Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/11/19
the Gigantic Crisis that's being ignored?...Socialism is destroying Venezuela, right before our eyes? Once a prosperous country, has become a Socialist slum?...and the U.S. is on the same path...Tens and trillions of dollars in debit because of Obamacare?...in too deep? ...Back when Glenn was a smoker?...Climate Scientists have changed the sea level rise predictions, 7 times?...Everything that occurs is 'global warming' ...Word of wisdom from Cardi B?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/11/19
Picking Hitler Over Gandhi?.....Mein Kamp India?...we are dealing with a "Whole New Class of Radicals"?...'by any means possible'?...becoming a certified CPA, via Twitter? ...Stu's 'Power Rankings' for the Democratic Presidential 'hopefuls'?...will 'Just Beat Trump' be enough for the Democrats...are Michelle Obama ambitions real after her Surprise Grammy's appearance? ...the Bezos Pole of Joy?...Exposed by the mistresses brother?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/11/19
Trump Truth?..."America will never be a Socialist country"...Spartacus speaks?...and continues to sound like a idiot?...Green New Deal vs. Moon Landing?...Who pays for this 'deal'?...just print the money? ...All Americans are Kings...Thanks to the US Constitution? ...It's Coming...Adios First Amendment?...Using the Wrong Pronouns will Now get you arrested?...What is 'dead naming'?... Every one's doing it and it better stop?...the illusion of 'freedom of speech'?...thinking you are 'always' going to have it ...Cow Farts for All?...fact checking the fact checkers with Pat Gray? ...American Icon lost? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/8/19
Brains and Common Sense?...The White House Brief with Jon Miller, joins GB to give his take on the SOTU last Tuesday night?...laughs and hisses, you could feel the arrogance in the room? ...American media says its reporting on Amazon's Bezo was lawful?...Pee Pee pics from Bezos? ...Dr. Gad Saad, Professor, Concordia University...book, The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Farraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal about Human Nature?...Americans seem to be taking the First Amendment for granted? ...History is About Human Decisions with Arthur Herman?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/8/19
Why He Believes What He Believes?...with Bill O'Reilly...teases his New untitled book about his 'real' private moments with President Trump?...if you Hate Trump you will Hate this book?...Uncle MIT...his father was arrested at a Klan rally? ...the AOC New Green Deal = Nightmare? ...planes, trains and automobiles Banned!...Nancy Pelosi vs. AOC?...arrogance on High ...Bill talked to President Trump on Air Force One about his SOTU speech? ...the speech was good but stop being obsessed with Muller?...Bezos vs. Trump continues
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/8/19
The Green New Deal...No, this is not a joke...GB breaks it down...ban on 99% of cars, all oil, natural gas and nuclear power...oh no more air travel...Green New Deal offers, jobs, health care and Free Healthy food for All Americans...farting cow fact sheet removed?...this Green New plan is already on its way, thanks to technology? ...Justice Roberts joins the Liberal Court to block Louisiana Abortion law?...what a "disgrace and disappointment, he sucks!" ...the Left are overplaying their hand on Abortion?...is the End of Abortion coming?...the Abby Johnson story is amazing?...ego and legacy, over 60 million lives?
34 min
Best of the Program | Guests: 'Uju' Ekeocha, Ti...
