Scott Radley Show

Scott Radley is a seasoned journalist, who has written a column for over 15 years in Hamilton. He will ask questions that you want answers to. He will bring an inquisitive mind and a unique perspective to daily news that will push the boundaries in order to make people think and to challenge the norm.

Would you want a head transplant operation? Wha...
Tonight, the Brightest Panel in Hamilton features two radio broadcast students from Mohawk College, for their perspective on the Ontario college faculty strike and other news stories from this week. Panel: Ben Straughan, technical producer with 900 CHML Raasty Belbaas, radio broadcast student
66 min
Students are still an afterthought amidst the c...
There was a vote on whether or not the teachers would accept the current contract offer and thus end the strike. The vote returned with a negative outcome, prolonging the strike because the teachers rejected the contract offer. What is most frustrating about all of this is that the students are still forgotten about and are never taken into consideration. The students aren't getting their money nor are they getting the service they paid for, something MUST change. Guest: Amir Allana, co-author of the students' refund petition - Who is the best Canadian position player in baseball, do Americans even know that Roy Halladay played for the Toronto Blue Jays and is it a good idea for an outstanding college player to play with an already successful school? Scott knows his sports and thought he should double that knowledge tonight so he brought in Bubba O'Neil to talk about these questions and more. Guest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH - Michael Andlauer, the owner of the Hamilton Bulldogs, has expressed interest in moving the FirstOntario Centre somewhere else in Hamilton. He's even said that he would be willing to match whatever the City of Hamilton would be willing to pay to have this done. Now that we know his thoughts, what do Hamilton's Councillors think? Scott asked two of them. Guest: Sam Merulla, Ward 4 Councillor            Donna Skelly, Ward 7 Councillor
55 min
Bulldogs owner is eager to bring a new arena to...
Hamilton Bulldogs owner Michael Andlauer says it's time for this city to build a new arena to replace the aging FirstOntario Centre.
18 min
Millennials are at a legitimate disadvantage! A...
In recent years, it's been said that millennials aren't hard working, that they are lazy and that if they stopped whining and started working, their problems would be solved. A study has been released showing that it's not whining, its fact! If the current generation is having troubles getting into the workforce, how will that affect the economy? Guest: Marvin Ryder, Professor of Marketing at the DeGroote School of Business - Is the First Ontario Centre the future of Hamilton? Should we look into a smaller multi-use facility to replace First Ontario Centre? These are questions that we should start asking and there is no one better to answer these questions than the owner of the Hamilton Bulldogs. First Ontario Centre is 32 years old, is it time for something new? Guest: Michael Andlauer, Owner of the Hamilton Bulldogs - YouTube is a wonderful platform but it sometimes seems like it's full of stupid, meaningless videos however there is a whole world of informational and educational videos for people of all ages. Scratch Garden is one such educational YouTube channel that, believe it or not, is based here in Hamilton! Learning is made fun with their use of animation and music but how does it work? Can you really live off of YouTube? Guest: Steve Newberry, Creator of Scratch Garden
51 min
Is a ban on nudity in change rooms a good idea?...
A town in the Montreal area has decided to ban all nudity in changerooms of municipal pools which seems odd given that it's the place you go to change. Though at first it may seem like a dumb decision, once you think about it, do you really want to be seeing some old guy and his buddy chatting without any clothes on? - Almost half of all the students in the province have missed school due to anxiety. How can this be? Did we go wrong somewhere or is this simply being reported more? The funding to help with mental health has been cut in half over the last 25 years, surely that isn't the only problem, is it? Guest: Kim Moran, CEO of Children's Mental Health Ontario - We like to believe that we have the freedom of speech and freedom of expression but this doesn't to be the case on college and university campuses. The thought police appear to be more and more real as time goes on because if a teacher or teacher's assistant proposes an argument that goes against public opinion, let alone offend someone, they will be instantly ostracized and penalized. Guest: Lindsay Shepherd, Graduate Student and Teaching Assistant at Wilfrid Laurier University
55 min
What is a Smart 21 Community and why is Hamilto...
