Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 |11/12/18
It's getting kind of hectic?...Tucker Carlson's teenage daughter confronted by middle aged Leftist...called the 'C-word'...personal attacks are the 'norm'...Glenn recalls the time his family were harassed and assaulted in a NYC Park?...'Feelings' do not equal 'Truth'?...families are in danger and it's only getting worse ...MercuryOne.org is on the ground in California...helping fire victims...your help is needed...MercuryOne.org ...'More On Trivia' Every Friday with Pat Gray?...Shameless...New Planned Parenthood Ad is creeping everyone out?...'shocking'...Kavanaugh may be very John Roberts like? ...many GB radio listeners have been affected by the CA wildfires?
35 min
11/9/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
America Lacking?...Empathy...there's a little truth from every side...we must find ways to come together...moral foundations from both the Left and Right...they only have 3 in common? ...Louis Farrakhan killed Malcolm X?...the fear of being peed on? ...'Addicted To Outrage'...why Samantha Bee, chapter? ...No one at CNN is going to tell Acosta to stop ...Fighting fairly going forward?...Respect and true kindness...we can learn a lot about how we treat dogs?
34 min
11/9/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg hospitalized and Left are losing it...fearing the worst?...here we go again ...Bill O'Reilly Friday...Recount in FL...Good by Jeff Sessions = weak...Tucker Carlson and family mobbed at home...Bill explains how he can relate?...'someone needs to be punished'...'no regrets leaving Fox News'?...Warren and Sanders not threats in 2020...'Acosta Standards' for press corps?...All theses shootings have one thing in common = isolated Internet users? ..."Hang Together or All Hang Separately" 
34 min
11/9/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Florida has done it again?...72-hours later...they're still counting votes using common-core math? ...Tucker Carlson responds to mob threats...feeling the love as well? ...Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg hospitalized...the Left is losing it...fearing another conservative SCJ ...'Read Aloud West Virginia'...Glenn's 'A Christmas Sweater' the alternative to 5-year-old gift requests? ...Caller, Demtrie from Broward County = Laughing Stock? 
34 min
11/8/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
'Something's Off' with Andrew Heaton...New Podcast...Starts November 12th...a true Libertarian...New phone apps ideas?...thanking Russia for hot ladies...'people are hungry to think'?...people have never been so lonely? ...And the crowd shouted 'Charlottesville!'?...Cindy from Virginia met Glenn at the Richmond book tour...left there thinking and hopeful...simple and beautiful = political...Meet Glenn like Cindy did on Tour.,..get your GlennBeck.com/tour ...Hero and Villain media have gone awry?...authority over loyalty?
33 min
11/8/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
The power of celebrity opinions?...Beyonce's opinions matter 'more' than yours...Celebrities urging regular people to vote...doesn't work...Oprah didn't get the job done in GA 2018?...America is rejecting Hollywood's opinions...just 'shut up and act'...Stu's childhood dream to be with Alyssa Milano?...Now Alyssa refuses to speak at next Women's March, cites Anti-semitism...why the change of heart? ...The Big Blue Wave...that didn't happen? ...The time Glenn geeked out over Michael Buble? ...Letters to the Editor...a Democrat, Why I Voted Republican this time around?...time to start listening in bigger tents? 
34 min
11/8/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Immigration Wins the day?...the 2018 voters 2nd most Important Issue (behind healthcare)...meanwhile the Left blame 'climate change' for the migrant caravans ...Glenn School of 'parenting 101'?...Jim Acosta vs. President Trump...the 'play-by play'...Child vs. Child...Definition: Invasion?...Did Jim Acosta 'accost' a woman?...Shame on CNN, 'they should fire Acosta'...Journalists like Acosta who seek fame and fortune = grand standers ...MercuryOne.org 
35 min
11/7/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
Attention Post modernists?...Massachusetts to the transgender and non-binary people’s “public protection" rescue? ...We Are beginning to come together?...Conservative connections?...Bill O'Reilly, CRTV, Newsmax, Ben Shapiro and The Daily Caller...All the conservative media outlets played nice last night ...Stu goes over all the Winner and Losers?...Ex-cons voting?...Obamacare helped Republicans in the Heartland...pot passed everywhere?...Hoarding tampons with the 'Pink Tax' wormhole? ...Enough with the Historic FIRSTS...the FIRST woman, the FIRST black, the FIRST Hermaphrodite? ...Wow! Keith Ellison won last night while Bob Menendez (NJ) Wins Again! 
