Global market never recovered… Glenn teases what’s coming in 2019 about finances… Trade wars are coming?… Pat Gray joins… Satellite Voyager 2 has left the building… What’s inside the Voyager… Socialist medicine… Government is going to manufacture drugs?… Glenn is going on the Voyager 3?… Glenn teases
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 12/17/18
Shades of 1929...get ready for a looong 2019?...Our US Government is spending more than ever before?...'The Everything Bubble' is coming/crash?...China is building a prison for their people, because they know a crash is coming by 2020? ...The Titanic. the New evidence, never exposed... in the sinking of the Titanic?...Why was the Titanic speeding, full steam ahead? ...a nice note to GB from a UPS driver?...the difficulties of adoption? ...Prayers for Pete Davidson...checked on by police after disturbing Instagram post?...The power of 'empathy'? ...30% of Stu's career has been spent dressed like a woman?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 12/17/18
The search for 'Mountain of Moses: Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia'...Ryan Mauro, Director of Clarion Intelligence Network, joins to explain his findings in more detail?...the academic consensus is that the story of the Exodus is a myth, largely because of a lack of evidence at the traditional Mount Sinai in Egypt?...Ryan's miracle journey to Saudi Arabia to obtain video footage at the highly secured 'Mountain of Moses'...nobody seems to be aware of this information?...footage of the 'the split rock' with Hebrew writing...Biblical artifacts protected by Muslims...could this just be a elaborate ancient hoax or just lost history?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 12/17/18
Complaining while arguing is a spectator sport?...Righteous order...China continues to round up Christians and other faiths and put them in camps...the main stream media continues to remain silent? ...Man killed on remote Indian island tried to 'declare Jesus' to tribe?...the most effective revolutionary tool? ...The moron Magic of More-On-Trivia?...heading for Prime Time? ...Men with periods?...the First-transgender participant in the Miss Universe pageant...did sHE win?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 12/14/18
Flashback 2008: A Glenn Beck Merry Christmas, 'Baby It's Cold Outside' joke is now a reality Merry Christmas 2018?...Once Upon a 'Dead Pool'...the Rated R vs. PG-13 version ...Something's Off with Andrew, sad and starving?... Snorting Eels, with Endangered Hawaiian Seal Monks?...Who wants an Emmy? John Stossel loves to give his away?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 12/14/18
Bill O'Reilly picks it' apart?...Michael Cohen speaks...GMA asks "Why should we believe you"?...Brand Protection...Cohen was Trumps 'personal' fixer? believe or not to believe = National Enquirer? ...Bill's beef with Time Magazine's Person of The Year?...where have all of the courageous people gone in America? ...Fun with 'Farm Bill' talk... and reading the fine print?...War in Yemen with Saudi Arabia, to never end?...China are waging cyber war against the whole world...'I think Trump will get his trade deal with China'...Taylor Swift for 'Chief of Staff'? ...Glenn's 'Best TV Comedy of the year' is on Amazon Prime?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 12/14/18
Caravan Demands! demands Trump either let them stay or pay...$50,000 per migrant? ...PolitiFact's 2018 Lie of The Year goes to? ...Fun with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Math? ...Glenn plays holiday pimp?...What happened to the 'American Rebel'?...since when is banning things good?...Baby It's Cold Outside the Politically Correct version? ...Get $20 off a Great Christmas Gift...a subscription to
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 12/13/18
Sad & Tragic?...Death of 9-year-old McKenzie Adams...Eddwina Harris, Aunt of McKenzie Adams talks to Glenn?...a loving, smart girl, who loved ...Flashback GB 2008: 'Baby It's Cold Outside'? ...Jimmy Johns CEO pays it off paying for peoples Christmas layaway's...keep giving, relax and enjoy? ...Nigerian President denies dying, and being replaced by a lookalike? ...drank the 'clone milk'? ...Update - Send WWII Vet to Normandy?...Daughters, Lori and Julie call to thank The Glenn Beck Program audience?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 12/13/18
Gay Conservatives = Non-Existent?...Chad Felix Greene, Senior Contributor, The Federalist...joins to discuss his piece "The Stigma Against My Conservative Politics Is Worse Than The Stigma of Being Gay"...Choosing Liberty over identity politics...every gay conservative is compared to Milo Yiannopoulos?...but for all the wrong reasons? ...The Important Parts with Leon Wolf?...Managing Editor at campaign finance violations...the inconsistent application of the law?...impeachment is a political thing, not a legal thing?...China has just caught on to Donald Trumps trade war(s)?...the Beginnings of a long Cold Trade War?...very dangerous game?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 12/13/18