The Scott Radley Show Podcast Scott is joined by Don Roberston, of the Dundas Real McCoys, to discuss Dave Andreychuk's induction into the Hockey Hall of Fame, the First Ontario Centre and more from the world of sports. Guest: Don Roberston, of the Dundas Real McCoys - Hamilton was chosen as one of the "Smart 21 Communities" in the world, which represents the best models of economic, social and cultural development in the digital age. Guest: Rob McCann President of Clear Cable, Chairman of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Digital Infrastructure Working Group - Scott counts down a list of irredeemably nerdy things, and learns some new words and interests (for better or worse.) How cool are you, according to this list, and do you like any of the things mentioned?
69 min
What are Ontario's college students doing durin...
It is time for the Brightest Panel in Hamilton! Scott has assembled a panel of Mohawk College students, to get their take on the Ontario college faculty strike, and current events. Panel: Mike Bain - Radio Broadcast Student Andres Billiald - Journalism Student Paige Petrovsky - Journalism Student
66 min
What are your guilty pleasure movies? Why did t...
There are movies that make you stop flipping through channels and takes up an hour of your time. They're often movies that are your guillty pleasure movies and though you've probably seen it 100 times, seeing it another time doesn't hurt. What is your guilty pleasure movie that makes you stop and watch it everytime it comes on? - A number of players have anonymously said that they don't want to play for Kent Austin. An interesting tweet was put out by Bob Young, the owner of the Ticats, who said that it was sad that one or two cowardly Ticats complained anonymously to a naive reporter. Bob Young defending Kent Austin makes it seem like Kent Austin is going to stay with the Ticats. What do you think is going to happen to Kent Austin?  Guest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH - The Caribbean has been hit hard by tropical storm after tropical storm and now that vacation season AKA winter has come, where are people going to go? Has the price of Caribbean vacations gone up or down as a result of these storms? Are there places that are just like the Caribbean but haven't been affected by the tropical storms from this year? All these questions and more can be answered by Shawna Curtin-Weatherill. Guest: Shawna Curtin-Weatherill, Owner of Expedia Cruiseshipcenters Waterdown
48 min
Is Roy Halladay the best Blue Jays pitcher ever...
We have lost many legends from the musical world but unfortunately, the sports world has now lost a legend of their own. Roy Halladay, one of the best Blue Jays' pitchers, passed away today when his plane crashed in Florida. His focus while on the mound was unmatched as was his skill but even though he wasn't a very talkative person to the media or even his teammates; he'll be remembered by Jays and Phillies fans forever. Do you think Roy Halladay is the best Blue Jays pitcher ever? Guest: Ken Fidlin, Sports Writer at the Toronto Sun - We're entering the fourth week of the OPSEU strike that affects Ontario colleges across the province as well as all of the students who attend them. Over a half million students are out of class and seem to be used almost like hostages because they are affected the most by this strike. This is one of the biggest things that frustrate Scott about this strike. Do you think that both parties are being immature at this point? - The 2018 Winter Olympic Games will be taking place just 40 kilometers from the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. If Kim Jong Un wanted to make an incredibly dumb statement, the Olympic Games that take place in pretty much his backyard would be an obvious place to do it. If he were to have something drastic be done there, the world would almost immediately wipe North Korea off the face of the Earth. Do you think anything is going to happen at the 2018 Olympic Games in South Korea? Guest: Michael Heine, Head of the International Centre of Olympic Studies at Western University
55 min
Who belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? ...
Tonight it is a Panel of one! Scott welcomes Jamie Smith for a discussion about the serious (and not-so-serious) news of the week. And Jamie's opinions as a pizza coinsure are brought to the table! Panel: Jamie West, Radio and TV host, Media and Advertising Consultant
67 min
1 in 2 Millennials prefer Communism or Socialis...
Though it's often believed to be a myth or simple folklore, there are many people who believe that sasquatch exist and are more common than you may think. Todd Standing has filed a lawsuit against the BC government to have one of their biologists go out into the field so he can prove the existence of Sasquatch as a species. Do you think that he will be able to prove their existence? Guest: Todd Standing, Sasquatch Tracker and Researcher - The final game of the Tiger-Cats' 2017 season will be played tomorrow and it feels like we should be booing them instead of cheering. Despite the last half of this season being better than the first, it doesn't change the fact that this season was ridden with controversy and short-falls around every corner. Do you think the Ticats were able to redeem themselves in the last half of this season? Guest: Rick Zamperin, Senior Sports Director at 900 CHML - According to a poll of 2300 people done by YouGov for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 1 in 2 Millennials would rather live in a Communist or Socialist society than a Capitalist Democratic one. If you're worried by this, you should be and you should also be worried by the fact that most of those who said this, didn't know what being a Communist or Socialist actually meant. How could we better educate people so they fully understand what it means to be a Communist or Socialist? Guest: Marion Smith, Executive Director of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
57 min
Do we really need a law against distracted walk...
