RNN Group Podcast

Welcome to the RNN Group Podcast where you’ll discover more about college life and the vast range of career focussed courses on offer at Rotherham College, North Notts College and Dearne Valley College. Debbie chats with the tutors and also hears from students past and present about their experience of learning with the RNN Group.

The Benefits of Adult Learning
Returning to learning as an adult can expand your horizons, help your employment prospects, boost your wellbeing and give you an enormous sense of pride and purpose.  So how do you go about it and how does the RNN Group smooth your path back into...
31 min
Making the Switch from School to College
For many students, the switch from school to college is the first major change in their educational environment, and the first step into a more self-determined life.  Debbie chats with college staff and students to explore what to expect from...
30 min
Episode 4: Get Apprenticeship Ready
Could an apprenticeship be the best learning route for you?  The RNN Group work with over 2000 apprentices and 700 employers.  In this episode Debbie discovers how modern apprenticeships work and the advantages for both the student and...
31 min
Episode 3: Parent FAQ
Parents have many questions about the benefits of their children studying at college and in this episode, Debbie uncovers answers to the most frequently asked questions. How do these qualifications measure up? What financial help is available? How do...
19 min
Episode 2: Getting Ready To Join Us
In this episode, Debbie finds out what life is like at college and what other activities students can get involved in, from the Students’ Union to clubs and societies.  Hear from the tutors and students themselves on how to prepare for college,...
21 min
Episode 1: Your Future
There are around 12,000 students at the RNN Group Colleges on various programmes such as vocational courses and apprenticeships for school leavers and adults, from foundation learning to degrees and other higher education and skills courses. In this...
25 min