Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

News Commentary
Ep 386 | The Future of Conservatism, Low Expect...
Are we going to allow ourselves to get sucked into the Overton window, dumb down our expectations, and destroy any morsel of conservatism left? Today, I discuss why the president is trying to tamp down conservative rebellion right at the time when we need to protest his surrender at the border. I explain why the entire notion of Mexico helping us do something we should do on our own is offensive and how this will be used to get us acclimated to a "new normal" of mass migration. That way, if the flow ebbs slightly for a few months, but still remains historically high, he can make us feel like we’re winning. Really, we will wind up moving that Overton window again and again.  Show links 373k DACA amnesty permits given out by Trump because of a single judge Illegals suing us for following the law! Obama used to be tougher on immigration, including bogus asylum My interview with Glenn Beck on the role of the courts Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 385 | The Eerie Lessons of Eastern Europe’s ...
Today I'm joined by Todd Bensman, national security fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies, to discuss the findings of his latest trip to tour Hungary’s border wall. Todd gives us the history of the great Middle Eastern migration into Europe in 2014 and how Hungary and several neighboring countries dealt with it. Yes, they built a wall, but they also had a will and the policies to make the wall effective. Each country cared about its own sovereignty, which forced a chain reaction of other countries to deal with the problem in a sensible way. He also discusses some of the successes of Australia’s conservative political party in keeping out migrants by boat.  The bottom line is that these countries believe in themselves as nations while we don’t. Show links   Todd’s report on Hungary and its border/immigration policies What we should do here Trump backing down on closing border Twice-deported illegal alien murders and rapes legal immigrant   Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
61 min
Ep 384 | Love Trump or Hate Trump, We Need to T...
Today, I discuss the need for conservatives to stop getting distracted by debate over Trump and start building an enduring conservative movement on all important issues. We need it now and we need it for tomorrow. What are the consequences if we don’t? Tune in to find out. I update you on shutting down the border – what it means and what it doesn’t, and what the president should do. And then there's jailbreak.  Finally, I discuss the conservative victory in the race for the Wisconsin Supreme Court and demonstrate why we need to strip the federal courts of power and the advantages to allowing state courts to decide major issues.  Show links  Why the call for more legal immigration is absurd The distinction between shutting down commerce and suspending immigration requests We don’t need new laws, we need new will   Jared’s leftist coup Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
61 min
Ep 383 | The Laws Are Not the Problem. It's Tha...
 We were promised law and order from this administration, but what we are getting on drugs, crime, and immigration is the exact opposite. The administration is getting ready for weaker-on-crime initiatives. Meanwhile, conservatives who stand down are doing the president no favors. When the president spoke about being tougher on drug traffickers a few weeks ago, he was speaking off the cuff from his heart; when he was talking about more jailbreak legislation last night, he was speaking from a teleprompter.  I explain how the answers to the existing border problem are in current law. Jessica Vaughan joins us to discuss some options on how to preserve our border and some of the shenanigans the deep state at DHS is pulling to continue Obama’s policies. Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
74 min
Ep 382 | Will the Last Traditional Conservative...
I don’t mince words in this episode. Let’s face it, conservative media no longer believes in biblical values or holding the line on any modicum of traditional values. They no longer believe in holding the line on crime. They no longer believe in holding the line on health care or welfare or spending or entitlements.  Why? Because conservatives don’t have their own beliefs any more. It’s that simple. We keep drifting and codify one left-wing absurdity after another into our lexicon and thoughts. Finally, the latest insane court ruling on drilling shows how conservatives have given away the farm on judicial supremacy for so long that unless we reverse course, no amount of appointing better judges will make a difference. Show links Who comes in while our Border Patrol is shut down?   Border Patrol Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
64 min
Ep 381 | Giving Courts of Men the Power of the ...
