Planning Your Financial Future

Every week, Don Fox of Fox Group Private Wealth Management shares his Financial Planning advice with you. With over 35 years of experience, Don has advised clients on the A-Z’s of Financial Planning. It’s that experience that brings a down to earth approach to help you navigate today’s financial stressors. To quote Don, “It all starts with a comprehensive financial plan” and every week Don and his team share real life financial stories and solutions. 

IG Private Wealth Management May 22, 2021
"Vacation property succession planning" "Investment concepts" "Value of Canadian dollar" "Taxing your online income"  
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management May 15, 2021
"Crypto currency" "Tale of 2 pandemics" "How much life insurance do you need?" "Why affluent buy insurance"
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management May 8, 2021
"3 steps to debt reduction" "Charitable giving" "Post pandemic financial habits" "Another pandemic Mother's Day"
46 min
IG Private Wealth Management May 1, 2021
"3 steps to successful investing" "5 forces investors may be under estimating" "Selling your principal residence" "Behavioral investment councilor"
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management April 24, 2021
"Budget update 2021" "Budget 2021" "Budget 2021" "Budget 2021"
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management April 17, 2021
 "Maximizing fun!" "Tax strategy" "Achieving 4% return" "More tax tips"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management April 10, 2021
"Old age security" "The markets" "Value of advice" "Finances and dementia"
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management April 3, 2021
"Help your kids buy a house" "Income protection" "Non-Fungible Token." "Ontario Budget"
46 min
IG Private Wealth Management March 27, 2021
"The markets a year later" "Personal financial review" "Tax tips for 2020" "Benefits of incorporation"
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management March 20, 2021
"FOMO" "Payday loans. Help or hindrance?" "3 lessons from a battle with the taxperson" "6 steps to save money" 
43 min
IG Private Wealth Management March 13, 2021
"Series T" "1 Year, 3 classic mistakes" "Risks of retirement" "Handling the tax bomb after death"
40 min
IG Private Wealth Management March 6, 2021
"Fixed income teeter totter" "Should you always contribute to an RSP" "Stock market roller coaster" "Splitting income always a good idea"
41 min
IG Private Wealth Management February 27, 2021
"Searching for financial stability" "Home office expenses" "Last minute RSP's" "Sudden wealth"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management February 20, 2021
"How to handle a wealth crisis during a health crisis" "Annuities" "Annuities part 2" "RSP room and I don't know what to do with it"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management February 13, 2021
"How to avoid retirement failure" "Markets" "Borrowing to invest"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management February 6, 2021
"GameStop explained" "Canadians with U.S. retirement plans" "Canadians retiring in U.S." "RESP checklist"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management January 30, 2021
"The markets" "Living common law in Ontario" "RESP mistakes" "Latin words"  
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management January 23, 2021
"Pandemic financial habits" "Family investment habits" "Avoiding RSP mistakes" "Will revue"
46 min
IG Private Wealth Management January 16, 2021
"Out of province executors" "2020 review mirror predictions" "The Kitchen Reno" "Working from home"
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management January 9, 2021
"New Years fiscal resolutions" "Taking CPP early" "CPP tips"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management December 19, 2020
"To share or  not to share" "DIY investing" "CERB and mortgages" "Delaying CPP"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management December 12, 2020
"10 lessons we have learned over 25 years" "Tax planning check list" "Tax planning check list" "The home office"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management December 5, 2020
"Forms of financial abuse" "Behavioral investing" "Tax law selling"
45 min
IG Private Wealth Management November 28, 2020
"Financial planning week" "Sustainable investing" "10 tips to build your future" "Banton trust"
44 min
IG Private Wealth Management November 21, 2020
"Get a will!" "Follow the plan" "CPP take up decision" "Navigating retirement during a pandemic"  
44 min