Interviews with strong, empowered and passionate women, to help inspire others to pursue dreams, overcome obstacles and take charge of their own destinies.
BONUS: Heike Yates on the women she would like ...
Heike Yates on the women she would like to be for a day.
Hear more from Heike:
Heike Yates on her definition of success
Heike Yates on what she learned from her mother about womens roles in society
Heike Yates on the biggest risk shes ever taken
Heike Yates on a lesson she has learned that sticks with her
Heike Yates on advice to an aspiring woman entrepreneur
Heike Yates on her proudest career achievement
More about Heike Yates.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Heike Yates on advice to an aspiring wom...
Heike Yates on advice to an aspiring woman entrepreneur.
Hear more from Heike:
Heike Yates on her definition of success
Heike Yates on what she learned from her mother about womens roles in society
Heike Yates on the biggest risk shes ever taken
Heike Yates on a lesson she has learned that sticks with her
Heike Yates on her proudest career achievement
Heike Yates on the women she would like to be for a day
More about Heike Yates.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Heike Yates on her definition of success
Heike Yates on her definition of success.
Hear more from Heike:
Heike Yates on what she learned from her mother about womens roles in society
Heike Yates on the biggest risk shes ever taken
Heike Yates on a lesson she has learned that sticks with her
Heike Yates on advice to an aspiring woman entrepreneur
Heike Yates on her proudest career achievement
Heike Yates on the women she would like to be for a day
More about Heike Yates.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Heike Yates on what she learned from her...
Heike Yates on what she learned from her mother about women's roles in society.
Hear more from Heike:
Heike Yates on her definition of success
Heike Yates on the biggest risk shes ever taken
Heike Yates on a lesson she has learned that sticks with her
Heike Yates on advice to an aspiring woman entrepreneur
Heike Yates on her proudest career achievement
Heike Yates on the women she would like to be for a day
More about Heike Yates.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
2 min
BONUS: Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taug...
Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society.
Hear more from Jennifer:
Jennifer Reitman on her dream for women
Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspiring journalist
Jennifer Reitman on her definition of success
Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewarding life
Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding part of her career
Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's learned that sticks with her
Jennifer Reitman on whether or not she worries about being liked
Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would choose to be for one day
More about DAME Magazine.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
2 min
BONUS: Jennifer Reitman on her dream for women
jennifer Reitman on her dream for women.
Hear more from Jennifer:
Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspiring journalist
Jennifer Reitman on her definition of success
Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewarding life
Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society
Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding part of her career
Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's learned that sticks with her
Jennifer Reitman on whether or not she worries about being liked
Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would choose to be for one day
More about DAME Magazine.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
1 min
BONUS: Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's lea...
Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's learned that sticks with her.
Hear more from Jennifer:
Jennifer Reitman on her dream for women
Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspiring journalist
Jennifer Reitman on her definition of success
Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewarding life
Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society
Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding part of her career
Jennifer Reitman on whether or not she worries about being liked
Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would choose to be for one day
More about DAME Magazine.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
1 min
BONUS: Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would ...
Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would choose to be for one day.
Hear more from Jennifer:
Jennifer Reitman on her dream for women
Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspiring journalist
Jennifer Reitman on her definition of success
Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewarding life
Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society
Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding part of her career
Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's learned that sticks with her
Jennifer Reitman on whether or not she worries about being liked
More about DAME Magazine.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding p...
Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding part of her career.
Hear more from Jennifer:
Jennifer Reitman on her dream for women
Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspiring journalist
Jennifer Reitman on her definition of success
Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewarding life
Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society
Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's learned that sticks with her
Jennifer Reitman on whether or not she worries about being liked
Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would choose to be for one day
More about DAME Magazine.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
1 min
BONUS: Jennifer Reitman on her definition of su...
Jennifer Reitman on her definition of success.
Hear more from Jennifer:
Jennifer Reitman on her dream for women
Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspiring journalist
Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewarding life
Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society
Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding part of her career
Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's learned that sticks with her
Jennifer Reitman on whether or not she worries about being liked
Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would choose to be for one day
More about DAME Magazine.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspirin...
Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspiring journalist.
Hear more from Jennifer:
Jennifer Reitman on her dream for women
Jennifer Reitman on her definition of success
Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewarding life
Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society
Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding part of her career
Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's learned that sticks with her
Jennifer Reitman on whether or not she worries about being liked
Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would choose to be for one day
More about DAME Magazine.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
1 min
BONUS: Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewa...
Jennifer Reitman on her secret to a rewarding life.
Hear more from Jennifer:
Jennifer Reitman on her dream for women
Jennifer Reitman on advice to an aspiring journalist
Jennifer Reitman on her definition of success
Jennifer Reitman on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society
Jennifer Reitman on the most rewarding part of her career
Jennifer Reitman on the lesson she's learned that sticks with her
Jennifer Reitman on whether or not she worries about being liked
Jennifer Reitman on the woman she would choose to be for one day
More about DAME Magazine.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
1 min
BONUS: Jessica Craven on Canvassing
Jessica Craven on canvassing.
Hear more from Jessica:
Jessica Craven on working with the California Democratic Environmental Caucus.Jessica Craven on whether or not she worries about how she's perceived.Jessica Craven on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society.Jessica Craven on the woman she would choose to be for one day.
More info about Jess.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
5 min
BONUS: Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who...
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to get involved politically.
Hear more from Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her best habit.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her definition of success.
Elizabeth Tulasi on organizations that help women run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the lesson she learned that she has carried with her.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the most rewarding part of her career.
More about California Women's List.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
1 min
BONUS: Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who...
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to run for office.
Hear more from Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to get involved politically.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her best habit.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her definition of success.
Elizabeth Tulasi on organizations that help women run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the lesson she learned that she has carried with her.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the most rewarding part of her career.
More about California Women's List.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Elizabeth Tulasi on her best habit
Elizabeth Tulasi on her best habit.
Hear more from Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to get involved politically.
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her definition of success.
Elizabeth Tulasi on organizations that help women run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the lesson she learned that she has carried with her.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the most rewarding part of her career.
More about California Women's List.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Elizabeth Tulasi on her definition of su...
Elizabeth Tulasi on her definition of success.
Hear more from Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to get involved politically.
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her best habit.
Elizabeth Tulasi on organizations that help women run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the lesson she learned that she has carried with her.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the most rewarding part of her career.
More about California Women's List.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Elizabeth Tulasi on organizations that h...
Elizabeth Tulasi on organizations that help women run for office.
Hear more from Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to get involved politically.
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her best habit.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her definition of success.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the lesson she learned that she has carried with her.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the most rewarding part of her career.
More about California Women's List.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Elizabeth Tulasi on the lesson she learn...
Elizabeth Tulasi on the lesson she learned that she has carried with her.
Hear more from Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to get involved politically.
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her best habit.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her definition of success.
Elizabeth Tulasi on organizations that help women run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the most rewarding part of her career.
More about California Women's List.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
0 min
BONUS: Elizabeth Tulasi on the most rewarding p...
Elizabeth Tulasi on the most rewarding part of her career.
Hear more from Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to get involved politically.
Elizabeth Tulasi on advice for women who want to run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her best habit.
Elizabeth Tulasi on her definition of success.
Elizabeth Tulasi on organizations that help women run for office.
Elizabeth Tulasi on the lesson she learned that she has carried with her.
More about California Women's List.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
1 min
BONUS: Jessica Craven on Working with the Calif...
Jessica Craven on working with the California Democratic Environmental Caucus.
Hear more from Jessica:
Jessica Craven on canvassing.Jessica Craven on whether or not she worries about how she's perceived.Jessica Craven on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society.Jessica Craven on the woman she would choose to be for one day.
More info about Jess.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
4 min
BONUS: Jessica Craven on Whether or Not She Wor...
Jessica Craven on whether or not she worries about how she's perceived.
