Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

News Commentary
The Real Problem with Trump’s off message remar...
The Real Problem With Trump’s Equivocation on Immigration The news cycle this week is saturated with headlines about Donald Trump equivocating, “softening,” or questioning his own position on illegal immigration.  In this podcast, Daniel, using his decade-long experience fighting open borders, explains what is so damaging about Trump being off message on this issue.  It’s not just the concern of a man who, to begin with, never had a firm grounding in the issue and is now all over the map.  It’s that he is messaging the issue in the worst possible way, validating the premise of Hillary and Obama. One of the old tactics of the Left is to use ‘straw men examples’ of extreme manifestations of a given issue to distract from the main policy problem confronting the nation.  This is why they make the entire abortion debate about rape rather than about 50 million abortions on demand, including partial birth abortions and taxpayer funding for harvesting baby organs.  This is why they want to distract from a destructive regulatory state by asking people if they want toxic waste in their water.  And it is for this reason why they focus the immigration discussion on what to do with those already here for 1,000 years and are model citizens or Medal of Honor recipients.  The key is not to get caught in their straw men and focus instead on their extreme positions.  What Donald Trump has been doing over the past few days is validating every straw man premise of the left with his gratuitous chatter and conflicting comments from campaign aids.  Further disturbing is the fact that Trump keeps praising Obama for deporting people.  He is validating a widely-held belief on the Left that the “borders are more secure than ever before.”  This is demonstrably false, but it serves as Hillary’s number one defense of her policies.  It is irresponsible for Trump to self-destruct in this way. In reality, as Daniel demonstrates, there are endless lines of attack Trump can open up with regards to open borders, especially with the polling on refugees, the endless executive and judicial amnesties for criminal aliens, and the security concerns with Middle Eastern illegal immigrants rushing our southern border.  Linked below are some articles with great talking points to go offense on immigration instead of turning this winning issue into a loser.  Daniel also plugs chapters 6 and 7 from his book, Stolen Sovereignty, where he breaks down all the messaging and data that conservatives need to throw at open borders advocates.  Trump and his team should order a copy!           Conservative Review show links: Jihadists being smuggled through our border, yet we can’t deport them The Forgotten Man in the Immigration Debate Trump on deportations: Do what Obama has done but with 'more energy' Clinton deported 4 Times as many illegal aliens as Obama How about learning immigration messaging from..Bill Clinton!? Further Reading: The Hill Article on Trump’s Shaky Immigration Changes Byron York: Team Trump Makes a Mess of Immigration Issue
25 min
The Messenger Matters in Politics Ep 51
The Messenger Matters in Politics With just under three months until the election, Donald Trump is losing big in almost every major category and in almost every major swing-state (and even some red states). The campaign is in turmoil and has made a habit of consistently stepping on its own foot. Having still run less ads than the Green Party’s Jill Stein, it’s like the Trump campaign is trying to lose. On this week’s episode of the Conservative Conscience, Daniel Horowitz breaks down the Trump campaign’s failures and what it means for the conservative movement. “We can’t separate the message from the messenger … The messenger matters,” Horowitz argues. While Trump has certainly given strong voice to issues such as immigration and national security, his rise also comes at a cost and could hurt the message in the long run. Moreover, Daniel explains why the general election is different from a primary election dynamic and why Trump can no longer rely on running a media-driven campaign as opposed to a traditional organized ground game and ad war.  Conservatives should not lose heart, however, as we have never been a movement of personality, but of principle. We don’t need to jump train with every new fad – be it the tepid establishment or the so-called Alt-Right – we just need to follow the Constitution. As Justice Joseph Story once said, “Let us never forget, that our constitutions of government are solemn instruments, addressed to the common sense of the people and designed to fix, and perpetuate their rights and their liberties. They are not to be frittered away to please the demagogues of the day. They are not to be violated to gratify the ambition of political leaders. They are to speak in the same voice now, and for ever. They are of no man's private interpretation. They are ordained by the will of the people; and can only be changed by the sovereign command of the people.”  Also Read: ·14 winning issues Trump could use against Hillary ·Team Trump offers a solid security plan ... if the candidate himself can keep it ·New Trump Campaign Manager Shilled for Open Borders Zealots ·Trump on Clinton Foundation: “Give them the benefit of the doubt” ·Poll: Few Support Syria Refugees Entering U.S.
