Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

News Commentary
Ep 430 | Trump Needs to Realize McConnell and C...
Trump is going after Justin Amash with a vengeance, and new polling shows it’s working. But why won’t he go after McConnell, Cornyn, and other Senate RINOs who are much more powerful and are destroying his leverage on his campaign promises in the Senate? I explore the upcoming budget and debt ceiling battles and explain how spending is worse than ever, just like immigration numbers at the border, yet Senate Republicans are about to sabotage Trump’s leverage again. Why is Trump not using the veto pen, bully pulpit, executive actions, and primary threats to win them over? We see how much it’s working with Amash.  Finally, we now have the acting DHS secretary on record as saying they are not screening incoming immigrants for communicable diseases, in violation of federal law.    Show links Not a dime’s worth of difference between the parties on health care McConnell and Cornyn attack Trump’s conservative budget official What if McConnell cared as much about our border as he does about pork? No screening of 550 Africans at our border Report on honor killings, FGM, and forced marriages in countries where we bring in mass migration   Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
65 min
Ep 429 | So, What’s the Deal with the Mexican B...
“Even if the Mexicans were acting in good faith, they simply can’t secure their border.”  Today, we are joined by retired Air Force Col. Dan Steiner to brief us on what the Mexicans are doing as part of Trump’s border deal. The long and short of it? Just another photo op. Next, Col. Steiner warns us that the best invasions are the ones that we don’t even realize are happening. He details the scary trend of cartels using drones to not only get loads of drugs across but to spy on our agents and assets. This is literally an invasion, not an immigration issue. The bottom line is there is no shortcut around Trump using his lawful authority to both stop migration and designate the cartels as terrorists.   Show links What Justice Scalia would say about our inaction at the border Todd Bensman on why Mexico can’t secure its border if it wanted to Dan’s website and podcast  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
62 min
Ep 428 | An Inconvenient Survivor of the ‘Mexic...
Our government doesn’t like inconvenient survivors of their botched-up operations leading to the death of agents. Today, Victor Avila is back on the show for part 2 of his story on how the government left him high and dry after he was almost killed in a cartel attack that left a federal agent in Mexico dead for the first time since 1985. Victor gives us the shocking details of the trial and how the government didn’t even want to go for life in prison for the Zeta assassins. The same guns that government sold to cartels that led to the death of border agent Brian Terry were used in the killing of Jaime Zapata. Finally, Victor and I discuss how his tragedy reverberates today throughout immigration agencies and how our agents are in danger more than ever before.  Show links    Look how many criminal aliens are turned loose in just one county Part 1 of interview with Victor Avila  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
88 min
Ep 427 | From Omaha Beach to Afghanistan to the...
On today’s special show, we recount the story of Omaha Beach to appreciate the magnitude of courage and sacrifice displayed that day 75 years ago. What are the lessons we can learn from that day and that era in terms of political and military leadership? How does that apply to Afghanistan and our own silent battle for control of the Rio Grande River? It’s all about values – values that are rapidly becoming extinct if we don’t take one last chance to preserve them. Show links Eisenhower’s recounting of Omaha Beach 20 years later We must recommit to the values of “full victory” Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 426 | Conservatives Sandwiched Between Stupi...
When it comes to the border, we the people are stuck with the lowest common denominator of Democrats evil, Republican stupidity, unfocused conservative media distractions, and the president’s good intuition but erratic behavior and messaging.   On today’s show, I explain why Trump is wrong to push tariffs instead of the other things we are pushing but why Senate Republicans are absolutely disgusting to criticize him and undermine him in light of their lack of solutions. I also update you on the latest border numbers and some good news on interior enforcement.  Show links We have a Border Patrol for diapers and wipes Republicans who don’t care about the border only care about Trump’s response to it Mark Morgan is a bright star as new acting ICE director A federal judge just gave Trump a huge opening to push back against forum-shopping   Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
59 min
Ep 425 | The Story of the ICE Agent Who Survive...
We are joined by Victor Avila, the ICE special agent who survived the attack by the Zetas cartel on February 15, 2011, while his partner, Jaime Zapata, was killed in the line of duty. He recounts the riveting details of the attack. His story leaves many disturbing and unanswered questions about our government’s conduct before, during, and after the incident. Rather than being treated like a hero, Avila was pushed out into early retirement, was never debriefed, and was viewed as expendable. This very much resembles Benghazi in certain respects.   This is part one of the story. In a subsequent episode, we'll further discuss the story of Avila after the attack and why it still matters to this day. Show links 'Agent Down on Highway 57' documentary Why are we not deporting those with final deportation orders? Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
65 min
Ep 424 | Has America Become a Third World Country?
