Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

News Commentary
Democrats Can't Safeguard Our Sovereignty, Secu...
Republicans have a majority in the House and Senate, and therefore they should be "greasing the skids" for a GOP President to come in and undo the the societal transformation that has occurred under President Obama.  Democrats cannot safeguard, nor will the attempt to, our SOVEREIGNTY, SECURITY, or SOCIETY and the principles that are the basis for these pillars. The big question is why Republicans are asleep at the wheel. The GOP has the chance to win on so many "80/20" issues but shy away at the first scent that it might expose them politically.  Daniel and Joe discuss these three issues, and how if Republicans wanted to win on them they could. The key to upholding Sovereignty, Security, and Society is simple -- but it requires adhering to actual conservative principles. Listen as Daniel lays out the plain facts on what it takes to win on conservative issues that are vital to the success and prosperity of America. 
30 min
Post-Wisconsin Special : How Will the Cruz vs. ...
Who will prevail as the GOP Nominee? Well, the answer to that became a lot more complicated after the resounding win in #WIPrimary by Ted Cruz. Because of his win, and the path forward, it is looking more and more like the summer nominating convention will be open and that no candidate will get to 1,237 – the magical number to secure the nomination. While Cruz and Trump both have states they will likely win easily --- the recent surge by Cruz and the shrunken field have made for an interesting race. Daniel breaks down things state by state, and discusses how the June contest in California may be a deciding factor.  Daniel and Joe also discuss the messaging behind declaring a mandate in a race like this. Each Campaign will have to make the case at an open convention (or beforehand) that their candidate should be the nominee. The offer their predictions on what those arguments should be, and explain which has the most merit.
30 min
Why Do We Have An Unelected Super Legislature? ...
Nowhere in the Constitution does it describe an unelected super legislature who is tasked with determining what is and isn't Constitutional but that is exactly what we have with the federal courts and especially the Supreme Court.  The concept of judicial review started as a controversial function that would sometimes be used by the Supreme Court, but today it seems all societal and legislative questions find their answer through the courts. Daniel and Joe discuss the courts and the impact they have on America, our laws, and the future of the Republic. 
29 min
Special Edition: The Media Hijacked the Focus &...
The 2016 Election seems more like a circus than an American presidential race. Daniel rants about how the media covers everything that is sensational, but nothing that is important. The seminal issues of the day are ignored for stories fit more for tabloids than the front page of daily papers.  The Founding Fathers wrote and fought for critical issues of life, liberty, and freedom, while the topics that are trending in 2016 are nothing but sensationalized personal interest stories at best.  That is why outlets like Conservative Review are so important - the long-form commentary along with the podcasts and LevinTV allow Americans to get the important issues of the day all in one place. 
16 min
America's Enemy Within & The Complacent Congres...
Daniel takes a step back from this year’s crazy election cycle and focuses on why Americans are so angry with the government to begin with. Judging from President Obama’s recent Cuba visit, secret détente with Iran release of violent terrorists from Guantanamo, and nonchalant response the horrible terror attacks in Brussels, Daniel concludes America has “an enemy within” and a “complacent Congress” unwilling to stand up to him. “This is a president who sides with our enemies, he has downright formed an alliance with our enemies – the Islamists, Iran, the Cuban regime – and yet Congress is completely out-to-lunch.” Cuba: Raul Castro is using our kind immigration laws regarding Cuba to extract concessions from the Obama administration, who is more than willing to give in. Obama normalizes relations with the communist regime while Cuban immigrants are syphoning American welfare funds only to return to Cuba. Congress idles. Iran: Obama’s deal with Iran has gone much further than the nuclear agreement. Without punishment Iran conducts missile tests, detains U.S. soldiers, and now Obama is paying ransom to the regime. Again, Congress is nowhere to be found. Guantanamo: Defense officials have confirmed that Americans have been killed by prisoners released from the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which Obama wishes to close permanently. Brussels: “Numbers matter.” Belgium has an extremely large intake of Muslim refugees and Daniel warns that America, under Obama, is heading in the same direction. Congress has talked a big game regarding refugee resettlement but has done nothing substantial to alter Obama’s plans. While Obama violates our sovereignty and safety, what is the Congress focused on? Oh yeah, criminal justice reform aka jailbreak… Critical Links Obama Admin Delivered Property to Iran as Part of Secret Détente Officials say Guantanamo transfers have killed Americans Obama: We Can Learn from Cuba About Human Rights
25 min
Primary Preview & Holding the Line On Obama's S...
Upcoming Primaries Daniel goes over the road ahead for the GOP primary and discusses some delegate math. At this point, the best chance to stop Trump is for Kasich to drop, as has been said time and time again, but barring that Cruz does have the ability to win some important states and walk away with an argument and mandates heading into the convention. Arizona & Utah are closed primaries. Will this first chance for Cruz to run in a narrowed filed, in closed primaries show his strength? Will early voting hurt in Arizona where some numbers have almost 55% of the people voting early? Kasich: He doesn’t have a path to win another state, let along a plurality – what is his end game? SCOTUS Nominee It looks like Senate GOP leadership may hold the line on the SCOTUS nominee, but they are so unfamiliar with such principled stands that they come off looking awkward and goofy. Can they unify in message or will it come off looking unprincipled? The judiciary was made into a political beast in 1987, if the GOP wants to reform the judiciary across the board, they need to start with this nominee and block it but do so while messaging the correct way. UPDATE Daniel’s forthcoming book – PRE-ORDER Today!: Stolen Sovereignty Links of Interest: Strip the Courts of Power over Redistricting Kasich Supports Obama’s Liberal Supreme Court Nominee House Committee Passes Refugee Reform, But Is It Real?
29 min