31 min
Interview with NC LT Gov. Dan Forest on Fightin...
Today, we were honored to have North Carolina’s Lt. Gov Dan Forest join us to discuss the judicial war on his state.  North Carolina is one of the few states where Republicans are actually standing up to the transgender jihad, fighting for religious liberty, and defending against fraudulent voting.  Yet, the federal courts have crowned themselves the final arbiter of every state and local issue.  They have granted standing to radical groups in order to “throw out” laws duly passed by the legislature. In this episode, Dan Forest discusses with Daniel the importance of states doing the right thing and the need for Congress to protect them from an overbearing federal executive and judiciary.  What is going on in North Carolina is a perfect example of why conservatives must also focus down ballot and ensure that champions like Dan Forest are reelected so that states can remain the last line of defense for liberty.  At some point, if Congress declines to stand up for the states, they will have no choice but to say no and take back their rightful power over state and local affairs.  Dan Forest explains why, through a convergence of factors, North Carolina has become ground zero in the fight for federalism.    Show links The Judicial War on North Carolina
31 min
Time for Conservatives to get off the couch and...
So, are you for open borders or are you for deporting every single Muslim we’ve already admitted, including those who are already citizens and are constitutionally protected from deportation?  Are you for the Chamber of Crony Commerce agenda or are you for populism/nationalism, shutting down all trade and “punishing” any company that moves overseas? How about none of the above? Daniel discusses the latest manifestation of this false choice presented to voters and together with Joe Koss continues to explore ways conservatives can move beyond false choices.  Whatever one does at the ballot box on top of the ticket, we must all remember that this is still not North Korea where everything depends on the selection of the chief executive of the federal government, although it is certainly important.  We still have the other branches of the federal government, the states, the culture, and activism where we must fight on all fronts.  Ultimately, it gets back to strengthening state legislatures and building a new movement that is not just a “reactionary” force to another evil, but can stand on its own two feet and the veracity of its own principles.   There is not much conservatives can do at this point to speak over Donald Trump other than pray and encourage him to get back on message and go on offense on the issues.  But rather than spend the next three months defending every comment he makes or insist that all the polls are rigged, why not focus on what we can do in our states and communities to secure enduring victories that will stand, irrespective of who wins.  We will have to do this at some point no matter who wins; there is no time like the present to embark on starting a fresh movement that moves beyond two indefensible parties or factions within a party.  We must create a movement that is rooted in founding principles, intellectually consistent and honest enough in its own right to have the support to just say NO to the post-constitutional violations of the federal executive and the courts.  A listener named Chris Johnson made this cool graphic based on something I said on the show last week.">— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow)">August 10, 2016
31 min
Have Conservatives Hit Rock Bottom?
Daniel and Joe discuss the ramifications of focusing on personalities over principles.  So many conservatives have no come full circle to support progressivism and establishment elites over a constitutionalist in Kansas because they are so bought into a cult of personality.  Similarly, so many refuse to demand any course change from Trump, even as he is headed for a historic landslide loss, because they are so obsequious to his every whim.  This not only hurts our principles, but is strategically dumb.  The entire purpose of holding our nose for him is to defeat Hillary Clinton, but if everyone defends his indefensible campaign without demanding a course correction, he will lose anyway.  Show Links “Conservatives” cheering the loss of Tim Huelskamp have lost their conscience To Beat Hillary, Conservatives Must Demand a Course Change
33 min
What conservatives can learn from the DNC
If you were able to avoid the Marxist – sorry Democratic – National Convention this past week, consider yourself fortunate. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and a vast array of zany politicians and obtuse celebrities took the stage to push their radical agenda of immorality, injustice, and de-civilization. Even so, there is a real lesson that conservatives can learn from the DNC, suggests Daniel Horowitz in this week’s episode of the Conservative Conscience podcast. Horowitz says he was “inspired in a very sad way” about how the Left fights so ruthlessly for their policies and NEVER GIVES UP. Democrats believe so strongly in their values and are so indefatigable in their mission to see their goals come to fruition, that for them, defeat is simply not an option. Contrast that to the Republicans who whimper and cave at every turn. Conservatives in turn are in danger of losing their core, their conscience, and then what will we have? Isn’t it high time conservatives fought with the same tenacity and fervor as the liberals? America needs it. Don’t miss: ·This ain’t your father’s Democratic Party ·LISTEN: Crisis of Conscience is What Has Gotten Us Here – Ep. 46 ·GOP elites get their guy in Georgia. Will they get him in Kansas?