Distracted driving is a problem but what about distracted walking? An Ontario MPP has proposed that police begin fining people for crossing the street while looking at their phone. Do you think this will be enforced any more than jay walking? - Red Green is a beloved Canadian show about every any handyman should know and the man himself, Steve Smith, has written another book. Entitled "The Woulda Coulda Shoulda Guide To Canadian Inventions" Smith recalls many of Canada's greatest inventions, worst inventions and better ways to use some of them. What's your favourite episode of the Red Green Show? Guest: Steve Smith, Comedian and Writer AKA Red Green - It's the most wonderful time of the year indeed! November has come which can mean only one thing, Novemburger! Scott and his wonderful panel of burger aficionados review 10 of the 76 hamburgers across Hamilton and Burlington who are a part of Novemburger. What makes these 76 burgers special is that they all have a portion of their proceeds go to help support United Way. Helping charity and eating burgers, could you ask for more? Which one are you going to start with? Guests: Martinus Gelense, Novemburger Organizer              Teri Pecoskie, Sports Reporter at The Hamilton Spectator              Steve Smith AKA Red Green
69 min
How do taphophiles find long lost headstones? I...
A Halloween trademark is the headstone; but what happens when headstones fall over and get buried over time? Good thing we've got taphophiles like Mike Brown in Hamilton! Mike's unusual hobby of uncovering headstones helps families find the long lost graves of family members which prompted Scott to catch up with him to find out more about both himself and his hobby. Guest: Mike Brown, Headstone Uncoverer - Getting hit in the head isn't anything new in football but when a player hits another player in the head deliberately and aggressively with a clear intent to injure that's not right on its own. When that player that delivers the hit doesn't get a suspension or fine of any sort the NFL can't say it cares about its players health. Clearly something isn't right with this scenario. Something that isn't quite so easy to make a decision on is Georges St-Pierre's decision to return to the UFC. Does he have what it takes to be competitive in the octagon? Guest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH - 500 years ago today, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the Wittenberg Door. This act and his ideas splintered the Catholic Church and started the Protestant Reformation. Believe it or not, this event has impacted nearly every aspect of your life. What do you think the world would be like if Martin Luther never existed? Guest: Dr. David Haskell, Professor of Religion and Culture at Wilfrid Laurier University
54 min
Why do the World Series games have to start so ...
Scott and Don Robertson of the Dundas Real McCoys chat about what's going on in the world of sports, including the World Series and brutal injuries in sports. - Over the weekend, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was in Toronto and made a comment about Canadian health care being "free". But it's not really free, is it? Guest: Bacchus Barua, Associate Director, Health Policy Studies, Fraser Institute
50 min
Why did the Federal Government spend so much mo...
The Brightest Panel in Hamilton has reconvened but it is bittersweet because this may be the last time Sandy Shaw joins in as a panelist, at least for some time. Listen to tonight’s podcast to find out why, for more fun and intense discussion. Guests: Sandy Shaw Mike Fortune, Television host, interviewer and professional Master of Ceremonies
70 min
How do you appreciate paintings without seeing ...
How can you appreciate a painting without being able to see it? It's an interesting question but believe it or not, it is possible and you can experience it at the Art Gallery of Hamilton through what they call "Touch Tours". Lori Kilgour-Walsh is behind these tours and joins Scott to talk about how these tours work, how you paint a picture for a blind person and much more. Have you been on a Touch Tour before? Guest: Lori Kilgour-Walsh, Senior Manager of Education at Art Gallery of Hamilton - People from Hamilton are great at helping others and usually you think this happens only in Hamilton or even the GTA but our reach goes beyond our city. Many Hamiltonians like Katelyn Plug go off and volunteer their time with organizations like Mercy Ships, an organization that travels around the world bringing literal floating hospitals to those who need it most. She was a ward nurse on the Africa Mercy and shares her eye-opening experience with Scott. Guest: Katelyn Plug, Volunteer Ward Nurse on Africa Mercy - How can you gauge whether or not someone is worth keeping on a team based off of the result of one game? It's not a good idea and yet that's exactly what Kent Austin is doing to decide if June Jones will remain a part of the coaching roster for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Speaking of coaching rosters, Joe Girardi won't be returning as the manager of the New York Yankees. Despite being with the team for 10 years, 6 of which they went to the playoffs and winning the World Series he's still being let go! What do you think about these decisions? Is there any method behind the madness? Guest: Rick Zamperin, Senior Sports Director at 900 CHML
54 min
Math is racist, people want to raise $1.6 milli...
