Scott Radley Show

Scott Radley is a seasoned journalist, who has written a column for over 15 years in Hamilton. He will ask questions that you want answers to. He will bring an inquisitive mind and a unique perspective to daily news that will push the boundaries in order to make people think and to challenge the norm.

Ben's Story of the Day - The Electric Workout, ...
Today's edition of Ben's Story of the Day features: 1) When you mix calisthenics and sit-ups with giant electrical towers, you're sure to get quite the energetic workout. Unfortunately that also means that a guy in China managed to take down the power grid that supported thousands of homes. 2) It's not always an easy task to find suspects involved with a shooting but when you mix in the fact that all 4 of them have the same name, you can be sure there's more than one confused and frustrated police officer. 3) There are some truly talented people who can make outstanding snowmen & women. Those same people are being appealed to by Winnipeg's police who are begging people to stop making them so... explicit. Which one will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?
7 min
Does the NBA need a new silhouette & who should...
There are talks about the Toronto Raptors trading away one of the players who's lately been pulling a large paycheque but hasn't been putting up the points on the scoreboard. Is there an upside to getting rid of Kyle Lowry? Also, should Kobe Bryant be the new silhouette of the NBA's logo? Guest: Steve Foxcroft, Sports Broadcaster, NFL Chain Gang Member, NBA Court-side Administrator & Vice-President, Fluke Transport - There's a chance those old VHS tapes in your basement could be worth quite a lot of money! With prices in the high hundreds to the thousands, there's a chance you could be sitting on a gold mine of retro-entertainment. Who's buying the tapes and why VHS? Guest: Scott Henderson, Dean & Head, Trent University Durham GTA
33 min
Showerthoughts with Ben: The lack of Kurts, Ala...
There are moments in everyone's life where you have an epiphany regarding trivial and small things. As such, Scott & Ben decided to share some of those weird, oddly specific and completely true realizations about the world around us.
7 min
Fighting 'Zoom Fatigue', Should Canada boycott ...
If you've noticed that you're feeling drained right after an online video meeting there's a chance it's coming from what's being called 'Zoom Fatigue'. What makes staring at a video call so draining and how do we fight it? Guest: Dr. Jeff Hancock, Founding Director, Stanford University Social Media Lab; Professor, Department of Communication, Stanford University - You've likely heard what the experts and politicians have to say regarding whether or not Canada should boycott the Beijing Olympics but now it's time to have your say. Scott opens the phone lines to hear what your thoughts are on the potential for an Olympic boycott. The mother of an Olympian calls in with her thoughts. - It's a semi-familiar sight, the Montreal Canadiens lose a few games in a row and they clean house. Why do we keep seeing this? Guest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor, CHCH-TV
44 min
Mars Rover Perseverance has persevered, a "gree...
Astrophysicist, Dr Jesse Rogerson PhD, shares his enthusiasm over the Mars Perseverance rover with Scott.    A "green" cemetery is opening in Hamilton. But what is a "green" funeral? How does it differ in carbon footprint from a casket burial? Susan Greer, Executive Director at the Natural Burial Association, has more.   And do we have any updates on TIger Woods' condition? Adam Stanley, one of the foremost golf experts in Canada, joins Scott.
44 min
Will's Story of the Day - Roses, vaccines, and ...
6 min
What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?
14 min
Federal Liberals abstaining from Uyghur genocid...
Michael Chong, Federal Conservative shadow minister of Foreign Affairs, joins Scott to talk about the House of Commons' vote to condemn China's treatment of its Uyghur Muslim population as genocide. Interestingly, the Liberal cabinet members have abstained from this vote. Stephen LeDrew, former president of the Liberal Party of Canada, has a few things to say about how monumentally slow Canada's political process moves. And Don Robertson joins as always to talk about some sports, as well as posing the question: should we have monuments, walks of fame, etc for Hamilton's local heroes?
57 min
The Brightest Conversation in Hamilton with Pet...
This week's edition of The Brightest Conversation in Hamilton features Peter Dyakowski who joins Scott to talk about getting COVID-19, the rise in injuries from tobogganing, oversensitive people, the stereotype of the big, dumb jock and more. Guest: Peter Dyakowski, Retired CFL Offensive Lineman, Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Toronto Argonauts & Saskatchewan Roughriders; Contestant, Jeopardy!; Winner, Canada's Smartest Person; CEO, Scholars Education Centre
53 min
Ben's Story of the Day - Fixing a castle with w...