Best of the Program | 2/7- Nancy 'Sad' Pelosi? -h1- Population Control?  (w/ Obianuju Ekeocha "Uju") -h2- Overplaying Their Hand? -h2- ISIS is Alive and Well? (w/ Tim Ballard) -h2- 'Truth Bombs'? (w/ Steve Deace) -h3     
56 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/7/19
'Truth Bombs' and Coincidences? with BlazeTV's Steve Deace...in-studio Movie review: 'Unplanned'...not just another cheesy Pro-Life preachy movie?...forces one to confront Abortion, brutally? ...What President Trump needs to do to get Re-Elected?...needs to become more 'likeable' and ''creditable' with women going forward?...How can he do that?...Trump's language was very powerful last Tuesday night? ...GB quizzed on the Mendoza Line?...2020 Democrat candidate = Open Communist Candidate?...We're living out the times of the Old Testament, again? ...Just one bad economy away from a Socialist President?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/7/19
Obianuju Ekeocha "Uju"...Author, "Target Africa" Founder & President, Culture of Life Africa...Nigerian Scientist: Gates Foundation Funding "Population" Control in Africa...Flashback: President Obama on deaf ears?...money better spent on real women issues of life ...Is the Left over playing their hand?...Depends on who you ask? ...Live from the Middle-East, Operation Underground Railroad CEO, Tim Ballard joins to discuss his meeting with President Trump...how 'walls' do work, to save people...ISIS is alive an well in Iraq? ...OUR in action? ...Virginia Blackface Mania is spreading the Nation?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/7/19
Nancy 'Sad' Pelosi: Late Term Abortion ban is 'sad'...lies thru her teeth on abortion...President Trumps bold move on Late-term abortion...stuns the Schumer's and Pelosi's of the Democratic party...don't let Trump derangement syndrome deny the truth?...Dems attempt to Fact-Check Trump SOTU? ...Keys In Space?... Even more 'impressed' ' with President Trump after SOTU experience? ...Ex-ESPN host Tweets State of the Union assassination reference, then deletes? ...the Left celebrates Nancy Pelosi's 'rudeness' towards President Trump at SOTU?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/6/19
Two Visions for America?...A New Opportunity in American politics...Winning that is for Our country...the systems of the 21st century are changing...rejecting the politics of revenge...choose or dare?... Glenn Rereads President Trump's 'Great' State of the Union speech? ...Updates: Doc Thompson dies in a tragic accident...Steven Crowder health improvements continue ...the Left Media of course trash President Trump's speech...'psychotically incoherent'? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/6/19
Father of the Tea Party?...Former SC Senator, Jim DeMint chimes in on his reaction to the State of the Union...impressed by the President standing up to important issues...'inspiring' message ...the economy and abortion?...Historical moment of the night?...Glenn vs. the Secret Service stare down? ...Senator Mike Lee joins Glenn to discuss last nights SOTU and 'Emergency Action" on the border...President Trump 'knocked it out of the park' last night...Historic Moment of the night?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/6/19
Glenn gives his thoughts on last nights SOTU,  President Trump's speech...Not just a clap trap?...a phenomenal job ...R.I.P. Doc Thompson...former Blaze Radio morning host...died in a tragic jogging accident..next to the railroad tracks?...leaves a wife and 3 children behind ...One of the Good Guys in Congress...Thomas Massie joins Glenn to give his reaction to the SOTU...impressed with Trump calling out Democrats as Socialists and their refusal to deny abortion...the 'precious pin'...debit = a Non Issue with Trump's base?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/5/19
Much Improved with a Long Way to Go...Eric Bolling joins Glenn...what to expect from President Trump speech tonight?...What President Trump told Eric...topics of discussion...fentanyl, drugs at the border, securing the border, China, expecting a 'common sense' speech to the American people...awaiting the recession, we're 'due for'?...Eric disagrees with GB...the economy is sound? ...'Unity' expected, to be highlighted from President Trump...the State of The Union, the grades, America's report card?...'A' is for Anxiety and 'T' is for Taxing the Rich?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/5/19
So cool with infanticide?...Just political maneuvers? ...Democrat Patty Murray blocks Senate bill banning...Senator Ben Sasse, asked for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to be approved by unanimous consent? ...the Art of Killing a Canker Worm?...social justice or prosperity, both can't work together? ...the Coming for the bullets...CT Rep. Jillian Gilchrest describes her newly introduced bill, to Tax ammunition by 50%  ...the Democrats are walking Abortion backwards?...the Left will do anything to come for our guns? ...
