Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 11/23/18
What to get 'use to' moving forward?...All players on both teams = penalized ...Democratic Presidential potentials for 2020?...the list?...who's got a chance and who doesn't?...Who has a 'real' chance to beat Trump?...Beto, Booker, Bernie?...Recalling when Barack Obama was 'untouchable' in 2008?...Democrats are desperate for someone to help in the red states?...like President John Hickenlooper?...best buddy of John Kasich?...AL or Hillary?
36 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 11/23/18
Consumption, consumption, consumption?...Backlash: Evil stores that opened on Thanksgiving...Good O'l 'family values' to the rescue?...remembering what we should 'really' be thankful for? ...Glenn isn't here so Stu can do whatever he wants?...Who wants 'Addicted To Outrage' book tour tickets?...Caller, Scott from Tampa, Florida does? ...Life is Good in 2018...Americans have it better now then ever before? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3 | 11/21/18
More Trouble in Texas?...a very established and dull Senator John Cornyn may be trouble...Bills, Bills, Bills?...Why the GOP lack passion on anything?...9 steps back, 1 step forward? ...Record cold expected for the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade...Highs in the 20's? ...Thanksgiving Spoons! with Jeffy...chips, dips and California raspberry Coke? ...Just Say No...to Romaine lettuce?...Most common Thanksgiving 'side' dishes by region?...Salad in the West...Squash in the East? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2 | 11/21/18
Poverty, and where we really stand?...A vast majority of people think poverty has gone up?...Fact: Poverty has been cut in half, in less than 2 decades?...School Shootings have dropped dramatically? Yes, that's true and Stu explains?...the Real #'s? ...'Don't New York My Florida'? ...Caller Jason's interesting analogy on Parenting and Politics? ...People do These Things to each other all day? ...Turkey's don't need to be pardoned...then you eat them, yum! 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1 | 11/21/18
Expanding our thanks on Thanksgiving Day? ...US Puts Sanctions on Oil Network It Says Supports Syria's Assad...Trumps actions on Russia have been very 'hawkish' = Tough on Russia...Media Trump Hate Spin '22/7'?...Flashbacks of President George W. Bush? ...Barack Obama Trashes Trump (Americans) tour?..."confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues"...Obama 'constantly' focuses on race ...No-Spoiler-Alert: Creed II?...Ivan Drago, Not as dumb as he look?... really, really smart guy?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 3 | 11/20/18
Global Warming or No Global Warming...Northeast braces for coldest Thanksgiving on Record? ...John Kerry: 'People are going to die'...because Trump left the...'Paris Climate Accord' = Means Nothing? ...Lock Ivanka Up?...Surprisingly, MSNBC commits an act of journalism?...'fair' reporting on the differences between Hillary's and Ivanka's private emails? ...President Trump unveils a New name for Joe Biden going forward? ...Chewing The Fat with Jeffy...more Bad news for Taylor Swift and Stormy Daniels ...Stu's, Porn House stay in L.A.? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 2 | 11/20/18
Ocasio-Cortez has no idea what the 3 branches of US government are?...complains about the number of males and 'very few people of color' serving public office?...Michelle Obama and 'some people of color'? ...Women's March Movement has some major PR issues? ...What Democrats are really thinking about (their issues)?...male, female, black, white, etc...by the numbers?...the obvious antisemitic tactics of the Left?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1 | 11/20/18
Stu witnessed the greatest, most enjoyable football game of all time?...The case for - and against - NFL teams signing Colin Kaepernick?...there is none ...Mulling the 'important' moments of Thanksgiving?...Gearing up for 'Creed II' the movie?...'the art' of boycotting? ...Five Rights According to Democrat Billionaire Tom Steyer?...Presidential run 2020?...'No way he wins'...Pat offers up another underwear eating challenge? ...A moment in 'More-On-Trivia' history?...Jeffy sucks as referee? ...Mia Love loses lead? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 11/19/18