The world has lost its mind! First off, a math professor at the University of Illinois has published a paper saying that math is inherently racist and promotes white priviledge. Second, people are trying to raise $1.6 million dollars to buy a pig-friendly MRI device to diagnose a 650 pound pig. Lastly, the first of six pre-tournament games between Canada and the USA's women's hockey teams started off with Canada being beaten 5-2. Team Canada's head coach described the loss as "an embarassment to our country." What is going to happen when something that actually matters happens? - It's sometimes said that Canada could dress a whole team of amateur players and still be a contender to win the Hockey World Cup but what about the Olympics? Would you be willing to wake up at 3am to watch Team Canada even if it's a team of players you've never heard of? Guest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH - With the upcoming release of documents about JFK's assassination, conspiracy theories are starting to appear once again. In some cases these conspiracy theories hold some validity but in other cases they are so far out there that they can't possibly be true! Whatever your opinion is on them, you have to ask yourself, why do people love conspiracy theories so much? Guest: Mark Busser, Professor of Political Science at McMaster University
51 min
Are we going to get answers about JFK's assassi...
238 cities are putting in a bid to have the new Amazon HQ built in their cities. That's a lot of competition for Hamilton to go up against but the most interesting thing about this bidding war is that so many of these cities are willing to do some rather unusual things to win Amazon over. What do you think is the weirdest thing a city is willing to do for a company? - Could this finally be the end of the JFK assassination? Within the next few days, the papers about JFK's assassination will be released but the question is, will these documents tell us anything that we don't already know? It's possible that we may be getting more fuel for conspiracy theorists but we could also debunk some conspiracy theories. Could this finally be the end of the JFK assassination? Guest: Randy Owen, JFK Assassination Researcher - Boxing has been around for a very long time but in Hamilton, it's a really big challenge to organize a professional boxing card. The huge amount of money it takes to pay everyone involved is just one of the many problems an organizer faces. Another issue is how do you put on a fight that can be done safely? These challenges haven't turned the people at Three Lions Promotions away from organizing a professional boxing card this Saturday at the Hamilton Convention Centre, are you going to go? Guest: Dan Otter, Sports Promoter at Three Lions Promotion
42 min
What's going on with Zach Collaros and the Tica...
Scott and Don Robertson of the Dundas Real McCoys talk about the Ticats' domination of Montreal over the weekend and a bewildering choice involving Collaros, overpowered teams in sports and more. - A school district in Mississippi has decided to pull "To Kill A Mockingbird" from its curriculum because it "makes people uncomfortable". But isn't the entire purpose of the book to tackle the "uncomfortable" topic of racism?
55 min
Should students affected by the Ontario College...
Tonight, Scott thinks that "Brightest Panel in Hamilton" might not accurately describe how brilliant the panel’s members are.  Panel: Brad Clarke, Principal Consultant for Maple Leaf Strategies and former Hamilton City Councillor and Ontario's Minister of Labour and Minister of Transportation Doug Faraway, former Director of Development at Neighbour to Neighbour Centre, broadcaster, writer, and host of City Matters on Cable 14.
75 min
What if the stock market crashed today? Will Mc...
On this day in 1987, a major thing happened to the stock market... it crashed! We now refer to that day as Black Monday and it caused big problems but what if it happened now? Market crashes are inevitable but what if it happened today? How do you think it would affect the world? Guest: Dr. Ronald Balvers, Professor at DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University has had one of the best volleyball programs in Canada for a long time but that hasn't stopped them from going to Poland to play against professional teams with the knowledge they'll be beat. Dave Preston, the head coach of McMaster's men's volleyball team, has won many awards for very good reasons. Do you think his team will be able to beat the best NCAA volleyball team, the Ohio Buckeyes, this Sunday? Guest: Dave Preston, Head Coach of McMaster's Men's Volleyball Team - On his own time and on his own accord, Roger Boyd spends at least 25 hours a week travelling around Hamilton helping those in need. He has a day job and still finds time to provide help for those in need by going around and giving out clothes and cooking food in his own home for those who need it most in Hamilton. How do you help the homeless? Guest: Roger Boyd, Founder of Men Street Ministry
49 min
Should college students be refunded during the ...
