Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

Upbeat and in-depth, Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey breaks down the latest in culture, news, theology & politics from a Christian, conservative perspective. Allie’s fresh analysis of the most important issues provides an entertaining and effective way to stay in the know.

News Commentary
Religion & Spirituality
Ep 39 | When Your Favorite Christian Teachers L...
Today, we'll talk about Matt Chandler's upcoming documentary with VICE and the growth of identity politics within the church.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
32 min
Ep 38 | Before Believing Kavanaugh's Accuser
Today we're told that unless we unconditionally believe the woman who accuses a man of sexual assault, we're misogynists. In reality, that theory is unjust. Instead, we should always be in an earnest pursuit of truth. On this episode, I discuss the complexities of the latest Kavanaugh drama and unpack possible conclusions.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
30 min
Ep 37 | Growing Anti-Americanism
Sadly, patriotism has become partisan. There is a growing anti-American sentiment on the Left, and it says a lot about what leftists value. We'll break down their cynicism toward our country and their privileged disregard for American greatness.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
32 min
Ep 36 | The Left Can't Not Be Crazy
I give my take on everything you guys have been asking me about: the Statement on Social Justice, the Kavanaugh hearing, Nike's Kaepernick ad, Obama's rallies, and the tragic shooting of a Dallas local by an off-duty cop. Then, Q&A.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
41 min
Ep 35 | The Paradox of Likability Within Christ...
On Tuesday, we talked about the paradox of likability as it pertains to politics and the Republican Party. Today, we discuss the paradox of likability within Christianity and specifically, how it may be used by a few Christian teachers to preach a false gospel — the "gospel of self-fulfillment." Then, Q&A. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
33 min
Ep 34 | The Paradox of Likability
If there's one thing conservatives generally lack, it's likability. Democrats and socialists have put forth their most affable candidates for the midterms, while Republicans are falling short, and we won't like the consequences. Likability isn't everything, though. It's a double-edged sword that must be wielded wisely. A Q&A section will end the episode.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
36 min
Ep 33 | Advice for Republicans
With the midterms coming up, Democrats are in full-on attack mode. These are three things Republicans and Trump should be doing to — at the least — hold on to the Senate and keep the White House in 2020. Then, a listener question.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
34 min
Ep 32 | McCain & Media Mania
Senator John McCain died over the weekend, and the reactions from both sides of the aisle were ... varied. I'll give you the truth about his life and death. We'll discuss the media's coverage of the incident, as well as its hypocritical takes on two other recent tragedies: the murder of Mollie Tibbetts and the Jacksonville shooting. Then, a follow-up on the myth of "self-love:" What about when you DON'T love yourself? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
36 min
Ep 31 | Trump: A Negative & A Positive
Today we talk about an area in which I disagree with the president and an area in which he's doing well. The first is the government's potential involvement in social media, and for that I chat with USA Today intern and Young Voices contributor Amelia Irvine. The second is the president's success in helping the black community by growing the economy, on which I receive insight from radio host Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. Then ... one thing I don't get. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
35 min
Ep 30 | The Tragedy of the Catholic Sex Abuse S...
A grand jury report released last week reveals decades-long abuse in several Pennsylvania dioceses. I talk to my favorite Catholic, Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire, to hear his perspective on the travesty. I then dig a bit deeper into my analysis of the scandal. Then, in other religious news, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints no longer wants to be referred to as "Mormons." Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
34 min
Ep 29 | 10 Tips for the Real World
 For all of you college students, college grads, and yopros — this episode's for you! Here are my ten tips for successfully transitioning from college into the "real" world.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
36 min
Ep 28 | Oh-my-rosa
The reality show continues, now starring former Trump aide Omarosa. We'll break down the drama, then we'll discuss why the media prefers covering trivial stories like this and the Unite the Right rally rather than the bombshell story of radical Islamists training kids to be school shooters. Lastly, a listener question.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
27 min
Ep 27 | Alex Jones, Masculinity & Eating Disorders
What do these three things have in common? Nothing! Today's episode has three sections: The Alex Jones controversy and what it means, the truth about masculinity and the role it plays in society, and how to heal after an eating disorder by finding your identity in Christ.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
37 min
Ep 26 | Racism, According to Twitter
Trump slams LeBron & Don Lemon and is accused of racism. NYT editorial board member Sarah Jeong expresses hatred of white people but is, according to the Left, A-okay. What’s the standard?  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
29 min
Ep 25 | The Future Is... Socialism?
 I break down what Democratic Socialism is, why kids these days think it's great and the myth that Jesus was a socialist. Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform joins the show to discuss his findings on millennials' view of socialism. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
35 min
Ep 24 | The Reality Show Continues
I'll catch you up on the latest episode of the Trump reality show that contains all the ingredients of a wholesome tale of American greatness: porn stars, hush money and Russian spies. Then, another Thing I Just Don't Get.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
31 min
Ep 23 | The Mirthless Left
 In light of the ridiculous leftist backlash to my satirical interview with Alexanda Ocasio-Cortez, I'll discuss the sad and morbid state of humor in 2018. Then, I'll answer two listener questions. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
34 min
Ep 22 | Trump, The View & Tattoos
A full rundown of the latest in politics, culture, and theology. We'll discuss Trump's tweets to Iran, the Carter Page FISA warrant, unearthing old tweets, Judge Jeanine's appearance on The View and what it says about the Left, and "Men Want Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos." Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
28 min
Ep 21 | Puttin' Up with Putin
I break down Trump's comments on Putin and why people are mad about them. Then, I answer questions about the reconciliation between predestination and evangelism and Ariana Grande's new "God Is a Woman." Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
29 min
Ep 20 | The Myth of Self-Love
"You can't love others until you love yourself." "Just pursue what makes you happy." These are the ubiquitous mantras of our day, encouraging us to ditch the "bad vibes" and do whatever makes us feel good about ourselves and our lives. The problem is that's not biblical. I'll explain why self-love isn't Christlike and how Christians, according to the Bible, are supposed to view ourselves.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
30 min
Ep 19 | Social Justice Isn't Real Justice
We'll break down the difference between social justice and actual justice and how Christians seem to be confusing the two.   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
31 min
Ep 18 | Who Is Kavanaugh?
Today we examine Trump's SCOTUS pick, Brett Kavanaugh. We'll discuss his background, his views, and what people on both sides of the aisle are saying about him. Then, we'll be joined by Ken Klukowski of First Liberty Institute to analyze Kavanaugh's constitutional chops and the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade. At the end, a listener question. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
37 min
Ep 17 | The Greatest Country On Earth
Happy 4th of July! I explain why I'm obsessed with America and why others aren't. Then, a *very* special announcement!   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
28 min
Ep 16 | Christian Egalitarianism with the Sheol...
Egalitarianism is on the move in the church. What does it mean, how did we get h​​ere, and where will it take us? I address some of the recent controversy with Paige Patterson and the Southern Baptist Convention and how the #MeToo movement is shaping our conversations around gender roles in Christianity. Joy Temby & Summer White of the Sheologians are here to help me break it all down! Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
63 min
Ep 15 | On the Border: What's True & What's Not
We've been bombarded with information and misinformation this week regarding family separation at the border. I'll separate fact from fiction and give you my take on the issue. Then, I interview Candace Owens of Turning Point USA. Last, I'll answer the oft-asked question: Why would a good God "let" bad things happen? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.      
62 min