Nukes, tanks and franks?...and Thank God for the 2nd Amendment...Once upon a time the Soviets had a plan to invade the US...while avoiding Texas?...Good luck confiscating 15 billion dollars' worth of guns? ...Major Garrett vs. Jim Acosta?...seems to be the only journalist not supporting Acosta? ...Beto vs. Trump 2020?...$9.95 to get rid of Beto?...other 2020 long shots?...Socialists have taken over the Democrats...LOL: John Kerry to the rescue? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 11/19/18
The Mexican people ironically are facing harsh realities...they are getting fed up with all the migrant caravans?...'we send back them'? ...Facts & Findings:...Poverty has gone down worldwide, because of the 'free market'...poor today isn't what poor was just 30 years ago?. ...What was worst year in history? ...Even you can prevent 'massive' wildfires? ...Mega Catastrophes and Apollo Creed?...Ivan Drago = 160 IQ?...Holiday Movie releases 2018...The Grinch...Bohemian Rhapsody ...Fun with a 2020 Democrat Mock Draft?...shocking reactions? ...GOP mid-terms...Not as bleak as once thought? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 11/19/18
Pat & Stu in for a holiday vacationing Glenn Beck ...Everybody, but black people?...the country's current biggest hoaxes (fake news) kinda? ...Barack Obama The Billion Dollar Man?...to produce a coming Netflix series ...SNL = FAIL...once again...not funny Ruth Bader Ginsburg rap ...Justice Sotomayor says Brett Kavanaugh was welcomed to the Supreme Court as a member of the family? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 11/16/18
The story of 'StoryCorps'...with Dave Sissy founder...StoryCorps: One Small Step...Joseph Weidknecht (a Trump supporter), and Amina Amdeen (a liberal Muslim), recall the time they met at a protest/rally?...real stories from real people?...Democracy can't breath without hope ...'Naughty Parts Around The World' with Andrew Heaton? ...And the Winner is?...Glenn gives away $5,000 and a trip and personal tour from Glenn at Mercury Studios 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 11/16/18
The Trump media war wages on...no signal of unity from press to President Trump and neither side is going to back down...CNN Acosta's case on against the President Trump...'it's clear' all of this is based on 'lies and 'misbehaving'...CNN is desperate for any kind of attention, welcomes any kind of disruption and Acosta wants to be a Star?...Fox News changes and shifts...goal: more mainstream news (the club)?...the truth about the migrant caravans from Bill O'Reilly?...all the reporting on this has been a giant lie...a Judge just ruled 'for' CNN and Acosta against President Trump?...Glenn pins Bill O'Reilly down for $20,000 for charity?...MercuryOne.org
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 11/16/18
Backfiring 'Bigly'?...Crazy Leftist ads...'What the hell is this?'...Celine Dion Ad for gender neutral kid cloths = Marxist propaganda...meanwhile the Left want free speech banned? ...Lessons learned in life from Glenn's father (Norman Vincent Peale)?...12 Ways to Win People to Your Thinking?... to argue or not argue?...basic principals shifting under our feet? ...Rush Limbaugh taught Americans how to win arguments back in the 90's but things have changed?...read 'How To Win Friends and Influence People' at Thanksgiving dinner 2018? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 11/15/18
Anti-Semtism & George Soros with Rabbi Daniel Lapin...College Students: Ben Shapiro "Shouldn't Have Free Speech"?...the idea that there are lots of civilizations...Facebook reportedly used anti-Semitic attacks to discredit its critics?...Secular fundamentalism rules the day? ...The highway to hell with Andrew Heaton?...stairs found inside the Egyptian pyramids ...MercuryOne.org/M1Ball...picks a winner?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 11/15/18
Wanting to like Monica?...A&E 'Clinton Affairs...Monica Lewinsky considered suicide after affair 'jump out the window'...does she has the right to be forgotten?..Europe is kicking around law ideas to 'erase history'? ...Deja vu Florida recount 2018 with former FL Secretary of State, Katherine Harris joins...sloppy signatures may disqualify thousands of votes?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 11/15/18
Michael 'The Zilch'  Avenatti ...arrested on domesticated abuse charges...he's 'disgusting and offensive to all survivors'?...the media is done with him...'use and discard'...even the worst like (Fill-In-Blank) should get due process? ...Italian food with French desserts?? ...They're Here?...migrant caravan have finally made it to the US border...now what? ...Will CNN/Acosta's lawsuit against Trump hold up? ...Glenn's has just realized he's turning out like his father?  
