Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

Upbeat and in-depth, Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey breaks down the latest in culture, news, theology & politics from a Christian, conservative perspective. Allie’s fresh analysis of the most important issues provides an entertaining and effective way to stay in the know.

News Commentary
Religion & Spirituality
Ep 64 | This Is Disturbing
Today we discuss the threat of the normalization of pedophilia. Copyright Blaze Media LLC. All rights reserved.
28 min
Ep 63 | Very Important Episode
I talk about a very important topic, kicked off with a very important announcement.Copyright Blaze Media LLC. All rights reserved.
31 min
Ep 62 | Girls & Boys
I'll dive into the latest insanity of the "gender fluidity" movement and discuss the truth behind its myths. Copyright Blaze Media LLC. All rights reserved.
30 min
Ep 61 | Life Ruiners
In light of Kyler Murray's and Kevin Hart's recent old tweet drama, I analyze what it means to live in a culture dominated by revenge and malice. Then, I answer a few of your questions. Copyright Blaze Media LLC. All rights reserved.    
34 min
Ep 60 | The Height of Absurdity
Melting purity rings into anatomical statues, calling "Veggie Tales" "racist," and taking "Baby It's Cold Outside" off the radio while jamming out to Jay-Z. These are this week's most absurd stories. Enjoy. Copyright Blaze Media LLC. All rights reserved.  
35 min
Ep 59 | Is Decency Dead?
I remember President George H.W. Bush and honor him for who he was: a judicious leader, a successful statesman, and a decent man. I'll talk about the significance of the death of another member of the Greatest Generation. Then, I'll touch on Lauren Daigle's recent comments. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
37 min
Ep 58 | The Religion of Progressivism
As religious "nones" are on the rise, the country is simultaneously moving further to the Left. I don't think this is a coincidence. But maybe liberals aren't to blame — maybe we Christians are. I'll delve into all the details on today's episode. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
30 min
Ep 57 | The Truth About the Caravan
With the chaos going on at the border and in the media, we need to cut through the noise. What's really happening, and what should be the Christian's response? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
36 min
Ep 56 | Discipling Millennials with Grant Skeldon
I talk with my friend Grant Skeldon about his new book, "The Passion Generation," which explains the importance of discipling Millennials. We discuss the challenges of discipleship and why it's so crucial for shaping the upcoming generation. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
36 min
Ep 55 | Christian Persecution at UC Berkeley
We talk with Isabella Chow, student senator at UC Berkeley, who is being maligned for expressing her Christian views in opposition to an LGBTQ resolution. She's an encouragement to all of us to stand strong against anti-Christian bigotry. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
32 min
Ep 54 | Our Fundamental Disagreements
We're more tribal, more outraged, more partisan than we've been in decades. What's causing this great divide, and what can we do about it? Then, a rare moment of reconciliation on SNL. Finally, one listener question. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
42 min
Ep 53 | Midterm Madness
I dive into the midterm results and what they mean for the country. Then, I look at the Left's & the media's responses. Lastly, a thing I don't get. 11/8/2018 Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
36 min
Ep 52 | Election Day!
I analyze election predictions and the implications of all possible scenarios. 11/6/2018 Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
26 min
Ep 51 | Very Good Questions
I answered many of your very good questions today. You guys are the best. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.  
32 min
Ep 50 | Anti-Semitism & Cycles of Hate
I look at the horrific tragedy at Tree of Life Synagogue and the misguided media reaction. Then, I look at anti-Semitism from a theological perspective and discuss how Christians should love our Jewish friends. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
34 min
Ep 49 | Christians' Theological Confusion
After a brief news update, we dive into to a new study by Lifeway Ministries, "The State of Theology," which analyzes the various theological views of evangelical and non-evangelical Americans.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
40 min
Ep 48 | Midterm Musings
I explain what I learned about liberals during my cross-country travels last week, then we talk midterms. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
36 min
Ep 47 | The Toxicity of Feminism
Despite what mainstream culture tells us, feminism doesn't actually stand for anything good. In fact, most of what feminism stands for is toxic, regressive, and detrimental to society. 10/18/2018 Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
30 min
Ep 46 | Abortion Ain't Biblical
An Episcopal church in California hosts an atheist abortion doctor to teach the congregation about her "mission" in her work. We discuss why abortion will never, ever be congruent with biblical Christianity. Plus, does "purity culture" really lead to rape culture? 10/16/2018 Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
32 min
Ep 45 | You're Not a Victim
The rallying cry of the Left is that you, as a woman or a minority, are a victim. Because of that, you must have the government intervene on your behalf to succeed. This is a lie. Here's why. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
34 min
Ep 44 | And This Is Why We Vote
The Kavanaugh confirmation was a hard-won victory, but the fight isn't over. Here's what we're fighting against in the road to the midterms. Then, a listener question and non-profit highlight. 10/9/2018 Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
36 min
Ep 43 | God's Sovereignty
Amid all this Kavanaugh madness, it's time to take a deep breath and a step back! This episode is a reminder to all of us (me included!) that God is in complete control. I talk through my favorite story in the Bible — the story of Joseph — and what it teaches us about God's power. 10/4/2018 Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.    
32 min
Ep 42 | Kavanaugh Continued
The most politically significant moment of our lives carries on — and with more madness than ever. I'll break it down and explain why it all matters. Then, a personal note and a highlight of one of your nonprofits. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
47 min
Ep 41 | Jen Hatmaker's Instagram Post
After a brief update on the Kavanaugh madness, I dig into one of Jen Hatmaker's recent Instagram posts that outlines her "working faith ethic." The post shows her devastating misunderstanding of the gospel, and I (lovingly) confront every way the post went wrong. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
37 min
Ep 40 | The Injustice of Believing All Women
Graham Allen of CRTV's Rant Nation joins me to talk about the insanity of the "believe all women" mantra being repeated by the Left in opposition to Brett Kavanaugh. We discuss the scariness of raising kids in a world without the presumption of innocence, where people are tried in the court of public opinion, and  where an accuser's word is final, while the accused's life is ruined.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
32 min