Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

News Commentary
The Politicians Just Don’t Care about Us: The C...
What you are seeing this week with the clamor by both parties to pander to illegal aliens is the most profound violation of the most foundational tenet of the social compact.  The job of government officials is to protect the American people from open borders and the ill effects of illegals, not to focus on illegals first and only.  In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, you will hear the side of the debate over the so-called “dream” amnesty that you will never get from the political class.  What about the ill effects of illegal immigration on Americans and the urgency to address their needs before those of illegal aliens?  Not only is it the moral thing to do, it is the sacred responsibility of any elected official, deeply rooted in the social contract. The political class seems to have forgotten the lessons from California and Arizona and the destruction wrought on this country by illegal aliens.  Not only is amnesty not the job of our government, it is the source of the incentives that continue to break our borders.  How is it moral to give amnesty before securing the border and cutting off the magnets?   Every society from a great nation down to a club had the right of declaring the conditions on which new members should be admitted, there can be room for no complaint.—Gouvernour Morris, at the Constitutional Convention   Show links Breach of Social Contract: 44,000 illegals already granted green cards, 1,000 citizenship 20 homeland security and immigration ideas for AMERICANS before pandering to illegals $296 billion in refundable tax credits for illegals Illegals cost taxpayers $750 billion over their lifetime My podcast from last September on the perverse sense of morality with amnesty
49 min
Cultural Marxism, Judicial Civil Disobedience, ...
The reason the left is so successful is because they hijack every cultural institution within western democracies and use their incumbent power to engage in civil disobedience by delegitimizing laws, traditions, and common sense policy ideas.  The use their stewardship and  control over the failed status quo to threaten instability in order to perpetuate the most insane ideas and block common sense morality. In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we lay it all on the line – going through immigration, Obamacare, foreign policy, and the courts to show how the left and the fake DC conservative elites have successfully paralyzed any opposition and what we can do about it.  They speak to the morality of their immorality and are willing to do and say anything to enshrine their agenda immutably.  We need to learn from their conviction and speak to the morality of our ideas and be willing to follow through with them unflinchingly.   But in order to do that we need a new party and movement with the intellectual and moral clarity and consistency to enact these ideas.  Which ideas and how do we succeed?  We touch on this, the emerging judicial emergency with crazy judges, and more!   Show links Kings on the bench: rogue judge declares Texas a sanctuary state Kelly and liberal staff using moral and stability arguments to promote immoral and illegal amnesty Scalia warned about the courts twisting immigration and sovereignty beyond belief Obama’s 3rd term: 7 ways Trump is keeping Obama’s backwards foreign policy
47 min
Trump Administration Keeping Almost Every Backw...
With every conservative now pushed out of this administration, it is essentially Obama’s third term on most aspects of foreign policy. In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we dissect the essence of this administration’s foreign policy and prove that Obama’s dyslexic foreign policy priorities are continuing.  We suck heavy resources down the drains of Islamic civil wars while refusing to use soft power where it is more effective.  We are helping our enemies with our own military while alienating allies.  We are threatening to cut off aid to Sisi in Egypt while continuing aid to Lebanese [Hezbollah] military and to UNRWA.  We are doing more for Iran than they could possibly pay us for, yet we are doing it for free and with the lives and resources of our military.  At the same time, Trump is allying with Erdogen and dumping on the Kurds, while promoting the unreliable Afghani government.  One could not possibly conjure up a more backwards foreign policy.  And as we demonstrate, the generals are just as much a part of the problem, several of whom are now in civilian leadership.    Show links Why the Afghanistan strategy doesn’t add up Trump admin refused to cut $300 million to Pro-Hamas UN Agency, but cuts off aid to Egypt General admits we are helping Iran and Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq
42 min
The Afghanistan Dumpster Fire That Political/Mi...