America now fits the definition of a Third World country, at least as it relates to having control over our own territory and protecting the citizenry from invaders. Unlike traditional Third World countries, it’s not that we lack the resources, but we lack the political will to defend our sovereignty. I update you on the health concerns coming to our border and the fact that Angola does a better job on closing its border to Ebola than we do.   Moreover, we are like a Third World country because we refuse to enforce our laws, including the most important ones protecting Americans.  Show links Mexico admits 80% of key areas controlled by cartels CBP’s meticulous timeline explaining the death of an illegal alien Only 11 people prosecuted, three serving jail time, for hiring illegals  Our border fight now involves Bangladeshis and dental records Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
62 min
Ep 423 | Why Ask Mexico to Do the Job the Ameri...
Trump’s frustration with Mexico is understandable, but why ask the Mexican government to secure their border instead of securing our own? The threat of tariffs against Mexico will backfire and won’t work anyway; I explain why. Then I give the speech that Trump should deliver to the American people on the Constitution: It's not a suicide pact. What would Scalia say about the border today? We know exactly what he would say. Finally, a lightning round of “Free-Flowing Friday,” updating you on this weeks important news stories. Show links The WSJ’s pathetic attack on Senator Josh Hawley Record numbers at the border  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
68 min
Ep 422 | We Have an Afghanistan-Style Insurgenc...
A briefing on immigration and how laws don’t seem to matter for illegal aliens as they do for Americans. In fact, our government not only ignores those laws but regularly helps illegal aliens with taxpayer funds to skirt them. Compare that to Americans and driving laws and tax laws.  The reality is that this is no longer an immigration issue at our border; this is an insurgency issue that requires the military. I give you exclusive data and information on the border that will show that we are dealing with the equivalent of al Qaeda at our border in the form of the cartels. The same way the Muslim Brotherhood has successfully subverted some people living in our country, the cartel culture has subverted parts of the Rio Grande Valley.      Show links More people die in prison than in immigration detention Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
61 min
Ep 421 | Trump’s Leverage: The Veto Pen, the Bu...
Trump has three leverage points that, if effectively mixed together, can change the course of history on issue like crime, immigration, budget, and the courts. Those are: the veto pen, the bully pulpit, and executive actions. But if they are left unused, his presidency will fail, even if he gets a second term.  Not only is Trump’s lurch to the left on the 1994 crime bill wrong on data, it’s bad messaging. He could use the bully pulpit to explain his previously held position that weak-on-crime laws actually hurt black people more than anyone else.  Next, our border briefing. The president could be using executive actions, the bully pulpit, and a veto threat to make this issue a national security problem that requires military intervention. This needs to happen; the president can do it; and it will refocus the public in a way that will bring the border issue to the front.   Show links Trump is getting bad advice, lurching to the Left on crime The coming crime wave that Border Patrol is not catching Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
61 min
Ep 420 | Why a Good Judge Is No Match for a Bad...
On today’s show, I explain once and for all why we will never beat the Left on judicial supremacy by simply “appointing better judges,” once we agree to legitimize their rulings. Over the weekend, another California judge claimed to place an injunction on border wall construction. This is the perfect opportunity for Trump to finally dismantle judicial supremacy, yet instead, he legitimizes it by noting that his only option is to appeal. Next, I use several decisions and orders from today’s Supreme Court releases to show why placing our hopes in a “conservative” Supreme Court to reverse bad lower court opinions upon appeal is a fool’s errand. Finally, I touch on Trump going off message on crime by pursuing a talking point instead of the right policy, thereby achieving neither.       Show links Why Trump should refuse to give effect to this California judge's pronouncement Coolidge Memorial Day speech in 1927 Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 419 | The Border Invasion Will Cause a Wave ...
We are becoming like the Tories. Trump was our last chance to change the GOP, but instead, the GOP is changing him. I explain why the betrayal on the latest disaster spending bill is worse than you think and will reverberate for the rest of this presidency. Next, we're joined by Jaeson Jones, our resident expert on the cartels, to brief us on the long-term effects of this border invasion. “We’ve never seen anything like this, where we now have smuggling and criminality even after they surrender to border agents,” said Jones. This is a game-changer: Cartels make the aliens indebted to them and use their resources on our soil to exact the debt out of them. “The American people will be hit with a crime wave not seen before,” warned Jones. “The American people would be stunned if they would see how the cartel moves in and out.”  Show links  Gulf Cartel doing Mexico-style attacks on our soil Trump missed a big opportunity with the budget bill Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
64 min
Ep 418 | When Will We Stop Fighting Over Fake F...
We fight over fighting in Washington, but don’t fight over real meaningful outcomes.  On today’s show, I demonstrate how the two sides are awfully close together when it comes to judicial philosophy. There are now Republican judicial nominees who believe that opposing gay marriage is a violation of civil rights and the “conservative” legal movement has no problem with it.   I also discuss the controversy over Justin Amash and how both sides are missing the point.      Show links Grassley pushing new entitlements Another liberal Trump nominee Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
65 min
Ep 417 | The Burden of Open Borders Falling on ...
