"The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened" with author Susan Crockford. Polar Bears by the numbers? In all actuality, the polar bear population is thriving and has been for decades? Aborto Beto? Preparing to predict all things at all times? All out, total totalitarianism is on it's way? Why is Glenn Beck Trending with Colonel Sanders?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/19/19
The Democrat Party keeps moving Left and more Left. The Full on Fundamental transformation of America is in affect? Cory Booker thinks the GOP stole a Supreme Court seat? Andrew Yang is the Ross Perot of Millennials, who thinks America needs a News Czar? John Smith and Jason Nobel from the New movie "Breakthrough" join?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/19/19
Top 20 Things that Stresses Millennials out? The consequences of not going to college? 'The Right Side of History' with Ben Shapiro? Pursuing moral purpose with a reason? We are losing the notion of 'Individual rights'? "We are all still brothers rather than enemies"
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/18/19
"Obstruction of Justice" with The Daily Caller's Luke Rosiak? Suspect In Kavanaugh Confirmation Doxxing has Feinstein Ties? Like real life Spy novel? Washington DC is a sick cynical place? How government cover ups and scandals work? A little bit too positive for Glenn Beck? Andrew Yang, America's New Boogieman?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/18/19
According to The Washington Post, Gun homicides are on the decline and most Americans don't seem to realize it? Meanwhile, there is a knife epidemic? Joe Lieberman joins to discuss Ilhan Omar's Comments about Israel, A "Moral Test" for Democratic Party? "Socialism is no solution"?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/18/19
Glenn had a Tony Robbins Weekend? CAIR Director Blames Trump for New Zealand shooting, the propaganda arm of the Muslim brotherhood? The Art of Emotional Exploitation? Fantasies of a cashless serial killer, Beto Bundy a man of many faces? "The Democrat Party is like a death cult"?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/15/19
Students around the world are walking out of class to protest climate change …Pat channels his inner Al Gore, and Jeffy claims to have actually seen a fish in the street on a sunny day …What the true purpose of Stonehenge? A new theory suggests that it was the greatest barbecue pit in the ancient world …Which schools could Lori Loughlin’s daughter have applied to that wouldn’t have required a $500,000 bribe to get into? …Liberal activist shuts down a conservative gathering by incessantly ringing a cowbell, and the police in attendance did nothing …Does giving someone “the finger” constitute free speech?
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/15/19
Hallmark Channel has dropped actress Lori Loughlin, who stands accused of mail fraud, from all of its projects …Don’t the alleged perpetrators of the college admissions scandal deserve their day in court? …Pat is not at all pleased that the State of Utah intends to build a $1.5 million shrine to Sen. Orrin Hatch …A caller illustrates another angle to the college admissions scandal that no one is talking about …The State of California has halted all executions of criminals, but the abortions will continue unabated …An Alabama father has won the right to sue the abortion clinic that allowed his girlfriend to abort their child …Another caller explains how the memory of an abortion can linger with a person for decades.
25 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/15/19
A horrific mass shooting at two mosques in New Zealand has left dozens dead …The profile of the murderer is difficult to comprehend, the degree of his depravity is not …Gun-manufacturer Remington is now liable to be sued over its marketing of the AR-15, which was used in the Sandy Hook massacre …Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) has joined the presidential race as well as the discussion on global warming …Does anyone around the world really refer to the U.S. as the “indispensable nation”? …Gambino family crime boss gunned down in front of his house – The guys have a theory about who might be responsible.
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/14/19
Glenn tells the story of a nightmare unfolding for the average Venezuelan every day – This is the inevitable result of a socialist utopia …A caller explains how a decades-old quote by Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi says a lot about the current state of Islamism in Europe and the U.S. …Author Joel C. Rosenberg joins the program to discuss his book ‘The Persian Gamble’ as well as his interactions with President Trump …Could arms deals between Iran and North Korea be going on right under America’s nose? …Is the true Axis of Evil comprised of Russia, Iran and North Korea?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/14/19
Bill O’Reilly joins the program a day early …Why are so many Democrats afraid to call themselves capitalist when such a small fraction of Americans call themselves socialist? …Progressives all seem to be willing to put their money where their mouth is while the Right struggles to mobilize …Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) attended Boston University, Bill’s Alma mater, but she never showed any promise in a political sense while there …There is no way that she could have known, without outside influence, that the congressional seat in her district was there for the taking.
