Rape vs. Bill Clinton...in 1999, Juanita Broaddrick said then-President Bill Clinton had raped her...the media/Hollywood still stay silent...Hillary's hypocrisy, in defending Kavanaugh = Mindblowing? ...The most 'unfunny' late night comedian is? ...A lesson from the Smurfs? ...Will Louis C.K survive the #MeToo movement?...and who gets to decide?..."all accusers starve to death now"?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/18/18 - Hour 1
Pat & Stu in for Glenn...who is off doing a triathlon in South Africa? ...Meanwhile, "why hasn't Riyadh been nuked yet?"...jumping to conclusions in the murdered journalist in Saudi Arabia...Trump and Pompeo easing things over...waiting for more details before 'sanctions' are used to punish Saudi Arabia...'American interests' have to factor into the equations ...What's in a name Kha-sho-ggi?...can we please settle this? ...Hypocrite Actress bans Disney classics to protect daughters?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program -10/17/18 - Hour 3
"City of Death: Humanitarian Warriors in the Battle of Mosul"...The NazareneFund.org...Former Navy-Seal and East Asia Operations Manager, Ephraim Mattos joins to discuss how he has gained worldwide attention after his rescue of an Iraqi girl went viral on the internet and on mainstream media?...the Nazarene Fund is stopping terror from happening all over the world.= Beacon of Hope ...The rise of the concentration camps in China? ...CNN Sickness?.. treats Donald Trump like a 'boy band'...Trump completely dominates their News (lives) ...In the end Texans will Vote Cruz...and the Great Governor Greg Abbott...we never hear about all the good Abbott is doing for Texas...Abbott 2024? ...MercuryOne.org = 53,000 meals served?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/17/18 - Hour 2
#BelieveAllWomen?...Hillary Clinton #MeToo backlash...says husbands case (Monica Lewinsky) was not an 'abuse of power'...you know things are bad for Hillary when Vox goes after her? ...Surprise! Surprise! it's Bill O'Reilly Wednesday..."Hillary Clinton wants to run for President again"...she's not going away quietly...chaos on the streets of Portland...Antifa harasses 911 victim..."we have a activist left-wing press"...how do we get out of bed with Saudi Arabia?...'we can't'...but Saudi Arabia must pay a price for this? ...Wait, what Glenn just purchased the Cleveland Browns?...want's to change their uniforms?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/17/18 - Hour 1
True or False, President Trump threatens to cut off aid to Honduras over immigration caravan? ...Who was Jamal Khashoggi?...journalist who was cut into pieces?...The Arch Duke Ferdinand moment is upon us?...news out of Turkey should be taken with a grain of salt...Claim: recordings of journalist being 'chopped into pieces'?...media phenom? ...New Poll: Most Devices Celebrities In America? ...Beto vs. Cruz...Debate #2...The Great White Hope?...Nope! ...How hard is it to spend 60 Trillion dollars?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/16/18 - Hour 3
The Donald Trump of Brazil?...journalist Clarissa Oliveira joins to discuss the rise of Jair Bolsonaro...who loves Trump, hates gays and admires autocrats...he could be Brazil's Next President in the upcoming Brazilian General Election?...fear of the unknown? ...Polls are favoring to Bolsonaro who is 'very likely' to win...Keep your eye on Steve Bannon? ...Missing writer shows Saudi Arabia's dark side?...keep your eyes on Turkey, they're no fan of the Saudi's ...an Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment? ...Glenn reviews the movie 'A Star Is Born' with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga? ...'Cooper sings as good as Gaga acts' ...CNN is chemically addicted to Donald Trump?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/16/18 - Hour 2
Election By Numbers with Stu? ...CRTV's Gavin McInnes talks Antifa Violence in Portland & NYC with Glenn...Gavin explains what happened to him recently in NYC...The reporting on this event has been terrible and it is shocking evidence that the Alt-Left, the DNC, and the mainstream media are in bed together...these are 'coordinated attacks'...the Portland Mayor is allowing chaos to happen only to blame Trump...'Journalist are Antifa'...the irony of the Left and 'White Supremacy'? ...Yes or No...Do you 'hate'?...Coming together behind certain 'principals' to move forward with each other?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/16/18 - Hour 1
