Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The "BEST OF" Glenn Beck Program - 9/3/18 - Hour 2
We at TheBlaze wish you a restful Labor Day and thank you for your continued support!
34 min
The "BEST OF" Glenn Beck Program - 9/3/18 - Hour 1
We at TheBlaze wish you a restful Labor Day and thank you for your continued support!
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/31/18 - Hour 3
Looks like the Chinese are recruiting Americans... Wait a second, people voting based on values?... The difference between stealing and taxation... "Climate Change" debate starts in 3, 2, 1... An honest look at hurricanes... Bankrupt the World to save it?... How do we define our principles?... 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/31/18 - Hour 2
How's the college games progressing?... Looks like Jeffy may be eating Pat's undies??? LeBron James sharing about his childhood, the question is, was it racist?... Where's the proof behind your allegations?... Should we be 'shedding' the Republican moniker?... Is 'TRUMP-ism' the same as cultism?... Al Gore and the Holy Bible, specificly Revelation... SOOOO, things are going to worse?... Where's the news on the compound in New Mexico?...
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/31/18 - Hour 1
Pat and Jeffy filling in for Glenn... Could Ted Cruz  loose his senate seat?... Pat will be eating his underwear if Cruz looses!... It's time to vote!!! Look through the lies... Socialism in Texas?... Where's the American Flag in the film 'First Man'?... If you boycott everything, you may be awfully lonely... Would you walk out of a movie today?... 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/30/18 - Hour 3
Fun with Heath Hysteria?...Professor of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Aaron E. Carroll joins to discuss, the 'Study on Alcohol Consumption'... benefits and dangers of drinking?...harms increase with each additional drink per day, yet they are much smaller than many other risks in our lives?...4 in 100,000 chance of health harm?...No amount of salt and bacon is safe? ...Obama on basic truthful tests for information?...deciding what the 'facts' are?...Censorship at all levels
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/30/18 - Hour 2
Hangover Pat rocked out with Def Leopard last night?...Gov. Cuomo vs. Actress Cynthia Nixon...'Left on Left' fighting is a spectator sport...Marijuana is a 'racial issue', Huh? ...TV Journalist murdered in Cancun? ...The Evolution of Kanye West?...credit to him and Kim? ...Will 'It's the economy stupid!' Democrats, vote for Trump in 2020? ...Fake News vs. Fake Polls?
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/30/18 - Hour 1
But of course, it's racist?...2018: 'Don't Monkey it up' vs. Obama 2008: 'Monkeyed Around'...the left accuse GOP of 'racial' insult...Gillum's 'articulate and clear' response? ...Kids aren't playing football anymore?...'Leave it the the NFL to monkey it up'? ...Tiger Woods = Moving Stadium? ...Are racial tensions worse or better, now and then? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/29/18 - Hour 3
Stop! the 'asset forfeiture'...another case WV State Police seize $10,000 from couple without charging them with a crime...carrying cash in a cashless society...civil asset forfeiture reform of laws needed ...The big problem with Animal Crackers 'cage free' ...Actress and Governor Cuomo argue over climate (of the room where they'll debate) ...Alex Jones defends his trans-porn searches, despite his transphobic rants? ...President Trump warns Google?
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/29/18 - Hour 2
What's with all the 'Ruthsteria'?...the media continues to worship and kiss the butt of Ruth Bader Ginsburg...documentary mania?...'Ruth On-A Shelf'? ...South Africa orders gun confiscation?...but there's nothing to see here, move along, move along?? ...Louis C.K. is back, but is too early?...suspicion of phone call masturbation? ...Useful job(s) for Jeffy? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/29/18 - Hour 1
The media and their obsession with 'skin color'?...CNN Jeffy Toobin and their "appeal to racism'...non-stop 24/7...'obscured instinct' ...NPR: The School Shootings That Weren't ...Chuck Todd: Distrust of media not factual?...Meanwhile, CNN refuses to admit to it's lies (i.e. Lanny Davis)?...standing by their story ...Democrats embrace another socialist?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/28/18 - Hour 3
The war in inside the Catholic Church...Vatican in turmoil over decades of allegations...will The Pope resign?...very old accusations? ...Life without Water: Sweaty Smelly, and Furious in Caracas Venezuela ...Going Bananas at CNN?...they have no intention to report positive news about President Trump
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/28/18 - Hour 2
Lance Armstrong is back in the news? ...Is Ted Cruz really in trouble in Texas?...what polls to believe?...lets not forget who the real Hispanic in this race is?...The last thing we need to have is 'another' conversation about race ...CNN Trump 'fake news' outrage...Brooke Baldwin gets incensed?...Share your own personal stories of 'outrage' with Glenn Beck...#AddictedToOutrage 
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/28/18 - Hour 1