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/14/19
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is raising money for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in her home state …Let’s review exactly what CAIR is and what their parent organization, Hamas, stands for in Palestine …Tlaib’s speech contains subtle jabs at Israel, endless banter against President Trump, and a blatant historical inaccuracy …Would Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) speaking Hamas rhetoric (via CAIR) in Congress be grounds for a full investigation into her past? … Islamophobia should not happen in our country, but radical Islamists should not be in our country, let alone our government.
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/13/19
'Hate Crime Hoax: How the left is selling a fake race war'. Author, Dr. Will Reilly joins to explain? The Art of False Narratives? Labeling and partisanship isn't for everyone? Glenn Beck and Three days with Tony Robbins?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/13/19
Is it time to break up Big Tech? Twitter is leading the way on censorship? Is it 1984 or A Brave New World? The Protections and platforms of Social media? Google controls 90% of what we search for? Open platforms have been great for democracy.
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/13/19
Venezuela, in the heart of darkness? Hypocrisy, is the reason the media and Hollywood are the enemy? Who is IIhan Omar? Her very shady past as a former Immigration fraud? "One is human, the other is not"?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/12/19
Bubba the Love Sponge joins the show to talk Tucker? Tucker Carlson is not a racist? 'Red Flag' gun laws, John Lott breaks down the newly proposed 'red flag' gun law I-639 initiative? Gun owning states are dwindling? Blaze TV Exposes Ilhan Omar, watch it for Free at GlennBeck.com
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/12/19
Socialism is Evil, with author Justin Haskins? At the end of the day the Lefts goals are all the same? Go read the Soviet Unions Constitution? Courage is Contagious with author David J. Harris, 'Why I Couldn't Stay Silent'. One man's battle as a black conservative?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/12/19
Amen Tucker Carlson? Without naming Media Matters, Carlson said forces on "the left" have been "working hard to kill this show" ever since it premiered in 2016? Media Matters, a modern day KKK? Follow the money?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/11/19
Howard Schultz,Your father's Oldsmobile (Democrat Party)? "Millions will die, if they get their way"? Elizabeth Warren wants to break up Apple, Facebook and Google? Optimistic Pessimist, Auren Hoffman joins to discuss what a world of 5G will probably look like? Liz Cheney sets Chuck Todd straight?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/11/19
Dads united, we're in this together? Embarrassment, a parents #1 job? Shock Poll, indicates half of young Americans want to live in a socialist nation? The hairy back guy after 9/11? A Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bill is soon to be released with the help of Lindsey Graham and the GOP? Door to door gun confiscation of 300 million Americans?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/11/19
The Muslims are coming! The Muslims are coming!? Spookie as hell Socialism? The enemy of the people are not doing their job? Socialist to communist in just 3 years? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows best? Tonight is a Blaze TV Must See? BlazeTV.com/beck Promo Code Beck
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/8/19
3 Ways A Millennials can beat the Left? The "Brad Pitt" of the Conservative movement? Prager U’s, Will Witt joins GB? MAGA hats on college campus and the future of conservatism? It’s time to talk Dating Apps and Guns? Making friends with Liberal Millennial friends? Secret conservatives need to be bold, because the future looks bright? Stu's stupid super hero movie overload?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/8/19
National Emergency with Bill O'Reilly? Standing up to the out of control Progressive movement? From bartender to political jet-setter? AOC and her funneling money problem? Bill tells us the real story behind who's paying AOC's bills? "She has a Reality Star Show Future"? 5G and the coming national security risk? "Venezuela should take care of themselves and the US should not get involved"? Bernie or Biden, who will it be? Thinking it through with Bob Goff, Blaze Podcast?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/8/19
A Great American love story every conservative needs to tell? Mopping the floors while learning English? Opportunity does still exists in America, Just ask AOC's mother? Hussein in the Membrane with Pat Gray? A Shepard, a sheep, and a rancher, finding your own way? Success is now 'immoral'? See the Scary, Shocking Connections only at BlazeTV.com
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/7/19
Bernie Sanders* stops by to talk to Glenn? 'Something's Off with Andrew Heaton, BlazeTV.com/glenn. It's terrible, but true? Making the case on very bad things? Parking cars with feelings? All roads, paved with good intentions? We are all horrible Cyclops? Emotional triggers and facts that make the moral case for capitalism? Facts & Story the two things you need, Fusion of Entertainment and Enlightenment?