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/5/19
Live from Washington D.C...the State of The Union...The Year was? ... Sleeping with the whore of slavery ...toupee George? Hair pieces of the 1850's?...Coon skin hair?...when Urine was a prize possession, washing and brushing your teeth with? ...SOFU please go away?...Woodrow Wilson, the first President to make it 'a thing'?...pomp and circumstance...a fake, terrible tradition? ...SOTU...Locked and Loaded Live on BlazeTV.com ...Kid bullied for his last name, ...'Trump'...invited...the rest of the list of invites  ...SOTU Bingo anyone?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3| 2/4/19
A Miracle in Our Time?...Dr. Ilan Morad Founder and CEO, AEBI...The Jerusalem Post Article - "A cure for cancer? Israeli scientists say they think they found one" ...DC or Venezuela? ...How do you spell loneliness = P-I-L-L...loneliness kills...chronic isolation...Remedy: facing ones fears helps fight loneliness? ...Breaking News: Mary Poppins Is Racist?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/4/19
Where the media always falls down...lies, lies and more lies?...Normalizing abortion?...because of Roe v. Wade?...offenders, disingenuous?...abortion by the numbers? ...Extremities of the extreme wealth tax rate?...Elizabeth Warren proposes annual tax on ultra-millionaires...never trust a politician when they say a tax is 'just for the super rich' ...Watch President Trump's State of the Union Only on  Th BlazeTV.com/beck ...Mover over Izod...North Koran introduces their edible shirts?...2 problems solved with 1 shirt, style and hunger?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program| Hour 1 | 2/4/19
Super Boring...the Lowest scoring Big Game in History?...it's a Great excuse to get together as a family...watching the game for the Commercials...good, the lame and the lamer..'oh please give it a rest' Washington Post?...5.2 million to produce their commercial...money saved in massive layoffs?...performance doesn't match your promise? ...Venezuela is in the midst of a bloody civil war?...when will the military fold to the new President...Maduro resists...Mexico allies Maduro? ...China, 5G and the New information highway (nightmare)? ...VA Governor Northam admits to 'blackface'...in a Michael Jackson routine?...real justice is blind...LBJ was a dye in the wool, deep seeded racist
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/1/19
57 million dead?...Record fentanyl drug bust made at US-Mexico border?...enough to kill 57 million people  ...Very John Smith and Pocahontas? ...Things are Heating up at TheBlaze.com/beck...Watch for Free and Commercial Free...Glenn will finally attend the State of The Union?  ...Prince Philip at 97 years old, flipped his Land Rover...who is letting him drive? ...Howard Schultz has a Real chance to Win?...If he runs as a Democrat, 'he could reunite' the Dems, unlike Ocasio-Cortez, who is a Re-Election Gift to President Trump?
31 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/1/19
It's super bowl Weekend and Stu has called in sick...Again! ...How to prepare for the Big Game this weekend with Andrew Heaton?...New ways to make the Big game exciting!...2 game with 1 ball idea? ...As long as you have a good reason to?...the Upcoming State of The Union aka Woodrow Wilson speech? ...Backlash: Poor, poor, Virginia Governor Northam doubles down on his abortion comments, of course he makes it about himself? ...the regulatory hurdles of abortion?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/1/19
The Side lines are no longer a place I belong?...silence is Not bliss, It's Death?...Senator Ben Sasse calls in to call Government Northam's 'morally repugnant' comments on killing infants?'..."get the heck out"?...where is all the shock and up and arms Democrats and Republicans? ...Pat Gray joins GB...Flashback: Bill Ayers, When HE Takes Over the government ...Peter Singer, monkey are more 'self aware' than humans, deserve to live over humans?...Yeah, but monkeys Don't abort their babies?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 1/31/19
"The Sadness is here" with Bill O'Reilly Thursday?...VA abortion Governor = Josef Mengele...'dumbest guy on the planet'? ..."the Left are thrilled that babies are killed"...Where is the Catholic outrage, the Pope can't take a side with Venezuela?...Christians in Crisis' ...technology allows us to easily ignore the horrible things going on? ...Trump has to get more focused in his message, IF he wants to get re-elected? ...State of The Union, Nancy Pelosi and her facial contortions expected?...Confused by his grooming? ...Who wants a Pablo Escobar burger?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 1/31/19
2020 Presidential Candidate and Cyber Security Legend, John McAfee joins Glenn from his yacht, from a undisclosed area (maybe in Venezuela)?...while on the Run from the US government..."Not Paying Income Taxes is not a crime" ...Huge fan of Cryptocurrency...a Libertarian candidate, never had a chance to win in 2018?...Having his way with whales, #FakeNews?...Defending AJ?..."Alex Jones is a Party Animal'? ...Soon Seeing Won't Be Believing?...New Deep Fakes video...'Jennifer Buscemi'? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program - Hour 1 | 1/31/19
a New Age of Darkness?...VA Governor doubles down on killing 9 month old babies...beyond birth...Stu breaks down the proposed Bill to kill babies after they are delivered...god (Stu) speaks to Glenn? ...Venezuela Maduro threatens US?...heading to Russia for a Press Conference? ...'Humor Me with Chad Prather' Only on BlazeTV ...Pediatrician doctors in Texas are asking patients if they have guns in their home? ...Ocasio Cortez reminds Glenn of 'the girl you don't want to talk to at a party'?..."she is a gift to the free market"
33 min