Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/8/18 - Hour 1
Hour 1Rule of Law or Mob Rule?... Is this the kind of country we want?... Democrats wonder if it's time to get 'more ruthless'?... Remember the good old days when Glenn lived in the 'Doom Room'?... 300 arrested over the weekend... We haved chased our heroes away... Who are we teaching our children to be?... This is about stopping our constitution... Glenn Beck Book Tour is coming!... Website "Make Them Scared" allows people to post accusations about sexual assault with out the need for proof... How can you become 'more' ruthless?... 
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/5/18 - Hour 3
Hour 3Special Guest, comedian, John Crist... JohnCristComedy.com... Enjoy a laugh at yourself and at others for a bit... Pat Gray joins Glenn... Podcast numbers are in and Pat Gray Unleashed is HUGE!!!... How will the confirmation vote for Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court play out?... Opiodes are addictive but that doesn't mean the government needs to come in do away with them... A staff member of Mercury One has won the Nobel Peace Prize
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/5/18 - Hour 2
Hour 2 We can stand against violence towards others... #MeToo has grown out of control with more accusations than convictions... Bill O'Reilly joins Glenn during 'crunch time' covering Kavanaugh... New evidence that goes against Ford, not Kavanaugh!... Bill's book comes out 10/9/18... Alyssa Milano is stepping over to 'insane'ville... Covering the Cloture vote regarding Kavanaugh from the Senate floor... U.S Senate votes 51 - 49 if favor of proceeding forward with Kavanaugh...
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/5/18 - Hour 1
Hour 1Obama talks about his younger years... Glenn plays a doctor on T.V. ... Stu has volunteered to play the part of Obama in the 'Power Hour'... What was the typical 'black experience' during Obama's youth?... The Kavanaugh vote may cause some folks to drink... We do this in the name of science... Remember none of the Dems were up in arms over Obama's 'thug' like behavior... 300 people arrested yesterday at the Capitol... Would you be man enough to endure what Kavanaugh has gone through?...
37 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/4/18 - Hour 3
Hour 3Guest, Malcolm Gladwell, host of "Revisionist History Podcast"/ RevisionistHistory.com/ twitter @Gladwell... Discussing human memory... We shouldn't judge people based on their memories alone... Keep a journal as it serves multiple purposes... How to talk without judgement... Will this new F.B.I. investigation give the Dems any traction?... Pat Gray dives deeper with Glenn regarding Kavanaugh and will come from it all... Obama believes he may have been a 'thug' when he was younger... Dog parks are promoting rape in our culture?!... 
37 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/4/18 - Hour 2
Hour 2 F.B.I. investigation has been released on Kavanaugh, for the seventh time... If the shoe was on the other foot, how would the media be covering it?... Guest, David Barton on his new book, "The Precarious Moment: Six Urgent Steps That Will Save You, Your Family And Our Country"... Millenials are relational... Turning the hearts of Millenials around... Change a perspective by asking questions... Black History Month coming to Stage 19!... How immigration has changed over the years... Racial healing... Haven't we already logicly and compassionately worked out so many issues through our Constitution and Amendments?... Addicted To Outrage Tour...
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/4/18 - Hour 1
Hour 1Cory Booker doesn't care if Kavanaugh is innocent... Addicted to Kavanaugh?... Have we been listening?... We win when we stay with the facts... We have to change our approach to get the results we desire... Going after Kavanaugh to fuel the outrage... How quickly people believe the accuser... Giving up on social media... Has Trump been able to prove his point about the press by being quiet?... Opiods are not the problem...