Guess who will pay for the mistakes of our federal government regarding the border crisis? The local communities. Sheriff Leon Wilmot has been in the Yuma County Sheriff’s Department for 32 years and has been the elected sheriff since 2013. He joins us today to update us on how his county is being slammed with a migration bigger than the size of the native population. The local shelters and health care resources are strained doing the job of the federal government.  The bottom line, according to Wilmot, is that absent any deterrent to law-breakers, they will keep coming. Drugs are coming in both at the points of entry and in the desert.  Also, the sheriff gives us the truth about the threat of contagious diseases that the federal government refuses to talk about. “We don’t need politicians to come down here for a photo op,” said Wilmot. “We need them to fix the problem.”    Show links The frontline effects of the border crisis are felt around the nation’s capital Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
59 min
Ep 416 | Where Do We Escape for Our Asylum?
Central Americans come here to escape poverty and benefit from our welfare system.  Where can Americans seek asylum when their communities are overrun by MS-13?  On today’s show, I discuss what is happening in some Maryland communities with MS-13 activity growing out of control as more illegal alien teens settle in the D.C. region.  I also show how illegal aliens are sapping our health care system and hospitals and nobody is asking who will pick up the tab. Instead, the media is concerned about how many illegal aliens die of natural causes while in ICE custody rather than about how many murders by illegal aliens ICE is able to prevent.  Finally, I focus on health care. The legislative proposals targeting “surprise billing” in the ERs are a total lie and will make matters worse because we are not addressing the core problems in health care.    Show links Russians at our border AAPS letter opposing price controls on surprise billing Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
60 min
Ep 415 | Top Veteran Immigration Officer: Why I...
Today we are joined by a very special guest. Dan Vara is a practicing immigration lawyer who has 22 years of experience in the old INS and eventually in ICE.  “The laws are there, the rules are there, the people are there; they need to be allowed to do their jobs,” says Vara. He was one of the top officials dealing both with the Nicaraguan asylum influx in 1989 and the Hatians and Cubans in the 1990s. He believes there is no reason existing law can’t be marshalled the way it was then. It’s all politics, in his view. What about the concerns of foreign terrorists, health, and espionage? Vara explains that, contrary to what the government is telling us, we are not properly vetting them out even at points of entry.   Vara also explains how so many at the DHS are experiencing morale problems because there is more incentive for them to be lenient on illegal immigrants rather than enforce the law for fear of lawsuits. Show links How the Haitian migration was shut down in the 1990s  How the Nicaraguan migration was shut down in 1989 Yes, illegal aliens are being dumped into our communities Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 414 | America the Dumping Ground
Is Trump being convinced by Jared Kushner to live in an alternative universe? While they focus on the visa system, America has become a dumping ground. While they focus on what Congress can do on non-emergency issues, they ignore what they can do executively on emergency issues. Today, I round out the week by analyzing the politics of the Kushner immigration plan and why it is distracting from the real problems.   Finally, now is the time to get rid of DACA. That is Trump’s biggest point of leverage. He lost another court case today, but what the judges actually said proves the point that, even according to their convoluted thinking, he can still get rid of it within 90 days … if he wants to. Show links  Illegal alien charged with killing 12 Texans Ron DeSantis says no to sending migrants to his state What Trump should do instead of focusing on the Kushner plan   State Department to fund Taliban travel expenses Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
50 min
Ep 413 | Conservatives Have a Movement of Perso...
Look at any major issue, whether it’s the judicial crisis, immigration, health care, or foreign policy, and you will notice that we don’t have a movement of ideas to drive a narrative. We have a movement of personalities to comment on the status quo. I discuss some of the news of the day on abortion and the courts. If we had a movement of ideas, we’d be well on our way to defeating judicial supremacy, and some of the latest news on abortion proves this point. I also update you on jailbreak, the border, Republicans trying to renew the New START treaty, and even how our government is funding the Taliban while claiming to fight it.  Show links Virginia judge reverses his own radical opinion 8 days later This is the type of people we are locking up in federal prison on drug charges who will get jailbreak Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 412 | RINO Rampage in the Senate Will Make a...
Be prepared for a briefing on how terrible Senate Republicans are. They are screwing us on every issue, from health care and spending to immigration and crime. I give you the latest details of Senate RINO betrayals and show how Trump’s presidency is doomed unless we change the orientation of Republicans in the Senate.  Next, I explore the problems with Jared Kushner's immigration proposal and how it distracts from the real problem while offering RINOs cover to continue ignoring their responsibilities. Finally, I update you on the latest with Iran and how the people who got us involved in Iraq are actually hurting the cause of isolating Iran.  Show links Thanks to GOP failure, few people realize how bad the border is McConnell about to screw us on budget deal Romney opposes good judicial candidate because he was too mean to Obama Lindsey Grahamnesty is back African migrants showing up at Laredo The entire criminal justice cartel is built on a lie  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
60 min
Ep 411 | Our Border Is Serving as a Sewer Pipe ...
