Scott Radley Show

Scott Radley is a seasoned journalist, who has written a column for over 15 years in Hamilton. He will ask questions that you want answers to. He will bring an inquisitive mind and a unique perspective to daily news that will push the boundaries in order to make people think and to challenge the norm.

The Hamilton Bulldogs search for a new coach co...
Apparently the team has already received upwards of 50 resumes. Guest - Steve Staios scottradleyshow
17 min
The CFL will have a new concussion protocol thi...
The protocol mirrors similar ones in the NFL and NHL. Guest - Dr. David Robinson scottradleyshow
14 min
Are high school kids prepared for university?
A new study says they are not. Guest - Dr. Anton Allahar scottradleyshow
14 min
The Rio Olympics are less than 100 days away
Is Brazil ready? Guest - Dr. Kevin Wamsley scottradleyshow
13 min
How hard is it to hit a major league pitch?
Fastballs can reach over 100 miles per hour how is it possible that a human can pick up it's path over just sixty feet from mound to plate. Guest - Dr. Alan Nathan scottradleyshow
18 min
There could be a better way to remember things
Apparently drawing a picture will help you remember whatever you need. Guest - Jeff Wammes scottradleyshow
12 min
A new study says 1 in 5 department stores shoul...
Department stores often act as anchors for malls, what will happen if they close? Guest - Marvin Ryder scottradleyshow
15 min
A Petition Has Been Launched To Change The Roge...
An online petition has been launched to change the name of the Rogers Centre back to the Skydome. Is this a good idea? Guest – Don Robertson, president and general manager of the Dundas Real McCoys scottradleyshow
9 min
Is Goaltending Too Important In Hockey Nowadays?
In modern hockey, Scott says the spotlight usually shines upon a team’s goalie when a team is successful. Do teams rely too much on goalies? Guest – Don Robertson, president and general manager of the Dundas Real McCoys scottradleyshow
10 min
Is Gender Segregation In Public Transportation ...
Across the world, there’s an increase in businesses like Uber creating transportation exclusive to women. Is this a step forward or backward for society? Guests - Jay McQueen, weather announcer for AM900 CHML Teri Pecoskie, reporter for the Hamilton Spectator thescottradleyshow
12 min
Is Money The Solution To The Attawapiskat Crisis?
People are saying the federal government needs to give more money to First Nations to combat tragedies like the suicide crisis on the Attawapiskat reserve. Will this really help? Guests - Jay McQueen, weather announcer for AM900 CHML Teri Pecoskie, reporter for the Hamilton Spectator thescottradleyshow
10 min
A Study Finds 6% Of Americans Trust The Media
A survey found 6% of Americans trust the media The Media Insight Project, a new study from the American Press Institute and the Associated Press Center for Public Affairs Research, found that 6% of people in the United States trust the media. Is this widespread distrust justified? Guest: Sue Prestedge, head of the journalism program at Mohawk College thescottradleyshow
19 min
Should High School Students Still Be Studying S...
400 years after the death of William Shakespeare, why are students still studying Shakespeare’s plays in high school? Guest – Bryan Wylie, retired high school teacher thescottradleyshow
18 min
The ratings are filtering in for the first roun...
And boy are they not good. Down across the board. Guest - Chris Zelkovich scottradleyshow
15 min
Is comedy becoming too PC?
Comedians like Jerry Seinfeld have been bemoaning the sudden uptick in offended audiences. Does that mean that comedy has lost it's edge? Guest - Ben Guyatt scottradleyshow
17 min
Karla Homolka has been found living in a suburb...
Should she be allowed to live privately or is the constant focus on her location acceptable. Guest - Anne Leclair scottradleyshow
13 min
Do half of all workers struggle with some menta...
Guest - Dr. Nick Cates scottradleyshow
17 min
Making a Murderer is the new hot show from Netflix
The lawyers who defended Stephen Avery in the case that is the subject of the series have become heroes online in the wake of it's release. Guest - Dean Strang scottradleyshow
25 min