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/3/18 - Hour 3
The Tail of Two Guys?...Kavanaugh vs. Ellison?...Most Democrats believe Kavanaugh, but not Keith Ellison accuser?...hypocrisy on high ...Documentary: 'The Creepy Line' with producer and author, Peter Schweizer...joins to show us how Google is using its mysterious search algorithm...Our worst suspicions are confirmed that the meddling and intervening done by Google and Facebook on their supposedly ‘neutral platforms’...Google WANTS us to talk about 'fake news'...Apple is indeed in bed with Google...Could Google swing an election?...How do we regulate without regulation?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/3/18 - Hour 2
America is $21 Trillion in Debt?...Unsustainable ...The End of Ownership with Aaron Perzanowski, Professor of Law, Case Western...Article: What we buy when we 'Buy Now'?...the results of the first study of impact of marketing language and the behavior of digital media consumers...Do we really own what we buy online, books, movies, music, etc.?...No we don't?...You don't Own it ...TheEndOfOwnership.com
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/3/18 - Hour 1
Did Dr. Ford lie under oath?...about 'never' coaching others to take polygraphs...act of perjury?...the America people must recognize we are fighting 'postmodernism' or we are done...'individual justice' is Christian, 'collective justice' is not? ..."President Trump has balls", unlike the last few Presidents, Obama, Bush, Clinton ...Last week Kavanaugh's chances looked 'dicey', this week, not so much?...a victim of 'mob justice'?...Difference between assumed and presumed?...look at facts and play the odds = numbers don't lie
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/2/18 - Hour 3
One year later...the Las Vegas shooting anniversary still haunts us all...a touching story of motherly instincts and hope? ...'Addicted To Outrage' the new book Tour is coming to a city near you?...Meet Glenn & Stu...Get your tickets now Glennbeck.com/tour ...Democrats are now calling for Kavanaugh to take a lie detector test, President Trump approves?...Diane Feinstein has destroyed many lives, including her own ...56% of Democrats believe Dr. Ford, but only 5% believe Keith Ellison's accuser's allegations?...Same Standards = Denied?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/2/18 - Hour 2
Professor of Rants & Rages...a female radical professor at Georgetown says 'all women are rape able'...she typifies the utter insanity that has overtaken the Left. No amount of evidence in favor of Kavanaugh could change her mind...there is greatness in all flawed men? ..."Freedom First: A Race Through America's Enduring History with The Gun"...author, David Harsanyi joins to discuss...the story of the gun in American life and how firearms have helped preserve our religious, economic, and cultural institutions
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/2/18 - Hour 1
Another holy crap bomb shell on Kavanaugh...Not!...the media's new 'Jack The Ripper'?...Glenn's plea to President Trump?..the media is already done 'using' Dr. Ford?...Waiting in the wings...Plan B: Senator Mike Lee? ...Scenarios, the good, the bad and the ugly?...here comes 'perjury'?...investigating 'Boofing'?...many definitions of?...'smell dat boof'? ...Innocent until accused?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/1/18 - Hour 3
Being Libertarian in Democratic states like California and New York?...How do you get the common sense Democrat and Republican on the same wave length?...we need to stop voting for the 'less of the two evils' ...NAFTA has been renegotiated...Canada has just signed on...credit President Trump? ...'Hey Fatso', aka Jeffy Fisher, joins the show to discuss his up coming podcast 'Chewing the Fat'...It's so 2017?...calling someone a 'racist' is so over played? ...Kanye and the 13th Amendment ruse the Left has fallen into...it's not about principal?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/1/18 - Hour 2
Third Accuser and her major credibility issues?...might be far more dubious than we had imagined, files emerged from a lawsuit against her 18 years ago? ...Democrat, Giancarlo Sopo joins to discuss the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings...one of the few Democrats speaking out against the rise of Democratic Socialism...church of social justice...'just no evidence there'...the goal posts have been moved again ...A New York rarity, a serious Libertarian candidate, Larry Shape joins to discuss his serious run for Governor of NY...a former US Marine and trucking company executive, takes a shot at running for one of the toughest political positions in the country
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/1/18 - Hour 1
