Shaye Ganam

A place to talk. To come together. To be heard. Shaye Ganam is taking the conversation province-wide on 630 CHED in Edmonton and QR Calgary - 770 AM, creating a collective town square to rehash the old and imagine the new for every part of this province. Tune in Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to noon to join the conversation. Follow Shaye Ganam on Twitter to keep up with your host wherever he goes.

After daughter killed by Taliban, Canadian Forc...
Stewart Bell, Investigative Journalist, Global News
9 min
Who is putting civilian lives at risk in Ukraine?
Shuvaloy Majumdar, Munk senior fellow and heads the foreign policy and national security program at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute
9 min
Author Salman Rushdie attacked before lecture o...
Grace Westcott, President, PEN Canada
8 min
When is it Canada's turn to lead NATO
Tim Dunne, former chief of media relations with NATO’s southern European headquarters in Naples, Italy
9 min
Does the ArriveCan app need to go?
Matt Malone, a law professor at Thompson River University in Kamloops, B.C., who specializes in trade secrets and confidential information
11 min
Today's show: Rebound from a layoff, banning no...
Mike Shekhtman, Julie Macfarlane, Brian Martin & Frank Florian
38 min
You can see the Perseids meteor shower this wee...
Frank Florian, Director, Planetarium and Space Sciences at TELUS World of Science
5 min
MLB's Field of Dreams game is another example o...
Brian Martin, Canadian baseball historian and author
12 min
Advocates say non-disclosure agreements need to...
Julie Macfarlane, law professor, University of Windsor, Co-founder, Can’t Buy My Silence
10 min
Rebounding from a layoff
Mike Shekhtman, regional director in Vancouver for employment consultancy Robert Half
9 min
City of Edmonton blames P3 model for Valley Lin...
Ricardo Acuña, executive director, Parkland Institute
9 min
Tumbling prices could mean the worst of inflati...
Jonathon Driedger, a Manitoba-based analyst with LeftField Commodity Research
8 min
Today's show: Fertilizer emissions, the product...
Paul Muyres, Michael Veall, Dr. Ivy Bourgeault & Robert Falconer
31 min
Hundreds of scientists set to rally for more fe...
Courtney Robichaud, Postdoctoral Fellow, Carleton University, organizing member, Support our Science
9 min
Ukrainian refugees are being left behind and th...
Robert Falconer, Researcher in Immigration and Refugee Policy, University of Calgary
5 min
Advocates say a national system for tracking me...
Dr. Ivy Bourgeault, a research chair in gender, diversity and the professions at the University of Ottawa, and lead of the Canadian Health Workforce Network, a research group that studies health human resources.
8 min
Businesses looking to tackle the productivity p...
Michael Veall, an economist at McMaster University who is leading a team of researchers and working with Statistics Canada to bolster Canadian productivity
7 min
The federal government is proposing a cutdown o...
Paul Muyres, agronomist and president of Solid Ground Solutions
9 min
Today's show: Possible pesticide ban in Edmonto...
Tim Cartmell, Perry Stothart, Kuan-Wei Chen & Matt Lebo
35 min
Donald Trump says the FBI executed search warra...
Matt Lebo, Department Chair, Professor, Political Science, Western University
8 min
Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan causes an ongoin...
Kuan-Wei Chen, Executive Director, Centre for Research in Air and Space Law, McGill University
8 min
Economists say the roof is about to cave in on ...
Julia Wendling, economist, independent research firm Rosenberg Research & Associates Inc
6 min
Edmonton committee considers ban on cosmetic pe...
Tim Cartmell & Perry Stothart
16 min
Today's show: RCMP 's use of spyware, Legal Aid...
Dr. Tom Keenan, Danielle Boisvert & Dr. Elaine Chin
27 min
Employees don't want to come back to the office...
Dr. Elaine Chin is the founder of Executive Health Centre. Her latest book is Welcome Back! How to Reboot Your Physical and Mental Well-Being for a Post-Pandemic World
9 min