Today's edition of Ben's Story of the Day features: 1) The castle that's believed to be Anne Boleyn's birthplace has a clothes moth problem. Luckily, a solution exists that couldn't go wrong in any way possible, wasps! 2) Snow on the driveway always means the same thing, time to break out the snow shovel. A guy in New Jersey has a solution courtesy of a popular idiom: "Now we're cooking with gas.". 3) Many make the argument for tattoos falling under the umbrella of art. When an art gallery featuring a deceased man's tattooed skin goes bankrupt, the family sues to get their relative's skin back. Which one will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?
7 min
Hamilton's house market is insane! Working from...
Investing in a Hamilton property is looking to be a great investment! The difference in house price between today and this time last year is staggering! What will it take to put an end to this insane surge? Guest: Dr. Murtaza Haider, Professor of Data Science and Real Estate Management, Ryerson University; Research Director, Urban Analytics Institute - Tax season is here! How has working from home impacted the process of filing your taxes? Guest: Don Fox, Principal, IG Private Wealth Management & Co-host, Planning Your Financial Future on Global News Radio 900 CHML - The Toronto Blue Jays begin spring training this week. How is the team looking with the upcoming season just on the horizon? Guest: Kaitlyn McGrath, Staff writer covering the Toronto Blue Jays, The Athletic
45 min
Ben's Story of the Day - Mouth ulcers vs baggag...
Today's edition of Ben's Story of the Day features: 1) Sometimes the baggage fee some airlines charge is simply too much to be worth bringing some extra luggage. Two guys figured paying the fee to take their 30kg box of oranges wasn't worth it so they made it disappear and had a nice treat while they did so. 2) Snow excites the kids and depresses adults who know they'll spend more time than they want out in the cold shoveling the driveway. A Ukrainian guy thought reporting a murder might be enough to prompt the local police to do the plowing for him. 3) Chances are pretty good that you remember your classmates from school but are you related to any of them? These twins took a bit longer than you might think to figure out their relation. Which one will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?
6 min
What happened to the SNC-Lavalin investigation?...
There was a time when Justin Trudeau's SNC-Lavalin scandal was all anyone was talking about but since then it seems to have just been swept under the rug without any actual recourse or closure. Democracy Watch has called on the RCMP and prosecutors to give us an update on this now 2-year-old issue. Guest: Duff Conacher, Co-founder of Democracy Watch - A bill has been passed by the Canadian Senate to relax the rules around who qualifies for a medically assisted death with those suffering from mental illness to be potentially eligible. What does this mean for someone who's contemplating suicide as a result of their mental illness? Could those seeking out treatment for mental illness see treatment as an option second to physician-assisted suicide? Guest: Dr. Sonu Gaind, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto; Chief of Psychiatry/Medical Director of Mental Health, Humber River Hospital - There is more and more talk about whether or not countries should boycott the Beijing Olympics. Would a boycott make enough noise or would a better move be to send athletes and encourage them to protest? Guest: Dr. Michael Naraine, Assistant Professor of Sports Business, Brock University
47 min
Ben's Story of the Day - 1 ring for 2 proposals...
Today's edition of Ben's Story of the Day features: 1) A Florida man thinks the one ring he bought will be enough to satisfy both of his girlfriends. 2) A man in Malaysia is tired of cars speeding by his house so he builds a solution to slow them down. 3) When your handgun application gets denied in Tennessee, there's probably a very good reason for that decision but that didn't stop this white guy from reapplying using the name of one of the US' most famous presidents ever. Which one will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?
7 min
Selling pot in Ancaster & Sports Talk with Don ...
A licence has been granted to a pot shop to open its doors in Ancaster however it's being met with some resistance not because of what it's selling but rather where it's going to be sold. How close is too close for certain businesses like pot shops and liquor stores to be in relation to places like school bus stops and day cares and how did this application go through despite the massive backlash from the public? Guest: Lloyd Ferguson, Ward 12 Councillor, City of Hamilton - Don Robertson joins Scott for this week's edition of Sports Talk with Don Robertson to talk about the oddity that is the Toronto Maple Leafs. Also on the docket is when it is alright for a team to ease up on their opponent due to being so far ahead on the scoreboard. Guest: Don Robertson, Head Coach & Owner, Dundas Real McCoys & Broker of Record, ComChoice Realty
47 min
The Brightest Conversation in Hamilton with Mik...
