Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

News Commentary
Ep 519 | America’s Halloween Nightmare: Sanctua...
This is exactly how both "jailbreak" criminal justice policies and sanctuary immigration policies are creating a public safety nightmare in places like New York and California. There are endless cases of illegal alien child sex offenders harbored by sanctuaries. Also, there is an epidemic of the most violent criminals imaginable getting out with little or no bail and going on to terrorize witnesses and victims. This is why it’s becoming so hard to convict these people. Sadly, this is done by design in order to serve the pagan gods demanding reduced prison size. If Trump and Republicans were to make the issues of sanctuaries and jailbreak the tip of their legislative and campaign agenda, they’d win in a landslide.  Show Links:  'Serial rapist out on bail charged with 9th rape:'  'Chamber of Commerce poll on public safety in California:'  'Two illegal aliens charged with murder of California's sheriff's deputy:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
45 min
Ep 518 | We’ve Defeated ISIS in Syria, but Not ...
Today, we celebrate the death of one of the worst mass murderers of our time: the leader of ISIS. I explain why Trump struck the right moral and strategic tone in the way he depicted Baghdadi’s death. He perfectly explained our vision of strike and maneuver vs. hold and build in the Middle East.  Unfortunately, the elites attacking him are all in with a moral dissonance that is dividing this country.     But there is bad news. Where ISIS really hurts us is through immigration mixed with civilization jihad on our own soil. I go through a recent court case on students being forced to write the Muslim conversion prayer in a public school and how the courts are hypocritical beyond belief when it comes to religion in the public square. Voluntary expression of Christianity has been banished from the public square, while coerced expression of Islam is greenlighted. Sadly, that is the way Baghdadi is getting the last laugh on us. Show Links:  'Voluntary Christian prayer out, mandatory Muslim prayer in:'  'America's moral divide extends even to the worst terrorist:' 
53 min
Ep 517 | While Republicans Sleep, Soros Is Inst...
It’s not just about abolishing ICE. The pro-criminal crowd is seeking to abolish prison and make it nearly impossible to prosecute bad guys. What’s worse, Soros is now spending millions of dollars to buy local DA races and install “progressive prosecutors.” Today, we are joined by Sandra Doorley, the district attorney of Monroe County, New York (Rochester area), who is being challenged by a Soros-supported candidate. Soros’ PAC has dumped $800,000 into campaign ads against her. Sandra provides us with an insider’s look into how states like New York are quietly passing dangerous pro-criminal laws that will allow really bad people back on the streets, exacerbate the drug crisis, intimidate witnesses of crime, and ensure that prosecutors can’t land convictions against new criminals.  Prosecutors who believe in law and order are the last thing standing between us and anarchy. In many ways, these are the most important elections of our time.  Show Links:  'NYC increasingly abolishing bail:'  'Soros' plan to win prosecutor races:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
50 min
Ep 516 | Reality Check: We Don't Have a REAL GO...
Let’s face it: Even if Trump wins re-election, nothing will improve in Congress unless we get involved in primaries. Today I demonstrate how Trump can’t even confirm good executive nominees in a GOP-controlled Senate. Why? Because his staff has failed him and has convinced him to support RINOs in primaries. As such, there is no GOP majority. McConnell and his minions are sabotaging Trump’s favored DHS pick. This problem reverberates on many other issues. I show how a sane conservative movement could use Trump to easily move 10 seats to the right this election.  Finally, I discuss the latest stories on crime, gangs, and illegal immigration. When you import the third world, you get the third world. But Republicans refuse to hit Democrats on issues pertaining to public safety. Show Links:  'Jailbreak + Sanctuaries = biggest public safety threat:'  'We are importing both sides of Middle East gang wars:'  'Trump wants to tap Cuccinelli for DHS, but Senate RINOs will block:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
45 min
Ep 515 | #ProtectJamesYounger Shows Exactly Why...