34 min
11/7/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Bill O'Reilly's take on last nights Mid-term election results?...Reasons why the GOP lost the House?...Trump needs to pick his battles going forward...people don't want chaos when they're trying to make a living...Trump's 2020 chances have just gotten better...and could re-win the House in 2020? ...Why Joe Biden was the Democrats big winner last night?...Bill asks 'what's going on in Texas'?...Glenn explains why Ted Cruz has lost his Texas  flare?...'very wooden'...why he and Mike Lee have cozied up to President Trump?...Did Trump save Cruz? ...Looking back at 'Wave Elections' past?...The Lefts tactics backfired once again...the Kavanaugh witch hunt hurt ...Caller Mark from Rhode Island blames NPR for the Democratic Socialist victories ...'How do we stop them?' ...Flashback: Hanging Chad?
33 min
11/7/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Everyone stay calm...but not gracious?...it was not an 'optical' night for either side...the Best night for Texas Democrats in a generation (turning purplish)...Media Shock and Awe?...More 'Trumpy' caucus...'big heartbreaks'...'not a blue wave'...'maybe it's a red wave'...Romney Republicans went for the Democrats...'the Left are trapped' going forward to 2020?...War within the Democrat Party...Middle American Democrat = Extinct...the Democrat Socialists are not going anywhere...the Left is about to get nastier...Target 2020: getting rid of the electoral college ...Pat Gray's prayers have come true?...Trump trade war is going to kill the economy, IF it continues ...fearing Google's influence on elections...TheCreepyLine.com 
34 min
11/6/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
No politics with my coffee...listener Tracy calls in to tell us that Starbucks is actively campaigning for Beto in Texas ...Predict It Dot Org...Flip Pidot joins to give an up to the minute look at the live polls?...Predictit.org...playing the odds while learning...some of the closer races that are occurring right now ...Reporter accidentally leaves Senate candidate John James a voicemail...going into an interview already 'pissed off'? ...Hyperlinking racism...the media is all up in arms about Trump's racist TV ad?...'it's not racist' ...Glenn explains why he may vote for Beto?
35 min
11/6/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Go Vote or Get...Linda Sarsour, Keith Ellison, Louis Farrakhan...Why are they all still in the game?...the future of the Democrat Party? ...Trump says he would like to 'tone it down' ?...Trump is the result of 8 years of a 'stoked fire' by Barrack Obama?...Vote or get the Democrat Socialist government that's running Portland Oregon? ...Trump is the President, he said he would be ...Code Pink to Moderate in Arizona? ...from NBC News...'Random Lights' above Myrtle Beach skyline spark UFO conversation...has Harvard science researchers concerned? ...Allen in Arizona says don't be fooled, but Arizona is almost a blue state?
35 min
11/6/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Top 3 Things... 'They' Don't Want Us Talking About?...'It's the economy stupid' (doesn't work anymore)...'Reality Show Instincts'?...Trump is still drawing big crowds, bigger than Obama ever had...his crowds went away once he became President...the crazy Left is in control of the Democratic Party...for right now...Are we a Democratic Republic or a Democratic Socialist country? ...we're in a 'Fearing Fear Itself' moment? ...Not looking so good in WV for the GOP?
34 min
11/5/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
Dan Crenshaw talks to Glenn...about the SNL skit that made fun of Dan...'apology won't mean anything'...the joke wasn't even funny...issues a challenge to SNL? ...'Sex with Big Foot' movie starring an NJ school board candidate is even worse than it sounds? ...Listener Jack's email to Glenn?...has a issue with GB's take on the migrant caravan?...journalistic integrity gone awry?
33 min
11/5/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Election by the #'s...at the end of the day, the Republicans could win it all...again!...'it's possible'?...Is there really a 'blue wave' coming?...help those who need help getting to the polls to vote...early voting looks good for Democrats...signs of enthusiasm...33 million have voted already...lock ins and long shots?...Trump's approval rating is just too high for a blue wave...but a 'moderate' victory? ...Maria and the heckler in Cleveland?...'Hey Orville Redenbacher'...Come see meet Orville (Glenn) and eat buckets of pierogies...Get you Tickets Now...GlennBeck.com/tour
34 min
11/5/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
The Left's Lifeline = Election 2018...the left is motivated...are you?....vote for your life...Barack Obama to the Lefts rescue?...will it work? ...SNL desperate for laughs...goes low...it's now OK to mock American military vets...The Alec Baldwin Show = Horrible ...the importance of your vote? ...Mark from Hershey and the 5 pound Hersey bar... be careful what you ask for?...Glenn: 'Everybody hates me at the beginning, but give me 30 days'? ...Beto chances to win Texas?...campaign is pending all $70 million ...'We Will Rock You' rocks the box office...Pat Gray reviews, no spoiler alert needed? ...Saying Goodbye to Ella Beck (the dog)?
31 min
11/2/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
Cannibal goblin who's literally 'Hitler'?...what Hatred doesn't know? ...True-isms from Pat Gray?...Democratic nominee?....Beto 2020?...prepared underwear recipients...more migrant caravan problems ahead...the media will report it in a very 'skewed' way ...Help those who help others...MercuryOne.org ...New Poll shows Shifting competitors for America, which leads to 'trade wars'...'trade wars don't go well'...Gas prices are expected to plunge sharply just before the election, but why? ...India prompts protests with unveiling of world's biggest statue?...600 feet tall? ...Half-naked women arrested after falling twice through restaurant?  
