Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/30/18 - Hour 2
Russian hacking is alive in well, just in time for the mid-term elections?...malware viruses to attack our electric power grids? ...TDS  continues to sweep the nation? ...What is Chinese government preparing for by 2020?...is a revolution is just around the corner? ...North Korea continues to release POW's; thanks to President Trump ...We can't always rely on the 'slippy slope', case in point 'healthcare' ...Stu explains what 'fear porn' for feminists is?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/30/18 - Hour 1
Tough love on terrorism?...recalling the Obama administration's false sense of security...the darkest, and most secret things our government is involved in? ...Renaming the city of Austin, TX?...judging and condemning past generations ...Is Math is racist?...math, science and reason, anything that helped build the western way of life must be destroyed ...Post modernism in action?...recent farm bill to make up for increased taxes due to tariffs?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/27/18 - Hour 3
Wake up California!?... state employee corruption mounts, 'asleep at their desks'? ...Mati Greenspan, eToro, Senior Market Analyst, joins Glenn to discuss the recent Facebook stock plunge...have they seen their last days?...Facebook's long term vision not looking so good now? ...California vs. Texas...the costs of energy?...electricity is required for 'progress' ...Plastic straws are still our enemy?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/27/18 - Hour 2
Remember to be nice journalists today? ...Bill O'Reilly Friday...Flashback: Reagan vs. Media...'Sam Donaldson despised President Reagan'...today's media is rewarded for bashing Trump?...Listen to Bill 'speculate' on the FBI and Trump?...Bill's Word of the Day? ...Glenn's New Book, Addicted To Outrage'; release date September 18 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/27/18 - Hour 1
Live by the algorithm, die by the algorithm ...Wall Street bloodbath as Facebooks stock takes a nosedive...conservatives have been hurt the most this...Prediction: Facebook is over?...Wayne from Ohio rages against Facebook? ...Dr. Tony Amoury Alkhoury, Middle East Spiritual Case Manager, Mercury One Intern joins Glenn for needed prayers of hope?...Please donate, MercuryOne.org ...America's GDP has skyrocketed
34 min
The Daily Best of GB Podcast 7/26/18: #strawmag...
Ep #146- The Daily Best of GB Podcast: 7/26/18   - #strawmageddon?-"There is nothing more important than marriage"? -Trump bans CNN reporter for asking questions-"Lincoln's Last Trial" with Dan Abrams -In defense of Elon Musk?
56 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/26/18 - Hour 3
Former US Army Major Eric King is finally home...Eric and his family recently received a mortgage free home from 'Operation Finally Home', which provides mortgage-free homes to service members and their families who have become injured as a result of their service in the defense of our country ...ISIS claims responsibility for Toronto shooting? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/26/18 - Hour 2
Tariff war worries, the beginning of the end?...Trump is right about the EU?...Dan Abrams Co-Author Book: "Lincoln's Last Trial: The Murder Case that Propelled Him to Presidency"...captures the presidential hopeful's dramatic courtroom confrontations in vivid detail as he fights for his client -- but also for his own blossoming political future ...In defense of Elon Musk, the Ben Franklin of our time?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/26/18 - Hour 1
#strawmageddon?...Media repeats stupid lie about how many straws Americans use...500 million a day? ...'Never Say Goodbye'; the love story of Danny and Annie Perasa..."There is nothing more important than marriage"? ...President Trump bans CNN reporter for asking questions; Is Trump way out of line here? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/25/18 - Hour 3
Fake news kills?...Five Killed in Latest Mob Attack After Rumors on Social Media; India's WhatsApp Murders? ...They Daily Wire's, Andrew Klavan joins to tell us why socialism kills countries...socialism takes God away ...President Trumps offers billions in farm bill, to help ease trade pain​ ...'The News & Why It Matters' now available on iTunes …President Trump’s sins have all been baked in with his ’intentionally blind’ base?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/25/18 - Hour 2
CNN releases Michael Cohen tapes...'to pay in cash or not to pay in cash', that is the question?...the worst attorney of all time...12 tapes with only 1 Trump recording...why is Cohen doing this? ...to have Crack or not to have Crack? ...Why being addicted to outrage is all the rage?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 7/25/18 - Hour 1
Uptight and humorless...why are 'the left' incapable of laughing at themselves?...CRTV vs. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?...parody interview goes viral...1 million views...the left are going 'bat crap crazy'...Flashback Parody: Weird Al Interviews Bruce Springsteen? ...Draining the swamp with Austin Petersen, Austin joins Glenn to discuss his U.S. Senate Candidacy (R-MO), campaign giveaway, a ghost gunner 2 DIY gun creating machine; vote and win!
33 min