LOL?...The Worlds Worst lawyer just got worse...Bad lawyer-ing or political football? ...Elizabeth Big Chief Warren's...Pow Wow Chow...she reveals her DNA results and she's still not Native American?...Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandmother 6 to 10 generations ago? ...Cherokee Nation rejects Warren's test...making mockery out of real DNA testing? ...the Average Democrat is sick of the hard Left's hate ...Radio fan Will Stanford, calls Glenn to discuss his recent interview with Ben Shapiro, and was struck by how honest Glenn was about his struggle with alcohol...going 'rock bottom' to live another day for God
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/15/18 - Hour 3
Inside The Numbers...Election 2018...Stu runs down, who's winning, who's losing and what must happen for the GOP to keep the House? ...erasing the mistakes ...Who the hell is Ted Wheeler?...Horrible Portland Mayor ...Watch what you're saying Alec Baldwin? ...Good News: Over 1500 Honduran migrants heading to the U.S. border ...Musical Superstar, Michael Buble to Retire or NOT to Retire?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/15/18 - Hour 2
Dr. James Lindsay, "Life in Light of Death"...Author, Dr. James Lindsay...Aero Article: "Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship"...a racket at hand?...published studies...'Dog Parks'...Scholarships should stand on 'merit' and nothing else...inventory of the ranked privileged...'Pedagogy of Privilege...the art of 'Idea Laundering'...'White Man' and 'Feminist' Mein Kampf?...YouTube/com/MikeNayna ...When Google causes divorce?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/15/18 - Hour 1
Chaos Portland Oregon...ANTIFA vs. Law and Order?...the price of 'courage'...both sides think they have it...both sides think they're right...both sides are wrong? ...Labels are worthless...in years to come we will find out who we are?...in these sick turbulent times we are protected by the guardrails of the Constitution...we're not as sick as they tell us?...America is not worthless and racist, we are a powerful force for good...always wanting to be 'better' for a brighter future generation? ...Help the Victims of Hurricane Michael NOW ...MercuryOne.Org/HurricaneRelief18
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/12/18 - Hour 3
Fighting people with different ideas? ...Huge Announcement from The Blaze Radio Network...Starting Monday it's 'The Steve Deace Show'...Steve hosts a daily show and podcast for CRTV...AND NOW will be joining The Blaze Radio Network...Starting this Monday thru Friday Noon-2PM-EST ...'Pat Gray Unleashed' moving to early mornings...7AM-9AM-EST ...The Democrats are rethinking Michelle Obama saying 'Go higher' by 'kicking' lower?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/12/18 - Hour 2
80% of America HATES political correctness...Extreme Progressive (8%) fully support PC...a small minority have done and are doing a tone of damage ...Thank God It's FRIDAY with Bill O'Reilly...Media vs. Melania Trump...the rise of hate and evil...Do we really care what Kanye and Taylor Swift think politically?...NO!...Eric Holder = (Oprah's) Stedman? ...Democrat backlash coming for Kavanaugh lies/treatment...Bill's 'Word of The Day'?...'Killing The SS' , available NOW at Bill O'Reilly.com ...Erick Boiling sits down with Glenn...shares his story of pain and heartache, of his son's suicide
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/12/18 - Hour 1
The Office = Impossible? ...Glenn's a one winged purple dragon?...Happy International Pronouns Day'...It’s not just important. It’s required to call people by the pronouns they use to confer basic dignity and respect? ...Wanted: Pro-Melania Trump Group... the First Lady oozes class, she's like watching a Ralph Lauren commercial ...Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi's mysterious disappearance, Jason Buttrill fills us in on that lost but important story? ...Eagle Scout Hunter Kelly and Operation Underground Railroad OurRescue.org ...CNN Headline: 'Dire Warning'?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/11/18 - Hour 3
Remaining Bullish with Economist, Stephen Moore...still high on the economy after yesterday's 'spook'...agrees with President Trump for blaming the Federal Reserve?...but Why?...fear and greed rules the day?...Trade War update?...a hard-line on China is coming...China is using Soviet like tactics...to take America's economy down? ...Election Numbers with Stu...Pollsters can't get a hold of people to take surveys...no one ever answers their phone...Ted Cruz vs. Beto O'Rourke = Blowout?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/11/18 - Hour 2