The Gift that will finally Destroy?... President Trump...Shocked and Dirty?...All In for a Government Shut Down? ...Congress just passed $867 Billion Farm Bill...What the heck is in it?...Christmas Ghost gets Woke? ...Congress kinda whiffed during Google grilling?...the concerns of A.I.?... hate speech filters?...algorithms for the people, by the gods at Google?...built to Never piss you off?...Google is a Verb in 2018?...up to the creepy line, but never over it? ...Bullied for being black with white friends?...'devastating' story out of Alabama?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 12/12/18
Caller Tina hates being treated like a black 'victim'...Black history should not be set aside for just 1 month,needs to be ongoing...Black History Museum Coming Spring 2019 to Mercury Studios? ...Spreading Christmas Cheer...Giving is only rich people showing off? ..GoFundMe Page Day-Send WWII Vet to Normandy...Lori Hadley and Jullie Kissick (Daughters) goal is to raise $12,000, to send their father a World War II vet to visit Normandy one last time? ...Leftist media says, all Conservative Gays need to Shut the F**k Up? ...There's no such thing as a Utopia, but it's always worth 'striving' for?...Socialism Never Works...and that's the only consistent thing about it
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 12/12/18
Lt. Col. Oliver North, the New President of the NRA and host of 'American Heroes' joins...tells the story of Dave Eubank, the founder of the Free Burma Rangers—a part disaster relief, part missionary, part military organization whose mission is as unique as it is ambitious...Oliver North 30 years later? ...Sad & Shocking: 9 Year-old girl commits suicide...bullied for being friends with someone white? ...Positive Backlash?...grateful & thankful people are continuing to pay it forward ...Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the game plan (poster child) for the Democrat Party?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 12/12/18
Islamic terror attack on Christians in France...'Islamist' who shot dead three people and wounded 13 in Strasbourg, killer is still on the run? ...Full-blown recession by 2020? ...Ugly: Trump spars with Chuck and Nancy, while Mike Pence silently participates?...both sides think they won yesterday...a fundraising win for both? ...Already a friend of Planned Parenthood?...'Kavanaugh wasn't worth fighting for'?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 12/11/18
Free Speech for most?...Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter...And he’s got very high moral standards for his platform. It’s a totally free speech platform, for most people?...feeling right at home in Burma?...Merry Mercedes Christmas from Glenn Beck? ...New Exercise Guidelines for 2019? ...Facebook is trying to patent your 'future locations'? ...predicting you...New Google Phone service = 'Don't Do It' ...All we want for Christmas is a Government Shutdown?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 12/11/18
'Indicted Eventually'...says Andy McCarthy...Why Trump is likely to be indicted by US Attorney?...Arguably, the Trump payment is not a donation, if it was made for an expense that was independent of the campaign?...proving how Michael Cohen credibility will hurt Trump ...overall 'legally' this is not a good case? ...the real story of 'Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer'...was created for an marketing/advertisement?...Baby It's Cold Outside...that song was written to empower women and not date rape? ...Comedian mocks?...Kim Kardashian's spontaneous 'pardon' for Alice the prisoner? ...Who's the only broadcaster worse than Glenn?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 12/11/18
Kavanaugh blows it for Conservatives...already!...casts deciding vote as Supreme Court Rejects Review of Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood...the sky isn't falling, it's just an acorn? ...Tyler Perry, Kid Rock and Me?...a GB recalls a 'Hitting It Big Christmas'? ...decorating 'fake' Christmas trees while OCD? ...Tweaking to cut the Nazi parts out?...NBA Player superstar doesn't think we've been to the moon?...the # of non-believes has risen as GB once predicted? ...Nothing is Credible anymore?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 12/10/18
