Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
10/30/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
The Fox Guarding The Chicken Coop? ...Linda Sarsour all of sudden isn't antisemitic?...a change of heart?...blames 'white supremacy' for attacks on Israel...Sarsour is one of thee best 'deceivers'...helped bring antisemitism to today's Democratic Party ...Our blindness is leading to bad things? ...a Hurricane Michael story that hit too close to home? ...Dennis in Richmond Virginia gives Glenn some 'fat food' advice?...Arbys?
33 min
10/30/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
'Red Pilled America' with Patrick Courrieche ...Hollywood's hypocrisy...insiders look and the analyzation of the Left and Hollywood...they will never let Conservative in to share their story...identity politics is only for them...competitive pedophiles?...the Lefts recent take down of Megyn Kelly?...Obamacare is to blame for the Homeless crisis in Los Angeles...'rehab tourism'?...hopefully change is coming to the black voting community? ...Glenn and Stu are looking for 'fat food'? ...Glenn turns down invitation to appear on 'Meet The Press'...but why? ...So what are the 'Independent Voter Polls' are saying? ...Russia and China are preparing for war?
34 min
10/30/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Don't Worry There's No Invasion?...Media Magicians spin...Military on the border is not a good solution ...Election by the numbers...tightening in Texas...Beto gaining more ground and cash?...momentum shifts ...Executive order excitement...Trump to end 'birth right citizenship'?...the most Pro-Israeli President ever...and The Most Targeted Jew In America Is? ...Glenn Beck Book Tour begins soon...get your tickets...glennbeck.com/tour
33 min
10/29/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
It's time for 'Pooperoni On San Francisco Streets'? ...Stu, election by the numbers?...still looking good for Senate Republicans, but still, not so good in the House?...October surprises?...Who else is fanning the flames of hatred?...Is Twitter or Facebook? ...Caller, Alison from Kentucky shares her experience from last weekends Trump rally in Illinois...'Conservatives suck at chanting' ...Democrat Joe Lieberman defends President Trump...'let's praise him' when he does good ...Meet Glenn in Pittsburgh this weekend, get your tickets...GlennBeck.com/tour 
34 min
10/29/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
The Simpsons surrender...to PC media culture...reportedly getting rid of Apu...coddled whining people...South Park to the rescue?..."lets praise him"? ..."Are we a bad country or a good country?"..."is it worth saving'...learning from our history...World War II...damned if you do, damned if you don't?...defending basic principals...all men are created equal...what happen to our foundations that kept us together?...'The Golden Rule' ...Twitter is making some changes? 
34 min
10/29/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Antisemitism is a Disease?...on the rise all over the world...it's always the world against the Jew... we have to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Jewish brothers and sisters...America is not better than the rest of the world, we just see things differently? ...Pat Gray...Moron-Trivia? ...Media:  Cartoon arguments and horrible discourse?
34 min
10/26/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
Glenn reads listener email from a self-described 'man child'...we're all in this together and we're going to make it? ...Breaking News: Federal Authorities Arrest Florida Man in Connection with Bomb Attacks...a white van with stickers on it is being searched?...it's time to ban vans?...both the Left and Right have their fair share of 'nut jobs...blaming 'The World Cup' and Putin?...who will be first to 'claim victory'?
34 min
10/26/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
In the Beginning with Bill O'Reilly?...'Yeah President Trump is undisciplined but'?...Pipe bombs and rhetoric, who's to blame?...Meanwhile, Trump support is growing...Who's financing the immigrant caravans?...Soros and others?...Not sure?...Cuban, Venezuela, Honduras and their attempt at a Marxist Revolution?...'the Mexican government will start to intervene and to 'break it up'?...Tying everything together with 'Killing the SS'...a NYT Bestseller ...'Glenn Beck on Tour Live' get you tickets at Glennbeck.com/tour 
34 min
10/26/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Trump vs. Media War... the constant attacks on the President continue...non-stop 24/7...the media always forgets about President Obama's attacks on the press?...fact finding is gone and it's frightening...What's the difference between a NYT Journalist and a Novelist?...Who knows?...just stop publishing fake news ...What have we learned about NBC's firing of 'persecuted' Megyn Kelly?...Hypocrisy on High...Flashback NBC: Jimmy Fallon Does Blackface Chris Rock...what about 'White face'?...'political hit job' Period! ...and 'Best Radio Website 2018' goes to ...GlennBeck.com 
33 min
10/25/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
"Why Michael Moore is irrelevant in the age of Trump", with Critic-at-Large at National Review, Kyle Smith joins...Michael Moore is not funny 'has been'?...Democrat party is not helping themselves in every which way? ...History always repeats itself...May Day 1919...Communist decided they were going to target the FBI and other various politicians...12 bombs went off? ...Senator Mike Lee calls in to discuss the facts of the migrant caravan march to the US border...Hondurans blame America for it's problems ...No Clowns Allowed?
