Wishing and regulating away Supreme Court Justices? ...continued smear of Kavanaugh...ultimate judicial authority vs. authority? ...3 breasted models take to the runway in Milan?...Caller Kirk admits he 'thinks' he's had sex with Brett Kavanaugh but can't remember? ...US Air passenger stuck next to masturbating man for entire flight...'frozen with fear' ...Breaking Rumor: Clarence Thomas may be retiring?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/25/18 - Hour 2
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and now Apple?... Apple's first scripted drama...'Vital Signs'? ...Purdue University removes traditional homecoming gender labels...no more kings and queens? ...Michelle Obama book arena tour mania...$3,000-$6,000 tickets...her 'fantastic arms' tour?...the progressive left worship her...'a test' for her to run in 2020? ...Why is Twitter only shutting down conservatives?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/25/18 - Hour 1
Pat & Jeffy in for a sick freak Glenn?... ...Kavanaugh sits down with Fox News...was this interview necessary, hurt or help Kavanaugh? ...denies allegations, admits to being a virgin in high school...lying like a Clinton is a talent? ...Ted Cruz and wife forced out of DC restaurant...the Kavanaugh 'calendars' to save the day?...'we believe survivors!'
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/24/18 - Hour 3
Post modern social justice continues to change our world?... ...Ted Cruz vs. The Anti-Texan Beto?...who won the debate?...this Jim Crow comparison game plan is backfiring? ...6 of congressional candidate's siblings endorse opponent use video to attack Ad their own brother?...'vote for our brothers opponent'...betraying our own families for politics = blind rage? ...Alyssa Milano vs. Glenn Beck?...snarky Twitter responses ...why is the media purposely ignoring the Keith Ellison's accuser?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/24/18 - Hour 2
Outrage Culture with Heather Mac Donald...How colleges teach students to see bias where it doesn't exit?...feminist narcissism...the effort to destroy Bret Kavanaugh looks like a revenge attack on a civilization deemed too male?...what if he really was a 'skirt chaser'?...feminist are trying to take our civilization down, one nervous breakdown at a time...the death of the chaperon...America is reaping what we sowed in the 1960's...get ready a 'free speech' crisis is coming...we're divided into 3 camps?...rethinking college?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/24/18 - Hour 1
#MeTooMartyr to testify?... Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation released by the 'New Yorker Magazine'...can't back up the facts that they have published?...what we say and do can last centuries...the ramifications of what we say...our children will pay the price...i guess the truth is who you decide to believe? ...Learning from our past...Adams vs. Jefferson...lies and the press, even back then?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/21/18 - Hour 3
Another victory for tone deaf feminists?...'mansplaining' is on the decline?...Now Muslim women in India have been given the legal right to have a say in their own divorce? ...Should we only just believe the accuser?...needing more to go on...digging up all the women and Emmett Till?...him against her?...injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere? ...Kavanaugh's family is getting death threats, meanwhile the Democrats believe Keith Ellison and not his accuser?...there's always the a double-standard for the left
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/21/18 - Hour 2
Pompous leftist virtue signaling and the hell holes that they run...states like California, have some of the most ridiculous laws you've ever heard about...it's a crime to ride a bicycle in swimming pool? ...Bill O'Reilly Friday: Kavanaugh vs. The Media = Salem Witch Trials?...crazy, nutty, stuff?...you can't even question allegations anymore?...totalitarian run media...Stalin-ism is all over the left ...'Addicted To Outrage' is now available everywhere...Glenn Beck Dot Com
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/21/18 - Hour 1
Corey 'Spartacus' Booker is sewing the seeds of love...so desperately wants to be President 2020?...'of course I would consider it'...Spartacus wept?...Booker admits to groping (date rape) classmate in high school, 1992...after Booker himself, issued a call for sexual respect...the pen is mightier than the spear?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/20/18 - Hour 3
