Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program

Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn

News Commentary
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/7/19
Feelings versus Facts? Emotionally passionate side of making decisions, is not always good idea? Heart, Emotion, and Math equals a moral case for capitalism? Most people Feel first? Dan Crenshaw discusses the Humanitarian Crisis at the Border That 'Nobody Ever Talks About'? Anti-Vaccine information Being De-platformed Parent's choice to vaccinate, with Del Bigtree, Producer of "Vaxxed"? When Big Government starts to pressure and censor, we're moving into a very dangerous place? Why do 1 in 36 children have autism? Sad News from one of America's TV game show Icons? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/7/19
The Ever unpopular John Ziegler joins. "Michael Jackson Could Be Guilty as Hell, and HBO's Leaving Neverland Would Still Be Unfair"? Not Adding up the stories of Michael Jackson's victims? It's an Abomination from documentary standpoint? It's a Michael Jackson hit job? 99.5% sure with Pat Gray? Institutionalization of Saul Alinsky tactics? Google steps it up on 'equal pay'? Not!? Socialism always ends in tyranny.
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/6/19
Information Silenced with Sara Gonzales? Anti-Vaccine and the four hour erection? Silencing dissenting opinions, this is not about vaccines, this is about the First Amendment? "When did everyone become socialists?" The Heartland Institutes, Justin Haskins explains? The challenge of educating a generation about socialism? Every 4 years the world is about to End for somebody? It Looks like the Left is Losing this talking point? There is a Crisis at the Border?  
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/6/19
The #1 podcast in America confronts Twitter? Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey gets confronted by journalist Tim Pool on The Joe Rogan Experience. Admits, "We Were Too Aggressive" in banning conservatives. Glenn explains the important difference between Publisher and Platform? Immediate Action pays off for OUR? Operation Underground Railroad, CEO Tim Ballard issues an emergency and TheNazareneFund.org is there to help? Why The Left Hate Tax Cuts, by Dan Crenshaw? Blaze TV is growing? Watch, Allie, Mark Levin, Steven Crowder, Matt Kibbe and Eric Bolen for Free at ThBlazeTV.com/beck 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/6/19
R Kelly Double Jeopardy? All accusations are "not true." Innocent until proven guilty, no more? Today's Documentaries are modern day witch hunts? Pat Gray's Russian women? It's time for American men to get their giblets back? President Trump is a 'father figure' to many American men? CNN's not Crazy about Joe Biden? What if the Democrats Win in 2020? Recession Avoided?, according to the World Wide GDP tracker? AOC's Mom lives in Florida to avoid taxes? Meanwhile, here daughter says NY isn't taxed enough?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/5/19
Story Corps.org, Dave Isay, Founder & President joins to tell the story of Jenn Stanley and Peter Stanley? Daughter and father talk about disagreeing politically for the first time? Important conversations we are not having? Alabama Tornado devastation for a mile wide? Help the Victims Now at  MercuryOne.org. Target taxes and the damage they do? It's Time to keep diary?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/5/19
Just another 'hate hoax'? South Carolina Mayor claims she was racist hate crime victim after 'yellow sticky substance'? Cops say, not even close? Undocumented Outer Space compassion? It's a sad day for President Trump? Awaiting Bernie's Big move? Socialism, the most successful form of government of all time?  The various 'pit stops' of Socialism? In a world of Incremental progressiveness? When America's innovations spread world wide, good things happen?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/5/19
Hillary's Big Announcement? Awaiting Bernie's Big move? Socialism, the most successful form of government of all time? AOC came from nowhere? Political Star Backlash? Stu's gives Glenn a passionate sports analogy? The 5 Myths About Socialism? Democratic Socialism is different than (fill in the blank)? A Pat Gray Neverland? HBO's new documentary on Michael Jackson is making noise? The Art of completely wiping out 80's Icon? 
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/1/19
Ted Cruz Live from CPAC? El Chapo border Wall Crisis with Senator Ted Cruz?  Killing every cow on earth with AOC? "The Democrat Party is the party of hatred"? The Green New Deal and there trains, everywhere? Trump's War on the California high-speed rail with Eric Christen, Executive Director, Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction. Just another over budget nightmare? It's the DMV and the Post Office on steroids? 'Trains are terrible America!'?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/1/19
The Woke Nightmare with Bill O'Reilly? Thrilled that the masks have come off? What if Trump loses in 2020? Bill gives us his take on the Michael Cohen hearings? Cohen lied about Trump not wanting to be President. The Truth is somewhere in between? Glenn gives Bill some great material for his New book about the President Trump? To be released this Fall 2019? The Most Credible Man That Ever Lived? MSNBC black know what All black people think? 
