Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/22/19
Proud of transforming the Democrat Party?...Bernie Sanders is a terrifying nightmare, if he were President?...Disrupting the system ...America would have voted for anyone in 2016?...Trump's done, if the economy goes down ...Getting Serious about the Declaration of Independence?...America's original blue prints?...When life is too easy?...Maybe, this is not how the world is? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/21/19
"Venezuela was my home, and socialism destroyed it"...Young Voices Contributor, Daniel Di Martino joins to say, "it will destroy America, too."...Losing the free market from the inside? ...Governor Cuomo is not happy with AOC for the NYC Amazon pullout?...Tweeting the tax code for Dummies? ...California parents sue to block 'Inclusivity' instruction in schools...the parents Attorney, Eric Early joins to expand?...Forms of Oppression, the same statues to protect minorities is now being used on whites? ...Alt-Left social warrior types are 'spreading like a cancer'? ...It's hard to hate when your dead?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/21/19
Arrested and in Custody?...Fox 32 Chicago Reporter, Rafer Weigel, one of the first journalists to think, there was something fishy from the beginning of the Jussie Smollett case?...'All credit to the Chicago Police'...Is this a 'hate crime'? ...Vote on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act with Senator Ben Sasse...Fighting for the Right for Life?...Lighting up the sky to celebrate Death?...Congress is backing away from a bill to prohibit murder, period 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/21/19
Glenn's DNA results are in?...Being 13 x more native American than Elizabeth Warren and blacker? ...Being part of the Grand 'Jeep' Cherokee tribe isn't always easy? ...Stu tells us who's leading in the Democratic Presidential hopefuls Polls?...President Obama looks like a moderate, in today's standards? ...Pat's Gray's DNA reveals he's 100% terrorist? ...Race is being used as a 'tool', meant to divide us?...When driving around with a half a million dollars is a crime?
30 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/20/19
'Not on My Watch' author, Elizabeth Johnston joins...'Day of Mourning', happens this Saturday, February 23rd at DayofMourning.org ...Hip vs. Hip Replacement Democrats 2020? ...New or Used by the Democrats? ...Feeling Bad for AOC?...She's only being used for misdirection?...What's really happening behind the scenes of the Democrat Party?...A step closer to Ending the Free Market System and fundamentally transform our economy?..."Medicare for all is not Socialism"?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/20/19
Suddenly offended by Cigars Store Indians? ...Florida school hires combat veterans for security?...Bill Jones, Principal at the Manatee School for the Arts joins to explain? ...Push back not just from the anti gunners, but the gun snobs too? ...Go Fund Me with Faith?...Glenn reaches out to the wife of a shooting victim? ...Glenn and the Shlub-Club? 
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/20/19
Because He's So Relatable?...Bernard Sanders skeletons in the closet?...Typical male fantasies of abusing women?...The reason why there is a 'rape culture' today?...He should have to explain what he thought in 1972? ...Wow! Ariana Grande is the first artist since the Beatles to have songs in the top three spots of the Billboard Hot 100 charts? ...Pat Gray's about to become a Cardi B Fan? ...Glenn explains why Donald Trump is so relatable? ...The farting guy on the bar stool, and 'that's refreshing' 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/19/19
Student loan debt is in 'Serious Delinquency'...The average student is $41,000 in debit to the government?...The Good News is, poverty is way down world-wide...Maximizing profits, is Curing patients a good business model for the future? ...Surrendering to the algorithms gods? ...Free Market Rewards for All? It's time for Louis Farrakhan theater, titled 'Wicked Jews'? ...Reporting, from out of the closet? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/19/19
"Hate Crimes Are Trending Down, But You Wouldn’t Know That From LGBT Media"...Gay journalist Chad Felix Greene Senior Contributor at The Federalist joins to explain?...The Art of the Hate Crime, Hoax? ...'Victimhood' is the New trophy to go for? ...The Latest gun background-check legislation would not have stopped Parkland tragedy... Shayna Lopez-Rivas, Gun Rights Activist joins to explain...What is HR8?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/19/19
Bernie Sanders declares he will run for President in 2020?...Who wants Medicare for all?...The Left are running against their own cure?...Superman 2 style Criminal Justice for all?..."Who needs the Ethiopians anyways?"...Why aren't we doing 'These Things'?...Glenn does homework with his son?...Sacco & Vanzetti, propaganda that changed the world?...Hobby Lobby and Sex things? ...The Pat Gray puppet show? ...The Machine is Broken?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/18/19
Weiner freed?...oh and Bill Cosby is having an 'amazing experience'...Racist Flashback: 'Soul Man' the Movie...the Stu reads the New York Times movie review from the 1986 movie? ...Warning: Your Small dog may blow away? ...Collective Munchhausen with Gad Saad...at TheBlazeTV.com ...Not there Nancy? Happy Thanksgiving?...Someone get Nancy a brain scan?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/18/19
John Ziegler called BS weeks ago?...Jussie Smollett world wide fame Hoaxer ...so poorly done it couldn't be hoax?...Will he get our of this?...Police played Possum from the beginning...'the two blobs'...vs. Kavanaugh accuser?...People today 'want to be' a victim...No Shame in Victimhood?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/18/19
The Wolf Who Cried MAGA?...Jesse Smollett attack was All a Hoax...Hollywood is actively stirring up hatred...a cherry on a racist salad?...the List MAGA hate Hoaxes grows?...the trophies for all culture has arrived...the Make It Up Media?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/15/19
Making the case, argument(s) for President Trump?...it's not always Easy...it's not a good day for either side, a lose, lose?...Why? Horrendous bill... makes ICE will be like a travel agency for illegals? ...Empire of a Hoax?...actor under fire for hate Hoax?...Why won't the actor just turn over his phone?...John Ziegler joins to pick this story apart?...all of the political correction force fields?...So many Questions...What about the photo of interest?...Where did it go?...Actor knew his attackers?...premeditated hoax or domesticated dispute gone bad? ...