Dopamine & Social Media with author, Judith Donath...outrage and culture of deception...We've stopped seeing each other as human...stating truth vs. refuting falsehoods? ...Good News: The Crime rate is way down, like big time down...Stu shares the #'s? ...Kavanaugh Accuser's classmate: 'That It Happened or Not, I Have No Idea'?...the media is determined to take down Kavnaugh by any means necessary?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/20/18 - Hour 2
Glenn introduces his hero of the week?...Former Parkland student takes plays right out of the 'Addicted To Outrage' playbook? ...Movie director, Nick Searcy, joins to discuss his new, upcoming movie "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer"...a 'real' American horror story...abortion clinic of filth?...a story the media always ignores...afraid of the 'truth'...GosnellMovie.com...Opens Oct 12 ...What the heck is on Glenn's hand?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/20/18 - Hour 1
House of Cards and the politically Soros funded hit job on Kanvaugh, the play-by-play... ...Lobster paranoia?...the hip new humane way to boil lobsters?...stoning them? ...Fat cars for Michael Moore?... and How Not to dispose of a dead whale?...a new meaning to dumpster diving?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/19/18 - Hour 3
Deconstruction is the function of the left...weeding through the outrage isn't and easy task?...How thinking like a recovering addict can heal the country?...the key and the cure...moral outrage and a badge of honor? ...Glenn critiques Glenn?...'Addicted To Outrage' the audio book...you know you're addicted to outrage when?...encouraging 'facts' with discussion ...Sign up for the Glenn Beck Podcast Today at Glenn Beck Dot Com
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/19/18 - Hour 2
Feinstein the Flame Thrower?...has Kavanaugh on the ropes?...accuser still mum on hearing scheduled for this Monday...Flashback: Clarence Thomas Responds to Anita Hill...the press have a lower approval rating than gonorrhea? ...Update on the Sunspot Solar observatory mysterious black-helicopter shutdown?...sensible theory? ...Venezuela's President feasts on steak, while the people feast on family pets?..the good o'l days of Venezuela from a Park& Rec. perspective?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/19/18 - Hour 1
The New Social Justice Movement is in full-effect...the political is personal and the personal is political? ...Fake News Outrage: Bert & Ernie are Gay?...Words of wisdom from Muppets co-creator Frank Oz: they're not gay and why does it matter?...outrage and The Rainbow Connection? ...Glenn sat down with 'Anti-PC' Professor Michael Rectenwald...is suing NYU and Four Professors for defamation and wants you to know it..."I was a good citizen, until I said the wrong thing"? ...Bill Gates fears another global pandemic 'Virus X' is coming?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/18/18 - Hour 3
Iran, Syria, and Russia are teaming up?...the situation is a powder keg and anything can set it off? ...Top 10 Things that tell us you're white?...you may be white if?...have pets, 'trusts' people, own a gun and a flashlight? ...Glenn wonders into 'creepyville'? ...Dennis Prager joins Glenn to discuss the 'Outrage culture'...Fear of the left: The most powerful force in America today?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/18/18 - Hour 2
Bernie Sanders: America starves and bombs little children?...the post-modernism progressive playbook is playing out...will there be country left for our children, when it's all said done?...there is no 'reason' in anger ...Sunspot solar observatory reopens after mysterious shutdown?...why was it closed down?...black hawk helicopters and the FBI investigate, UFO's? ...Trump tariffs are starting to make an impact and it's not looking/feeling good?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/18/18 - Hour 1
Glenn and Stu are officially 'Addicted To Outrage'..."Happy Book Release Day!" ...Is the Western Way of life worth saving? ...Kavanaugh denies sexual allegations from 34 years ago...desperate times (for Democrats), means desperate measures...who's to believe here?...she never reported it, no proof, zero, none, she can't remember anything?...2nd woman is now emerging?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/17/18 - Hour 3
