz delve deeply into the puzzle that connects pandemic preparedness and response, HIV/AIDS, routine immunization, and primary care, areas of huge import to human and national security. The CommonHealth replaces under a single podcast the Coronavirus Crisis Update, Pandemic Planet and AIDS Existential Moment.

Health & Fitness
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Dr. Carissa Etienne ...
Dr. Carissa Etienne, Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), joined Steve Morrison and CSIS Senior Fellow Katherine Bliss for an extended conversation.
47 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Dr. Leana Wen – We a...
A renowned medical and public health voice of compassion, personal advice, pragmatism and vision, Dr. Leana Wen joined us for a tour d’horizon of the pandemic.
27 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Sir Andrew Witty- Th...
Steve and CSIS Senior Fellow Katherine Bliss enjoined Sir Andrew Witty to help us answer a few fundamental questions about the ACT Accelerator.
37 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Mike Osterholm – Ame...
We sat down with Mike Osterholm, a member of President-Elect Biden’s Covid-19 Advisory Task Force.
31 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: US Ambassador to Leb...
In this episode, we are joined by Dorothy Shea, the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon, along with Jon Alterman, SVP/Director of the CSIS Middle East Program.
27 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Dr. Jonathan (Jono) ...
In this episode, Jono Quick gives a sweeping overview of the history of faulty responses to pandemics and the Rockefeller Foundation's initiatives to press for a national approach on test and trace in the United States and to catalyze a more equitable green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
39 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Helene Gayle – How t...
Helene Gayle sat down with us to reflect on the expert committee that she and Dr. Bill Foege led recently to map out – in record time – a framework and strategy for the phased introduction of a Covid-19 vaccine in America.
28 min
Delivering Vaccines to Americans: Cause for Alarm?
Jennifer Kates and Josh Michaud, Kaiser Family Foundation, joined us to discuss their new analysis, ‘Distributing a Covid-19 Vaccine Across the United States – A Look at Key Issues.’
42 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: America- Two Differe...
Mollyann Brodie, America’s premier health survey researcher, explores the widening bifurcation of America along partisan and ideological grounds.
40 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Tom Bollyky – The Ne...
Tom Bollyky of the Council on Foreign Relations talks with Steve and Andrew about the newly released bipartisan CFR Independent Task Force on pandemic preparedness and the response to Covid-19,
28 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: U Wis-Madison Chance...
As UW-Madison opened in early September, it faced a sudden explosion of Covid-19 cases. Hear from Chancellor Rebecca Blank why this happened, the steps taken to re-stabilize the university, amid multiple, deep political divisions across Wisconsin, a very public showdown between the university and county authorities, and a runaway Covid-19 outbreak in the state.
35 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK)...
Steve and Andrew crossed much sensitive and difficult ground in their extended conversation with Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK).
40 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: The Bumpy Ride of U....
Our longstanding friend and ally Judyth Twigg joins us to survey the rather bumpy ride that America’s colleges and universities are experiencing as they navigate the pandemic.
34 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: The U.S. “Heading in...
We sat with Chris Murray for an intense conversation on IHME’s recent, startling (and controversial) forecast that the United States would experience a dramatic surge in Covid-19 infections and deaths by year’s end that will exceed the peak moments of April.
33 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: CSIS’s Rick Rossow—I...
In this episode, we learn about the recent Covid-19 surge in India from Richard Rossow, CSIS Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies.
25 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Heidi Larson – Time ...
We gather to discuss with Dr. Heidi Larson about her new book, 'Stuck: How Vaccine Rumors Start – and Why they Don’t Go Away,' a wake-up call and appeal to re-think what drives popular distrust in science and rising levels of vaccine refusal and hesitancy.
40 min
The Pandemic Tale of Two Conventions
Both the Democratic and Republican Conventions had to give a central prominence to the pandemic, but chose radically different approaches, story lines, and messages. Listen as Steve and Andrew work through these divergences and what they presage as we head towards November 3.
23 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Can COVAX Change the...
In this episode, Steve is joined by Nikolaj Gilbert, President and CEO at PATH; Peggy Hamburg, former Commissioner of the FDA; Kendall Hoyt, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Dartmouth University's Giesel School of Medicine; and Nicole Lurie, Strategic Advisor to the CEO at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for a discussion about COVAX and its prospects for success.
46 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Putin’s Sputnik V Va...
Steve joined with CSIS Senior Vice President Heather Conley and Professor Judyth Twigg, Virginia Commonwealth University, to discuss Russia's announcement that it had registered the first Covid-19 vaccine.
27 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Is it Possible to Av...
Steve is joined by two members of the global health team to discuss their new commentary on the race for a Covid-19 vaccine: Katherine Bliss, GHPC Senior Fellow and Anna Carroll, GHPC Associate Fellow.
43 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Rep. Peter Welch on ...
Steve sat with Rep. Peter Welch to discuss how Vermont became such a dramatic outlier, in its quick and effective control of the coronavirus, and the actions taken to preserve those gains.
34 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Beth Cameron, “Nothi...
Dr. Beth Cameron, Vice President at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, talks through what the accelerating race for vaccines for Covid-19 means.
36 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Marc Daalder from Au...
Steve Morrison asks Marc Daalder: how and why did New Zealand succeed in locking down the country, winning public support, and eliminating the virus?
33 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: Dr. Anthony Fauci on...
J. Stephen Morrison sits down with Dr. Anthony Fauci to discuss various issues that America is facing as its runaway crisis continues to unfold.
29 min
Coronavirus Crisis Update: David Sanger, NYT, H...
Andrew and Steve gathered with David Sanger to discuss the NYT's recent investigative team’s efforts, which chronicled the momentous White House decisions taken in early April to step back and push lead responsibility on to the states.
33 min