Academic in Exile?...Editor-In-Chief, Areo Magazine, Helen Pluckrose, joins to discuss "How French 'Intellectuals' Ruined the West: Postmodernism and it's Impact, Explained'?...Postmodernism presents a threat not only to liberal democracy but to modernity itself?...the Lefts total embrace of chaos and destruction...flipping the pyramid upside down?...the Left threaten to return us to an irrational and tribal 'pre-modern' culture? ...Positive Polling...it's looking good for the Republicans...even the New York Times are reporting trouble for Democrats in November
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/11/18 - Hour 1
'Oh far we have fallen' because of Obamacare... 212% deductible increases...we are entering a brave new progressive world ...New Study: How Americans Feel About...25% are Traditional Devoted Conservatives...only 8% are 'Progressive Activists?...80% make up the 'Exhausted Majority' make up the most ...NY man charged with building a 200-lb bomb DC bomb plot? ...Eric Holder threatens to 'kick, those people'? ..."Russian meddling in 'Star Wars'? When will Robert Mueller investigate?"...Young Voices spokesperson, Stephen Kent explains?...'everything' pop culture is being pushed into politics?...Winning Twitter Arguments = Impossible
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/10/18 - Hour 3
Death by Hanging 2018? ..."Christians in the Age of Outage" with author, Ed Stetzer...How to bring our best when the world is at its worst?...today there are too many Christians outraged about the wrong things...there's more outrage towards Starbucks cups then Christian persecution? ...'factions' in a world of 'factions'? ...Amazon and the corporate takeover?...Non-fiction no more?...more Amazon Prime Members then church members? ...Amazon and the death of the shopping mall?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/10/18 - Hour 2
Is America good?...Believing in fairness...When Mobs rule? ...Robert F Kennedy, announcing the assassination of MLK ..."The Greatest Speech Ever"? ...Why has the Left become unhinged?...Because 'we're winning' ...Death throws and eating their own? ...Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, and 'Big Gingerbread'? is hijacking Halloween?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/10/18 - Hour 1
'The Clinton Standard'...hypocrisy on high...Hillary Clinton says there is a 'difference' in the Kavanaugh case, compared to her husbands, wait what? ...The word 'M' is the new 'N' word?...CNN host flips out over the use of the word 'mob'...Rand Paul: Fears more assignations?...Lawmakers and Leftist continue to push 'Get in their face' tactics ...Mad Maxine Waters vs. 'Mob Rule'? ...Caller Dan: 'at what point do we fight back?'...fighting fire with fire
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/9/18 - Hour 3
Hour 3Glenn & Riaz Patel look at America’s divisive ‘Gun Debate’ from a Human-to-Human angle.
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/9/18 - Hour 2
Hour 2 Are we talking about anything meaningful?... An amazing discussion about A.I. ... Will this country implode?... Listeners call in to discuss "Addicted to Outrage"... There are some amazing parts of "addicted to Outrage" people are using to bridge the divide... Nikki Haley resigns from the U.N. as U.S. ambassador...
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/9/18 - Hour 1
Hour 1What does a hero look like?... The world is being re-designed... The Declaration of Independence is our mission statement... Glenn takes calls about "Addicted to Outrage"... Are we 'the people' who roll around in the mud or are we 'the people' who look up and rise above?... Glenn talks to a listener that was NOT his biggest fan and now the book "Addicted to Outrage" has changed his mind... Are we looking at another civil war?...
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/8/18 - Hour 3
Hour 3What does the Left have in mind?... Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate Saturday afternoon... Why did our ancestors come here to begin with?... Google is helping China... We are putting good people in real trouble... Pat Gray joins Glenn to discuss how the Democrats can possibly start a revolution... Glenn agrees to have a discussion with CNN... Tweets gone bad... Why do we no longer need the evidence and, by the way, where is the evidence?... Taylor Swift has now 'come out'...
37 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/8/18 - Hour 2
Hour 2 Special guest, Dr. Robert Epstein @DrREpstein on twitter/ mygoogleresearch.com... The Creepy Line... Finding out how Google tried to shift the results of the elections... Should we be surprised?... Glenn Beck is being tracked by Google... When you use the 'search bar' you are being manipulated... "Seven Simple Steps"... The world is being re-designed by just a few...