Notice how every last thing the president or any red state does is immediately attacked by some random district judge? Not an hour goes by without some radical ruling. Today, I go through some of those cases to explain the power of courts and when they overstep their boundaries. Until we push back against the notion that courts can strike down policies in the abstract, we are done as a nation.  Next, I prove that Brett Kavanaugh is Susan Collins in a black robe. He uses language that is very problematic from a conservative standpoint, and he is now open to this wacky notion of judicially mandated proportional representation. Time will tell how bad he will be, but he clearly is a judicial supremacist. Show links Will Kavanaugh screw us on redistricting? The big lie about UACs and what the law really says about Flores Judges as skirt-chasers Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
49 min
Ep 380 | We Don’t Believe in Ourselves as a Peo...
Today, I explain that all of the phony legal excuses for not stopping this border invasion are a crock. I go through each lie and show how, in fact, other district judges have said that what the government is doing is prohibited by law. Our sovereignty reigns supreme. We are being lied to about what the laws really say on asylum, unaccompanied minors, and the so-called Flores settlement. I show from past history how we never allowed a mass influx of migrants to continue beyond a few weeks, and those migrations were much smaller and more justified than the current one. Also, I touch on the golden calf of some so-called conservative members buying into the entitlement of paid family leave. Not only will it bankrupt us, it will distort the market and actually hurt women. Key quote “For this you have every inducement of sympathy and interest. Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations. With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles. You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together; the independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint counsels, and joint efforts of common dangers, sufferings, and successes.” ~George Washington, Farewell Address Show links Judge Hanen says what we are doing now at the border is criminal This is the worst border crisis ever GoFundMe for Paige Gomer, woman killed by illegal alien  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
61 min
Ep 379 | “Republicans” Wouldn’t Know How to Wip...
Why is it that Republicans will only focus on the issues, parlance, and premises laid out by the Democrats? Today, I contrast the agenda of the Democrat-controlled House to that of the Republican-controlled Senate to show how Democrats are the sun and Republicans are the earth, orbiting around their sphere.  I go through the liberal policies being promoted by some in the White House and even some “conservative” members of Congress. There’s now a “conservative” solution to everything except for what actually is conservative. We’ve lost our identity.  Finally, I give a sermon on how the Left has destroyed health care in America and how Republicans fail to give a vision of what health care should look like. I offer a glimpse into that vision.  Show links Even Democrat counties in California are backing off sanctuary policies, yet Republicans won’t act Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 378 | The Courts Are a One-Way Street with a...
When is it appropriate to sue a law or a policy in court, what is the role of the court in taking these cases, and where do the other branches of government fit in to the scheme of things? In this foundational show, I use recent cases on guns, free speech, immigration, and Obamacare to give a vision of what the conservative view is about the role of the courts on rules of standing, the outcome of their rulings, and constitutional interpretation of fundamental rights. I also show how the courts are hypocritical in all ways and will flip fundamental rights, rules of standing, and state and federal powers upside-down. Show links Episode 322 on how we should view the role of the courts with Obamacare The inferior courts have crowned Obama president forever. What will we do about it? Kate Steinle’s parents denied right to sue San Francisco Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 377 | With Mueller Probe Busted, No Better T...
On today’s show, I explain the significance of the closing of the Muller probe and some lessons to derive from it. But winning the Mueller fight is not an end to itself; rather, it should be a means of clearing the path to finally focus on the policies that matter. What is it we want to accomplish over the next 2-6 years as conservatives? Trump should use his new political capital to announce a "sovereignty surge." I list about a dozen ideas the president should pursue that will not only put points on the board to make America great again, but put the Democrats on defense and prevent them from focusing on endless investigations.  Show links Department of Education is essentially Obama’s third term thanks to the courts 10 ways Trump should spend his post-Mueller political capital Over 50,000 illegals from terrorist countries who have still not been deported, despite final orders Talk about Russian collusion! Russians continue to come here to have anchor babies who will vote in our elections White House petition to shut down the border   Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 376 | Slaying the Golden Calf of “Conservati...
On today’s show, we learn the ancient and timely lesson of the Golden Calf and how it defines much of the conservative movement and its outlets in recent years. The Left seeks talking points for policies, "conservatives" seek policies for talking points. I study this new aphorism in the context of how the conservative media has now made Lindsey Graham a hero just in time to prevent us from beating him in a primary. And they are doing so all for another golden calf – Justice Kavanaugh.   Show links Federal judge goes after Kentucky’s law barring gender-selection abortions Learning from the Haitian boat migrants and understanding president’s power to exclude   What we should learn from Israel and sovereignty 2 more Americans killed by illegal aliens who should have been deported Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
63 min
Ep 375 | When Will We Finally Treat the Mexican...