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/1/19
Using a Socialist yard stick to measure capitalism? Former Blaze host Lawrence Jones, Now Fox News host,  brings some good news for black Trump voters? Kid Reporter, Phoenix Rising In America.com, gets his big break, gets to Interview Glenn Beck? John Locke joins Glenn to discuss the HR8 bill. Glenn says it's a 'Dynamic, young, focused crowd' at CPAC?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/28/19
Andrew Ross Sorkin, How Credit Cards Are Used to Finance Mass Shootings ...Bank of America and Citigroup credit card Restricting private citizens to purchase fire arms to protect their families? "We are living in surveillance capitalism times"? HR8 Puff and Stuff? Hate speech transactions and the digital ghetto laws? House pushes through first major gun bill in a generation, backed by Republican, NY-Rep. Peter King? Here come Slave Reparations?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/28/19
Religious fighter, fighting the good fight, Kelly Shackelford joins, to tell us how hateful atheist are offended by a memorial. The 'Bladensburg Memorial' and it's brief history. The Bad Lemon Test on Religion is very dangerous. "When it comes to religious freedom we have five solid Justices"? 'The Politically Homeless Life of a Gay Conservative', with National Reviews Brad Polumbo? LGBT are 'trying to erase' the gay conservative community. Hypocritical Intolerance at it's finest?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/28/19
Every 4 or 8 years the Democrats care about the U.S. Constitution? The Democrats HR8 Gun Bill Threatens to turn Gun Owners into Criminals? Naming the Republicans who didn't stick to their guns? The Left say, they're only 'violating' the Constitution? Stu Masterfully works a R. Kelly Analogy? Glenn prepares for his 12 minutes at CPAC this weekend. Flashback Radio, When Michael Jackson called the Glenn Beck Radio Program? Remembering why we're all glad we don't live in the city of Portland? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/27/19
Michael Cohen madness continues? It was "Business as usual"? “Is this the best witness you got?” Why is Glenn so disappointed in Stu? Tubes and Hamster Political Theater, at its finest? Glenn and Stu do the play-by-play? "He's not very smart and still a dirt bag"
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/27/19
There is Nothing New and Nothing Major here? Fireworks right out of the gates? Michael Cohen moral moments? Trump Foundation and the falsities? "America, Wake up!"? Smeared as a rat? "Mr. Trump is a conman". Tommy Knuckles could be giving this same testimony? Senator Ben Sasse joins to follow up on the failed vote in the Senate. 'Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act'. Has America, lost it's soul? Remaining "optimistic in long term"
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/27/19
Is he a Good guy or a Bad guy? A 20-page document under fire? Former Trump attorney, Cohen to give his opening statement? 'Lying is his first language'. Trump and his Rat Pack? No evidence whatsoever? Kamala Harris says, "Yes President Trump is a Racist”. Boys vs. Girls ,Why are transgenders rejecting Science? Patton Oswalt's Epic rant on Transgender, 'Here to Help'
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/26/19
We are at a Turning point?...recognizing that a new born baby, is a baby? ...Ben Sasse says it's a sad day as 'the Democrats constantly lied' about the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act? ...New Nike Ad BS? ..."Don't Take My Bible Away!'...the Shocking Arrest of Peaceful Street Preacher Caught on Video with Faithwire, writer WIll Maule joins to discuss? ...More Bernie B.S.? ...Glenn will be speaking at CPAC this year
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/26/19
Ben Shapiro, joins to discuss, a Resolution to declare a National Emergency at the Southern Border...President Trump must be very careful here? ...Coherent excuses for abortion...Blaze TV Wire? ...The end of guns is near? ...Alexandra DeSanctis, staff writer at National Review, joins to discuss how the Senate Failed to Pass Born-Alive Bill?...This is not an abortion bill, this is a kill babies bill...releasing, misleading information, intentionally?..."abortion ban is coming"?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/26/19
BlazeTV.com...'Louder with Crowder'...Steven joins to discuss why ABC/Disney pulled his Oscar special? ...What did they object to?...The overall idea?...They are picking us off one by one ...Who is Tommy Robinson? ...the Democrat party continues to run to evil...Democrats Denied God Three times at the 2012 DNC convention ...Pat Gray brings the shock Poll?...44% of 'Pro-Choice' voters oppose up to birth abortions ...Why won't Bernie burn 'Dictator' Maduro?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/25/19
Another, movie (Documentary) must see?...'Emmy award winning Director,  Danny Woods joins the show to explain?...What does Mr. Phuc do? He runs an orphanage that cares for a little over 20 children along with caring for 8 women at risk who are also pregnant?...An amazing story that had to be told...The Joy from watching someone serve others is very 'Christ' like? ...AOC says, young people are not having children, because of climate change? ...Have we killed MLK's Dream?....Time to crack open the old dusty Bible?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/25/19
A Movie, Must See?...'Unplanned'...gets a R-Rating, but why?...Producer, Mark Joseph joins to explain the MPAA reasoning? ...This movie has no business being Rated-R?...There is no consistent standard, it's all driven by politics? ...Fellow actor, Terrence Howard Defends 'Empire' Co-Star Jussie Smollett?...A nutty, violent man, who can't do math? ..."Please, Pray for Life"
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 2/25/19
There's a Crisis in Venezuela?...Perhaps, Bernie Sanders can give Mauduro some pointers? ...Big day for Ben Sasse and Life itself?...Abortion will kill our society, rapidly...Life, AI, and Socialism, we have to decide right on those 3 things? ...The Making of a Millenial UK Socialist?...Coming for ya with a hammer and sickle? ...The Pat Gray way?...In what states are Liberals leading the way?...the Gallop Poll results should shock you? 
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 2/22/19
Fun with Parody?....Bernie Sanders, aka Andrew Heaton, from BlazeTV's 'Something's Off' joins GB? ...2020 Diamonds in the Rough?...Nike shoes and their stock market plunge? ...Jonathon Dunne, from 'Freedoms Disciple' podcast, joins to give us an update on Brexit?...America was built on the premise of 'doing the right thing' ...
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 2/22/19
Doubling down with Bill O'Reilly?...Jussie Smollett's metal health needs to be checked?...It's time to disengage on this story?...A world of delusion and the media's witch hunters?...MSNBC actually did their best to ignore the Smollett story, while CNN defends it?...How much jail time is coming?..."It's Chicago"?...The Big undeveloped story that's yet to come?...the Mueller report is ready to drop, but does anyone really care anymore? ...Who Are We? with Rabbi Daniel Lapin...Watch BlazeTV for Free?
33 min