Policy doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker.  This is doubly true for Afghanistan. Those who unquestionably support the effort to double-down on the current Afghanistan disaster while saying this is somehow a new strategy are not paying attention to what’s going on in the theater.  In this blockbuster episode of the Conservative Conscience, we invite Capt. Jarrin Jackson to discuss the reality on the ground in Afghanistan.  Using his war stories as a company commander during the height of the previous surge, he demonstrates why, by definition, what we are likely to do is more dangerous and costly nation building that needlessly risks the lives of our troops in pursuit of a utopian goal. While the president’s address was clearly aimed at appeasing conservatives by focusing on counter-terrorism and not nation building, the conditions were too ambiguous.  And given that the generals and the administration staff implementing this policy are all part of the problem, we are headed for the same results as the 2011 surge.  Jarrin, who is running for Congress, left the military because he was so frustrated about the political and military leadership not putting our interests first, following the Constitution, and having the proper regard for the lives of the troops under their command.    Key quote: Today’s generals are more political than politicians.” ~ Jarrin Jackson  Show links Welcome to the new Afghanistan policy – same as the old What the political and military leaders don’t appreciate about sacrificing the lives of our troops Why Jarrin is challenging Mullin in Oklahoma 5 gigantic holes in the current Afghanistan plan 3 questions the president should ask his generals
71 min
Flight 93 Presidency: What Bannon’s Exit Means ...
Steve Bannon, the great solar eclipse, and Flight 93, oh my!  We cover it all and you will see  how it ties together.  Following the departure of Steve Bannon, there is really nothing left for anyone on the right in this administration – whether you are a constitutionalist or someone who just wants to drain the swamp.  Sure, Trump will continue to tantalize us with his rhetoric but there are literally no personnel left in the administration to sustain those views.  Now is the time to unite behind an exciting an innovative platform and set of principles that are built upon our timeless constitutional values, albeit applied in a way that relates to a broad array of the country to confront today’s challenges.  We conclude by discussing how to go about starting a new party.   Show links The flight 93 essay that I believe was wrong and right on certain points The personnel in this administration have no plans to leave and are the worst of the swamp Wake up: The Trump revolution is over
39 min
How Swamp Conservatives and their Failure to St...
Why is it that we see the rise of a phony alt-right movement and the media obsession with it?  Well, those conservatives who are so obsessed with criticizing it are responsible for its rise.  The vacuum left by a truly constitutional movement that actually believes in fighting for what it espouses, rather than collecting website clicks and money, would have preempted the rise of such a movement. In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss how the conservative “smart set” ignoring Judge Roy Moore is emblematic of what is wrong with them and why the Republican voters turned away from their brand.  It’s why some people are unfortunately attracted to some voices that might identify the problems accurately but are headed in the wrong direction.  When confronted with a destructive cultural Marxist agenda, the phony conservative movement did nothing to counter it with Godly and constitutional principles.  Thus, our side wants a revolution.  Some of us want an American revolution, but sadly many will be attracted to a French Revolution because they are so desperate for leadership.  Support for a man like Roy Moore offers a true opportunity to stand beyond this false dichotomy of the status quo or a French Revolution, yet these people who say they want something more than Trump refused to stand with him.   Key Quote "We must be good again before we can be great. And we will never be good again without God." ~ Judge Roy Moore Show links The dumb and dangerous war on monuments The entire Democrat Party is now the alt left Poll: voters overwhelmingly reject ripping out monuments
49 min
Localism is the Solution to a Painfully Divided...
Once again, we have another tragedy in this country that becomes a political football.  Everything, from tragedies and mayhem to sports and weather must become political. In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss the solution to reconciliation in this country: localism.  Because everything is dealt with on a federal level and because we have such a polarized country, everything has become a flashpoint, even issues or events that would otherwise stand above politics.  By restructuring our system of government to federalism we will be able to self-sort and enjoy self-government to each group’s linking in their respective areas while preserving national unity on the issues that need to be dealt with at a federal level, such as combating North Korea.        Key quotes “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the State governments, in times of peace and security. As the former periods will probably bear a small proportion to the latter, the State governments will here enjoy another advantage over the federal government. The more adequate, indeed, the federal powers may be rendered to the national defense, the less frequent will be those scenes of danger which might favor their ascendancy over the governments of the particular States.” ~ James Madison, Federalist 45 Show links Outline of how to fight North Korea Left-wing government doesn’t enforce law against violent protesters Trump’s amnesty is a bigger problem than any twitter statement
40 min
A Vision for Dealing with China and North Korea...