'Californians, don't move to Texas'?...Net Neutrality returns… well, to California that is. Governor Jerry Brown just signed into law, more or less, the same Obama era law that regulated the Internet on a federal level...companies are fleeing California by the minute...California hates entrepreneurship ...Rachel Mitchell memo released...the prosecutor that questioned Kavanaugh accuser Ford, shreds her case in a 5 page memo; Bottom line? Classic, weak case of 'he said, she said' ...#MeToo coupe?...the narrative has been changed?...this is more about victims of sexual abuse then it is about Kavanaugh...Mob mentality rules? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/28/18 - Hour 3
Stop the witch hunts...kangaroo courts or mob justice?...everyday we change America? ...America's 'Proxy Wars'' with bestselling author, Arthur Brooks...in need of a 'politics cleanse'?...'culture of contempt' with each other?...there's profit in hate...getting rich to hate our neighbors...there's no long term award for bad behavior?...70% of Americas believe we are being held hostage on hate?...a 'new moral movement' is needed in this country ...President Trump couldn't look more presidential then he does now?...'he's a fighter' 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/28/18 - Hour 2
When the left attacks?...in elevators and hallways...Due Process no more?...Lindsey Graham spoke for most of America yesterday? ...Bill O'Reilly puts things together on the Kavanaugh hearings?...she's being used and manipulated, but things don't stack up, fact less?..."was there anything heard that disqualified Kavnanaugh'?...America is on a cliff and it's about to go over...angry backlash is coming...'anger overrides everything else'...expecting more attacks on Kavanaugh, but 'he will be confirmed'?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/28/18 - Hour 1
"Who Won?"...Kavanaugh vs. 2018 Democrats ?... there will be ramifications for all of this...don't know who won, but the American people lost?...the FBI does not deliver the truth here, they sort it out?...Ford's testimony did not connect, she seemed medicated?...was she under the influence of any medications?...what does yesterday have to say about us?...'righteous indignation'...condemning a man off into the sunset?...Shame on the Democrats!...'Americans are fair'?...when we get it wrong, we fix it
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/27/18 - Hour 3
Grassley puts the hammer down...Senate Judicary Committee continues to question Christine Ford?...Remember how the media treated Monica Lewinsky?...'young tramp'...'conniving slut' ...'Addicted To Outrage' On Sale Now...Glenn Beck DOT COM
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/27/18 - Hour 2
Kavanaugh committee hearings live...like watching paint dry...Dianne Fienstein's 'rush to judgment'...accusations of plowing the vote right through...Christine Blasey Ford takes stand...it happened, but I 'can't remember'...thought he was "going to kill me"...'recounting caused me panic and anxiety'...fear of consequences...Senate Judiciary committee starts to grill Ford over texts?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/27/18 - Hour 1
The Hail Mary's keep coming...Kavanaugh allegations pile on from the Left...from out of no where, he's a drunkard and a gang rapist? ...President Trump vs. Media...quotes Elton John...Trump vs. Canada...Trump comedy is refreshing, if you're in the mood for it ...Anonymous complaints work?...If it's not Kavanaugh go get a woman to be nominated?...List of alternatives? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/26/18 - Hour 3
'Outrage Culture' with Mona Charen...in a world of accusations, enough to destroy peoples reputations...the days of the duel?...when ones 'reputation' was everything...Kavanaugh in the #MeToo Era...the left are destroying anything and anyone by all means necessary...Book: 'Sex Matters' by Mona Charen ...The least funniest man on TV defends Ted Cruz? ...Why is there only 1 picture of the accuser? ...Porney Daniels attorney gets hoaxed?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/26/18 - Hour 2
Springtime for Snowflakes with Author and Clinical Professor NYU, Michael Rectenwald joins...the 'Anti-PC' Professor who is suing NYU and professors for defamation...colleges are minds full of mush? ...New York Times get unbelievably 'honest' about Kavanaugh...act of journalism ...Ronan Farrow admits accuser only came forward after the senate 'began looking'?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 9/26/18 - Hour 1
Courage is a muscle...and it must be worked out ...speaking truth takes courage...since when did America become a nation of 'witch hunters'?...the decline of 'innocents until proven guilty'...basic details can't be remembered about incident? ...Glenn asks 'What makes somebody great?'...shares a personal and honest father and son discussion? ...Caller Chuck in Ohio...Glenn "most people just don't care" and "how do we get people to care?"...Actual Justice vs. Social Justice...doing our best to stop making 'justice blind' 
32 min