Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/22/18 - Hour 1
Manafort conviction and Cohen Plea?...Pardons coming?...Presidential impeachment trial chances ramp up?...when does it matter?...In the end, all of this has nothing to do with Russia ...Blaming it on your dead boyfriend? ...Bush and Romney are 'Boy Scout' Republicans ...Donald Trump is the man with the broomstick on the front porch? ...the New Mexico Muslim terror cell case keeps getting weirder? ...OJ Simpson Trial started all of this?...the fundamental transformation of America is currently underway? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/21/18 - Hour 3
#MeTooFail?...movement creator uses hush money to silence her teenage male victim? ...First Hand Account of the Persecution of Myanmar's Karen People?...Ephraim Mattos, East Asia Operations Manager for White Mountain Research, joins to explain how helping others is a cure for depression...how you can help; at MercuryOne.org ...Wisconsin company marks it's employees with the mark of the beast, and they love it? ...Brave New World or 1984?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/21/18 - Hour 2
Washington Times Op-ed...List of conditions and criteria for destroying society? ...'Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II'...with author Arthur Herman...Churchill's outbursts are a liking to today's Trump Tweets...Gandhi was far from perfect; he was a racist...history will show 'social media' was a 'good thing'?...the Washington 'establishment' has been the most rattled?...America has some serious concerns with Google?...Glenn makes a new friend?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/21/18 - Hour 1
Marxism leads to violence every time...it's alive in well in South Africa ...Refusing to going over the cliff with the rest of humanity ..."LGBTQIA Safe Sex Guide...'the front hole'?...auto correcting your 'fergina'...'cisgender normative ways' ...#MeToo founder backfire?...Chelsea Handler defends Al Franken: 'I've touched breasts and genitals'...Welcome to postmodernism 101?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/20/18 - Hour 3
The Real Story on Venezuela...Mariana Gonstead, Conflict Resolution Expert joins Glenn to discuss the rapid economic decline in Venezuela...for the past 20 years, inflation has reached over 1000%...desperation for the masses?...what is being done to fix Venezuela's problems?...Americans can help by raising awareness? ...Long-life Catholics call in to rage against the Papal machine? ...Bill Maher nails it on the First Amendment?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/20/18 - Hour 2
Evil ICE?...arrest a murderer wanted in Mexico?...outrage from left media...Democratic Socialism is on the move... the difficulties of starting a business in the U.S in 2018? ...Communications Strategist Giancarlo Sopo joins to discuss,  Gallup poll: "Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism"...when will the media, other Democrats start speaking out against? ...Courage is contagious? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/20/18 - Hour 1
When it's all said and done...silence is a virtue?...'American Idiot' 2018...the lyrics?...'Crazy Rich Asians' exceeds exceptions, number 1? ...Apologizing for privilege, is an insult to our ancestors? ...Dem Rep jokes about Trump drowning...In need of some R-E-S-P-I-C-T? ...'Addicted To Outrage'?...victims of a 'double-standard'? ...It's time for the Pope to step to the plate?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/17/18 - Hour 3
If America is lost then who will stand?...Meet Ashwaq was once a slave, she was sold in 2014 for 100 dollars at an ISIS slave market in Northern Iraq?...striving for 'true justice'...are you an 'abolitionist'?...slavery is more rampant then ever? ...Sweden, when it comes to business, is freer than the U.S.? ...Hoping for a 'earth shattering' outcome? ...Kellyanne Conway vs. Husband?...Tweet wars of disrespect?...marriage on the rocks, center stage? ...Cereal killers?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/17/18 - Hour 2
Imagine living in a world without Google? Ethics for cash?...Google releases their commie version? ...'Yeeeah, Bill O'Reilly!'...New book battles; Glenn vs. Bill...children use google as a bible?...prosecution to persecution, Colorado baker under fire again...Bill presents 2 words of the day?...'no one cares what John Brennan thinks'...Kelsey Grammer = Glenn Beck Fan ...Cheapest country where you can buy 'citizenship'?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/17/18 - Hour 1
The Jihad continues?...the fascistic state is coming quicker than you think? ...Internet = Wild West?...Facebook can be done better?...stand by voices you trust and support your values...while you still can? ...capitalism is still the best system in the world...the best, man has done yet ...'Don't vote for the ching-chong!'?...says Detroit Rep. Bettie Cook Scott to Asian opponent...Black on Asian racism? ..."Stop! We're going over the cliff"?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/16/18 - Hour 3
R.I.P. Charlie Butcher...remembering one of radio's greats? ...Reporter at Large, Benny Johnson, The Daily Caller...joins Glenn to discuss 'Antifa'...Who are they, what are their tactics, and how the media doesn't report on this hateful group?...who decides what hate speech is? ...'Pooperoni on The San Francisco Streets'?...Divorcing your 'yang'? ...First, they came for Alex Jones...?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/16/18 - Hour 2
The Washington Post's...'misleading' headline news?..."White-supremacist rally cost D.C. at least $2.6 million, preliminary estimate shows"...fact checking ensues? ...Vox Article: America might be ready for democratic socialism. It's not ready for the bill...Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, Brian Riedl joins to explain?...the insanity of the lefts way of paying for health care and college tuition for all? ...'Greatgate' escalates?...'America was never great'?...NY Governor Cuomo vs. Democratic Socialism? ...Are you growing as a person?  
