Slow, long passionate kisses all weekend long? Is Joe Biden is the New Michael Jackson? ...Alex Jones blames his lies on sycosis? "Tread lightly, because you will have to defend speech you do not like"?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/29/19
At the End of the Day Americans are Good People? Utah Governor Gary Herbert joins to help discuss the New movie 'Unplanned'? Thank you President Trump for Buying us more time with divine providence? Abby Johnson tells Glenn Beck Podcast what the 'whole purpose' of Planned Parenthood really is?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/29/19
Bill O'Reilly Brings the Numbers? Cable News in Crisis, All ratings plummet after Mueller Report? Bill throws Glenn sports analogy curve balls? The problem with selling your soul for money, Satan always shows up? 'White guy' babble and 'inside information' on the Democrats? 'The Like You Know' Party 2020?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/29/19
Why is America So Racist? Does Jussie Smollett prove that we are? ...Glenn's Bad Paintings of Hitler? ...Disney asks Glenn to watch 'Dumbo'? ...Heading to Utah with No time for Ice Cream?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/28/19
How to pay for a New Firehouse (mansion)? Glenn lives in a town with the "Nicest' Firehouse? A 15 million dollar firehouse for 900 people? The Pat Gray dividend is in full effect? "Pat paid for that"? Our government buildings are becoming Taj Mahal's?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/28/19
Is Hate Hoax crime on the rise? Professor of Political Science Dr. Wilfred Reilly examines the high rate of hoaxing? Why was the decision made to drop all charges on Jussie Smollett? Are stories like Smollett's 'common'? '... Is getting rid of Obamacare really a reality or just hype? 'Overcoming Obamacare' with author Phillip Klein tells us? Will the GOP be the New Party of Health Care?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/28/19
Jussie Smollett is "weighing options' for suing Chicago PD? ...Marissa's Movie Review of the New 'Dumbo'? Thawed, Defrosted and brought back to life? ...'People are Dying' to have it 'both ways' on Helium Thursday? ...Americans have become 'creeped' out by the Democrat Party? ...It's critical that All Believers in Christ Come Together?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/27/19
'Stop Wasting Your Money on College'? Writer and Comedian Bridget Phetasy joins. The False Sense of college degree Entitlement? ...No Negatives in Art, it's all subjective? ...Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats pivot to health care, as Texas Judge moves to invalidate Obamacare?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/27/19
'Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America' with author David Horowitz? AOC and her Green New Deal is 'horrifying'? Remembering the ultimate American Atheist, Madalyn Murray O'Hair? ...Trump to start a New fight on Obamacare?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/27/19
On the Cusp of ending Abortion as we know it? We've become arrogant, proud and haughty in our own ways? Maniacs of the Mobocracy? ...Fox 32- Chicago Reporter, Rafer Weigel helps us make sense of the 'All Charges Dropped' in the Jussie Smollett Investigation? "Smollett got everything he wanted."
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/26/19
The Go To Guy, Joe Biden "one of the most corrupt Vice Presidents we've ever had"? The dirty dealings of Joe Biden with author Peter Schweizer? How and who get Joe paid? ...All Charges Dropped, but why? ...Confessions of a Economic Hit man? Russia lands in Venezuela, Is war coming?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/26/19
Mulling Over Michael Avenatti with Blaze TV's Jon Miller? ...'Unplanned' a must see movie that could change everything? "Kids need to watch this movie" ...Nebraska Flood Relief with Senator Ben Sasse? "Like the 100 year flood"? Help the Great state of Nebraska Now at
35 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/26/19
Glenn explains the difference between News, Opinion and Speculation? Media excuses is a spectator's sport? Governing with feelings? ...Worshiping the life of 'Charlie' from The Chocolate Factory? ...Moving on with Michael Buble? The Must Not See New movie Review from Stu?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/25/19
"We Must Once Again Stand with God as a Nation"? 'Unplanned' with Abby Johnson. 'Unplanned' a film on abortion is a story of "hope, forgiveness and love"? Planned Parenthood trains women to disconnect from their baby?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/25/19
The Mueller Report, The Winners and the Losers? "What a waste of time" Traumatic Trump trauma from the media will continue? Two years later and it means nothing? Eric Bolling from BlazeTV chimes in on the Mueller Report?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/25/19
Mueller Report Drops a Massive Victory for President Trump. "No, Collusion, No Cooperation, Stop it Right Now!"? Russian efforts designed to sew social discord, did succeed? A old problem that corrected itself? Is a Michael Flynn Pardon Next? All of a sudden Mueller is the not the bad guy?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/22/19
Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein catches Google with it's digital pants down? He claims Google search results unfairly steer voters to the left? People trust search engines over anything else? ...40 Days for Life with Shawn Carney?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/22/19
Getting Superfluous with Bill O'Reilly? The Mueller report and Media Matters? President Trump needs to stop sabotaging himself"? Can you imagine Beto negotiating with Beijing and Putin?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/22/19
If the economy remains strong and Muller report comes clean? It's smooth sailing for Donald Trump in 2020? ...Mom and Daughter Duo tell us it's bad to have children? ...Vote Lester L. Wolff for President in 2020? A old white man, like you've never seen before?
31 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/21/19
President Trump, a Re-Election Economic Shoe In? Why does re-election continue to look very promising for President Trump? A good, but fragile economy? Matt Kibbe talks 3D gun printing with Glenn? Washington State Sheriff Bob Songer joins to say he won't enforce the states new gun law?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/21/19
'Red Pilled America' with Patrick Courrielche? "Our biggest fears are already here"? Unlike Hollywood, Silicon Valley is a 2 way street? Why is Ted Cruz the only one asking good questions? Breaking up Big Techs "should be on the table"? The Fear of generational power, influence and control moving forward?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/21/19
A Zero of a candidacy? Political train wrecks from political train wreck past? Remembering Howard Dean scream? Joe Biden is 144 years old and he use to be against packing the Supreme Courts? 'Stop the hammering!'? When is it OK to take your mother to see an X-rated movie? Fox News and it's new 'strange hire'?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 3/20/19
Gender bending with Sam Smith? Being Defined by collective notions, is a no no? Life is full of choices, some good, some bad. Do your best to make the best ones? The problem with people and power trips? It's getting Sad in Seattle? Calling green poop an avocado?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 3/20/19
The Uncovering of Ilhan Omar, with PJ Media's, David Steinberg? Did llhan Omar really marry her own brother? Did she commit 'student loan' fraud? America's STEM Crisis Threatens our national security with Arthur Herman, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. 5G, a bold new frontier? America is being written out of history?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 3/20/19
Colonel Sanders trending Glenn Beck? Democratic socialist candidates, Pushing the limits? Pondering the elimination of the Electoral college? "This is our last call, We as a nation must repent!"