29 min
Crisis of Conscience is What Has Gotten Us Here...
“Conscience is the most sacred of all property,” said James Madison. Yet when Ted Cruz stood in front of delegates at the GOP convention last Wednesday and uttered the words, “vote your conscience,” the world turned upside down and many in the room wildly drowned out his words with boos. And we though being a conservative was about principles? Guess not. “This is a crisis of conscience of the likes we’ve never seen before,” argues Daniel Horowitz. On this week’s episode of the Conservative Conscience Horowitz breaks down how the real battle is not R’s vs. D’s but about protecting our conscience and advancing our values. Every four years it’s the same song and dance. We end up sacrificing conservatism at the Republican altar. This year we have Donald Trump and again the knee-jerk reaction is the same – “we MUST support him so that the Democrats don’t win!” But he’s not a conservative – “we don’t care!” Conservatives need to start asking themselves, is this strategy working? As Daniel explains, there is a big difference between strategically voting for Trump while concurrently focusing on long term reforms and retaining our values than realigning all of our views to comport with some of his problematic positions.  There is a disturbing trend of some conservatives adopting new liberal positions in order to show “unity” with Trump.  This is a big mistake, and is frankly the mistake that has cost us any solid progress over the past 28 years.  Vote for whomever you want, but retain your conscience and don’t change your deep rooted principles.    Key Quotes “Instead of seeking new and foreign principles because we continue to fail in pursuit of tired, old tactics, why not renew our old timeless principles with new, innovative tactics.” “We die on their hills; fall on their swords.   We lose elections anyway either right away or 2-4 years later because of it.  We’ve had the people’s house, the body closest to the people, for 18 of the past 22 years.  Look at the result.”  “We win enough victories that are too minute and too insignificant to fundamentally move the ball forward, yet tantalizing enough to allure us into a false sense of security.  This prevents us from pursuing the tough long-term reforms that will actually create enduring victories.”   Don’t Miss: ·More than a speech: How Cruz destroyed the ‘lesser of two evils’ narrative ·Trump speech: The good, the bad, and the ugly
39 min
Why Trump Supporters Should be Mad as Hell Abou...
We’ve come full circle in this election cycle.  Ask anyone who is even semi-enthused by the prospect of a Trump nomination and they will tell you they are tired of the same old, do-nothing establishment elitists.  Well, if nothing is done to quickly reform the direction of this convention and the RNC over the next four years, the entire effort to overthrow the establishment will become nothing better than the establishment itself. Everything we have reported on at Conservative Review concerning the despotic chicanery used to steamroll conservatives in Congress is transpiring now at the convention in Cleveland.  Daniel breaks down the chicanery and explains the importance for Trump supporters who truly want to reform the party to not allow the same RNC hacks to employ the same despotic tactics they have always pursued.  Conservative supporters of Trump should join with others to flush out the RNC and reform their rules.  They must think past this election.  Just as God warned the Israelites not to allow the pagans to remain in place because they would serve as thorns in their side, keeping the existing structure of the party will hamper any benefits of a Trump victory.     
24 min
What's Wrong and What's Right With Newt's Comme...