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/16/18 - Hour 1
Christian baker under fire again, this time for a transgender cake?...Colorado Civil Rights commission target despite Supreme Court ruling..."just leave him alone"...Liberty or Justice for All, No More? ...TDS Alert!... NBC New reports the latest in Trump Derangement Syndrome?; Trump 'hates dogs'? ...Jacob L. Shapiro, Director of Analysis, Geopolitical Futures...discusses 'The Currency Crisis of 2018'?...why everyone needs to be worried about the future of currency; debit is rapid around the world...the 'floaist poop' in the toilet?...Turkey and Iran? ...Ben Shapiro Live, knocked it out of the ballpark?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/15/18 - Hour 3
Making people "politacally correct"... Truth will always set you free... Glenn Beck gets recharged with words of encouragement!... How does America "feel" about President Donald Trump today?... A re-cap of POTUS from days gone by... "The News and Why It Matters" today with Ben Shapiro...
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/15/18 - Hour 2
So the "perpetrator" gets to claim being the "victim"?... Special guest, Psychology Professor, sharing about the bias of colleges today... How do we find the other side of the story?... Do we gravitate to Objective Truth?... Eric Weinstein gives advice on how to market yourself, especially if you're a conservative Christian... Glenn Beck reflects on the passing of his mother along with getting death threats at the same time... 
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/15/18 - Hour 1
What are we arguing about?... Does technology rule your life, yet?... Will Human History be turned into Robotic History?... The consciousness of machines... How accurate are our memories?... Can you trust your emotions?... Where were you when 9/11 happened?... "Flash Bulbs" events... We know what we know! But do we?... Are we dealing with some of the biggest questions of man-kind?...
37 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/14/18 - Hour 3
What does it mean when Brett Kavanaugh wears that blue-striped polo shirt… The R and C words enter bitcoin enthusiasts… What’s rehypothecation?… If rehypothecation starts we are in trouble… Pat Gray joins Glenn Beck to talk news of the day… Glenn and Pat attend a ELO concert… President Trump tweets again about Omarosa… The term ‘dog’ is racist according to CNN… New Omarosa audio released… 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/14/18 - Hour 2
Terror attack in London… Peter Strzok starts a GoFundMe page and Twitter account… Peter Strzok gets FIRED from the FBI… Support of Glenn Beck… Glenn Beck has sacrificed for this country… Is Glenn trying to raise money just like Peter Strzok?… You can also help this servant Glenn Beck gofundme.com/support-for-glenn-beck… Glenn is not feeling well… How much do you appreciate Glenn today?… How many millionaires are we going to make by people just trashing President Trump… 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/14/18 - Hour 1
Chris Cuomo on antifa… Glenn needs a massage and lava rocks after listening to Chris Cuomo… Glenn tries to explain war to Chris Cuomo… Do we stand or do we fold?… What is Chris Cuomo saying?… theblaze staff writer Kevin Ryan talks about his experience meeting Jordan Peterson… Jordan Peterson a rockstar when he speaks… Jordan talks true common sense… Can we avoid going into the dark places?… Behind the scene look on Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin… American justice TODAY…
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/13/18 - Hour 3
Democratic Socialism is a scam?...Communication strategist, Giancarlo Sopo joins to explain?...the days of the JFK Democrat voters are far and few, almost non-existent? ...Flashback: Maxine Waters threatens socialist take over of big oil ...Democratic Congressional Caucus = Radical Socialists? ...Killer whale mom finally lets go? ...Moments of human kindness needed
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/13/18 - Hour 2
Writer, actor, comedian and Canadian, Gavin McInnes joins Glenn to discuss the state of things...Gavin is the CRTV host of 'Get Off My Lawn'... banned on Twitter...'we all need to fight for hateful speech'...half of America is 'punching back'...and 'yes' were heading to civil war?...albino skateboarders vs. supremacists?...the Malcolm vs Martin approach?...'sick of the high road crap, it doesn't work?'...free speech has become 'radical'
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/13/18 - Hour 1
A largely pathetic gathering?...'Unite the Right' ends in failure...over hyped rally where no one showed...except for Antifa?...NBC reporter gets the 'rough and tumble' treatment?...only 24 people showed, more people show up for a spin class, then showed up to the white supremacist rally in DC? ...a social media 'czar' is needed? ...Josh from PA describes 8.28 as one of the 'greatest experiences of my life'...8.28 was the perfect example of 'peace and unity' rally 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/10/18 - Hour 3
Be Like Maxine? ...The art of being civil with people we disagree with?...'there are no limits on comedy'?...'The Word Police' are the Left?...The Western culture is evaporating right before our eyes ...Arson is suspected in the California wildfires...2 suspects are being held ...Daddy/Daughter date for Glenn?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/10/18 - Hour 2
No more Pledge of Allegiance?...Atlanta school eliminates it for a 'Wolf Pack Chant'? ...Bill O'Reilly Friday!...'hesitancy', word of the day?...the media 'don't care' about Louis Farrakhan and Linda Sarsour...'government guidelines' and the likes of Alex Jones? ...Chicago Murder Rate vs. The Nazi SS?...Did Bill watch Kenya on Jimmy Kimmel?...Bill's first and only encounter with Kenya, 'nice pants'?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/10/18 - Hour 1
Security ramps up ahead of the White Nationalist Rally in D.C...National Socialism vs. Internationalism Socialism?...Our Founders were 'classical Liberals', before it was hijacked?...when God was replaced with eugenics?...trying to make America, Europe? ...Kanye West is one of the bravest American's out there...'Why not try loving the President'? ...Caller Dan from Ohio, thinks the country is so divided, that it is time to start thinking about dividing the country up?
35 min