No, Mr. President, the 60-vote threshold did not prevent you from supporting conservatives in Alabama, from firing McMaster, from ending the Iran deal, from getting rid of DACA, or from signing bad budgets and debt ceilings.  Trump doesn’t need to get rid of the filibuster to stop taking in the refugees or to reject Australia’s refugee deal.  The point is there is so much the president can do unilaterally to match his rhetoric and campaign promises with actions, but sometimes he is just his own worst enemy.  In this action-packed episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss everything from the Alabama Senate race and McMaster to Trump continuing Obama’s multiple amnesty programs.  On issue after issue, Trump can accomplish so much if he just hired personnel that shared his campaign vision. Finally, we discuss a vision for dealing with North Korea and how it fits into our broader foreign policy and military mistakes.  We have wasted so much time, money, hardware, lives, deterrent, and political capital by getting involved in endless sinkholes refereeing Islamic civil wars in the Middle East.  This has hurt our deterrent and resolve to use our military for when it is needed most –  to combat or deter conventional threats from nation states like China, North Korea, and Iran when they directly threaten our interests.  The Islamic Jihad issue (minus Iran) is mainly an immigration, intelligence, counter-terrorism, and values problem, not a military problem.  The military needs to be re-oriented to deal with military threats.  Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan do not qualify.  Further involvement there just hurts our deterrent against China and North Korea, which we will have to confront sooner or later.      **Please fill-out this survey on our podcast so we can help grow this great audience and spread the truth** Show links ZOA’s case against McMaster Why Trump’s defense of McMaster is indefensible Trump’s swims with the swamp in Alabama Trump’s negotiation tactic with North Korea is good. He should apply it to Schumer
51 min
The Alabama Senate Race is the First Opportunit...
In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we first tackle the importance of firing H.R. McMaster and how Trump is his own worst enemy when it comes to personnel and order in the White House.  We also delve into the opportunity we have for a new vision on immigration and health care but how it’s being squandered either by Trump’s distractions or by the rotten Republican leadership. Finally, we discuss the race of the decade that is right on our doorstep – the Alabama Senate race.  Will conservatives take yes for an answer?  The stars appear to be aligning for Judge Roy Moore, but conservatives must prepare for a massive smear operation in the runoff.  If we can pull this off, it will represent the closest thing to starting a new party.  This is a man who is actually everything in practice what we tout in rhetoric.    Show links Poll Showing Roy Moore way ahead and by far the most liked candidate DACA “Dreamer” rapes and tortures a young woman Why the Raise Act is true immigration reform The English language and assimilation Jews can’t build synagogue in Sydney because…Muslims!
31 min
The solution that will solve health care crisis...
Solutions, solutions, solutions!  The fight for freedom in health care doesn’t have to end with failure to repeal Obamacare.  We are joined by Rep. Jim Butler (R-OH), a one-man think tank on health care, who shares with us some of the reforms to health care (not just insurance) he is pushing for in Ohio – reforms that can be replicated on a federal level. Why should insurance companies and hospitals, which are propped up by every tool of government, be allowed to price fix and not have to send their charges to individuals before a service is rendered? This reform alone would apply market forces to health care and solve much of the problem.  The hospital cartel is fighting his law in court because they know it will end the scam of using taxpayer funds to price fix consumers out of the market.  They want to continue the venture socialist racket of using the statutory, regulatory, subsidy benefits from the government in order to box out competition and consumer demand.     Show links A Medicaid reform that would help EVERYONE (except lobbyists) Vox video on hospitals failing to disclose their prices for a simple baby delivery
68 min
Why Stephen Miller is Right And Jim Acosta is W...
