Shaye Ganam

A place to talk. To come together. To be heard. Shaye Ganam is taking the conversation province-wide on 630 CHED in Edmonton and QR Calgary - 770 AM, creating a collective town square to rehash the old and imagine the new for every part of this province. Tune in Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to noon to join the conversation. Follow Shaye Ganam on Twitter to keep up with your host wherever he goes.

How will the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act affec...
Markham Hislop, energy journalist & publisher, Energi News
14 min
Today's show: Gaps in veteran care, should Cana...
Debbie Lowther, Erik Johnson & Dr. Alika Lafontaine
28 min
Canadian Medical Association’s 1st Indigenous l...
Dr. Alika Lafontaine, President, Canadian Medical Association
8 min
Butterfly decoys trick predators into attacking...
Susan Gordon, PhD Candidate, Biology, University of Ottawa
8 min
The rules for peace and war in outer space
Kuan-Wei Chen, Executive Director, Centre for Research in Air and Space Law, McGill University
10 min
Is it time to seriously consider regulated priv...
Erik Johnson, a Canadian living in the UK and working in the insurance industry
11 min
Assisted dying discussion renews warnings about...
Debbie Lowther, executive director of VETS Canada
8 min
80th anniversary of deadly Dieppe raid
David O'Keefe, Canadian historian, author of several books on Canadian military history including "One Day in August"
13 min
StatsCan report suggesting French use is on the...
Jack Jedwab, president of the Association for Canadian Studies
10 min
Will Canada head back to the polls this fall?
Michelle Rempel Garner, MP Calgary-Nose Hill
11 min
Judge sides with Enbridge in Michigan’s latest ...
Dennis McConaghy, retired TC Energy executive and author on energy-climate policy in Canada, on the cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline project by TC Energy and the Alberta Government.
11 min
Is Canada in a baby bust?
Rahim Mohamed, freelance writer based in Calgary
10 min
Amanda Todd’s story foreshadowed the harms that...
Signy Arnason is the associate executive director of the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, a national charity that operates
11 min
Should housing wealth be taxed?
Steve Pomeroy is head of housing policy research firm Focus Consulting Inc., Industry Professor at McMaster University’s Canadian Housing Evidence Collaborative and Senior Research Fellow at Carleton University’s Centre for Urban Research and Education.
16 min
Alberta will launch a review into the handling ...
Lorian Hardcastle, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary, with a joint appointment to the Department of Community Health Sciences in the Cumming School of Medicine
8 min
A new report says Canada's gas should become th...
David Campbell, Policy Lead at Public Policy Forum, contributed to the report
10 min
Canada is falling short on its promises to Ukraine
Michael Bociurkiw is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and a global affairs analyst
12 min
Alberta justice minister outlines plan for prov...
Tyler Shandro, Justice and Solicitor General
12 min
How mammals won the dinosaurs' world
Dr. Steve Brusatte, Professor of Palaeontology and Evolution, University of Edinburgh, author of The Rise and Reign of the Mammals
13 min
Farmers defend milk prices increases
Sylvain Charlebois, a professor of food distribution and food policy at Dalhousie University / Director, Agri-Food Analytics Lab
11 min
What happens next for the Alberta Liberal Party?
Dave Cournoyer, Alberta politics writer, runs Daveberta blog
10 min
Canada Should Mind the Business Investment Gap
Bill Robson, CEO of the C.D. Howe Institute
10 min
Why more than financial incentives are needed t...
Dr. Vesta Michelle Warren, president of the Alberta Medical Association and a family doctor
11 min
Former ambassador's say, Ottawa's centralized d...
Louise Blais, served as Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations from 2017 to 2021. Currently a senior advisor, the Pendleton Group.
8 min
Province launches ‘Alberta is calling’ talent r...
Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta
13 min