All of us should be filled with both rage and sorrow over the travesty unfolding in Texas with James Younger. The fact that even in a state like Texas it is still legal to chemically castrate someone, especially a seven-year-old boy, demonstrates the weakness of Republicans in the fight for our civilization. Today I discuss the need to fight against the transgender mutilation jihad and what Republicans need to do to advance our cause. And, the courts are still irremediably broken, still mandating anti-conscience policies against the Little Sisters of the Poor despite having already won in the Supreme Court. Once again, lower courts are always allowed to be more progressive than the Supreme Court. Show Links:  'States must end transgender mutilation now:'  Matt Walsh's column on Jack Younger travesty:  'Child gender transitions are wicked and harmful and should be illegal:' 
43 min
Ep 514 | Mexico Is Burning. Our Government Does...
Today, we get an exclusive briefing on the cartel violence in Mexico from Jaeson Jones, retired captain for the Texas Department of Public Safety’s intelligence and counterterrorism division. He explains that although a lot of this violence has been going on in Mexico for quite a while, the recent attacks on the Mexican government demonstrate that the cartels have taken their insurgency to a new level by taking hostages. They will do it again. Why should we care? Jaeson explains how they are training MS-13 and other gangs whose members foment so much violence in our communities. Jaeson reports on how he saw cartel drones engaging in espionage on our soil.  Show Links: 'We have a war on our border:' 
50 min
Ep 513 | Everyone Is WRONG on Syria
Everyone is wrong on Syria, not just because they don't understand the full picture there, but because they are focusing on it too much in the first place. We have a "Syria situation" right on our own border: Mexico is now losing more control to the cartels, yet none of these "hawks," such as Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio, seem to care about it. I give you an update on the coming Mexican migration resurgence as a result of the cartels and what we should do about it. I also tackle jailbreak and how Soros is buying up many prosecutor races and installing public defender types who believe in abolishing incarceration. Our resurgence in crime, drugs, criminal aliens, and homelessness ties into this trend. Finally, I have the perfect case study to show you why Republican judges will never counteract the damage of Democrat judges.  Show Links: 'Why is Erdogan still allowed to fund mosques on our soil?'  'So much for conservative SCOTUS picks:'  'Borderland Beat's coverage of the cartel attacks:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved
47 min
Ep 512 | Veteran ICE Agent Explains EXACTLY Why...
Today we are joined by a veteran ICE agent to discuss the danger of sanctuary cities and the war on ICE. Nathalie Asher is the field office director for ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) for the Pacific Northwest. She gives us a briefing on the state of play in her area of operations and how local officials are endangering public safety. One by one, she demonstrates how the excuses for not cooperating with ICE are all new and politically motivated. Anyone who has a modicum of regard for public safety could never oppose ICE’s mission of communicating with those arrested for other crimes, regardless of one’s politics on immigration. Asher also explains how we are likely to see an increasing wave of transnational gang activity as a result of the border surge mixed with localities that provide safe haven for their operations. As for Congress, if they don’t like the laws on the books, then change them.    Show Links:  'Alleged gang murderer shielded by King County 4 times:' Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved
47 min
Ep 511 | GOP Hits Kamala Harris ... for Being T...
If you want to know just how badly broken the Republican Party is, tune in to today’s show. I give you the latest facts and figures on how crime is going up in New York and California as a result of weak-on-crime policies, yet rather than hitting Democrats for it, Republicans are trying to "out-left" the Left on crime! We also tackle the West Coast homeless problem and how it’s no coincidence that it resurfaced right around the time when Obama dismantled our border and when jailbreak and drugs became cool with the local politicians.  Show Links:  'The jailbreak cancer and 'bail reform':' 'Homeless problem is because of jailbreak, pro-drug policies, and illegal immigration:' 'Back to the crime wave? No more arrests for misdemeanors in many cities:' '2 charged in Kansas City mass shooting were recently released from jail:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
44 min
Ep 510 | Why Don't Republicans Push WINNING Con...
As Congress returns and Republicans ponder an agenda, it’s important to remember that their wrong priorities are driven by out-of-touch donors, not logic or any semblance of principle. In the past, statesmen were confronted with the vexing quandary of doing what’s right in the face of what's popular. Now they are confronted with the allurement of doing what will give them money in the face of what is both right and popular. Republicans can push a winning agenda on borders, crime, national security, and judicial supremacism and crush Democrats, but they will never do it because of their donors. Show Links:  'Fortune 500 companies pushing cultural Marxism at Supreme Court:'  'MS-13 working with Mexican cartels:'  'Ohio's drug crisis is all the Mexican cartels, not prescription painkillers:'  'ACU believes Soros' jailbreak agenda is a 'moral issue' for conservatives:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
43 min
Ep 509 | Why Conservatives Will Be Disappointed...