Scott welcomes Mike Fortune back to the show for another edition of The Brightest Conversation in Hamilton. Boycotting the Beijing Olympics, a potential federal election in June, March Break becoming 'April Break', 3-day work weeks, $3,000 headlights and even how romantic Mike gets on Valentine's Day.
53 min
Bonus Segment - Lies every parent has told thei...
Every parent has to tell their kids something, or else the questions never stop. Scott goes to the internet to find out the best white lies that have been told by parents to their children.
13 min
Tom's Story of the Day - Ironic bumper stickers...
Today's edition of Tom's Story of the Day features: 1) Ironic bumper stickers are weird, enjoyable to read and when put in context can give you a good laugh. For example, if your sticker says "I'm not drunk", maybe don't drink and drive. 2) Are algorithm's perfect? Not in the case of this story of an ad agency selling stock photos. Facebook clearly doesn't have one, or else some photos wouldn't be flagged as sexual or adult in nature. 3) What happens when someone dies? They get a funeral, maybe buried, possibly cremated. What about when your religion doesn't allow cremation? Well, this guy's nephew knew exactly what to do. Which one will be crowned Tom's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?
6 min
How bad could a 3rd wave of COVID-19 be? Say He...
Health officials claim that a potential third wave of COVID-19 could be coming. How bad could it be? And what are the chances of this third wave arriving? Guest: Dr. Ahmad Firas Khalid, Health Policy PhD graduate and Queen Elizabeth Scholar in Strengthening Health Systems - March Break is becoming "April Break". Is it a good idea? Bad idea? Scott opens the lines to hear what you think. - Anybody who's been to a sporting event knows part of the fun comes from being loud, cheering, booing, and more. But how far should fans be allowed to go? Guest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor, CHCH-TV
46 min
Bonus Segment - Showerthoughts with Tom
That moment of genius you get when you're about to fall asleep or the amazing revelation you had in the shower can be summed up as one word: a showerthought. Together, Scott and Tom explore some of the best showerthoughts the internet has to offer.
7 min
New announcements about LRT, Pros & cons of pa...
The LRT is back in the news thanks to updates from the provincial and federal governments, but how will they affect Hamilton? Guest: John-Paul Danko, Ward 8 Councilor, City of Hamilton - Paid sick days have been a talking point throughout the pandemic. Some are for it, some are against it. Scott weighs the options with the help of Peter Shawn Taylor. Guest: Peter Shawn Taylor, Senior Features Editor, C2C Journal - Nominees for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame are released. Who's on the list? And who deserves to be inducted? Guest: Eric Alper, Publicist, Music Commentator & Shameless Idealist
43 min
Ben's Story of the Day - The Cactus Smuggler, E...
Today's edition of Ben's Story of the Day features: 1) Everyone knows you should never cuddle up to a cactus. Some smuggler didn't get the message and had what must have been a very uncomfortable flight from China to New Zealand. 2) Dumping an ex is taking a new turn this Valentine's Day! For only $10 you can name a litter box after your ex! 3) Why does Zoom have the option to be a kitten? That's what a lawyer is asking following a mid-trial mishap that probably brought some much needed cuteness to what was likely a not so cute court case. Which one will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?
6 min
Hamilton's Commonwealth Games Bid, Edmonton's F...
Hamilton's bid to host the Commonwealth Games has reached a bit of a standstill. Where are things currently standing and is there still a possibility of seeing the games return to Hamilton? Guest: Louis Frapporti, Chair, Hamilton 2026 Commonwealth Games Bid Corporation - There are lots of names vying to be chosen as the new name of the Edmonton Football Team. So far none of them have really jumped out as a clear winner to Scott so he consults Steve Foxcroft to get his opinion on what seems to be a lacklustre list of options. Guest: Steve Foxcroft, Sports Broadcaster, NFL Chain Gang Member, NBA Court-side Administrator & Vice-President, Fluke Transport - The LCBO is selling a bottle of whisky for $85,000. Is it worth the price? Or is it too expensive for its taste? Guest: Davin De Kergommeaux, Spirits Author; International Whisky Judge; Founder, Canadian Whisky Awards
48 min
Will's Story of the Day - A chicken fueled stan...
7 min
Racism from Hamilton School Board trustees, Can...
Steven Del Duca, leader of the Ontario liberal party, joined Scott to talk about what he thinks should happen to the trustees named in the report about racism on the Hamilton School Board. Will Canadians all be vaccinated by September? Some callers share their thoughts with Scott on that. Don Robertson shares his thoughts on this week in sports. Wasn't there some big event recently? He might bring it up.
56 min