Last night, following the Jihad attack in Nice, France, Newt Gingrich stirred up a firestorm when he told Sean Hannity that because western civilization is in a war, “we should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported.” He also said “modern Muslims who have given up Sharia, glad to have them as citizens.” It is vitally important to draw clear constitutional, legal, historical, philosophical, and prudent policy lines.  In this special edition, Daniel notes that while there are very problematic and unconstitutional aspects to Newt’s solution as it relates to U.S. citizens, the former speaker’s diagnosis of the problem and his solution as it relates to future immigration is spot on.  There is a degree of constitutional illiteracy that is apparent both in Gingrich’s statement and in the words of his critics.  It is against our Constitution and values to carte blanche take away First Amendment rights from U.S. citizens or deport them for simply harboring a supremacist ideology.  At the same time, it is completely constitutional and rooted in our history and tradition not to willingly import those who subscribe to a political system incompatible with our values and dangerous to our survival.      As it relates to Islamic supremacists who have already obtained U.S. citizenship but have not broken any laws, Daniel explores true constitutional and prudent policies that will save western civilization and are indeed rooted in our history and tradition without violating the Bill of Rights. Important quotes: “Every society from a great nation down to a club had the right of declaring the conditions on which new members should be admitted, there can be room for no complaint.”~ Gouverneur Morris, at the Constitutional Convention in 1787[i] "The jurisdiction of the nation within its own territory is necessarily exclusive and absolute. It is susceptible of no limitation not imposed by itself. Any restriction upon it deriving validity from an external source would imply a diminution of its sovereignty to the extent of the restriction and an investment of that sovereignty to the same extent in that power which could impose such restriction. All exceptions, therefore, to the full and complete power of a nation within its own territories must be traced up to the consent of the nation itself. They can flow from no other legitimate source." ~ Chief Justice Marshall 1812[ii] Importing the Values of the Middle East The Senate’s final act before recess? More immigration from the Middle East! 7 Constitutional Steps to Protect the Homeland Against IslamicJihad Muslim reformist, Dr. Zhudi Jasser’s open letter to the media on ignoring true moderate Muslims [i]Gouverneur Morris, “Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787,” Elliot’s Debates, vol. V, as republished on the Teaching American History website, Morris’s importance as a founder is best captured by Madison’s claim that the actual text of the Constitution “fairly belongs to the pen of Mr. Morris.” Max Farrand, “The Framing Of The Constitution Of The United States,” (Kindle Location 1744).  Kindle Edition. [ii]The Exchange v. McFaddon, 11 U.S. 136 (1812).
24 min
Pence as Trump's VP - does it even matter? - Ep...
Reports are saying that Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana, is Donald Trump's pick for Vice President. While Joe doesn't necessarily think it is a done deal, Daniel says it doesn't matter because a VP pick doesn't matter at all.  Daniel and Joe break down the report, explain what it means (if anything) that Pence is the pick, and how conservatives should think about this pick and all other #Veepstakes. 
29 min
Is it better in the long run if Democrats win i...
Daniel poses an infuriating, but important question. It isn't that he thinks they would be better, it is that he questions whether we need things to get worse to shock the system.  The question is debated, and the answer he gives may surprise you. 
29 min
The Lack of Moral Clarity is Destroying our Rep...
On July 4th, 1776 the founders set forth to establish a system of governance based upon PRINCIPLES and self-evident TRUTHS.  They understood moral clarity and that there are areas of life that are not shaded with gray but are black and white.  Where has that gone? In this week’s episode of the Conservative Conscience, your host Daniel Horowitz breaks down how America has abandoned black-and-white moral clarity and opted instead for moral relativism – and why that is perhaps the single greatest factor in the destruction of our Republic. Sexual Orientation? Gender? Good & Evil? Natural Law? Religious Freedom? These are all gray areas now. But alas, Horowitz asks, “When was the last time you’ve seen a Republican speak with clarity about morality the same way you see the Democrats speak with clarity about immorality?” … still waiting. Also, be sure to check out Daniel’s annual July 4th manifesto coming out next week! Daniel's New Book: Stolen Sovereignty
27 min
America is Ruled by One Man…And It’s Not Obama ...
We explore the original role of the Judiciary as conceived by our Founders, a role that has transformed into that of an oligarchy.  Anthony Kennedy determines the outcome of every political issue in our country.  That is very dangerous for democracy.
29 min
Special Guest: Phil Haney, author of "See Somet...
In this episode, Daniel Horowitz is joined by special guest Phil Haney, a former Department of Homeland Security frontline officer, to discuss his book See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad. Since leaving the DHS, Haney has become a whistleblower exposing the government’s failures. The result – his intelligence information was eliminated and he was himself investigated by the DHS. Now, Haney joins the Conservative Conscience podcast to shed light about the radical Islamist enemy we face and how the Obama administration is capitulating to jihadist terrorism.