Pat & Stu (and Jeffy) in for Glenn ...What do you do when the cops pull you over and take your $500,000?...Utah Highway Patrol may be forced to return the money after state supreme court ruling...Since when is it 'illegal' to carry cash in America? ...'Asset forfeiture' ...The TSA is following you? ...Tiger Woods backlash for praising Trump...Skin Color vs. Content of Charterer ...Big changes coming to ESPN?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/27/18 - Hour 3
R.I.P. John McCain...goodbye to a highly appreciative progressive...being careful while Tweeting condolences?...the Greatest moment(s) of John McCain legacy?...Despite McCain's progressive legacy; Fact: McCain voted with President Trump 81% of the time...Alex Jones pays a painful tribute to John McCain? ...Tiger Woods on President Trump? ...'Round-Up' flavored ice cream anyone? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/27/18 - Hour 2
Running While Female?...43% of women runners experience sexual harassment while 'jogging'...CNN goes deeper in the murder of Molly Tibbetts? changing the narrative reporting ...In Iran, 'death to America' doesn't always mean what it seems? ...President Trump continues to rip Jeff Sessions?...his departure is a matter of time?...#IHateAllTheThingsYouChooseToBe?...Trump and Sessions in a nutshell; It's time for an episode of  The 'Oval Office'? ...BBC Report: Mass Apocalyptic  extinction coming...bye, bye forests and koalas?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/27/18 - Hour 1
Stu in for a vacationing Glenn...ladies and gentleman the dumbest plan ever...Elizabeth Warren's plan to fix 'capitalism'...Stu's, painful play by play of her plan...Progressives like Warren think everyone is too stupid to spend their own money ...Life expectancy and our current health care system? ...Another 'Gun-Free Zone' shooting...Fact-Checking 'Celebrity High School'er', David Hogg? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/24/18 - Hour 3
The Feminist Fight Club, is a real thing?..women who fight the patriarchy, and not each other...gender quality for all? ...Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton joins to discuss the states Obamacare Tax Lawsuit win...a $300 million tax refund for Texas...Government Abbott wants to give the money back to the people of Texas...Glenn goes to bat (kinda) for Alex Jones?...Visa, Master Card are now blocking donations to conservative group(s)? ...What do Glenn Beck and Rapper Soulja Boy have in common? ...Global War is coming... in more ways than one?...here comes inflation?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/24/18 - Hour 2
Thank God it's Friday = Bill O'Reilly...pardoning Manafort would be a bad thing for President Trump...campaign finance charge confusion?...the difficulty of finding real news we trust?...cable TV ratings, Including Fox News, have plunged,why?...Trump is now 'on the defensive', which could affect the mid-terms?...Nixon Impeachment vs. 'Possible' Trump Impeachment?...Cuomo to Conway, You're hijacking grief, hypocrisy ensues? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/24/18 - Hour 1
What is really going on in South Africa?...'Afriforum' the one source of information the media uses...that should set off a few warning signals?...Marxist are overrunning the country...credit to President Trump, for putting a spotlight on this issue?...things 'could' get really bad there ...playing with matches will get you burned?...fake news or genocide?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/23/18 - Hour 3
Guilt By Association, the Democrats go-to strategy...Chuck Schumer calls for an immediate pause in Kavanaugh nomination ...How South Africa Could Become the Next Zimbabwe?...Young Voices contributor, Alexander Hammond joins to discuss the rhetoric in South Africa...tension has been building for decades ...Manafort Juror: "He was guilty" ...Will Texas turn blue?...Pat threatens to eat his underwear, again...Ted Cruz vs. 'Beto' McMexican?...Yard Sign Wars?...Hillary 2028?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/23/18 - Hour 2
Senator Elizabeth Warren seizes on the killing of Mollie Tibbetts to criticize President Trump...murder suspect thinks he's the victim? ...Democrats demand Kavanaugh nomination pause? ...Things we should be caring and outraged about?...learning to have empathy for others? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/23/18 - Hour 1
Literally, yielding crappy results? California poop problems spread?... Stu considers taking a 'poop' gig?...$184K a year for picking up poop? ...The Left pays off people too...blaming Anthony Bourdain?...Stop with the # Mob Mentality?... the rise of radical movements with postmodernism roots? ...Apparently, 60 Minutes Australia has been listening to Glenn?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/22/18 - Hour 3
Liar vs. Liar?...Who do we believe here?...Black Tuesday? Not hardly?...Translating crap to English?...Cohen statements are damaging to Trump, mired in the mud of scandal? ...Botched home abortions and parsley? ...The American people just don't care...about campaign finance crime or Trump's baked in past? ...Intentional fear from the media? ...
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 8/22/18 - Hour 2
Facebook's introduces it's Trustworthy Rating Scale? ...Freedom's Forge' with Author, Arthur Herman...Trump will go down as one of the 'most significant' Presidents?...Trump voters were aware of who he was...it's going to get worse, before it gets better ...Heavy lifting for conservatives? ...Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her love for the South African government? ...#MeToo movement founder admits to sex with boy?...the Roy Moore double-standard?
34 min