Should students get their money back for every day the teachers of OPSEU are on strike for? If you didn’t already know, the OPSEU strike has taken not only every teacher, professor and instructor out of the classroom but has also taken out every student from the classroom too! Students are paying thousands of dollars to be educated but when they're not being taught, where is their money going? Guest: Amir Allana, Co-author of petition for students’ tuition refunds   Gordon Hayward was a member of the Boston Celtics for all of 5 minutes before his leg was injured in a very unusual way. His tibia was broken causing his foot to effectively turn completely around.  Did you go searching for the video? The NBA’s season started up last night but lately, it seems as though it’s turned into a league full of have and have-nots. The Toronto Raptors seem to be on the side of the have-nots which will likely impact their standings at the end of the season, do you agree? Also, are the Ticats really going start with Jeremiah Masoli against the Montreal Alouettes this Sunday? What are your thoughts on this decision? Guest: Bubba O’Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH   With the recent passing of Gord Downie, it seems like everyone in Canada is in mourning. Councillor Sam Merulla has proposed that we put up a plaque in commemoration of Downie at First Ontario Centre. Why is it that when we try to name things after local people who have done amazing things, it seems to take forever but when Gord Downie, a man from Kingston, passes away we're talking about having a plaque in his memory the next day? What do you think of this? Guest: Sam Merulla, Ward 4 Councillor
49 min
The LRT has been delayed again! Who's been indu...
The LRT has been debated from nearly every possible angle which has slowed things down and it's happened again! This time, the LRT hasn't been delayed by City Council but by the Government of Ontario! Is the LRT ever going to be completed? - This time of year is wonderful for sports fans in Hamilton. The Hamilton Sports Hall of Fame has announced the class of 2017 and among them is former NHL defenceman, Ric Nattress. Scott caught up with Ric to get an idea of what it's like to be inducted into Hamilton's Sports Hall of Fame and his story that led him there.  Guest: Ric Nattress, former NHL defenceman - There has been a study done on the relation between poor diet and stress's effect on your body. Dr. Laura Bridgewater joins Scott to explain her findings, what they mean and what we can do to help take better care of our bodies and more specifically, our stomaches. Could removing stress from your life actually help you lose weight? Guest: Dr. Laura Bridgewater, Professor of Microbiology & Molecular Biology at Brigham Young University
46 min
Should iPads be allowed in the classroom? Woul...
Scott has brought together returning favourites, for tonight's Brightest Panel in Hamilton. Guests: Sandy Shaw, Organizational Strategist, and Director with the Hamilton Port Authority Mike Fortune, television host and professional Master of Ceremonies
67 min
America's demands for NAFTA, the collapse of Se...
There has been no shortage of big headlines in the business and political worlds. The first is about these "bombshell" demands that the US is supposedly laying down as we're going into the 4th round of NAFTA negotiations and the second is that the Sears collapse is going to ripple through the economy.The final headline says that Hamilton is the second best place for jobs in Canada. What are your thoughts on these headlines? Guest: Marvin Ryder, Professor of Marketing at the DeGroote School of Business - The Hamilton Tiger-Cats are going to be playing against the Calgary Stampeders for the second time this season. The last time these teams played each other, the Ticats were humiliated in a 60-1 loss. This is an important game for both teams which begs the question, how do you think tomorrow's game is going to go? Guest: Rick Zamperin, Senior Sports Director at 900 CHML - The African Children's Choir is an amazing choir with an amazing history. Over the years, the choir has performed with Paul McCartney, Keith Urban and the list goes on. It also isn't just a travelling choir, it's also a charitable organization that aims to help impoverished African families and educate the children. They're performing twice in Hamilton, will you be in the crowd seeing the African Children's Choir? Guest: Tina Sipp, Coordinator of the African Children's Choir
52 min