35 min
Is the GOP waving the white flag on Islamic Jih...
In wake of the #Orlando Terrorist attacks, the GOP have already begun to wilt and bend in the defensive posture they are so often found in after the Democrats go on offense.  Daniel lays out the problems our immigration policy, details the issues which the GOP should be pushing for, and explains why the Republicans should be going on offense and fighting back against the failed policies of the Left and the Obama administration.  Important Links: 7 Constitutional Steps to Protect the Homeland Against Jihad
28 min
Escaping from the Trump Trap - Ep. 37
Republicans of all stripes are caught in the vicious cycle of having to respond to everything Trump says. They are ensnared in the circuitous Trump trap.  How do they escape?  In this episode, Daniel and Joe discuss the false choice conservatives have been given by the media and political class.  Everything in politics is always a binary choice.  This year it has fully centered around Trump – whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump.  The only way to get out of this trap is to redefine the landscape and actually stand for something.  Imagine if Republicans actually fought for some of the priorities we focus on here at Conservative Review?  Then, the binary choice would be whether you are for flooding the country with un-vetted refugees or whether you stand for American sovereignty and security.  Or it would be a choice of whether you stand for privacy and sanity with men not being allowed in female dressing rooms or not?  Those are choices conservatives can win.  But with a party standing for nothing other than quietly rubber-stamping Obama’s agenda, by default the only exciting news is Trump.  Thus, they are caught in a trap of their own making. 
29 min
Murky Waters of the Middle East w/guest Patrick...
In this episode, Daniel has a special guest, Patrick Poole, who uses his expertise to navigate the murky waters of the Middle East.  Daniel and Patrick mark the 72ndanniversary of D-Day and lament how our military and strategic vision has fallen so low since those days of glory.  Our military has been abused in recent years by being placed in the cross-fire of sectarian civil wars with no national security interests, definitive outcomes, or reasonable rules of engagement.  Patrick offers unique insights and updates on what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.  He observes how our special operations soldiers are being stretched thin and being placed in impossible circumstances because they are being used as the president’s private army in order to fulfill his fundamental global transformation.  Finally, Daniel notes that with the upcoming debate in the Senate over the defense authorization bill, Republicans have an opportunity to stand for our military and question Obama’s misuse of our soldiers in pursuit of aimless missions.  Sadly, we have no men on the field in Washington to stand for the men who are being placed in the line of fire.  A far cry from the WWII days when our soldiers knew that their military and political leadership had their back.       Links
30 min
The Transgendered GOP Congress - Ep. 35
The GOP has had the Majority in the House and Senate for a while now, and the excuse of not passing positive legislation is that Obama would simply veto any meaningful measures. But when they carry the water for Obama as they appeared to have done on the Transgendered Bill this week, you have to see them for what they really are: a transgendered GOP Congress. They identify as Republicans, but in reality the way they vote and legislate is that of liberals.
29 min
Making State Legislatures Great Again - Ep. 34
There is a good chance that no new conservatives will be elected to the U.S. Senate. Few if any conservatives will be on ballots for the House. As for the GOP Presidential nominee... well... So what are conservatives left with? Daniel and Joe argue it is the best hope, and possibly best strategy for conservatives to regain a foothold in the political arena. It isn't an easy or quick solution, but it would have lasting and important effects on the political landscape for years to come. 
30 min
Oligarchy: Liberals Winning 50 Year Battle Over...
The Democrats have successfully shifted the entire universe of the political spectrum in just a few years. Their radicalism thrives without consistent, principled opposition. The radical leftists have seized control of the Democrat Party, which has allowed them to control the media, the institutions of higher learning, and then the culture. Fundamentally, the Republicans have done nothing to fight back. That is why President Obama has “fundamentally transformed” America in 8 short years. The latest attempt by the left to redefine what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman is just the latest example of the left’s ability to radically change the culture in the absence of principled opposition.  Is there any floor to the decadence or any point at which Republicans will fight back? Daniel demonstrates how the only way to save the Republic is to begin operating like a third party within the GOP.  The only way to accomplish that is by changing primaries into representative conventions in the 10 most conservative states.  Daniel explains the path forward out of this cultural Marxism gripping every aspect of our society. 
