Same Old Arsenal Podcast

Football is wonderful, football is painful, being an Arsenal fan feels like it gives you a large slice of both. So why not re-live all things Arsenal with the Same Old Arsenal podcast?

Amanda, Chris and James meet weekly to talk everything and anything related to the club we love. Arsenal matches, Arsenal transfers, Arsenal of the past, present and future – with some special guests along the way.

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Episode #3 Its Just The Same Old Arsenal in Munich
Tonight me and Memz are joined by Joe and Claude as we talk about the debacle in Munich amongst over stuff!!
83 min
Episode #2 Ozil and Sanchez Soup
Joined by Colin and Lee, We talk about Chelsea, Arsenal Fan Tv and general going's on around the club the past week.
85 min
Episode #1 A New Podcast is Born
Craig and Memz are joined by Lee and Bradders for their first episode of a new podcast. The boys talk Southampton and Watford and also about the fan base at this current time. Follow us on Twitter @SameOldAFC
89 min