We can’t adjudicate or investigate our way out of an invasion. Today, I am joined by Jaeson Jones, retired captain in the Texas Rangers and expert on Mexican cartels, to discuss why the president should designate the cartels as terror groups and what effect that would have on both our government and the Mexican government in combatting the source of the border problem.  Then, I explain why Justice Scalia believed even states had the right to repel an invasion. How much more so the federal government? Show links We are bringing in the persecutors, not the persecuted  We won an immigration case at the Supreme Court but are losing the war The case for designating the cartels as terrorists Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
68 min
Ep 374 | You Can’t Adjudicate Yourself Out of a...
Today, I go through four important immigration principles that explain what is going on, on both the legal and political sides. 1) You can’t adjudicate yourself out of an invasion. 2) Nothing trumps sovereignty of a nation. 3) An invasion through lawfare and migration is worse than a conventional invasion. 4) Unless we believe in our own sovereignty and push back against the lawfare wholesale, no new statutes will change anything.  I explain the history of how illegals got so many rights to litigate when we used to deport hundreds of thousands within a few months without any hearings in the Eisenhower era.  The people never voted for these changes, and indeed our laws have been supplanted by lawfare. I also discuss some of the lessons of the Haitian migration crisis of the early 1990s. Finally, I explain why the Supreme Court victory on criminal alien detentions is another example of winning a single battle while losing the war on sovereignty.  Show links 1 million illegals with final deportation orders not deported Court ruling in Nielsen v. Preap SCOTUS allows anti-religious liberty ruling to stand Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
62 min
Ep 373 | Even Past Democrat Presidents Blocked ...
On today’s show, we go through the history of the Mariel boatlifts from Cuba, the Nicaraguan migration in 1989, and the Haitian boat people in the early 1990s to show how past presidents, including Bill Clinton, refused to tolerate an invasion through bogus asylum. There is nothing new about what is happening with Central Americans. What is new is that we have a government unwilling to do what previous presidents did to shut it down, whether it was preventing them from landing or setting up tent cities. Finally, I round off the show with a lightning round of stories you might have missed, from ethanol and Tim Scott blocking more judicial nominees to how Fox News is now censoring conservative thought on what is supposed to be the conservative network.  Show links It’s about building the will even more than building the wall Washington Post chronicles a “conveyor belt”-style invasion into our country When the US set up tent cities and shipped out bogus asylum-seekers right away Clinton banned all Haitian asylum-seekers   What happens when we crown Fox News king of conservative thought   Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
69 min
Ep 372 | The Senate’s Most Pathetic Hour
The hypocrisy of today’s Senate vote to disapprove of Trump’s emergency power is perfidious. These same people who will not lift a finger or utter a word to fight back against judicial power grabs or Obama’s executive amnesty that caused this very border fight we are in today suddenly find religion on Article I of the Constitution. Why is not a single one of these so-called conservatives forcing a vote on sanctuary cities? The latest murder victim in California will never be known to these people because they only care about what the media tells them to.  Finally, I address the news that Trump has “flipped the Third Circuit” and why this alone will ultimately not make much of a difference in deterring the Left’s use of the courts to destroy America.       Show links Dems prepare to pack the courts when they are in charge An illegal alien allegedly brutally murders an American in a sanctuary Where’s the congressional outrage over judicial power grabs?   Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
64 min
Ep 371 | The Administration Is Not Doing All It...
