The Morning Show with Devon Peacock

Listen to The Morning Show with Devon Peacock on 980 CFPL.

Building on a floodplain
All eyes are on the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority after city council approved a development in northeast London that happens to be located on a floodplain. Is that a good idea? Jenna Allain, manager of environmental planning and regulations for the UTRCA, joins The Morning Show.
7 min
Unaffordable prescriptions
A new poll by Leger done on behalf of Heart & Stroke and the Canadian Cancer Society has found nearly one-quarter of Canadians have reported splitting pills, skipping doses, or deciding not to fill or renew a prescription due to cost. Foram Patel, policy analyst for Hearth & Stroke, joins The Morning Show.
8 min
An early start to the maple syrup season
London has had a very mild winter, what impact will that have on the maple syrup season? According to the Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush, it's had a big impact. Sandra McDougall volunteers at the sugar bush and joins The Morning Show.
8 min
Demanding fair pay for Uber drivers
Some Uber drivers in Canada and around the world went on strike on Valentine's Day following a report that found some drivers could be getting paid just $6.37 an hour. Thorben Wieditz, co-founder of Metstrat and a researcher with the Ridefair Coalition, joins The Morning Show.
7 min
Would you hire someone with a criminal record?
A new study has found Canadian companies are reluctant to hire people with criminal records but should they be? A study by the John Howard Society of Ontario found people with criminal records can be reliable employees.
7 min
Bringing Hollywood to the Forest City
Would you rent your home out for a TV or movie production? Film London is asking for residents to consider it as the city looks to attract more productions to the Forest City. Andrew Dodd from Film London joins The Morning Show
6 min
An apology from London Police
The woman at the centre of a sexual assault case against five former members of Canada's world junior hockey team got an apology from London Police Chief Thai Truong on Monday. Can trust with police be rebuilt? Jennifer Dunn, executive director of the London Abused Women's Centre, joins The Morning Show to discuss.
8 min
What happens next in the Hockey Canada sexual a...
The sexual assault case of five former members of Canada's world junior hockey team has been put over to the end of April. What happens now? Nick Cake, from Cake Criminal Defence, joins The Morning Show to discuss what happens next.
8 min
Is it time for new leadership at London Transit?
London Transit and Mayor Josh Morgan are at odds over the mayor's proposed budget. The LTC has started a campaign to attract more funding, which has the mayor questioning their leadership.
7 min
The investigation into 5 members of Canada's 20...
The sexual assault case of five players from Canada's 2018 world junior hockey team goes before a London court today, hours later London Police will hold a news conference on the investigation into the case. What should we expect? Former London Police Chief Murray Faulkner joins The Morning Show
8 min
Cakes, desserts... and dirt
Construction season can't end soon enough for Happiness Coffee and Dessert Bar. BRT construction is right outside their front door making it difficult for customers to find their business. Owner Olha Prytkov joins The Morning Show to share her experience.
8 min
Budget talks begin at London city hall
Mayor Josh Morgan has unveiled his budget and it includes an 8.8% tax hike for 2024. Ward 6 Councillor Sam Trosow joins The Morning Show to give his reaction.
8 min
Solving London's housing crisis
A city committee has endorsed a plan to lift a cap on bedrooms in dwellings city-wide. Could this help solve London's housing crisis? Jared Zaifman, CEO of the London Home Builders Association, joins The Morning Show.
7 min
Is Wiarton ready for Groundhog Day?
Will we get an early spring or six more weeks of winter? Jay Kirkland, the mayor of South Bruce Peninsula, joins The Morning Show to talk about how preparations for Groundhog Day are going in Wiarton.
7 min
Did you get a pandemic pet?
The Humane Society of London & Middlesex is raising awareness about a dog that has been in their care for over 344 days, more than half its life. Marrissa Sitts from the humane society joins The Morning Show to talk pandemic pets.
7 min
Would you allow Elon Musk to put a computer chi...
Elon Musk revealed this week the first human has received an implant from his computer-brain interface company Neuralink. What is it and is it safe? London-based tech analyst Carmi Levy joins The Morning Show.
9 min
London's doctor shortage
The Ontario Medical Association is calling out the provincial government to do more on the family doctor shortage. Dr. David Barber from the OMA joins The Morning Show to explain why we have so few family doctors.
7 min
Fanshawe College responds to fed government int...
Fanshawe College President Peter Devlin joins The Morning Show to share his thoughts about the federal governments cap on international students. Devlin believes the feds took a "sledgehammer" approach to the issue.
9 min
Will paratransit service in London improve in 2...
Paratransit service was a hot button issue in 2023, will the situation improve in 2024? Accessibility advocate Jeff Preston tells The Morning Show why he's optimistic the situation may be about to change.
7 min
Mayor Josh Morgan talks 2024 budget
London city politicians will hear from the public and begin budget deliberations this week. Mayor Josh Morgan joins The Morning Show to talk about the budget.
8 min
Turning parking lots into apartment buildings
Mayor Josh Morgan has announced a plan to redevelop office space into residential units and a commitment to overhaul surface parking lots in downtown for housing. Will this help London's housing crunch? Jesse Helmer, former city councilor and deputy mayor in London, joins The Morning Show.
6 min
Capping student visas
This week, Canada announced it was capping the number of study permits it approves over the next two years to get a handle on a ballooning international student program. What comes next for Ontario? AJ Wray, community planner and geographer, joins The Morning Show.
8 min
Stopping renovictions in London
London is one step closer to cracking down on so-called renovictions. Sharon Hodgson, Webster Street resident and London ACORN activist joins The Morning Show to talk about what city hall should do.
7 min
How bad is the traffic in the west end?
City politicians have voted to reallocate funds from planned intersection improvements at Oxford and Wharncliffe to cover overruns for BRT. What will be done to address the traffic issues in the west end? Ward 8 Councillor Steve Lehman joins The Morning Show.
7 min
Should you drink 100% fruit juice?
If you've been drinking 100% fruit juice to stay healthy, you may want to think again. A new study links it to weight gain in adults and children. Michelle Nguyen, the lead author of the study, joins The Morning Show to explain.
8 min