
Truce explores how we got here and how we can do better. It's a history podcast about the Christian Church, from pyramid schemes to political campaigns. Season six explores the link between some evangelicals and the Republican Party, featuring special guests like Rick Perlstein, Frances Fitzgerald, Jesse Eisinger, and more.

Season five tells the backstory of Christian fundamentalism. Season three follows the rise of communism and socialism in Russia and how it changed the American Christian Church.

Truce is hosted by Chris Staron, writer/ director of the films "Bringing up Bobby" and "Between the Walls", and author of "Cradle Robber".

Fatty Arbuckle and the MPAA
Did Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle murder Virginia Rappe? That questions defined the film industry for thirty years. Upset with Hollywood's moral failures, Christians demanded changes. We took over, fighting until the studios decided to censor themselves....
20 min
Freedom of speech. We all say we want it, but do we really? On this episode of the Truce podcast, we talk with Abby Johnson, the subject of the new film "Unplanned" which hit theaters in March. Abby shares her story of having worked for Planned...
36 min
How Multi-Level Marketing Targets Christians (4...
Did you know that Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump have all stumped for the multi-level marketing industry? MLMs, direct sales, and network marketing have powerful friends. But what about Christian...
21 min
The Amway Decision (feautring Robert Fitzpatric...
The Amway Decision. The Federal Trade Commission decided that Amway was not an illegal pyramid scheme, but a legitimate business. How did that happen? Why is it important. This week on the Truce Podcast we're joined once again by Robert Fitzpatrick of...
11 min
The Human Cost of Multi-Level Marketing (featur...
We know that tying business to religion can be tricky. Think about recent stories involving Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A, or In-N-Out Burger. But what happens when we tie our religion to a business model that just doesn't work? That's what many...
24 min
Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid, and Ponzi Schem...
What is multi-level marketing? It turns out, it is a very popular business model that targets Christians and other people of faith. But... it is almost guaranteed to fail. Because MLM's and direct sales companies are not designed to sell a product but...
28 min
Prosperity and Reformed: Follow the Money
We're taking a week off from releasing a full episode of the Truce podcast, but I wanted to give you a little something to think about. Where is your media coming from? Your audio sermons? Your curriculum? Let's start a conversation! You can find the...
1 min
The Prosperity Gospel (featuring Brandon Kimber...
The Prosperity Gospel. It goes by a lot of names. Prosperity, name it and claim it theology, The Secret, the word of faith movement... but how did it begin? Who came up with the ideas that are now spreading throughout the world? This week on the...
25 min
Leadership (featuring Mark Galli of Christianit...
This week we talk with Mark Galli, editor in chief of Christianity Today about leadership. Are we all called to lead or are just some of us? Does that mean we don’t have to lead if we’re not gifted in that way? We’re also joined by Paul Wingfield...
17 min
Failure as a Weapon (featuring Andrew Schwab of...
Is it okay to fail? Are we okay with failure in the Christian church? Even mainstream churches frequently link financial and business success with God's blessing. If we're not rich and don't have a big following, does that mean that God doesn't love...
19 min
The Influencer Economy (featuring Andrew Schwab...
There are so many temptations for people who create media. We are constantly targeted by scams, encouraged to brag about ourselves, and told we could always be doing better. Those pressures are shaping the modern church. For better or worse. This...
23 min
Your Media Time Out Experiences
Author Michelle DeRusha (Katrina and Martin Luther, True You) gave up media for six weeks. She did it for Lent, the time of year right before Easter when some Christians give something up in order to draw closer to God. In this episode of the Truce...
30 min
The Media Time Out
We're surrounded by media. All the time. On our phones, the television, radio... even music at the supermarket. When was the last time you enjoyed the silence? This week on the Truce Podcast, we're going to take a break from media. No TV, radio,...
24 min
Trailer: The Influencer Economy
New episodes of the Truce Podcast are coming soon! Our special guests will include Andrew Schwab of Project 86 and The Pioneers Podcast, author Michelle DeRusha, and Robert Fitzpatrick from Pyramid Scheme Alert. We're exploring how Christians are...
0 min
The Christmas Truce
In World War II the world was in chaos. Men shooting other men. The old world of horses and bayonets collided with machine guns and tanks. In the midst of the madness, thousands of men left their trenches on Christmas and met their neighbors. It was a...
10 min
The Rosetta Stone
The events of Daniel 11 helped to disprove Mormonism. In this episode, we take a look at the Rosetta Stone, the Book of Abraham, and Joseph Smith. Truce is a listener-supported podcast. Help by donating via Patreon and GoFundMe. Follow us on...
11 min
Christianity Today's Living and Effective
Living And Effective is the newest podcast from Christianity Today and the Christian Standard Bible. Chris sat down with Richard Clark (@TheRichardClark) to discuss media ethics and the nature of Christian broadcasting. Is it okay to talk about...
23 min
Help! (For One Minute)
We need your help! Truce is taking a break this week so we can do some marketing. In the meantime, please: 1) Leave a review on Apple Podcasts, or where ever you listen 2) Tell two friends about the show 3) Pray for Truce! God willing, we'll...
0 min
Predicting the End
We're still here, despite the fact that dozens of predictions have told us that the world would have ended by now. John Hagee, Jack Van Impe, Joseph Smith, Jehovah's Witnesses, John Wesley, Harold Camping and so many others have made bogus...
15 min
Suffrage: The Textbook and the Hatchet (2 of 2)
It took a long time for women to get the right to vote. And it took a lot of different opinions about how to go about fighting for that right. Frances Willard, the second president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, used marches and speeches....
23 min
Suffrage: How Women Stopped the Drink and Gaine...
The 1800's were a drunken mess. The median adult in the US drank 1.7 bottles of 80 proof alcohol each week. Each week! The 1800's were also a time when women didn't have many rights: they couldn't vote, were expected to stay home, and were somewhat...
23 min
Is Jesus Eternal?: Begotten
Is Jesus eternal? There is a key word in the gospels and the Nicaean Creed: begotten. We don't use it much today, but some people take it to mean that Jesus hasn't been around since the beginning of time. Jehovah's Witnesses use it as proof that...
6 min
A Roman Emperor and the Easter Bunny
How did we decide on the day we celebrate Easter? Believe it or not, it was decided 1700 years ago at the Council of Nicaea, which was called by the Roman emperor Constantine. There was some confusion as to whether or not it should be tied to the...
6 min
Constantine: Council of Nicaea and the Spread o...
Modern Christians believe that Jesus is God, eternal. But some people in the early church didn't think so. So early leaders decided to call the Council of Nicaea. Today people like Dan Brown (the DaVinci Code) might see this as when Constantine...
18 min
Constantine: Persecuted to Preferred
Who was the first political leader to use Christianity to his benefit? We see it all the time today, but when did it begin? This is the first part in a series looking at the impact of the Roman Emperor Constantine on history. We're still dealing with...
17 min