Bernie and his jets on a Bill O'Reilly Thursday? Bernie Sanders the Millionaire Socialists? How has he made all his millions? Donald Trumps entire life is about a 'transaction'? The Trumps tax returns, that will never happen? ...The Big Biden Special only on Blaze TV?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 4/11/19
Thriving as a Biden? Lunch Bucket Joe no More? Joe Biden has no business being in the Oval office? Chicago, where Communist thrive? Blaze TV Tonight? ... 'Awful' Maxine Waters strikes again and the Brilliance of the U.S. Constitution? ...Advice for people who have Pet fish?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 4/10/19
Rallying around the truth? We must reward and support today's 'truth tellers'? ...Released Under First Step Act with Matthew Charles? Matthew was released from prison after 21 year only to be sent back for the same crime? President Trump to the rescue? ...Joe Biden a just a 'tactile politician'?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/10/19
Border crisis by the numbers? ...Kids and cages under President Obama ...The History of the Future" with Author, Blake J. Harris."Oculus, Facebook, and the Revolution that swept virtual reality"? The Left have doubled down on the Trump derangement?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 4/10/19
Who is financing the border crisis? George Soros is still building his 'shadow government', from within? Funding local governments with Marxist money? The dots always connect to Soros? Cloward and Piven Strategy is being played out? ...Making Communism comfortable? ...Oh Schiff! Now what?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 4/9/19
The biggest college scandal of them all? Adam Andrezejewski joins to discuss the Hollywood Higher-er Scandal? More student loans defaults coming soon? ...Is a audit of the Fed coming in 2019? ...AOC's modern monetary theory, you can 'always print money'? ...There's a New teen suicide crisis, but why?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/9/19
The art of Tactile touching? Is Joe Biden finished or not? ...Coming back to the Church? ...An Important Must See All Week on the Blaze TV? ...Creepy Biden photo update? ...Headlines from The Future? ...Bags! Bags! Bags!?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 4/9/19
A Means to an end, of disruption? It's time to turn back to God? ...Senator Mike Lee joins to talk about his proposed Family Leave and Working Family Flexibility bills? Glenn tells the Senator why he disagrees? ...Illam Omar on 9/11 "some people did something"? She thinks American Muslims were the victims of 9/11?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 4/8/19
Will Benjamin Netanyahu win in Israel? Erick Stakelbeck from The Watchman, tells us what he thinks? Israel attack Update? ...the Democrats have a Ukrainian problem? Joe Biden 'Creepiest' picture, Vote Now at ...A Supreme Court Justice Bro-mance is in Bloom? ...Roberts vs. Kavanaugh?
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/8/19
"How Pete Buttigieg could hurt Trump in the Rust Belt? Journalist, Salena Zito joins? A both ways genuine kinda guy, when it comes to capitalism & socialism? IF Democrats go full Left in 2020, "they got a white male problem" ...The far Lefts attack on American traditions and values is in full force?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 4/8/19
America is turning into Nazi Germany with little baby steps? The media will do anything to avoid Socialism in Venezuela? ...Trump Homeland Security Chief Resigns? ...It's time to keep a personal journal? ...Here comes Mayor Pete?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 4/5/19
Eskimos & Ecstasy with Comedian Andrew Heaton? Has someone messed with Joe Biden's Meds? Coming Soon to Blaze TV''s Joe 'Biden's Creepiest Moments'? Find out why Andrew doesn't have a girlfriend? ...Does the word 'Capitalism' need an overhaul?
31 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/5/19
Monkey's and Parrots with Bill O'Reilly? Making the borders blue, If Texas turns Blue the country is done! ...Bill's take on Biden? "Joe had no blanking clue this was coming"? Has Beto ever had a real job? Is Cory Booker writing for Chris Matthews? The Art (Bell) of Dissing Jake Tapper? "Mexico is a danger to us"
34 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 4/5/19
Is Glenn's wife running for President? Who is Pete Buttigieg? He's the gay Democrat who likes Chick-fil-A and that "connects" with America ...the Mormon Church allows baptism for children of same-sex couples? ...Pat Gray brings in helium Alex Jones? ...Jobless Clams fall to a 49 year low?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 4/4/19
Has Joe Biden's Ukrainian nightmare just begun? John Solomon, Executive Vice President at The tell us why this is an important story? Who is Viktor Shokin? Why is the mainstream media so silent on this? ...Who's the biggest fraud currently running in 2020?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/4/19
The Joe Biden Creepy Line keeps getting creeper? Hunter Biden has been cashing in Big TIme, Peter Schweizer joins to explain? "The Buck stopped with Joe Biden"? ...Is Faded 80's sitcom star Alyssa Milano the spokesperson for All of Hollywood? "Texas is better without you being in it Hollywood"?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 4/4/19
Joltin Joe Biden begs for forgiveness..."Reset, I Get It"? Why is this New Ukraine report on Joe so important? Will Uncle Joe's creepiness help him? ..."Jesus Didn't Die On Cross, Was Too Soon"? says, Louis Farrakhan on Helium Thursday? "Minor kinks in the hose"? ...Rest In Peace Nipsey Hussle?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 4/3/19
Fighting through the darkness? 'Situational victimhood' is becoming a all too common thing? That which you gaze upon, you become? Standing up to truth is all we have left? ...BlazeTV Media Critic, Rob Eno joins to discuss the Left's New attacks on the First Amendment? Is Joe Biden finished even with the New Ukraine allegations?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/3/19
"We don't know who we are anymore"? The time Socialism failed miserably in Dallas Texas?? ...Filmmaker, Ami Horowitz joins to explain The intersectionality between the Left and the KKK? College campuses are full of Self Imposed dopes? "This is so dangerous"?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 4/3/19
Have we Fundamentally changed America? It's a Work in progress? Now they are coming for the 1st Amendment? "Lock her up" is now "hate speech"? ...Focusing on what matters? ...The Communist Goals of 1963? ..A 12-year old Pot Hole filler "Not everything sucks!"?
31 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 4/2/19
Avocados are in crisis at the border? "the enemy"? What about our toast and tequila? ...John Adams, Ben Franklin, the French and the Truth? The Left are already unhinged and out of touch? ...Brittany, a Socialist for Beto and an ambassador for avocados, calls to Glenn to ask some very important questions?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/2/19
The Brilliance of AOC? "We need to change the cow grains"? More cow farts then cars and chimneys? AOC falsely claims Congress amended the Constitution to prevent FDR from being Re-elected? ...Air Bud & the Lefts defense of Uncle Joe Biden? ...Glenn explains 'the gift of fear'?
33 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 1 | 4/2/19
Democrats drop a bill to abolish the Electoral College? Only those who Lose what to change it? Abolishing the electoral college, means "You will no longer count"? ...Uh-oh Pat Gray is offended? His first Rated R movie since Silence of The Lambs? The art of talking someone into abortions?
31 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 3 | 4/1/19
Does 'the queen of dunce' AOC ever make sense? "We need to save ourselves"? Picking through the hypocrisy global warming alarmists? ..."Not On My Watch" author, Elizabeth Johnston joins to talk about the Day of Mourning?
32 min
The Glenn Beck Program | Hour 2 | 4/1/19
Are the walls already closing in on Beto? El Paso callers Julio, Jesus and Gomez seem to think so? Fake News and the Falkland Islands? "Peeing is just not Presidential"? ...Callers review 'Unplanned'."You had me at 18% butter fat"?