Are we really done as a sovereign nation? Is there really nothing the president can do under existing law to stop this insane invasion, which is harmful for Americans and migrants alike? Today, I am joined by Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies to discuss the commonsense tools in the president’s arsenal to deter this invasion and demagnetize our border. Vaughan explains how DHS already has an emergency plan to detain everyone in tent cities and create a “rocket docket” to adjudicate their claims within a few days. This would solve the problems of catch-and-release, the court backlog, and the exposure of Americans to infinite problems from illegal immigration. It would also disincentivize future flows. In addition, Vaughan informs us that ICE could deport all those who abscond from their court appearances, but clearly is not doing so for political reasons. Finally, we discuss the latest with sanctuary cities and how they are worse than ever before now that they are being empowered by the legal profession.      Show links Jessica Vaughan’s border plan Illegal alien with 10 detainers let out by sanctuary city and murdered woman   Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
64 min
Ep 370 | Rep. Chip Roy Guests | The Need to Est...
First I explore some places where we have lost our sense as conservatives of where our policy baseline is on culture and immigration. Ilhan Omar’s views on Jews, as Democrats now admit, stem from a cultural problem. When did we believe it’s acceptable to bring in people in such large numbers from cultures that don’t share our universal values? Even Democrats of yesteryear warned against it. This also ties into what is going on at our southern border, where we have countenanced this notion that we must admit anyone who comes here, no matter the consequences to our culture, schools, public services, and public health. The emergency continues to intensify.   Next, I'm joined by Rep. Chip Roy of Texas’ 21st Congressional District. He updates us on the state of play on budget and health care after today’s Budget Committee hearing on the president’s annual budget request. We explore how Republicans refuse to go on offense and continue to accept the soft, inexorable slide into socialism. He also weighs in on his latest bill, co-sponsored by Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., to designate some of the Mexican cartels as terrorist groups as part of a holistic approach to the sources of our border, immigration, and drug problems.     Show links Border Patrol ceding lands to the cartels This administration is making the fence moot with lawfare The new Roy/Green Bill to designate the cartels as terrorists The good and bad of Trump’s budget Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved
59 min
Ep 369 | Conservatives Should Make Plans for Su...
Whether it’s the illegal immigration numbers or the debt numbers, we are losing. Badly. We have two options: We can pressure this administration to implement the successful policies and strategies it has at its disposal to fight on those two fronts, or we can continue making excuses, or worse, deny there’s a problem altogether, as the president has done recently. Today, I go through the Trump budget proposal: the good, the bad, and the in-between.  It’s a shame we’ve reached the point when we are OK with so much debt, but there is a silver lining in this budget plan … if the administration is willing to fight for it. Also, why is Trump so quiet on the border crisis now that he’s been proven right? The only time he talks about it is to say that he is building more fencing and stopping catch-and-release, when indeed he is continuing amnesty at the border, so much so that it undermines the case for the fence.   Show links Border Patrol is bringing illegal aliens from BEHIND the fence   The courts are already abolishing ICE 180,000 illegals expected in just two months The good and the bad of Trump’s budget   DHS continues TPS amnesty for yet another country Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
61 min
Ep 368 | The One Thing Trump Must Do to Save Ou...
Today, I lay it all out on the line in what might be one of the most important episodes ever. I give you the full case for why we will never be a free and sovereign people on any issue, much less the issue of border security, unless the president begins pushing back against the lower courts.  I weave together what is going on at our border and in recent court opinions nobody is talking about to demonstrate how a border wall won't even work until and unless we end lower court supremacy. That is the source of EVERY problem with immigration. This is not about fixing laws. The courts are engaged in a revolution and don’t care about our laws.  Key quote “There comes before us, now and then, a case whose proper outcome is so clearly indicated by tradition and common sense, that its decision ought to shape the law, rather than vice versa.” Justice Scalia, Brown v. Plata  Show links  The cost of one year’s flow of illegal immigration? $150 billion Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
85 min
Ep 367 | Can a Judge Do No Wrong?
In case you think I’m crazy about the severity of judicial tyranny, take it from Josh Hammer, who is a legal expert and worked in this broken legal profession.  Josh Hammer is editor-at-large of "The Daily Wire," as well as a counsel for worthy legal causes. He explains from his experience in law school and clerking for a federal appeals court why even conservatives are missing the boat on the rule of law and separation of powers. He explains the difference between judicial review and judicial supremacy and how that distinction is all that matters now for every important issue. What is the breaking point of this judicial tyranny, and what will it take for even conservatives involved in law and politics to wake up? I also update you and the latest border insanity, which of course ties back to the courts. Show links 10 ways to reclaim our sovereignty from the courts The danger of illegal aliens bringing in diseases is worse than ever Hammer on what Trump should do with judicial supremacism Hammer on why Professor Paulsen and Roberts are worse than you think   Professor Paulsen on the true lesson of Marbury Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
85 min
Ep 366 | Arizona Rancher: “We have ceded so muc...