Hear more from Jessica:
Jessica Craven on canvassing.Jessica Craven on working with the California Democratic Environmental Caucus.Jessica Craven on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society.Jessica Craven on the woman she would choose to be for one day.
More info about Jess.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
4 min
BONUS: Jessica Craven on What Her Mother Taught...
Jessica Craven on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society.
Hear more from Jessica:
Jessica Craven on canvassing.Jessica Craven on working with the California Democratic Environmental Caucus.Jessica Craven on whether or not she worries about how she's perceived.Jessica Craven on the woman she would choose to be for one day.
More info about Jess.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
5 min
BONUS: Jessica Craven on the Woman She Would Ch...
Jessica Craven on the woman she would choose to be for one day.
Hear more from Jessica:
Jessica Craven on canvassing.Jessica Craven on working with the California Democratic Environmental Caucus.Jessica Craven on whether or not she worries about how she's perceived.Jessica Craven on what her mother taught her about women's roles in society.
More info about Jess.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
1 min
Elizabeth Tulasi Supports Democratic Women Runn...
Elizabeth Tulasi, who brings 15 years of political and non-profit management experience to her Board role for California Women's List, a political action committee that supports Democratic women running for state office in California. She started her career as a Capitol Hill staffer in Washington DC. Upon returning to California, Elizabeth worked at a Food Bank, advocating to make healthy food more accessible and other programs that serve families living in poverty. Most recently she managed issue campaigns at California's largest business advocacy alliance as COO.
More about California Women's List.
Learn more about The Passionistas Project.
Passionistas: Hi, and welcome to The Passionistas Project Podcast. We're Amy and Nancy Harrington. Today we're talking with Elizabeth Tulasi who brings 15 years of political and nonprofit management experience to her board role for California Women's List a political action committee that supports democratic women running for state office in California. She started her career as a Capitol Hill staffer in Washington, DC. Upon returning to California, Elizabeth worked at a food bank advocating to make healthy food more accessible and other programs that serve families living in poverty. Most recently, she managed issue campaigns at California's largest business advocacy alliance as COO.
So please welcome to the show Elizabeth Tulasi.
Elizabeth Tulasi: Hi, thank you so much for having me.
Passionistas: Thanks for being here. What are you most passionate about?
Elizabeth: I'm most passionate about, I think finding the truth and everybody recognizing what is the truth and what is real. And I think that if people have information and people recognize what's going on, then we can all make better decisions. I think a lot of things in our economy and our society and our political processes are hidden and obfuscated often on purpose. So if those things come to light and people have that information, then we can all make better choices that I think are better for everyone better for our clinic.
Passionistas: How does that relate to the activism that you do?
Elizabeth: Well, I think a lot of people don't know what decisions are made at all various levels of government. I think a lot of people don't even know what the various levels of government are.
The presidential campaigns take up a lot of space in people's minds and they are of course, very important, but the decisions that affect your and my everyday life are usually made much closer to home. And we also have more control over those things. So, you know, thinking about schools, if we want good schools in our communities, those decisions are made by local school boards. The funding that schools have are determined because of state and local taxes that are also determined by state and local representatives. If you have good parks in your neighborhood or in your state, those again are determined by local and state elected officials. So a lot of power resides much closer to wherever you live. And I really want people to know about that and to insert their voices into those conversations. You know, Nancy and I were talking just a minute ago about the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and she has so many quotable nuggets of wisdom. But I think that I think a lot about is one where she said women belong in all places where decisions are being made and decisions are being made all around us. And we need to know what decisions those are, who's making them. And how do we be part of that? Let's go back.
Passionistas: When did you get interested in politics and activism?
Elizabeth: I remember as a kid, I was even in girl Scouts, which wasn't necessarily political, but it was public service. And a lot of the things that we were working on, it became a question of why is this problem? You know, like when we would go make sandwiches and give them out to homeless folks, living in our area as a kid, you're always asking why are ther