Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/18/19
Angel Mom, Sabine Durden shares her tragic story of loss...her only son, who was killed by an illegal alien, with a criminal record, who had been deported several times...Served only 35 days in jail for manslaughter?...Angel mom's want a border Wall ...Turns out the Republicans really don't want a Wall? ...Caller Gwen shares her husbands 10 year journey to US Citizenship..."thank you Glenn and President Trump" ...The Great Pat Boone, an American Icon talks about his late wife?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/18/19
Fun and Speculation with Bill O'Reilly...Bill tells us what 'could' convict and Impeach President Trump?...a healthy dose of skepticism is needed?...Bill's not buying the 'Latino support jump for Trump' Marist Poll hype?...Beware of ALL Poll(s)?...Bill O'Reilly = Yoda?...Women's March is a contrived joke...Bill ways in the 2020 Democratic prospects?...Nancy Pelosi's plane ride that didn't happen? ...Large sums of money, Bill, and Nancy in Cancun? ...Steven Crowder is Back!...watch him for Free at BlazeTV.com 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 1/18/19
Oh yeah, there's a Government Shutdown?...Observational Studies vs. Science?...and the historic words from stripper turned rapper Cardi B...Stripper racism is 'real'? ...Trump pens letter to Nancy...Pomp and circumstance?...Please Don't Nancy Hurt'em? ...the Government Shutdown no one seems to give a 'rats crap' about? ...Why is the Ford Motor Company is in the Dog House? ...Marist Poll: Trump's Latino Support Jumps 19 points?  
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/17/19
Happy JanuHAIRY, to shave, pluck or not to?...Move over Monopoly...'Intersectionality' the board game? ...Adult Disneyland = Walmart...Drinking while Walmarting?...3 hours of electric cart shopping, while drinking wine out of a Pringles can? ...Actor, Stephen Baldwin joins Glenn In Studio...to discuss his New Movie  'The Least of These', communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ...In theaters on February 1st ...Backfire: Nancy Pelosi's 'power move' may be a great thing for President Trump, but Why?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/17/19
Dropping 'Truth Bombs' with BlazeTV's  Steve Deace...New Book Out Now..."Confronting the Lies Conservatives Believe (To Our Own Demise)"..."Republicans hate Everyday Americans"...just look at the way they behave?...Example(s): Mitt Romney?...Trump has been 'more to the right' then expected?...Trump is Winning because he Stands with 'the People Against the System' ...CLICKservatives vs. Conservatives? ...The Economy & China with Economist Justin Wheeler...Not Good: China just pumped $50 Trillion into their economy, government backed bonds?...Signs of What's to Come?...in the midst of a Global economic slow down? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 1/17/19
State Run State of Union?...Nancy's never been so right?...punishes President..."I Hate the State of the Union"...Term Limits! Term Limits!...Ted Cruz Term limits bill aims at career politicians?...The 1 Problem with the US Constitution? ...Recognizing Toxic Femininity?...#MeToo will Not Survive unless we recognize?...Glenn has some real honest questions for Real Female callers? ... '100% Yes, there is toxic femininity'? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/16/19
It's Official...'Kibbe on Liberty' joins The BlazeTV network...Libertarian, Matt Kibbe, founder of Freedom Works and the Tea Party movement News of the Day?...Technology?...Raging Against the Machine all over the world...the Machine may have met it's match with President Trump? ...the good?, the bad?, the scary?...Pro-Empire with Beto O'Rourke?...the Lefts Alinsky style of politics, is indeed alive and well? ...Angel Mom Laura Wilkerson, joins Glenn to discuss the need for the border wall? Laura's son Joshua was murdered by an illegal alien?...Seeking Justice for All?...Joshua's killer's gruesome details of the murder? ...Josh was a good, compassionate kid who knew Jesus, Amen!
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/16/19
Running scared?...Member of the Russian LGBT Network...secretly joins Glenn to discuss the Chechnya Crackdown on gays...Local Russian law enforcement is looking the other way..."Russia is a very homophobic country"...a cry for humanity ...Everything is politicized...2019 Goal: Focus on What Matters? ...the 'Bubba Effect' Globally? ...eating Misogynist Salad?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 1/16/19
For vs. Against and the 'Specifics'?...The View takes credit for DNC leaving 'The Women's March'...they have been Exposed...Game Over...Imploding...Louis Farrakhan has injected the poison of hatred in the black community for Decades ...Defining what is 'Immoral'?...NY Governor Cuomo proposes modification to NY abortion law in 2019 budget?...holding the state hostage? ...America's favorite UK 'Senator'...Daniel Hannan, Member of Parliament...Topic: Brexit?...Daniel explains...fearing Jeremy Corbyn?...the 'Domino effect' ahead?