Phony self-righteousness?...Saturday a Winner...Sunday a Loser...Heisman Trophy winner under pressure for using the word 'queer'...when he was 14...Again, The Bill of Rights fixes a time of collective madness?...Were all just one big mistake away from losing our career? ...Glenn address the Gavin McInnes Blaze uproar?...'had nothing to do with him leaving' ...Standing with the outcasts, misfits and the Democratic Socialists too? ...Giving in silence = inspirational? ...Caller: Elliot in North Carolina pays it forward, Tyler Perry style?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 12/10/18
Prioritize Giving Over Receiving? in silence...Christmas, a time for giving and being 'grateful'...Do Your part and do the Tyler Perry Challenge? ...Here comes wearable technology?...will help with most things in life, eliminating anything challenging?...Glenn updates Stu on the revolutionary leap in A.I = human like intuition? ...Virginia school board fires teacher who refused to call female student 'he' or 'him' there No Mercy anymore?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 12/10/18
Raging in the streets...4th straight weekend Paris has been On Fire...War ravaged Paris 2018?...the 'Social welfare' is all gone?...Fact: Global Debit $240 Trillion...Arab Spring + Migrant Crisis + Caliphate = Glenn Was Right? ...Inspiration trickle down?...inspired by Tyler Perry...Christmas layaway payoffs at Walmart?...AMX to the rescue? ...The 'Deal' that's dead? ...OCD Christmas tree decorating...with Glenn Beck = Stressful? ...Heisman Trophy winner tweeting controversy?...'one of the Q's is queer'?...No Mercy in Forgiveness?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 12/7/18
'Kibbe on Liberty' with Matt Kibbe...the New BlazeTV personality...spreading his Libertarian love (principals) to younger generations?...What is behind the Libertarian movement in Brazil?...where are all the Libertarians in Silicon Valley, when it comes to A.I.ethics?...finding common ground with ALL people, is a challenge?...Tribal warfare is tearing us all apart...the rage against the (swamp)? ...The latest from the Left on Christmas?...Jesus had two dads?...#MeTooVirginMary?...the power dynamic of consenting?...'Behold the hand of the Lord'? ...Why? Millennial men are abandoning masculine values, but what are they in 2018?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 12/7/18
China's Not Happy about this?...Canada makes an arrest of a Chinese CFO? ...Bill O'Reilly Friday; Former Fox News 'person' gets the gig for UN Ambassador...beating out Steve Doocy? Ha! Ha!...but wait, Bill says he could 'do the job'?...Problems in France?...H.W. Bush was a 'big plus for the country'?...Move over Kevin Hart, Bill O'Reilly wants to host the Oscars?...a Cultural civil war is raging on? ...Standing up for anybody and everybody? ...Who's pure enough to host the Oscars now?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 12/7/18
Welcome to the A.I. Revolution? AlphaZero?...a robot with human-like intuition? ...8 Categories That Will Decide Everything?...most people don't know these 8 categories...5G network = Game Changer?...Artificial 'General' Intelligence by 2030 or sooner?...A.I., A.G.I., A.S.I. Oh My!? ...'The Church of ASI' is being built in Silicon Valley?...A.I. capable of learning 500 years worth of things in just 24 hours? ...Mutation of Artificial intelligence...when A.I. decides who lives who dies? euthanasia?...every modern machine you have, is learning you?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 12/6/18
Christmas Hating, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?...Outraged by Rudolph?...Nebraska elementary school bans all things Christmas and Arbor Day?...the Memo Ban List? ...What's the Elliot Wave Theory?...when and how, our social moods drive the markets?...rational vs. irrational theory?...there's safety in pessimism, therefore many gravitate to it?...Flashback America: Going bananas for bananas?...Polarized polar opposites? ...Something's Off with Andrew Heaton...not a morning person? ...Teaching A.I. to kill people?...fear the goal, not the robot?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 12/6/18 coming soon to France?...Paris, the city of Blood?...Effie Tower or Guillotine? ...Wall Street Woes...Optimist vs. Catastrophic views going forward 2019?...just normal year-end market adjustment(s)? a 2008 event on the horizon?...Trump is being Reagan like on tariffs?...playing chess with China, but just not convinced Trump is a good chess player?...thanks to Capitalist principals, China has grown into freedom?...Trump Tariffs with China; he just wants a better deal for America?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 12/6/18
Vowing to live everyday to the fullest?...Remembering the 'kind' greatness of George H.W. thru his son W? ...It was April of 1988 when Glenn leaned about 'hope' from H.W. Bush? ...Blaze TV's Steve Deace joins, topics: Veggie Tales = Racist and Dangerous for Children?...Annual Whiteness Conference?...Global Warming madness...credo of progressiveness?...child like thinking from the Leftist state of mind?...a NEW Great Awaking in needed?