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 11/14/18
Amazon Chooses?...New York and Virginia (DC)...the CATO Institute ranks NY one of the worst cities in the country to do business ...'Something's Off with Andrew Heaton'...a 'enjoyable' look at the news...deadly Herpes Monkeys virus in Florida...Proposition C?...largest tax increase in San Francisco history? ...Too Many Polar Bears?...the Progressives are puzzled ...Here come the 'meat tax'...sausages, steaks and burgers...Glenn and Stu's fear of the 2018 dietary guidelines? ...Finland will open its first sex doll brothel later this week...as demand for silicone companies blows up all over the world...disposable models? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 11/14/18
Here comes the 'Pink Wave'...the Lefts packing Pelosi? ...'Welcome to Adulting' with Author & Pastor, JP Pokluda...Navigating faith, friendship, finances, and the future'...'patience' is still a virtue...everyone needs to try some...everyday another Millennial becomes an adult ...Fair to say this was a 'minor' Blue Wave?...Democrats keep racking up votes (a week later) ...'The Worst Fire in California History'...Mercury One's Joy Villa, joins Glenn live from California...the fires have been consuming 80 football fields a minute?...the smell of smoke is everywhere...help to CA fire victims...Donate now!...MercuryOne.org ...No Soup for the Kansas City homeless?...thanks to the city's health department pouring bleach on food intended for the need
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 11/14/18
Trump fires back at France's Macron?...One day a 'real' European military?...the US pays for half of the worlds defense budgets...Global Helicopter Parenting? ...Skeptical Scammer...the story of Ben and Joel...about a scammer in Liberia who befriends an American? ...Hey, did you know it's Raining rockets in Israel?...retribution for Hamas leader killed ...Melania Trump vs. John Bolton...Who is Mira Ricardel? ...Pinks husband threatens Looters? ...Meet the CEO of the DNC?...Seema Nanda, doesn't know how to pay for health care ...following the Soviet constitution playbook?...Trump has been very Romney like?...Get rid of the tariffs or down goes the economy...Poor Michelle Obama?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 11/13/18
Who is Asia Bibi?...Faithwire.com's Will Maule tells us...her life is in grave danger as she desperately seeks asylum in the West?...a Christian mother continues to remain in Pakistan, despite open threats against her life from Islamist radicals who are desperate to 'finish the job'?...Update on the Scotland Yard Labour-Party problems? ...What is tolerance?...here comes the LGBT migrant caravan? ...Monopoly for the 21st Century?...play the new board game for 'victims'? ...Monica Lewinsky sets the record straight on Bill Clinton?...wanted more from Bill?...the hug that caused the stain?...denies affair was 'abuse'...still sorry to Hillary
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 11/13/18
Over the past 72 hours, over 400 rockets have been fired by Hamas into Israel. ...Rockets fired directly at Jewish civilians. It is the largest escalation of rocket fire Hamas has ever done...not stopping any time soon? ...MercuryOne.org is spreading all over the world?...be one of a few helping so many ...What's in a word America?...Depends on where you live?...You say tomato they say tomato?...soda, pop or coke?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 11/13/18
Broward County madness...Brenda Snipes has a history of shenanigans... 'found ballots' in 2012? ...Now it's the media is yelling 'conspiracy'...for 2 years they investigated a so-call 'Russian influence' ...GB vs. Fire Ants?...Hate is boiling over again at Kansas State?...a case of blatant racism?...no stone upturned, no pancake unflipped while drinking gobbets of fire? ...Author, Brad Meltzer joins to discuss the death of comic book superhero, Stan Lee...a generations Walt Disney?...the time Brad met 'just a Jewish kid from NYC', Stan Lee?...created Marvel Comics: Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, etc...Stan seemed like a happy guy, with his own personal issues...Americans need to come together on things that matter again?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 11/12/18
"Why I Stand", Author and NFL Super Bowl Champion, Burgess Owens...joins to discuss his book documenting an ideology that uses trust to divide and betray....it was the ideology of the 1910 NAACP...founded by 21 white Marxist Socialist, atheist and eugenicist Democrats?...the NFL and the Globalist?...the American people deserve an apology from the NFL?...Nike in bed with China? ...Election Recounts in Florida and Arizona...Wait, is a Blue Wave still coming?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 11/12/18
She Needs Help?...Christians Beware? Life as a Christian in Pakistan?...an embattled minority?...Christian woman acquitted of blasphemy...'we' must stand by her...and all persecuted Christians around the world ...Party Hate by the Numbers?...Democrats vs. Republicans...both sides currently despise each other and it's getting worse?...the Lefts obsession with Donald Trump is endless...every story, every angle, every day is non stop Trump...the media are the ones who treat Trump like a King...blaming Trump for CA wildfires? ...Ashton Kutcher vs. Glenn Beck?...Twitter battle of the facts and data...School students are 4 x safer than you were in 1990? 
34 min