31 min
10/25/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Poor Megyn Kelly?...the political correctness police have taken her down?...NBC does not stand by their woMAN...after her apology...which don't work anymore, apologies are 'just' words...About 10% of America are 'over sensitive cry babies'...thought crimes are here...2018 = 1984 ...One-hundred percent of the proceeds given to MercuryOne.org...actually goes to who you are giving it to
35 min
10/25/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Pipe Bomb 101?...long piped liked things with wires hanging out, sent to various Democrats...it's looking like a case of Looney Tunes ACME bombs?...Wiley Coyote wanted a media circus and boy he got one...speculation, speculation continues?...'Clock Boy' like bomb work here?...what's with the alarms?...But of course CNN is blaming the pipe bombs on President Trump...Robert DiNiro added to the cartoon list of potential victims?...Flashback: UnaBomber = Ted Kacznski ...none of the bombs have gone off, as of right now
34 min
10/24/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
Democrats are wrong to promote violence with Texas Representative, Roger Williams, was shot at the Congressional Baseball Game...wrote a Dallas Morning News opinion article: "I was attacked on a baseball field for my political beliefs, and Democrats are wrong to promote violence"...things are not getting better nor more civil ...'I thought Juanita Broaddrick wasn't credible. I was wrong'...Washington Post columnist expresses his regret, 'remembering to refuse' facts ? ...Faithwire Managing Editor, Dan Andros joins to discuss the affect pornography is having on our culture...#1 reason why families are breaking up...Sex is God's gift to all of us...2/3 of Christian men admit to looking at porn...1 in 6 church leaders has an addiction to porn...SetFreeCourse.com 
31 min
10/24/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Dr. Debra W. Soh, Journalist & Sex Researcher joins to discuss gender roles and the NYT recent article "Anatomy Does Not Determine Gender, Experts Say"...President Trump's recent decision to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX...gender is biological an her thoughts on whether the decision is truly threatening to trans people ...'News and Why It Matters' podcast: Glenn Beck vs. Sean Spicer...his take on the Democrats and the Midterms? ...Breaking down 1.537 Billion in lotto winnings...how would you spend it...1 winning ticket sold?
34 min
10/24/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Who's paying for this?...why isn't the media covering the migrant caravan?...who's funding all of this?...where's their 'humanitarian' effort?...the Castro and Maduro way of attacking the United States...not using conventional means...organize, fund and flood the border of your enemies...why what VP Mike Pence is saying is making sense? ...No strollers needed?... not very many women or young children just young men?...Principal reason(s) the migrants are coming to the US?  
34 min
10/23/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
Conservative App Launch...'The Update' with Matt Whitworth...a more conservative Drudge Report...connecting conservatives with conservatives...facing the future of the Democratic Socialist Party?...radical leftist have invaded DC and the DNC ...Alyssa Milano was asked to disavow Linda Sarsour? ...'Lawyer to Porn Stars' with offices at The Fashion Island Mall? ...Who planted the bomb at Mr. Enemy of Freedom (George Soros) home?...Mr. Enemy of Freedom ...New York Times: 'Anatomy Does Not Determine Gender'...originates between your ears and not between your legs?