Do you want a firsthand account of the problems at the border from a man who has lived on it his entire life? Well, today I am joined by Jim Chilton, a lifelong rancher who owns a 50,000-acre ranch right on the border in central Arizona. Chilton explains why he is concerned with the strategy of Washington to only patrol from operating bases well away from the border rather than holding the line right at the border. He explains the strategic problems as well as the harm to ranches and to the country that result from allowing cartels to operate autonomously within our border up to a certain point. Overall, we are not treating this like the invasion it is and are instead reacting like crime investigators. Furthermore, he explains why border towns are so safe, and it has a lot to do with why the remote areas are not.  Many of your questions about the policies and politics of the border will be answered by Chilton on today’s epic show. Show links 12 astounding numbers quantifying this border invasion What the border invasion means   Video of a massive flow of heavily armed cartel members on Jim’s ranch with no Border Patrol in sight Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
69 min
Ep 365 | We Are Being Lied to on Immigration
There are deep and shallow state officials in this administration who continue to give the president bad policy and political advice on immigration. I give you inside information on how USCIS and others are continuing to incentivize this invasion rather than deter it. I also discuss the problems with the courts and how, if we allow lower court supremacy to continue, there is no purpose to this presidency.  Show links Sanctuaries are alive and well under this administration Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
58 min
Ep 364 | While We Give Speeches, Liberals Push ...
So many conservative “leaders” are supercharged from Trump’s speech at CPAC, but while they focus on vanity, the Left continues to win in the political culture, law, and elections. Nowhere is this more evident than what they are doing with election law.  Today I am joined by Logan Churchwell, communications and research director for the Public Interest Legal Foundation, who spends his time fighting voter fraud and promoting 21st-century ways to secure our vote. He discusses the latest lawsuits preventing states from cleaning their voting rolls and non-citizens from voting.   “The Left has figured out that if you want to win an election you can do that without having to engage in ideas and win debates, you can win elections by working the election system itself," warns Churchwell. "This is all about running numbers, moving bodies, tracking the mail, knowing where the mail is landing, and if you have to, force the issue through harvesting.”      As Michele Malkin warned, "Ultimately, our future will not be secured in a Fox News anchor chair." Show links Michelle Malkin’s speech at CPAC is the only one worth watching Texas judge implementing the Left’s voter fraud agenda Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
73 min
Ep 363 | CPAC and the Giant Political Heroin Ga...
There’s a reason I didn’t attend CPAC and never have before. It embodies everything wrong with the faux conservative movement.  In this episode, I build on some of our principles in recent weeks to demonstrate why CPAC and the movement it embodies are a defeat mechanism that hurt us in the very battles they claim to fight. I explain the latest insane court decisions on immigration and how the Trump administration is betraying us on sovereignty while expanding the powers of the courts.  When will this end?    Show links Trump admin extends amnesty Judge demands that Texas stop fighting non-citizen voting Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
65 min
Ep 362 | All of the Urgent Issues More Importan...
Our sovereignty is being stolen by the courts meddling in illegal immigration and election law, yet so many of our people continue to focus their attention on the daily soap opera.  The conservative movement has become so acculturated to illegitimate judicial supremacism that we now celebrate winning back crumbs from the cakes that they stole from us. I go through the latest court rulings on religious liberty and election law to show how they are successfully stealing our traditions, laws, Constitution, elections, and sovereignty without any opposition.  Towards the end of the show, I give you the latest border news plus an update on the economy and how the debt continues to be an albatross weighing down economic growth.  Show links Even Politico notices that Trump is shunning conservatives on immigration   Yes, this is an invasion Your taxpayer dollars going for castration in the military How the asylum invasion allows cartels to get criminals in Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved.
64 min