Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

Upbeat and in-depth, Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey breaks down the latest in culture, news, theology & politics from a Christian, conservative perspective. Allie’s fresh analysis of the most important issues provides an entertaining and effective way to stay in the know.

News Commentary
Religion & Spirituality
Ep 14 | Holy Sexuality with Dr. Christopher Yuan
Dr. Christopher Yuan tells his story of transformation from an agnostic gay man to a redeemed Bible professor. Not only did God turn his unbelief into belief, but God also freed him from the bondage of drugs and promiscuity. Our interview includes discussion of sexual identity, drug addiction, incarceration, and HIV. Dr. Yuan gives insight into the biblical definition of sexuality and how Christians can lovingly approach this topic with others. Afterward, I give my takes on North Korea and the epidemic of suicide. Also: Another "Thing I Don't Get." Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
53 min
Ep 13 | Two Gay Men + A Christian Baker Walk in...
Christian baker Jack Phillips just won his historic Supreme Court case, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. What is it, what does it mean, and is it a win for the First Amendment? Also, we'll hear about a high school valedictorian who was censored for talking about God in his graduation speech. I'll quickly cover Bill Clinton and Miss America and then answer two audience questions: "Is birth control moral?" and "Why aren't you Catholic?" Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
33 min
Ep 12 | Free Speech & Our Fast Track to Tyranny
Roseanne, the NFL, Tommy Robinson, Starbucks, Ireland & religious persecution: I tie it all together in the discussion of free speech, human dignity and the slow death of individualism. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
39 min
Ep 11 | "First, Satire. Then, Sexuality."
First, I chat with editor-in-chief of The Babylon Bee, Kyle Mann, on the effectiveness and importance of Christian satire and the current problems the church is facing. Then, in light of the pope's recent comments, I answered the question many of you have been asking: What's the Christian take on homosexuality? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
39 min
Ep 10 | "I Will Bless Those Who Bless You and C...
In a historic move, Trump moved the United States embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Why does this matter, and why are many on the Left and in the media so ridiculously mad about it? I'll break down the political and religious implications of American-Israeli relations, as well as God's plan for the Jewish people. Then, we'll get to the important stuff: Yanny vs. Laurel. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.    
37 min
Ep 9 | Who Even Am I?!
Since this IS the "Relatable" podcast, I thought I'd peel back the layers and tell you a little about me, my walk with Christ, and how I landed on this career path. Many of you have asked for my story, so I hope you enjoy! And my apologies to those hoping for politics this week — we'll be back on that track next episode. I also take a few of your many amazing questions at the end.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
48 min
Ep 8 | "Clumps of Cells" to "Dying with Dignity...
The tragic case of Alfie Evans brings to light the absolute illogic and evil of the culture of death presently perpetuated throughout Europe, and, to a lesser extent (for now), in America. I break down the current impact and trajectory of this devastating cultural and political trend and what it means for the Christian.
54 min
Ep 7 | Can Liberals Love Jesus?
Progressive liberalism has become mainstream — and Christians are latching on. Allie breaks down the key differences between conservatism and liberalism and highlights the contradictory nature of being a "liberal Christian." 
40 min
Ep 6 | No, Christians Aren't Called to "Social ...
Christians are undoubtedly commanded to do good works, but why put a secular, progressive label on what the church has been doing through the power of the gospel for centuries: caring for the weak, feeding the poor, and fighting for the oppressed? The idolatry of social justice is actually distraction from the centrality of Jesus and his death and resurrection. I explain why. Also: Q&A and tribute to Barbara Bush. 
40 min
Ep 5 | The Only "Racial Reconciliation" the Chu...
The cancer of "intersectionality" has started to seep into the church. It defines people by their individual, racial, ethnic, class, and gender oppression rather than who they are in Christ. Such worldly doctrine is antithetical to the gospel and is unnecessary for (and even counterproductive to) unity between the varying dimensions of humanity. Jesus is sufficient for that.
38 min
Ep 4 | The Christian Case for American Patrioti...
It's no longer commonly accepted that America is the greatest country in the world. It has become trendy to apologize for, minimize and even demonize our country's strength. There are many in the church who have adopted this unpatriotic mentality as well, either because of apathy or a misinformed desire for socialism. Here's why we should all be thanking God for the gift of living in America. 
38 min
Ep 3 | Guns, Government & God: Why I Fight for 2A
As the media breathlessly fawns over "March for Our Lives" gun control advocates, Second Amendment supporters are demonized as child murderers. Not only is that depiction inaccurate, it's immoral: I'm no "gun nut;" you're probably not either, and falsely slandering us as such does damage to society as a whole. Here's the truth about the Second Amendment, those who support it, and why it all matters.
35 min
Ep 2 | A Porn Star & the President: Should Chri...
It's no secret the president has had his "fun" with women in years past, but the question is: Should we care about it now? How should Christian Trump voters respond to allegations of sexual promiscuity and even sexual harassment? Should we ignore it altogether? Should we renounce our support? Allie breaks it all down and introduces her first "Things I Don't Get" on today's episode of "Relatable."
34 min
Ep 1 | Intro to Yours Truly & the Uncool (& Unb...
It's the first episode! Allie gives background on who she is, what she does, and what you can expect from her weekly "Relatable" podcast. Then, she breaks down the dangerous direction of the #MeToo movement into the unbiblical territory of victimization and emasculation.   
33 min