Today, I show how and why our homeland security and foreign policy are completely backward. By having an open border, we are bringing all of the ills of the world right to our nation. Then we waste our resources going overseas to referee Islamic civil wars, which places our assets in danger, which then creates a political challenge to aggressively defending our true interests.  At the end of the show, I update you on some of the latest domestic terror and criminal alien news and demonstrate once and for all how “criminal justice reform” is built on a lie.  Show links Cuba is the next illegal immigration shoe to drop 54% of federal offenders are non-citizens Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
62 min
Ep 410 | The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
Illegal aliens control our border policies, district judges control our legislatures, and non-English speakers control our ballots. When did the American people vote for this? Today, I discuss how the inmates are running the asylum in many ways. The “asylum-seekers" are controlling our border rather than the American people. Judges are now ruling rather than naturalized citizens learning English, as they are required to do, they can now sue for endless access to assistance and marketing in bilingual ballots. A lot can be learned from the latest Florida judge’s ruling, and I have all the details.    Show links CBP’s bizarre border flights The underappreciated threat to our country from checkpoints being dismantled Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
60 min
Ep 409 | Congress Believes Everything Is a Disa...
In this free-flowing Friday episode, I tie up some loose ends on stories from this week. I explain the multi-layered crisis at the border, specifically the threat of infectious diseases and the cartel operations. The media and the government are not telling us just how serious a threat the termination of Border Patrol checkpoints are in terms of drugs, human smuggling, and potentially terrorists.   Yet Congress doesn’t consider that to be a problem. The legislature is focusing on emergency and disaster spending for Puerto Rico. I explain why this disaster bill is nonsense and why throwing more money at Puerto Rico without fixing its systemic problems or giving it independence is like flushing money down the toilet. Finally, I bring you one more example of why we can’t win the judicial game the conventional way and why we must challenge the entire premise of judicial supremacism rather than focus on “appointing better judges.” Show links Why are we letting any of these people in? Trump is right and McConnell is wrong on disaster aid Another Bush judge creates a fake right for non-doctors to perform abortions Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
64 min
Ep 408 | No More Half Measures
On today’s show, I tackle our two favorite issues – the courts and immigration – through the lens of why half measures are often counterintuitive instead of a reflection of incremental progress. While it’s heartening to see the administration finally get a little more aggressive on the border and with the courts, it is missing the opportunity to go full-bore.  I dissect Mike Pence’s speech about nationwide injunctions and show that while he is on to the truth, he is proposing a half measure that further undermines the premise he is trying to articulate.  I also update you on both the border and the latest criminal alien mayhem on the interior to show why half measures are not working. Quote: “Moral of the story is: I chose a half measure when I should have gone all the way. I'll never make that mistake again. No more half measures, Walter." ~Mike Ehrmantraut (played by Jonathan Banks) in Season 3 of Breaking Bad Show links Previously deported illegal kills 3 people but is released by California authorities House GOP appoints global warming supporter to “climate change” committee 2.4% of Honduras has come to America in just 19 months Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
62 min
Ep 407 | Are the Iranian Mullahs About to Fall?
Between the rocket attacks on Israel, increasing stakes in the Iranian sanctions, American military assets being projected against Iran, and a bunch of desperate measures from the mullahs, are we on the cusp of war, or will the Iranian regime fall on its own? To make sense of all of this, we're joined by Col. Dan Steiner, a 32-year Air Force veteran with substantial experience in the Middle East and at CENTCOM, to brief us on what is going on in the Middle East and why we should care. He explains how until now much of what has guided our policies was all related to corporate cronyism rather than sound strategic thinking. We talk about Iraq, Turkey, Qatar, Russia, and how they all fit into this discussion.  Show notes Colonel Steiner’s critique of Israel’s restrained response to “rocket diplomacy”  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
68 min
Ep 406 | It Ain't Over Till the Lower Court Jud...
The lower court supremacy has gotten so bad that judges are now not only violating law and the Constitution, but also recent Supreme Court decisions. What ever happened to the Supreme Court being the god of our system?   On today’s show, I update you on some recent happenings in the lower courts and how on abortion funding and on the travel ban, lower court judges are in the process of overturning recent Supreme Court precedent. I explain how Trump has no choice but to completely delegitimize this scheme.  Show links Lower courts lobbying the Supreme Court like the inmates running the asylum An illegal drunk driver plows into trailer home and kills a family of three Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
61 min