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Spending $40 Trillion will save us money, but I Don't Know How? ...'Addicted To Outrage', Glenn's New book out tomorrow, Tuesday September 18th ...Glenn meets the only conservative living in California? ...Three hours on a tarmac with Stu Burguiere?...what's with the First Class 'curtain'...necessary vs. not necessary? ...Desperate for outrage...diversity and Ice Cream?...OK is now the symbol of hate?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/17/18 - Hour 2
'The Coddling of the American Mind', with Author Jonathan Haidt...How good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure...social media has changed everything?...a generation of fragile snowflakes...'we did this to our kids'...over protection parenting (helicopter) began in the 90's...the decline of the American family as the end of Democracy nears? ...prepare your child for the road ahead and not the road for the child
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/17/18 - Hour 1
The #MeToo era of Supreme Court justice confirmation?...bad timing...trust doesn't stand a chance when it's up against hysteria?...the Democrats will get their Hail Mary pass ...One of the worst Senators of all time? ...Happy Constitution Day!...does anyone care anymore?...getting things right with flawed men...check & balances and the brilliance of a living and breathing document ...that is being dismantled?...the cure to progressiveism?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/14/18 - Hour 3
Yet another parallel universe?...the AP seems to be turning against Obama, wait what? ...Gas explosions rock Massachusetts, over 70 fires and explosions occurred...'It looked like Armageddon'?...somethings fishy here?...act of terrorism?...recalling when Vladamir Putin said World War III will be fought with 1's and 0's ...Nikki Haley draws shade over expensive curtains?...OK'ed by Obama? ...President Trump questions the Puerto Rico hurricane death toll, and the media of course has flipped out...Fact Check Time?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/14/18 - Hour 2
Deconstructing Susan Collins?...the lefts attempt to intimate? ... Doing the work America doesn't want to do...ladies and gentlemen...it's Stu Burguiere?...Bill O'Reilly Friday...Diane Feinstein's childish attempt to delay Kavanaugh...his high school 'misconduct'...new low(s) for the Democrat Party?...Ruth Bader Ginsburg goes to bat for Kavanaugh?...not really?...'insane' policies of the left...they 'want' to destroy the country ...Hurricane Florence relief is needed, please help us help others, donate just $5 today...MercuryOne.org
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/14/18 - Hour 1
Democrats attempt to delay Kavanaugh confirmation, will the GOP stop them?...Calling all Radio Hosts?...GB calls on his fellow radio compadres, Rush, Levin, and Hannity, but why? ...Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch, says anybody who attempts to speak truthfully about Islam today is "systematically targeted and vilified," becomes a "social pariah"; says it's worse than McCarthy times? ...Google is in bed with China...frightening on 'multiple levels'? ...Opening our eyes to outrage?...The future of the human mind, bio and info-tech...killing thoughts at your own discretion?
34 min
'American, Beyond Our Means'? - 9/13/18
Hour 1
The Next Crash?...could the 2008 financial crisis happen again?...Experts say, the next crash has been 'triggered'...Americans are living way beyond their means?...'we're broke'...Warning: they're coming for your pension funds next? ...Hurricane Florence 'downgraded'? ...Country music Superstar, Aaron Watson joins to discuss, New 'Live Album at the Houston Rodeo'...Aaron is still helping raise money for victims of Hurricane Harvey...41 TX counties we're affected and still need help recovering...AaronWatson.com and MercuryOne.org ...Social Media's continue to ban?...is this America anymore?
Hour 2
American Greatness Hour?... "My Father's Business" with author, Cal Turner Jr...first-person account of the family that changed the American retail landscape...birth of a retail giant 'Dollar General'...when life is about 'serving others' and the customer was 'everything' to a business ...Star of 'Dirty Jobs', Mike Rowe joins to discuss his recent comments on the Nike, Colin Kaepernick Ad?...poor timing on Nike's part...@MikeRoweWorks
Hour 3
Killing and eating, while women pee on a octopus?...just a few of the things (topics) the Social Media's won't remove? ...Stand-up comedian and Reason.com writer, Andrew Heaton, joins Glenn to discuss the Norm McDonald backlash and the slow death of comedy? ...Entertainer, Superstar Pat Boone joins...recalling when Pat wouldn't kiss his co-star in the 50's...the background story behind Debbie Boone's song "You Light Up My Life"?