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/15/19
Bill O'Reilly vs. President Trump?...President Trump set to address the nation...'there's no other resolution' President Trump has to sign this spending bill?...'continuing resolution'...State of Emergency and Consequences ...the Left want to control on Every Single Front with 'Climate Change'...1 Party Rule in California ...President Trump Declares a National Emergency
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/15/19
Glenn wrote some important letters last night?...'this is a turning a point'...the Left are getting their 'change' with all this hope?...we're 'standing at the abyss' ...the cliff of insanity?...capitalism on the run...Amazon leaves New York, bye-by 25,000 Jobs ...What's in this spending Bill?...no win here, lose, lose..."Mr. President Please don't sign this bill" ...Pat Gray....former Obama official urges Trump Not to sign this spending bill?...History will show, "this bill will be worse than Obamacare" ...Tweet: Please Mr. President Don't Sign This Bill!
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/14/19
Get the popcorn...The gloves are off?...Trouble Maker, Rep. Ilhan Omar clashes with special enjoy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing; she questions whether he believes a massacre in El Salvador represented “fabulous achievement.” ...The most insulting thing Glenn's ever heard? ...Something's Off with Andrew Heaton...a tax for dying alone?...a man's 'biological' clock is ticking? ...Mark & Elizabeth's, M1 Love Story? ...Breaking News: Divorce ...watch it Happen at TheBlazeTV.com
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/14/19
Perfectly Executed Love?...All around ...Jonathan goes the extra mile for his lovely wife  Jillon...Love at first site radio?..."Honey,...........I Love You!"? ...Nancy, lets Glenn and Stu get her husband Darrell, ready for a big date, hopefully? ...Shock Poll: the American people are Not for 'Medicare for All'?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/14/19
Happy Valentine's Day!!!...the show...Dumb husbands and boyfriends, who waited to the last minute to get the women in their lives something for V-Day?...Glenn and Stu want to help ...Glenn is Will Be attending the 'National day of Mourning'
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/13/19
Late term Abortions are Not beneficial for the mother's health...Dr. Grazie P. Christie, M.D. Senior Policy Advisor, The Catholic Association, joins...theCatholicAssociation.org...the myths of abortion are World Wide...Venezuela Marxist nightmares continue ...the Elite's, Elite pick? ..."Inconvenient Facts" with author Gregory Wrightstone..."the science that Al Gore doesn't want you to know"?...droughts and wild forest fire facts...glaciers & polar bear Myths?...Our warming trends have been charted...the miracle of the cycle of man, no more? ...the Left and their Predictions based on failed climate model?...Real Climate Facts in the palm you hand...get the 'Inconvenient' App?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/13/19
California Governor abandons High Speed Rail project? money wasted?...92% of cost are in subsides?...rail projects = financial disasters...Why is he ...just feel good projects for politicians...What's Governor Gavin Newsom really up to? ...Elizabeth Johnston Author, "Not On My Watch" Book - “Not On My Watch: How to win the fight for family, faith, and freedom”...February 23rd a Day to Repent = Day of Mourning.org
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/13/19
a Sad and Sicking Start?...Mom hides recording device in special needs daughters hair...horror is recorded...teachers abusing children?...Public school in West Virginia, when government runs everything, who do you run to? ..."What the hell is the Green New Deal?"...where Science Fiction is Fact?...who pays for it? Just print it...it's still snowing in Seattle ...Are We 1 Election away from a Full transformation of America?...$22 Trillion in Debit ...Pray for America's economic stability 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/12/19
The 'New' Black Death?...is Mass death coming to the UK?...Pro: stock piling Human sized Zip-Lock bags...Con: Having to Use them? ...6 inches of snow where it never snows?...State of emergency in Portland?...Popeye lost his spinach? ...The toilet Snake epidemic hits Australia? ...The Myth of 'Cow Farts' with Sara Place...the Senior Director, Sustainable Beef...it's actually cow 'burps' are the issue and to farts?...Ranchers = Real environmentalists?...the cycle of life has been lost in our society, a few generations removed? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/12/19
Kneeling down to the chocolate god? ...the story of 'Danny & Annie'...with StoryCorps, Founder & President Dave Isay...Danny and Annie came to StoryCorps in 2004 to talk about that first date—and how their love for each other has only grown in the 27 years since then...a Great Marriage = Like Hitting the Jackpot? ...'The 10 Most Insane Requirements of The Green New Deal' with Senior Editor at The Federalist, David Harsanyi joins to expose AOC's Green New Deal ..."we are heading to a very bad place"?...Studies show that Fracking actually helped reduced our carbon emissions?...Trump is making fans by calling out Socialists? ...the early history of environmental science...traces back to the Nazi's?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/12/19
Ilhan Omar hates Jews?...she mockingly apologizes for her anti-Semitic comments ...Linda Soursor AND David Duke to the rescue?...the Lewis Farrakhan news letter? ...It's time for "I had no idea?"...pointy white hoods are offensive?...if Andrew Jackson had done (finished) his job? ...Katy Perry and her Mr. Potato Head Mammy Shoes? ...Trump is a 'great negotiator'...but the latest budget deal, is not looking that 'great' for Trump?..Only 55 miles of ' the wall'? ...People like the sound of a 'New Deal'...until they read the fine print...In Need of Fresh New American Ideas?
33 min