
Truce explores how we got here and how we can do better. It's a history podcast about the Christian Church, from pyramid schemes to political campaigns. Season six explores the link between some evangelicals and the Republican Party, featuring special guests like Rick Perlstein, Frances Fitzgerald, Jesse Eisinger, and more.

Season five tells the backstory of Christian fundamentalism. Season three follows the rise of communism and socialism in Russia and how it changed the American Christian Church.

Truce is hosted by Chris Staron, writer/ director of the films "Bringing up Bobby" and "Between the Walls", and author of "Cradle Robber".

Why Are We Covering This? A Conversation with E...
Why is a Christian Podcast Covering Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism?
25 min
Godless Utopia (featuring Roland Elliott Brown)
The story of anti-Christian Soviet propaganda
28 min
Pioneer 1
How the Soviets Created The Myth of the Perfect Citizen
9 min
Vladimir Prokhnevskiy: Christian Refugee from U...
How Soviets Oppressed Christians
25 min
Religious Persecution Under the Soviet Union
28 min
The Rise of Lenin and Stalin
How Lenin and Stalin killed millions of their own people
26 min
What is the Difference Between Communism and So...
What is the difference between communism and socialism?
30 min
History of The Russian Church
How Russian history was shaped (for better or worse) by Christianity
33 min
A Russian Christmas
Why Russians celebrate Christmas and New Years on different days than the US
20 min
Christmas Episode Exchange
21 min
The rogue monk who helped bring down the Romanov dynasty.
29 min
The Fall of the Romanovs (2 of 2)
The murder that changed modern Christianity - the Romanovs and the fall of tsarist Russia.
21 min
Romanov Stroganoff (1 of 2)
The murder that changed modern Christianity - the Romanovs and the fall of tsarist Russia.
31 min
Phil Vischer (creator of VeggieTales)
Truce is back with a special guest: Phil Vischer, one of the creators of the VeggieTales video series. He's also the creator of the new Laugh and Learn Bible and one of the hosts of the Holy Post Podcast (strongly recommended). You can find our...
26 min
Season 3 Trailer
Truce is back for a third season! We'll begin with a conversation with Phil Vischer, creator of the popular VeggieTales animated series and the author of the new Laugh and Learn Bible. Then we're going to take a sharp turn and study Russia: how did...
1 min
The Faith of Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte. No question he was a military genius and was partially responsible for modernizing Europe. But there are some things we just aren't sure about. Like, was Napoleon a Christian, a Muslim, or a poser? In this, the final episode of...
31 min
Patreon/ Season 3 Update featuring Eric Nevins ...
We've started to post bonus content for Truce on our Patreon subscribers. If you give as little as $3/ month you'll get special bonus episodes like this one. You can donate at Special thanks to Eric Nevins of...
3 min
We are the 99%
Remember Occupy Wall Street? That movement from the early 2000's caused a stir after the financial crisis of 2007-2008. They demanded that the people responsible for the crash be punished for their actions. We in the Christian church often struggle...
14 min
Leverage: How Wealthy Christians Use Money to C...
John D. Rockefeller was a shrewd businessman. Even to the point of breaking the law to get what he wanted. His Standard Oil company was eventually broken up using the Sherman Antitrust act. But his money kept influencing society. On this episode of...
23 min
John D. Rockefeller: Money in the Church
John D. Rockefeller was the richest man... maybe ever. His Standard Oil Company swallowed up the competition and broke the law. Yet, this man claimed the name of Christ. We're in the middle of a series about money in the church. How does it get to...
22 min
Are Christians Supposed to Tithe?
Are Christians supposed to tithe? It's a big question, one that many pastors disagree on. A tithe literally means 10%. A bunch of people in the Old Testament were commanded to give 10%... are we supposed to continue that tradition today? This is...
16 min
Using the Internet to Reach Muslims
Reaching Muslims via the Internet. Can it be done? Our special guest today uses Google Ads, videos, and messaging apps to reach out in Muslim countries. We can't give any specifics about who he is or which organization he works for. But we think...
19 min
Population Scare!
The Pew Research Center released a study stating that there will be more Muslims in the world than Christians by the year 2050. That study terrified many Christians! Because we're so used to being the dominant religion on Earth. So there seemed to be...
19 min
Reaching Muslims featuring Samy Tanagho
This bonus episode features Samy Tanagho, author of "Glad News, God Love You My Muslim Friend". Samy explains a few ways that Christians can reach out to our Muslim friends. He recommends that we start with common ground: Jesus as Messiah, Abraham and...
9 min
Should Christians Fear Muslims?
After 9/11 many American Christians became afraid of Islam. Even to the point of no longer wanting to share the gospel with Muslims. On this special episode of the Truce Podcast, Chris speaks with Dr. Hormoz Shariat of Iran Alive Ministries and Samy...
25 min