The media and the political cartel are lying to you about our true history, traditions, values, laws, and priorities on immigration. In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we explore our true history of immigration based on my book, Stolen Sovereignty.  The left has it exactly backwards.  We have NEVER done what we are doing today on immigration.  Quite the contrary, what Stephen Miller and Tom Cotton are proposing on immigration is exactly how both parties felt about the issue until recently.  We recount the full history of our immigration system and establish a list of principles that can guide us today.   We also address the dustup between White House aide Stephen Miller and CNN’s Jim Acosta over the history and meaning of the Emma Lazarus’s poem on the Statue of Liberty.  It’s purpose was the exact opposite of what the left uses it for and the laws and traditions in place at the time it was affixed to the Statue of Liberty are living proof.          Show links Glenn Beck tells the truth about the Emma Lazarus Poem Jeff Sessions is the only member of the cabinet putting points on the board Jeff Flake is how we got Trump Rubio and Bush supported (at least in word) what Trump and Cotton are proposing on immigration McMaster firing more conservatives
47 min
It’s Time to Form a Real American Political Par...
Anyone who doesn’t see the need for a new party by now is either not paying attention to the most basic facts on the ground or is not in this field for the right reasons.  Now it’s time to explore a path to starting a new party, a party that will not only serve as a home for the conservative base but one that can even convert the growing numbers of disenchanted Democrat voters.  In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we begin plotting such a course.  Also, what happens when conservatives actually focus on what’s important and demand action from Trump on our priorities? He actually listens. After we called for him to cut off the bailout for the insurance cartel and for Congress, Trump has immediately turned his focus to that endeavor.  Now conservatives must follow through and make sure Trump and those around him actually enact our plan. Finally, we lament the missed opportunity to argue true holistic health care reform from a position of strength.  Ultimately, we need a new party because we can never place in the hearts and minds of people who fundamentally don’t share our values the ability to articulate our views.    Show notes: The judicial war on God and prayer and how Republicans don’t care Mr. President, Twitter is not a policy outcome GOP: party of transgenderism and Medicaid A critique of the conservative media
35 min
Cutting Out the Insurance Cartel and Going Stra...
Where is the Uber and Amazon of medical care? Well, on this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we are joined by Dr. Kevin Smith, co-founder of the Oklahoma Surgery Center, the closest thing to Uber within the medical profession.  In a very engaging and wide ranging discussion, the type of health care discussion we are missing in Washington, Dr. Smith shares his secret to reducing costs and improving quality of care.  By cutting out the administrative costs, the burdens, and regulations of the price-fixing insurance cartel and government programs, he has been able to reduce the cost of surgeries to as little as 10-50% of the entire cost of services elsewhere.  The free market, cutting out the middle man, and circumventing government intervention have a funny way of bringing down costs and spurring innovation.  Dr. Smith offers top-notch medical care at below the charge of the universally repudiated Medicaid reimbursement rate.  Debunking the lies of the insurance/hospital cartel about the impossibility of presenting readable medical prices to the consumer, Dr. Smith has revolutionized price transparency in the medical profession.  And his prices are the same as they were 9 years ago…yet his business is thriving and patients are loving it.  He’s also leading a movement to help others in the profession replicate his model and foster competition.  Who loses?  The cartel and big government folks.  Dr. Smith also breaks down the hospital-cartel scam and how they use preferential treatment from government to rip off the consumer, stifle competition and innovation, and run-up the cost of taxpayer-funded programs.  If every health care provider operated like the Oklahoma Surgery Center and all health insurance operated like health sharing ministries, we would solve the health care problem in America overnight, end the debt crisis, and rediscover a new generation of innovation and life-saving care.     Show links Free Market Medical Association Time Magazine profile on Oklahoma Surgical Center It’s time for single payer….the consumer to the provider
45 min
The Big Health Care Myth: The True Cost of Heal...
In today’s special episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss the one element missing from this endless health care debate…health care. A special guest, Dr. Kevin Wacasey, a successful health care provider who has written two books on the economics of health care, joins us to cut through the clutter of the Obamacare debate and identify the root cause of health care inflation on the supply side.  He demonstrates how it’s not the cost of health care that is outrageous, but the charges for health care.   The source of that problem?  The government and the insurance cartel, which is propped up by government.  Were we to get third-party payer out of our system, prices would come down dramatically.  The root of the government/cartel success in distorting our market and conflating health care with medical insurance is their publicly-funded myth that health care is inherently expensive without their product.  In fact, it is expensive only because of their product, which is sponsored by government regulations, subsidies, and mandates.  Dr. Wacasey believes that Americans are being hurt by the role that the health insurance industry plays in maintaining our restrictive, reactive, and overpriced health care system. He wants to change health care by changing the way you think about health care, because you – as patients – have the greatest impact on what needs to be done.  He offers our listeners advice on how to shop around for health care, even in this very limited market system. Show links Trump continues illegal bailout for insurers and Congress Dr. Wacasey’s two must-read books: : 'The Guide to Buying Health Insurance, and Health Care;' and 'Healthcareonomics 101: 500 Ways You’re Being Ripped Off By The Health Insurance, and Health Care Industries Follow Dr. Wacasey at, twitter at @HConomics, or at his Facebook page Healthcareonomics.