34 min
11/2/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Don's Lemon goes sour?...hurtful and hateful words from a man who lacks journalistic talent...Glenn challenges Don Lemon's 'cold hard facts'...breaks down CNN...'racists, like Don Lemon'...flawed facts and thinking ...'Shock and Awe' in Richmond...Glenn invokes 'Abraham Lincoln' and Colonel Sanders?...Democrat Socialist Beto aides busted in a undercover sting...to funnel funds to help migrant caravan...Project Veritas leads the way, did sloppy work at times, but lately their work has been right on?
34 min
11/2/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Right off the bat...President Trumps speech at the White House last night ...Big, Beautiful, Golden Door?...President questions who's funding caravans...who's organizing busing illegals to the polling booths...'it's their ego'...Late night for Boo Boo? ...4 Days Until The Election...more change and hope coming? ...Glenn took questions from his book tour audience? ...Tariff terror...Mr. President they're not working 
34 min
11/1/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
'Election By The Numbers with Stu'...current tossups?...AZ, IN, NV...who has momentum, who doesn't?...how do we trust the polls?...polls are not perfect? ...'Natural Sympathy' for Communism and Pope Francis, with The Daily Wire's, Paul Bois...the skepticism of Pope Francis continues ...Tips for family 'screen time'...on a scale between candy and crack cocaine? ...a 'Dark Consensus'...Big Brother and the digital ghetto...it's 1984 in China...Have you heard what DARPA wants to do?...here comes the 'Matrix'...releasing drones over crowded cities...screens of 'stick figures' call the shots?...Do the American people really want this kind of technology?..'bad idea'
35 min
11/1/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Bill O'Reilly Thursday Special...89% of CNN's viewers vote Democrat...if Trump is reelected, the media is going to explode...Why isn't Don Lemon being called out for his racist comments?...'Who's Don Lemon?'..."the truth doesn't matter anymore"...expecting a very air tight election...the House is impossible to call right now?...this election is all about Donald Trump and he knows it...devout Socialist Gillum has a huge chance to win in Florida...opponent Ron DeSantis = 'Weak'...Bill's buddy Jon Stewart 'is right' about the media and Trump? 
34 min
11/1/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
John Stewart vs. Media...Stewart tells CNN's Christiane Amanpour that Trump "baits" the media by using their own narcissism against them ...Two Saudi students apply for asylum in the United States, then they go missing?...the Saudi government has really loosened up a bit?...never mind the chopping up of journalists...allowed to watch E.T. now in Saudi Arabia ...The rise of Italian fascism, communism and it's roots...Mussolini = 1920's Rock Star? ...Beto madness Unleashed with Pat Gray?...the story that changed Halloween forever...the 'real' Candyman?...the days of X-Ray candy? ..Richmond, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Oh My!?...GlennBeck.com/tour
34 min
10/31/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3
Happy Halloween...'The Tell-Tale Heart as told by Glenn Beck' ...If Glenn could talk to President Trump right now, what would he say?...evidence is showing that Trump tariffs are not working or paying off?...real damage coming to the economy?...the Chinese are screwing us with their cyber-ops?...Eerie announcement on a Chinese high-speed train gives a glimpse into life under Big Brother...more Big Brother things are coming down the pike? ...Come See Glenn...on tour...get your tickets GlennBeck.com/tour 
34 min
10/31/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2
Whitey is dead?...gangster Whitey Bulger is killed in prison...Movie: Whitey: United States of America v. James J. Bulger.. the films director, Joe Berlinger joins to discuss how the film captures notorious crime boss Bulger's sensational trial...killings and connections?...how the feds finally caught Bulger for his crimes? ...The border caravan and the truth in funding...it's all about politics, (Soros) and money? ...Senator Chris McDaniel...U.S. Senate candidate, Mississippi, joins...more action from the Mexican government is needed at the border ...Fan asks Glenn for a favor (for his wife)? 
34 min
10/31/18 - The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1
Glenn goes white face?...Over 100 Million Americans affected?...'They are coming to get you'?...Scary words from CNN's Don Lemon : 'White men are the biggest terror threat'...American principals turned upside down? ...Demonizing rhetoric on high from both sides, but mostly from the left...what does the Democrat Party stand for?...redistribution of power/force ...'Kill Your Dog Man'...it's ruining the environment? ...Killing cat people with 'executive order'?...Natural born citizenship from James Madison and Abraham Lincoln...mulling over the importance of the 13th & 14th Amendment...Bill of Rights, the first ten?...'Have a Baby' tourism?
35 min