29 min
Special Guest: Dan Forest, Lt. Gov of North Car...
What is the truth behind North Carolina’s common sense law to prevent radicals from tearing down any and every private space for women – be it bathrooms, dormitories, or locker rooms? How did this battle begin and who is standing with local North Carolina Republicans to combat the insanity? Dan Forest, North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor, joins Daniel to warn the country that if they fail to stand with North Carolina, every state will be overcome with this radical transformation. One of the few brave, articulate, and principled conservatives in an era of a lost Republican Party, Forest makes it clear that he will not back down in the face of boycott threats from the corporate cronies who’ve sought to placate the radical sexual identity movement. Links of Interest: Sen. Burr Hides in the Men’s Room as North Carolina Fights Alone How Congress Can #StandWithNC and Gender Sanity
29 min
The Conservative Path Forward: #NeverRINOs - Ep...
Ted Cruz is out, Kasich is out, and Donald Trump is now the presumptive GOP Nominee for President. Now what? What is the path forward for conservatives? Not just for the White House in 2016, but down ballot and moving forward. Daniel and Joe talk about what the real problem was for conservatives in 2016, and what needs to be corrected in the future. Links of Interest: Millions of Us Are Strangers in Our Own Party ‘The Will of the People’: Making RINOs Great Again
30 min
A Republic, not a Democracy - Ep. 30
Our once proud constitutional republic has turned into a pure democracy.  In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, Daniel and Joe demonstrate from the outcome of the presidential and congressional primaries how pure democracy leads to tyranny.  It would be much better to conduct primaries through the Colorado convention model where anyone can still participate, but the process tends to attract only those voters truly engaged with the political reality and familiar with the authentic records of each candidate.  The Trump campaign has successfully framed the conventions as “voterless elections” orchestrated by the establishment against the will of “the people.”  In reality, as Daniel explains, the conventions are dominated by the most committed conservative activists in each state who truly reflect the will of the people and the Constitution, as envisioned by our Founders in a republican form of government.  Pure democratic primaries, on the other hand, reflect nothing more than the will of Rupert Murdock who uses Fox News (Faux News) as a means to manipulate public sentiment.  In this case, Fox’s agenda is #NeverCruz; in other cases it will be against a candidate even Trump voters like. By going through his experience with congressional primary challenges, Daniel makes a compelling case to Trump voters that, in the long run, RINOS like John McCain will always win reelection in democratic primaries.  The only way to defeat them is through a convention that harnesses a republican model of precinct or district representation.     Links Elective Despotism: RINOS Sweep Every Congressional Race
30 min
Is There No Cause Worth Fighting For? - Ep. 29
Is there not a cause that conservatives will rise to fight for? Can Republicans unify behind a cause that is transcendent? Donald Trump is winning because he represent change from the usual status quo of Republicans folding instead of fighting. But what would Trump the president look like as compared to Trump the candidates? Beyond Trump, who is the master of the sound-bite, why aren’t conservatives fighting for seminal issues to reclaim our government and fight for SOVEREIGNTY, SECURITY, and SOCIETY?  Links of Interest: Trump's Trans-Ideology Top 10 Slam-Dunk Issues for Conservatives in 2016
30 min
The GOP Congress is Scoring Points for the Othe...
One of the reasons that Trump-mania is sweeping the nation is that the voting electorate is mad at anyone associated with the federal government. Republicans are not immune to this dissatisfaction, because even with the majority, they are scoring points for the Left, and allowing the Obama administration to get whatever they want. Since coming back, Congress has done nothing but focus on backwards priorities, all the while ignoring winning 80/20 issues simply because they might have the slightest hint of “SOCIAL” attached to their policy description. Along with the fact that Senate GOP leadership is up to its old tricks again, trying to prevent a way for Sen. Mike Lee from gaining a position on Senate leadership. Daniel and Joe discuss the top issues that the GOP is focusing on, and the ones that they should actually be concerned with – the ones that most impact the country and should be the focus of the presidential race and Congress’ attention. Links of Interest: IRS Giving Tax Credits to Illegals Who've Engaged in Identity Theft Top 17 Left-Wing Moments of John Kasich’s Endless Political Career Just In: House Leaders Silence Opposition on Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Bill
30 min