55 min
How we can solve health care once and for all a...
When will our politicians finally discuss health care in the debate over…health care?  How much longer will our future health care be held hostage to the crony insurance cartel and government? In this special episode of the Conservative Conscience, we let it all out on the line and present a way to repeal Obamacare without actually repealing the law but by rendering it moot.  Through price transparency reform and cost sharing associations, we not only solve the Obamacare problem, but the entire health care problem that predated the ACA.  These reforms are so much easier to message and will actually make the entire industry function like a real market.  Most importantly, it will cut out the need for third parties and government and their ability to destroy and distort the health care market.  Let’s move beyond the semantics of repealing Obamacare, which is not happening anyway and actually pursue these foundational reforms that will restore the consumer as king and make Obamacare non-existent.    Show links The power of insurance cartel is evident with Trump embracing the bailout Testimonials from members of the AAPS on how direct care and cutting out insurance cartel lowers costs and improves care The plan to save health care in America
58 min
How Can we Fight if Conservative Media Fails to...
In what seems like a quiet beginning of the work week, there is actually a lot going on.  Republicans in Congress and this administration are betraying conservatives on an array of issues, yet the conservative media is bankrupt and refuses to even focus on what’s important.  By not informing conservative voters about these betrayals, the conservative media shields Republicans from the requisite pressure needed to affect the policy outcomes they all claim to support.   We start off the show giving a vision of how to get around the Obamacare impasse by cutting out the insurance/government complex and going straight to health CARE itself.  Time to cut out the middle man and reduce the cost of health care on the supply side by putting the consumer back in the driver’s seat.  Let the government and the big insurance lobbyists eat crow.  Next, we discuss a series of policy betrayals from Republicans in Congress – from promoting transgenderism and global warming in the military to allowing illegal aliens to seek government jobs.  Finally, we focus on some of the latest policy betrayals in this administration: from certifying the Iran deal to bringing in more low skilled workers.  When will the conservative media wake up and actually do their job?  The Republican Party will never change unless Republican voters demand it.  But they will never demand such change if they are not made aware of what is going on in Washington.    Show links McMaster Outlines Hillary Clinton–Like Approach to Certification of Iran Nuclear Deal Trump admin brings in 15,000 more low skilled workers Naked men in female showers in the military The courts are destroying our sovereignty and immigration policies Illegal aliens allowed to seek government employment Congress wants a transgender military that fights the weather but… Not a military that identifies Islamic threat
30 min
What Conservatives and Trump Can Learn from Ten...
In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we dissect why it’s not only immoral for conservatives to continue focusing on defending every dumb thing Republicans do (simply because the Democrats are “worse”), but also strategically dumb.  If we want to get Russia out of the news, the Trump administration and the conservative movement must focus on numerous policy issues that will place the media on defense and change the narrative to where we want the plays to go rather than going to where they are leading us.    We explore some of the details on the Russia scandal and demonstrate why it’s better to focus on what we actually can defend and advocate for on key policy issues than very murky and troubling relationships.  Plus, focusing on solid conservative accomplishments is the best way to get Russia out of the headlines anyway.  We end with some quick updates on health care and immigration.  Show links: Andy McCarthy article on the difference between illegal and wrong McConnell fighting conservatives in Alabama Senate race Is Trump’s amnesty leading to a resurgence in border crossings? Trump’s Secretary of State makes a mockery of his Warsaw speech Tillerson loves the Iran deal
31 min
The Challenge? Converting Trump’s Rhetoric to A...