31 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/15/19
Gay rights in Russia? Ha! Ha! Yeah right? ...A Real Classy Moment, President Trump orders Fast-food, McDonalds and Wendy's for Clemson football players ...Stu Chooses the News?...Fun with the polar shifts? ...'The First Conspiracy' with Brad Meltzer...the secret plot to kill George Washington?...In 1776, an elite group of soldiers were handpicked to serve as George Washington’s bodyguards. Washington trusted them; relied on them. But unbeknownst to Washington, some of them were part of a treasonous plan? ...McDonalds is Loving it...thanks to Donald Trump? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/15/19
Siriously Susan?...the Original voice of Siri...Susan Bennett joins, is a singer, musician, and voice talent...back up singer to Roy Orbison...Siri's voice is a Millennial now?...the future of deep fakes? ...Make Comedy Great Again with Comedian Jeff Allen...Strong male leads in TV Sitcoms are far and few? ...Target: Anti-government activism...Hate groups are about to find lawmakers eager to scrutinize them?...Flashback: Pizzagate? 
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 1/15/19
Women March Madness...this weekend?...President, Tamika Mallory Defends calling Louis Farrakhan the 'greatest of all time'? ...Gilette hypocrisy, blames today's American Man for Sins of generations (Mad Men) past?...attack on masculinity ...Theresa May's Hail Mary... bid to force Second vote on her Brexit deal despite facing huge defeat? ...BP vs. Exxon? ...TV's Tim Allen is back and better than ever? ...Steve King facing fire over offensive remarks?, House votes to rebuke him?...Kings 'last straw'? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/14/19
Running to Socialist properties?...Who can beat Trump in 2020?...IF there's no 'economic troubles'?...almost impossible?...However, if the economy tanks, a Socialist like Ocasio-Cortez, Could Beat they guy at the end of the bar (Trump)? ...Who could actually stand up to Trump?...Biden, Beto, Harris? ...Glenn's New Fat Loss Challenge...30 days of raw Salad and Fruit ...the Penn Gillette potato Diet...down 100 pounds in just weeks...losing your sense of taste Diet?...Ironing out our taste buds, Ouch!? ...Dem Senator: "Border wall is not Immoral"?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/14/19
 Who Is the New Democrat Party for 2020?...Sorting thru the New faces, representation...45% (Moderates) are leaving the Democrat Party...the Left vs.  Moderates?...All of the Democrats battles 'within' Only benefit Donald Trump in 2020?...is Joe Biden far enough (to the Left) to win? ...Two Years Later? Philly residents defy the city's controversial 'soda (sin) Tax'...Basic 'Minimum' Income = Failures of the Future? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 1/14/19
Partying on the beach in Puerto Rico?...watching Hamilton, along with 109 lobbyists?...Meanwhile, it's Day 24 of the Government Shutdown ...Yawn: Democrat congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard announces her bid for President 2020 oh and so did Julian Castro? ...Cyber-Crime job market...is alive and well, but is it legal? ...New CA Governor Gavin Newsom to Tax drinking water? ...Some Say We are Just better 'sorted' now?...the military unveils it's  New F-35 Stealth Fighter, able to 'flat spin' = Amazing...Government money well spent? 
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/11/19
Fun with Acosta mockery?...Live from the Long Island Expressway, Yankee Stadium and a Movie Theater watching Aqua-man, it's Stu!...hilarity ensues? ...The Calm before the Storm...It was the Summer 1929?...Since 2008-2018 stocks have gone up 400% = Unsustainable...President Trump Must make the Economy his #1 issue going forward ...A.I. Today...is working on being able to 'predict you'...Goal: Satisfaction over Reason? ...Keep your Eye on France?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/11/19
Happy New Year from Bill O'Reilly ...there's a 'Cable News War' going on ...'reality themed' Media rules the day...the 'when are we going to get him (Trump)' media?...Trumps 8 min speech to America 'did him some good'...who will break first?...If Trump does First, he's done, 'won't be reelected'...good luck getting 'accurate' reporting...the Ted Cruz Term Limits? ...what If there is No Compromise?...Top 3 'Serious' contenders for President Trump?...Biden, Michelle O, Oprah and Andrew Cuomo?...Write it down...because Bill says so?...Vice President Kamala Harris? ...Muslims threatening Genocide of Jews in Sweden...so bad Even YouTube took it down 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 1/11/19
Completely exposed?...Jim Acosta Mocks at the border, backfire? ...Seattle TV Station Airs Doctored Trump Oval Office Speech...Todd Herman, host of 'The Todd Herman Show'...joins to explain the situation further, what exactly happened?...Edited video to make the President look deranged? ...Focused on the Wall like a Laser Beam...political waste? ...Credit card fraud has declined 'massively', thanks to all the 'current' A.I.? ...When a hamster fight breaks out?...Quail on cocaine? ...Custom made for Donald Trump built with Hillary Clinton powers?...'I'm just gonna git me a beer'?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/10/19
'Something's Off with Andrew Heaton'...Young, Hot but Not rich?...a 'son of a bastard'?...when a Train turns the wrong way?...Dinner with the Italians and Dessert with the Germans?...Violent, but Cool in Scotland?...security without guns? ...Jeff Bezos and his $147 billion Divorce...she was there from the beginning; deserves half, $73.5 billion? ...Great News: there's a Huge Decline in the Cancer rate?...