Today we are joined by a special guest who explains the state of affairs at the Supreme Court for this new term. Josh Hammer is editor-at-large for the Daily Wire, clerked at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and works on religious liberty litigation. If you are one of those conservatives who thinks we are on the cusp of a great conservative judicial revolution, Josh has bad news for you. He explains the problems with Roberts and Kavanaugh and how the increasingly libertarian “right-leaning” legal movement is reflected through Gorsuch, as opposed to traditional conservatives.  Show Links: 'Hammer's preview of the SCOTUS term:'  'Hammer on judicial supremacy:'  'The John Roberts political scorecard:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
60 min
Ep 508 | Why Are Syria’s Borders More Important...
It’s truly shocking how deeply the politicians who ignore our border seem to care about Syria’s nonexistent border. Today I delve into some of the recent shocking illegal alien crimes to demonstrate that was is going on at the border shows up in every single one of our communities. Whether it's gruesome gang killings, child rapes, or drug cartel activity, we are bringing in the very problems we seek to avoid from places like Syria. Show Links: 'Trump is right about Syria, but he should follow up with these tough policies on Erdogan:' 
43 min
Ep 507 | How Trump Can Make Lemonade of the Syr...
Everyone in the media and politics is viewing Syria in one dimension. Retired Col. Dan Steiner joins us to give a strategic vision of how Trump’s pullout from Syria will actually get our enemies to fight with each other and strengthen our position, if done right. We also discuss proper war fighting and how our operations in Syria were not only worthless but needlessly exposed our troops to risk, a point that is being ignored by establishment Republicans who want a permanent ground presence there. Steiner also gives us a reality check on the Kurds and also Turkey’s ability to actually turn the bark into a real bite. Plus: A man is now accused of murder after he was released by the jailbreak bill passed last year. I can’t say we didn’t warn you! Show Links: 'Dan's blog post on Trump's Syria decision:'  'Gang member released by First Step Act wanted for murder:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
58 min
Ep 506 | Establishment Republicans REFUSE to Se...
We finally found something that establishment Republicans feel passionate about. They believe our national security will be imperiled if we pull out of Syria. But why is it that they never care about the ultimate national security concern: our own border, our visa system, and admitting mass numbers of immigrants from these same countries, like Syria? There are valid criticisms of Trump’s approach to Erdogan in Turkey, but they are not the ones being articulated by the clueless RINOs in the Senate. I delve into the dos and don'ts of Syria and Turkey. Plus, parts of our border are worse than ever with infiltrations that go undocumented, but nobody seems to care about about the real focus of our national security. Show Links:  'Dominican immigrant with 14 arrests was out on the streets to allegedly kill 4 homeless men:'  'They are now coming to our border from all over the world:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
42 min
Ep 505 | Godless 'Compassion,' Mass Migration, ...
Today, I discuss how elites in both parties are pushing more refugee resettlement at a time when we have record migration from all other categories. Plus, I update you on exclusive information about the state of play and latest trends at the border. We now have record immigration from countries like China, yet thanks to DHS Secretary McAleenan, many deterrents aren’t being implemented.  Subversion through mass immigration is destroying citizenship in this country while posing severe security, fiscal, and cultural problems. People like Senator Lankford claim that God wants us to have open borders. They are really exhibiting “godless compassion.” They need a lesson both in the Bible and in current events, and I deliver both today. SHOW LINKS: 'Record mass migration, but Republicans from red states want more:'  'Victor Davis Hanson on the death of American citizenship:'  'Tiny Minnesota township now experiencing transnational gang violence:'  'When mass Islamic migration makes Jews live in fear in Australia:'  'McAleenan openly defying Trump's promises and policy changes:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
44 min
Ep 504 | You’ve Been Lied To: Exposing the Trut...