34 min
10/23/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Election by the Numbers?...Who's looking hot and who's not?...the Democratic Party's Keith Ellison problem? ...Islamic cleric explains why Muslim women wear Hijab...a culture no known for embracing women as equals...equals to what? ...7,500 Political Marxist activists marching towards our borders...tolls and consequences?...MS-13 are killing people 4 x the rate of school shootings?...a very real issue...is the migrant caravan a political gift for President Trump...Mexico stop must stop or lose all aid
32 min
10/23/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Migrant Caravan = Invasion...just in time for the early voting...will Mexico help stop illegal invasion...another reason for a 'wall'...mass chaos yet to come?...in times like these one can't help but grow to appreciate Donald Trump...who is supplying these caravans?...we are witnessing a Marxist protest right before our eyes...what would Canada do? ...Trump-Cruz rally in Houston Texas = Huge Blow Out...over 30,000 in the crowd ...Texas Governor Greg Abbott joins to encourage early voting...'mass' amount of voting is expected in Texas...Open Borders is Socialism...George Soros the man behind the lefts madness...trying to change Texas into California...Is President Trump serious about cutting off aid, as punishment to stop caravans? Yes ...Keeping Texas Red
35 min
10/22/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
Libertarian candidate for New York Governor, Larry Sharpe...former Marine Corps veteran...Larry is running as a 'not establishment' candidate...following how the Trump won, winning game plan?...Larry values duty, service, honesty and loyalty...bringing new ideas to a Blue state...but 'it's like Libertarians don't ever want to win'?...uphill upstate battle with the Cuomo crime family and the big banks...NY state pensions = unsustainable ...The Global Dollar shortage is here?...blaming moose for climate change, an up 'tick' of outrage?
34 min
10/22/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
'Them: Why We Hate Each Other and How To Heal' with Senator Ben Sasse...new book available now...there is no 'We' right now...the perfect storm is coming?...our communities need to step it up...once skeptical of Donald Trump...the good things he has done deserves praise in a unfair media environment..voted with Trump 87% of the time?...some think Ben Sasse is torching his career? ...When it comes to 'principals', most people seem to bail? 
34 min
10/22/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Flashback 2008: Barrack Obama = Rock Star...then the star burnt out, quickly...Trump is at rock star status...Sold Out Show for President Trump Visit to Texas with Ted Cruz...'Passion' among Republicans is still strong...expecting huge voter turn out for GOP...the Twenty Twenty? 20% Chance the GOP Lose Senate and 20% they Win the House...the media's 'blue wave' tone has dried out, thanks to Kavanaugh backlash?...the Independent voter may make the difference in November? ...Breaking down the back and forth on Saudi Arabia?...the media paints Khashoggi as this 'freedom loving Prince' ...far from it...he was member of Muslim Brotherhood ...Ultimate Goal = Arab Spring...the quest for a caliphate continues 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/19/18 - Hour 3
Crunching the Election poll numbers with Stu?...Who's looking good and who isn't?...GOP has a 80% chance to hold the Senate...Holding the House, not looking so good? ...Ivanka Trump may have committed a crime?...Trump's long lost daughter Tiffany? ...Backlash: the ACLU's opposition to Kavanaugh sounds death knell for Civil Liberties? ...'Chewing The Fat with Jeffy'...mourning a America's Pimp?...here come the 'carbon taxes' while ridding the world of  'Man Sized' Kleenex? ...New Netflix show has folks passing out and vomiting because it's 'so scary'...really?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/19/18 - Hour 2
Again, what's in a name?...Beto DeNiro, Beto Downey Jr., Beto Einstein and Beto Fitzgerald Kennedy? ...an Anger Hispanic Female from El Paso Texas, calls to set the record straight on Beto...claims he used the VA as a launching point for his Senate run, only to throw veterans under the bus?...In 2018 Identifying as 'Hispanic' means your 'Hispanic'...trying to cure a sick world of identity politics? ...Arkansas Republican is running a radio ad targeting African American community...'bringing back lynchings'... a bit over done?...Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan calls Jews 'termites'...Ant-termite? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/19/18 - Hour 1
Glenn's still canoeing across the Mediterranean, hopefully he will be back by Monday? ...Stopping the Caravan = Hateful...Trumps loving this = Reelection... Mexico's has tougher deportation laws then United States does...'amnesty' ...O'Rourke Addresses 'Beto' Nickname After Student challenges him...being Robert in El Paso?...getting to the bottom of 'Beto' ...has raised more money then any candidate in a quarter of an election ever...Hispandering to Hispanics?  
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/18/18 - Hour 3
Tolerant Left vs. Intolerant Left...the white/black guy Shawn King defends Antifa ..."Shame on you Ted Cruz!"?...the History of 'false' allegations (that no one in the media talks about?) ...Chicago teen posts image of toy gun...you know what happens next? ...Surprise! Surprise! it's 'Chewing The Fat' with Jeffy?...back when Stu was a waiter at Apple-bees?...22 burger chains given "F" over antibiotics...Only 2 get 'A'...Chip-olte?...Gluten-Free sucks! ...RIP Jeffy's hero? 'the pimp' of Nevada has died?
35 min