Shaye Ganam

A place to talk. To come together. To be heard. Shaye Ganam is taking the conversation province-wide on 630 CHED in Edmonton and QR Calgary - 770 AM, creating a collective town square to rehash the old and imagine the new for every part of this province. Tune in Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to noon to join the conversation. Follow Shaye Ganam on Twitter to keep up with your host wherever he goes.

Canada’s electoral system may not be perfect — ...
Josh Dehaas, Counsel, Canadian Constitution Foundation
5 min
Constitutional challenge to Canada’s FPTP
Matt Risser, Charter Challenge Co-lead
10 min
Fentanyl-related deaths and addictions mandate
Dr. Monty Ghosh, addictions medicine physician and associate professor at the University of Alberta and Calgary.
11 min
Province scraps bid to host Commonwealth Games
Moshe Lander, economist, Concordia University
7 min
Quebec divers make incredible underwater discov...
Jean-Simon Richard, president of a local archeology and natural history museum, Musée des Iles-de-la-Madelein
8 min
The indictment of Trump
Peter Wehner, senior fellow at the Trinity Forum and author, The Death of Politics
14 min
National security council will be vital to safe...
Aaron Shull, senior legal executive and managing director, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
10 min
Trudeau says feds aren't primarily responsible ...
Steve Pomeroy, industry professor and executive advisor at the Canadian Housing Evidence Collaborative, McMaster University
7 min
Who's Patrice Runner and how did he figure out ...
Rachel Browne, journalist and documentary producer with bylines for VICE, Macleans, The Walrus and more
10 min
Are you a victim of moral superiority?
Michelle Cyca, author, The Walrus
9 min
Why is Canada so far behind the U.S. when it co...
Brian Kingston, president, Canadian Vehicles Manufacturers' Association
6 min
Meta is ending news availability from Canadian ...
Dr. Anabel Quan-Haase, Rogers Chair in Studies in Journalism and New Information Technology, Faculty of Information and Media Studies/Department of Sociology, Western University
6 min
Walking through a better use for Alberta’s oil ...
Markham Hislop, energy journalist and publisher, Energi News
13 min
A strike wave has swept across Canada this year
Dr. Simon Black, professor in the labour studies department, Brock University
8 min
Are flying taxis in our future?
Nigel Waterhouse, president, Can-Am Aerospace
9 min
What it was like to live in the Osoyoos area th...
Sonia Nicholson, author and archivist living in Victoria (was in the Osoyoos area visiting her parents this past week)
6 min
The latest on the coup in Niger
Chris Roberts, teaches African politics and international relations at the University of Calgary, fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and is president of African Access Consulting
10 min
Your cigarettes are going to look a little diff...
Rob Cunningham, senior policy analyst, Canadian Cancer Society
10 min
Tentative deal reached in B.C. port strike
Dan Kelly, president and CEO, Canadian Federation of Independent Business
7 min
Will a failed attempt at fixing the housing cri...
John Ibbitson, writer at large, Globe and Mail
6 min
Budweiser tugs at the heartstrings with new ad ...
Dr. Gail Saltz is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill-Cornell Medical College and a psychoanalyst with the New York Psychoanalytic Institute
10 min
Alberta parks mandate letter orders 900 new cam...
Tara Russell, program director for Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's northern Alberta chapter
7 min
How can we vacation in the climate crisis?
Tom Rachman, contributing columnist, Globe and Mail and author of a newly released novel, The Imposters
10 min
Predicting wildfires with artificial intelligence
Hossein Bonakdari, associate professor of engineering, University of Ottawa, who has studied AI and machine learning for more than a decade
10 min
Advocates hope rookie minister can tackle incre...
Dr. Paxton Bach, an addictions specialist and co-medical director of the B.C. Centre on Substance Use
9 min