Today, I lay it all on the table and present the data on race and crime that nobody else is willing to publish. Ideally, race should never matter in criminal justice. The problem is that both political parties are now pushing weak-on-crime policies under the false premise that too many black people are unfairly incarcerated. The reality is that they are under-incarcerated relative to their share of the crime committed, and I present you with the most up-to-date data to prove it. Ultimately, those hurt the most by these lies are the thousands of black victims who die every year due to violence by repeat offenders who should have been locked up.  Show Links:  'All the data on race, crime, and incarceration:'  'The big lie of 'criminal justice reform:''  'The man who knocked out elderly woman was previously arrested for attempted rape but never incarcerated:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
48 min
Ep 503 | It’s Not Just Impeachment: We Have Ana...
Today’s show is all about anarchy. We have anarchy with repeat-offender criminals being let out of jail to kill and maim. We have anarchy with local governments criminalizing federal immigration law. We have anarchy with federal courts vetoing every immigration law under the sun. Who is standing for we the people? In the second half of the show, I’m joined by Arnold Mooney, candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama. Mooney discusses immigration, debt, judicial supremacism, and China — and the need to act now before it’s too late. “We are no longer at a crossroads; we are in the breach,” warns Mooney.  Editor’s note: Mr. Mooney is the father of Blaze Media president Gaston Mooney. Conservative Review is a Blaze Media digital property. Daniel Horowitz's opinions are his own and were not influenced by anyone associated with Blaze Media or Mooney’s campaign. Show Links: 'Fairfax County police suspend cop for cooperating with ICE:' 'The knockout game continues undeterred:' Arnold Mooney's campaign page:
51 min
Ep 502 | The Best Free Market Vision for Health...
Today, I discuss the news that insurance plans are continuing to skyrocket in Obamacare’s reign of terror. Republicans are pathetic for running away from this issue rather than going on offense. What does it look like to go on offense on the health care issue? I give a vision of how to explain everything wrong with health care even before Obamacare and what it should look like today. The majority of the country would support this vision if Republicans actually understood the issue. Show Links:  'A list of free market health care ideas:'  'The super AEI chart on price inflation that is worth more than 1,000 words:'  'GOP's dyslexic priorities on immigration:' 
45 min
Ep 501 | The Ultimate Foreign Influence Is Open...
Republicans have the perfect message to combat the Left’s impeachment push. Those pushing open borders have allowed foreign governments like China to steal our intellectual property and influence our culture and politics. Today, I discuss the threat of Chinese espionage through the surprisingly large number of illegal immigrants coming to the border and through our visa system. But what is the response from Republicans? Rather than fixing our broken immigration system, they are pushing a bill sponsored by the very people who broke it to give more visa pork to Silicon Valley. I explain what is wrong with their new visa bill and how it exacerbates our current system in all the worst ways.  Show Links: Another rapist protected by Santa Clara County Chinese aliens coming to our border under the most suspicious circumstances  The threat of Chinese espionage through immigration 11 Republicans vote against emergency border declaration  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved
54 min
Ep 500 | Immigration Chief Cuccinelli Promises ...
In honor of our 500th episode, I am joined by Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli to discuss the state of the border and immigration police. He explains what has worked at the border and why the numbers are going down, but warns that more must be done and promises to continue driving down the number of illegal aliens.  Cuccinelli also sets the record straight that the job of immigration agencies under the U.S. government, including Citizenship and Immigration Services, is to protect the interests of Americans, not to serve as benefactors to the world. “Let’s be very clear, we are a vetting agency, not a benefits agency,” Cuccinelli said. “We are here for the benefit of the American people, period.” He explains how his agency is the first line of defense against those who would come here to do us harm.  Show Links:  'There are still problems at our border:'  'USCIS is the agency that could prevent people like this Hezbollah terrorist from getting green cards:' 
35 min
Ep 499 | Nobody Wants their Communities Forcefu...
