Climate One

We’re living through a climate emergency; addressing this crisis begins by talking about it. Co-Hosts Greg Dalton and Ariana Brocious bring you empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the challenge — the scary and the exciting, the individual and the systemic. Join us.

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Earth Sciences
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News Commentary
My Climate Story: Ben Santer
In 1995, Ben Santer authored one of the most important sentences in the history of climate science: “the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate.” While one of the first statements to identify humans’ role in driving climate change, the vitriol that followed was personal and malicious, impacting both Santer’s career and family. “If you spend your entire career trying to advance understanding, you can't walk away from that understanding when someone criticizes it or criticizes you,” says Santer, now a scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Berkeley. With his research contingent upon government funding, Santer is concerned about the future of climate science under an administration that does not prioritize it. This piece is published in partnership with Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 250 news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story. Guests: Ben Santer, Climate Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Related Links: At Hot Center of Debate On Global Warming (New York Times) Yes, humans are causing climate change. And we've known for 40 years. (Popular Science)
28 min
From Wheels to Wings: Our Flying Car Future
Can we beat the traffic by taking to the skies? Sailing over freeways in a flying car, commuting in minutes instead of hours, has long been the stuff of science fiction. But ambitious startups are on their way to making urban airborne mobility a reality.
50 min
How Pro Sports Can Be a Player in Climate
From stadiums packed with energetic fans to food, beer, and waste, athletics can have a big carbon footprint. But could the core values of athletics — integrity, teamwork, and commitment — be the same values we need to tackle the climate challenge? Guests: Dusty Baker, Special Advisor, San Francisco Giants Roger McClendon, Executive Director, Green Sports Alliance Jim Thompson, Founder, Positive Coaching Alliance.
50 min
Carbon Offsets: Privileged Pollution?
Carbon offsets have been called everything from a band-aid solution to “the best thing a consumer can do right now.” A new service even offers customers a monthly subscription to offset their carbon footprint. Meanwhile, offset providers are scrutinized for transparency, and purchasers are criticized for using them as a get-out-of-jail-free card. In the race to bring carbon emissions to zero, are offsets a legitimate tool, or a delusion that allows heavy emitters a way out of taking real action? What impact does purchasing offsets have on poorer communities?
50 min
Tom Steyer: Power Disruptor?
Businessman, activist, and Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer says he’ll declare climate change a national emergency on Day One of his presidency. But is this the moment for another wealthy, white, male to run for president?
50 min
Superpower: How Renewables are Transforming Ame...
Achieving the goal of 100 percent clean power presents a host of challenges, from modernizing an aging electrical grid to transporting and storing the energy we produce. Do we have what it takes to make the transition from fossil fuels to renewables?
50 min
The Land of Dreams and Drought
The California dream has been beckoning people west for over two hundred years. But making that dream come true for an ever-increasing population in the era of climate change has taken its toll on the landscape. Is the California dream coming to an end?
50 min
Drawdown: Do We Have What It Takes to Solve Cli...
When it comes to solving climate change, where do we start? Eat less meat, improve family planning, cut down on flying, or switch to renewables? How do we best allocate resources, prioritize policies, and design economic tradeoffs as we move forward?
50 min
The Art of the Green Deal
Where is the U.S. headed with political action on climate: Green New Deal, Green Real Deal, or no deal at all? Democratic Senator Ed Markey and Republican Representative Matt Gaetz discuss their respective proposals for climate action.
50 min
The Fate of Food
How do we go about feeding a planet that’s hotter, drier, and more crowded than ever? Join us for a conversation on how innovatio, agriculture, technology and traditional knowledge are coming together to sustain a planet of eight billion.
51 min
Cities for the Future
Cities around the world are bracing for a growth spurt. How do we redesign our cities to withstand the challenges of cars, climate change and rapid population growth? Can we build a Tomorrowland that is sustainable, livable and inclusive?
51 min
Climate Winners and Losers
Who will win and lose as climate disruption impacts agriculture, employment, crime, storms and human mortality?
48 min
David Wallace-Wells: The Uninhabitable Earth
In his new book The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, David Wallace-Wells explores how climate change will impact not just the planet, but human lives. So If science and news headlines won’t propel us into climate action, will fear do the trick?
51 min
Can a Circular Economy Salvage the Climate?
Produce, consume, discard; we all know the routine. Raw materials are extracted, produced into goods, and used – sometimes only once – before turning into waste. And maybe we think that recycling that Starbucks cup or Smartwater bottle is the best we can do for the planet. But that’s only one part of the story. Now, innovative companies are “going circular” by transforming how their products are designed, used, and remade. Can a circular economy salvage the climate and save the planet?
49 min
Jay Inslee: The Climate Candidate
Democratic presidential hopefuls regularly mention, but rarely prioritize climate change. Washington Governor Jay Inslee is the only candidate making it his top priority. Can a climate-focused candidate nudge the Democratic platform toward bolder action?
51 min
Mindful Travel in the Age of Climate Change
We know that hopping on a plane is one of the worst things we can do for the climate. So how do we justify the environmental costs of travel? Three veterans of adventure and eco travel talk about seeing the world mindfully and responsibly.
50 min
If You Won't, We Will: Youth Action on Climate
A global surge in youth climate action is reverberating from the streets through the highest levels of government. But is it enough to influence the decisions of industry and fossil fuel interests, let alone the current presidential administration?
51 min
David Gergen on Climate Politics and Public Op...
Former presidential advisor David Gergen on the Green New Deal, InsideClimate News reporter Marianne Lavelle on the latest climate action proposals, and Republican political strategist Lori Weigel on how conservation and conservatism can go hand-in-hand.
50 min
Republicans and a Democrat on Climate
The Democrats’ proposed Green New Deal is shaking things up in Washington, and with more and more of their communities feeling the effects of climate change, Republican lawmakers find they ignore the topic at their peril. Is there such a thing as a bipartisan climate solution? Guests: Ryan Costello, Former U.S. Representative (R-PA) Christine Pelosi, Executive Committeewoman, Democratic National Committee Carlos Curbelo, Former U.S. Representative (R-FL)
49 min
Sea Changes: Why Oceans Play a Bigger Role in C...
From regulating the temperature of the planet to generating half of the oxygen we breathe, oceans are a vital part of sustaining life on Earth. Join us for a conversation exploring how oceans play a bigger role in climate than you may think.
50 min
How Climate Broke California’s Biggest Utility
Energy giant PG&E has admitted that faulty power lines lit the spark for California’s most deadly wildfire ever. The company now faces billions in liabilities and has declared bankruptcy. What’s next for PG&E – and for California’s energy future?
52 min
REWIND: Oppressive Heat: Climate Change as a Ci...
Why do environmental movements lack diversity, and why has it been so difficult for nonprofits to reach communities of color? We ask hip hop artist and activist Mystic, civil rights hero Rev. Gerald Durley, and civil rights lawyer Ingrid Brostrom.
50 min
Fighting Fossil Fuels All the Way to Prison
In 2015, Greenpeace activists suspended themselves from a Portland bridge to protest an oil rig bound for the Arctic. Such extreme activism gets headlines, and sometimes results. But is radical civil disobedience the most effective weapon for change?
49 min
Climate One at Harvard With Obama’s Climate Team
John Holdren, former Science Advisor to President Obama, and Gina McCarthy, former U.S. EPA Administrator, join host Greg Dalton for a special recording of the program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
50 min
The New Surf and Turf
From sushi to chicken wings to Texas barbecue, what is our appetite for animal protein doing to the climate? Could a new generation of meat alternatives, like the Impossible Burger, satisfy American appetites and reduce our impact on the planet?
48 min