President Trump gave a terrific speech in Warsaw, Poland on the shared values of Western Civilization and its clash with the Islamic world.  The problem is, much like with domestic policy, the specific policy outcomes and the personnel of this administration don’t match up with the rhetoric of the president himself. In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we develop a theme of how Trump’s conservative rhetoric is often voided out by policy outcomes from liberal advisors and cabinet members. Particularly as it relates to national security and understanding the clash of civilizations, Trump’s National Security Council, headed by H.R. McMaster, is rowing the boat in the exact opposite direction.  We discuss some of the specific policy dichotomies between the NSC staff and the president and how conservatives must not get distracted by rhetoric.  They must demand action, as Trump himself said during his Inaugural Address. No issue embodies the departure of Trump from his Inaugural Address than his embrace of the ethanol lobby. We explain how Trump embracing the ethanol mandate is a colossal missed opportunity to harness his populist agenda in a way that helps consumers and improves free markets.  We also explain how Trump’s rhetoric and campaign promises on Obamacare deviated from his actions.  The moral of the story is, once Trump delivers a good speech, work for conservatives has only begun.     Key Quotes: “We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action – constantly complaining but never doing anything about it.  The time for empty talk is over.  Now arrives the hour of action.” ~ President Trump, Inaugural Address Show links Trump voids out populist message with love for ethanol parasites Bannon back in the good graces of Trump, but for which issues? Trump campaigned on full repeal of Obamacare
32 min
Why Understanding the Declaration of Independen...
What is it we are celebrating this week?  How far have we deviated from our founding values expressed in the Declaration of Independence? In this special episode of the Conservative Conscience, we break down six key principles referenced in the Declaration of Independence.  Anyone who fully understands the 201 words of the preamble should have no problems discerning the right course of action on almost every policy issue.  While the world around us has changed dramatically over the past 241 years, these foundational principles are self-evident truths that will never change. Show links John Adams essay on equality  Calvin Coolidge’s epic July 4 speech in 1926 My July 4 manifesto on sovereignty The real right to health care our founders believed in
33 min
No, it Was Not a Good Week at SCOTUS. And It’ll...
With the Supreme Court’s latest term behind us, we take stock of the state of affairs in what has become the nation’s most powerful branch of government.  Contrary to popular opinion on the right, this was a bad week at the court, on net.  And when coupled with other decisions this term, as well as the growing trend of sheer lunacy in the lower courts, we are about to face a torrent of bad decisions that will void out any point of winning elections.  In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we explain how the soft bigotry of low expectations among the conservative elite has allowed them to remain silent amidst the tyranny of the courts and instead grasp at straws to convince themselves we are winning in the courts.  In fact, between religious liberty, immigration, election maps, and the social fabric of this country, we are staring down the barrel of certain defeat at the courts unless we finally do what it takes to reform the system wholesale.  Roberts has become the new Kennedy and the lower courts are insufferable.  We will never win the existing judiciary game.    Show links Roberts joined ruling allowing failing cities to sue banks for their woes SCOTUS: states could violate Second Amendment but can’t follow biology Why the SCOTUS ruling on “travel ban” is not as good as it appears
39 min
Have Conservatives Grown Content with GOP’s Pol...
No matter how liberal Republicans seem to become, no matter how profoundly they betray their campaign promises, so much of the conservative movement just doesn’t care.  It was bad enough until now, but with the ultimate betrayal of keeping, codifying, and bailing out Obamacare, this dynamic has reached a new low. In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we explain just how harmful the betrayal from Trump and Republicans has been to any effort to fulfill the core campaign promises.  Yet, because they are focused on nonsense or the binary idolatry of “at least they are not Democrats,” much of “conservative inc.” just doesn’t care.  Unless something changes quickly, we are headed for the nightmare scenario in which conservatives suffer all the liabilities of GOP control, but secure none of the benefits – all the while permanently shifting the body politic to the left.  Further, we explore with great specificity why the GOP health care bill is worse than simply doing nothing and why it must be opposed at all costs.  Show links Conservatives must repeal and replace Republicans who have embraced Obamacare Conservatives have made peace with Obamacare This is not what Trump promised voters
39 min
Republicans take Opportunity from Election Vict...