All politics is local. People care most about their communities. President Trump has an opportunity to run on letting the people decide whether their communities should be transformed by refugees and illegal immigration. We use the case study of Worthington, Minnesota, to show how whenever the people get to decide their future, they reject social transformation of their communities.  I also touch on how Trump never supported the dumb jailbreak bill pushed on him by son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner and how Trump can also harness “localism” by returning to tough on crime policies. If Trump keeps to this message and stays with winning policies, the American people will laugh off impeachment and it will backfire on Democrats. But if not, Republicans will not have much of a narrative to use headed into the 2020 election. Show Links:  'Washington Post proves our point about ill effects of refugee resettlement:' 'Trump reportedly regrets listening to Jared on jailbreak:' 
42 min
Ep 498 | Anti-Sanctuary Sheriff Recounts Horrif...
The crime wave throughout the country is getting worse every day, particularly with juveniles who walk the streets in packs and senselessly beat innocent victims. Today, we are joined by Frederick County, Maryland, Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, one of the last men who still believe in law and order, to discuss the absolutely horrific knockout attack that occurred at his county fair in broad daylight that resulted in the death of an innocent man. He believes that we simply are not deterring criminals anymore because of our increasingly weak justice system. Jenkins is also a leader in the 287(g) immigration enforcement program, which ensures that illegal aliens arrested for crimes are turned over to ICE. He explains how he has successfully removed nearly 1,530 illegal alien criminals, many of them gang members, who are now out of the country and can no longer harm more people. Imagine if every county did that? Show Links:  'Details of horrific murder at Frederick Fair:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved
49 min
Ep 497 | Rep. Chip Roy: Time to Eliminate Gover...
We are joined today by one of the only Republicans in Congress who actually feels as passionate about our issues as Democrat congressmen feel about theirs. Rep. Chip Roy updates us on a conservative vision for the upcoming budget battle, as well as immigration, national security, and providing the military with a clear and winnable mission. Most importantly, Chip unleashes on the political class' addiction to the corrupt model of health insurance, which is fake insurance. He explains his plan for making health care in America look more like the shelves in an American supermarket than those in a Venezuelan supermarket. Show links 'Illegal alien charged with raping four-year-old and no local media reported the ICE detainer:'  'FEE: Imagine if we paid for food the way we pay for health care:'   'Chip’s vision on health care:'  Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved 
50 min
Ep 496 | Building a Superhighway of Illegal Imm...
18 years after 9/11, our government has not improved the vetting of immigrants, even as chain migration and illegal immigration create a conveyor belt of immigrants. I go through numerous cases of illegal immigrants or chain migrants bringing in a culture of gangs, terrorism, brutal murder or subjugation of women — and nobody is saying a word about this. We need a national conversation on the importation of the world’s problems through improper immigration. Specifically, we have a problem with teens from Central America being resettled as refugees by their illegal alien sponsors and going on to join MS-13. Unless conservatives raise their voices, the border wall will turn into a superhighway for the world’s problems, and the American people will pay for it. Show links 'Trump admin needs to eliminate the loophole that allows MS-13 chain migration:'  'Illegal alien from Pakistani kills his daughter and grandson in bizarre attack:'  'Iraqi immigrant mechanic who tampered with jet might have ties to terrorism:'  'Pakistani in California sentenced to life for killing woman, abusing others:'   Copyright Blaze Media All Rights Reserved
52 min
Ep 495 | The Growing Crime Wave: Where's the Ha...
Remember the endless crime in the 1980s and early 1990s that we finally defeated? Well, it’s coming back thanks to the reversal of the very policies that led to the drop in crime. Today, I give you the news and data showing how crime is on the rise, particularly assaults and rapes, because career criminals are no longer locked up. Minneapolis is one of the places going from “Minnesota nice” to a bloody beating zone. Republicans have a golden opportunity to win back suburban voters on this issue, but they are instead joining with the Democrats to push policies letting out even more people from prison while agreeing to gun control. Show links 'Baltimore’s drug problem is all illicit drugs from jailbreak and sanctuary policies, not prescriptions:'  'New report shows violent crime on the rise:'  'Another illegal alien arrested in Montgomery County for rape:'  'Man with 70 criminal arrests in Minnesota gets zero time after burglary conviction:'  'Onlookers in Staten Island abuse NYPD cops as they are forced to shoot repeat offender:' 
43 min