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/10/19
'They Skyscraper Curse' with Author, Dr. Mark Thornton...How Austrian Economists Predict Every Major Crisis of the Last Century?...the mistake of the skyscraper curse?...Example: The Woolworth Building, 1914?..the market economy did not fail us. Instead, it was the bureaucrats pushing endless lists of regulations that let us down?...The Fed & Interest rates, the keys to the Global Economy?...the sliver lining of a Category 6 global economy crash? back to 'sound money'= Gold? ...Former Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan, joins to obliterate the Liberal media's 'Fact-Checks' of Trump's Immigration address?...Mark is a career FBI official who served as Border Patrol Chief, under President Obama? ...Bad News (Not)? U.S. Carbon Emission for 2018?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 1/10/19
Debating a Crises? ...8 Ties-In's to the Coming Global Collapse?...taxes, taxes, and the French Yellow Vest protests?...the Left and Right getting together to tear the system down...riots and bank withdrawals?...how Bitcoin could save the day? ..Glenn's Call for his radio and BlazeTV audience to Help?...What Matters To You, What has Meaning?...Research@GlennBeck.com ...the coming 5G Network  = Technological Game Changer ...A Must Listen: Stu's deep state Avocado theory? ...a New Lindsey Graham Deal is coming on the Wall, DACA?
26 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/9/19
BlazeTVs Jon Miller from 'White House Brief" joins to say President Trump's speech was effective, but stiff?...Who will 'budge' first? ...BlazeTVs Matt Kibbe, joins for his Libertarian reaction to the President's immigration speech?...Decriminalizing drugs will help solve lots of our problems, i.e. Portugal?...Since 2001, Portugal's 'legalization of drugs', Is Working? ...Matt helps Glenn get his inner Libertarian out? ...Young-Voices.com, Stephen Kent joins to give his Millennial perspective on President Trump's speech?...It was good, but expected more?...a fiery, passionate speech? ...BlazeTV.com 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/9/19
The Daily Wire's,  Andrew Klavan from 'The Andrew Klavan Show' joins to give his reaction to the President's immigration address?...Democrats embarrassed themselves last night; not thinking for the good of the country?...Democrats can say whatever they want, because the press will cover it up?...the Press Must Reform themselves?...Zero credibility ...BlazeTVs Ben Ferguson joins to discuss his reaction to the President's speech?..."Democrats don't care about the American worker"? ...BlazeTVs, Steve Deace joins for his reaction...the end of Schumer & Pelosi politics?...they're in a Generational transition a battle of the bases?...Fun with Gerrymandering?...Watch out for Democrat Jerry Crawford? ..."Let's be honest, Ocasio-Cortez is the Democrats Sarah Palin"
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 1/9/19
BlazeTV's Eric Bolling, Host of "AMericA", joins to give his reaction to President Trump's Immigration Address?..."Trump is making a big mistake on"?...the President Must find the funding for the Wall his base wanted...Nobody wants this Wall, except the American people...the War on Drugs has become a joke?...More people have died from drug overdoes then then died in the Vietnam?...Everyone is hurt by illegal immigration, especially African and Hispanic Americans, the #'s? ...was Trump's speech effective?...kinda, sorta, mostly? ...Bronze penny from Heaven, circa 1947?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/8/19
The Room tilts again?...Jeffy 'Heart Attack' Fisher is back and better than ever?...Jeffy discusses his near death experience...prayers and blessings from everyone...calling 911 and the ride in the ambulance?...no smoking, no Twinkies while on supplements...Jeffy inspires Glenn to participate in Operation Less Fatness 2019?...Glenn's Goal: losing 50 lbs?...losing weight with people that look at me (Glenn)...Flashback: Glenn and Jeffy Wheel of Blame? ...'Planned Parenthood', ironically does nothing of the sorts?...defending the Unborn...their way or no way?
33 min