Despite the craziness of the GOP, they still managed to win the Georgia special election.  That is how badly swing voters still don’t want Pelosi’s policies.  So why won’t Republicans use this mandate to move in the opposite direction? In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we dissect the message from the recent slew of special elections and how it provides an opportunity for Republicans to energize their base by offering the country a new direction.  Yet, from Obamacare and immigration to fiscal policy, the courts, and foreign policy, Republicans are keeping the status quo.  We also delve into the details of the horrendous Obamacare bailout bill that is making Jonathan Gruber proud. There are also some issues going on in the courts that are killing our sovereignty.   Key quotes: During his inaugural address, Trump inveighed against do-nothing politicians who are all talk and no action. Trump said: “We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining but never doing anything about it. The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action. Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done.” I couldn’t agree more, Mr. President.  So why is there all talk and no action except for the actions that contradict your rhetoric?  Show links Trump supports comprehensive immigration reform The GOP bill to make Obamacare great again GA-6 win is not a mandate to be liberal idiots
29 min
When You Stand for Nothing you Fall for Anythin...
How is it that so many supposed conservatives are so credulous in the face of policy betrayals by Trump and Republicans that they fall for every distraction?  Sadly, this reveals a more uncomfortable reality that the modern conservative movement and conservative media don’t really stand for anything.  And as Alexander Hamilton warned, "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss the true consequences of Trump’s amnesty and how it violates the foundation of his campaign promise.  We also observe how the silence of conservative media is appalling and how there is no movement to demand that Republicans utilize their control of government for specific policy victories. In that light, we also lay out some opportunities for conservatives in the upcoming markup of the annual defense bill, an opportunity that will likely be lost on this fledgling movement.  Finally, we tackle the concerns with Trump’s foreign policy and his further involvement in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, and Somalia, in complete violation of his campaign promises.  Yet, conservatives don’t seem to stand for anything other than not being the Democrats…even if we ironically adopt their policies!   Show links Trump admin not even cooperating with investigations of Obama era Earth to conservatives: Trump granted executive amnesty A smart GOP would push right to carry legislation now Time to jump ship from phony Obamacare repeal
30 min
The Best Way to Fight Back Against Left Wing Bi...
The entire conservative media is focused on the endless rage against the liberal media and accusing them of fomenting violence.  But we all forget what we are even fighting for.  As we chronicle throughout the podcast and in our writings, there are a number of liberal policy outcomes emanating from this GOP Congress and administration, yet we are fighting over a bunch of nothing.  The best way to fight back against the media?  Let’s actually enact the agenda for which they supposedly hate us!  Let’s start by pursuing a pro-gun agenda and immediately enacting a right-to-carry bill.  Stay in for the August recess and overwhelm the Left and the media with one policy victory after another.  This will have the effect of electrifying our base so that the Left is not the only side with intensity for the mid-term elections.   We need more winning and less whining. Show links Our troops forced to undergo transgender sensitivity training…under GOP control! My list of dos and donts in the Middle East
31 min
Will Conservatives Ever Focus this Administrati...
Distraction, distractions, distractions.  By refusing to use the bully pulpit to promote a robust and bold conservative agenda, the Trump administration and much of the “conservative” movement is falling into the media trap.  We are focusing on what the media wants to discuss.  Why, instead, is nobody focusing on the fact that Trump is continuing the illegal amnesty of Obama?  Why is nobody focusing on the dozens of agenda items we’ve laid out at Conservative Review to drive the narrative and force the media to focus on what we think is important rather than us focusing on what they think is important? In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we focus on a number of forgotten issues – from the Saudi Arms deal and Trump’s amnesty to the crazy courts, Hezbollah operatives on our shores, and the GOP making Obamacare great again.     Show links Trump admin taking in Australia’s rejected refugees 9 issues Trump could focus on to deflect from Comey and Russia…if he actually cared Betrayal! Trump grants amnesty to 125,000 illegals in 3 months Feds bust Hezbollah sleeper cell on our soil, yet nobody seems to care Forget about Sanctuary Cities – the courts have created a sanctuary Nation
30 min